Outward: Movement Speed is King (Build Guide)

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hey guys chirchi here so I've noticed quite a few new players posting in the outward reddit lately and I decided I wanted to share a really powerful build that uses high movement speed and range weapons to our pace and client enemies I've had a lot of fun with this build and it's a build that can dominate the hardest content in the game and I think it makes a great build for a first run for the game so in this video I want to show you why I think movement speed is king in our word I'll quickly cover a few reasons movement speed is so good and then dive into the build so a few reasons a high movement speed is so good in out word reason one you can cover a lot of distance quickly you can travel and explore the world at a reasonable pace and if you ever have to get back to town it takes a few minutes at most reason 2 you can pick and choose your fights and if you find yourself losing a fight you can easily disengage reason 3 you can use your speed to outmaneuver enemies in close quarters combat easily circling to their back for a strike or baiting out and avoiding an attack reason 4 you can actually get away with carrying more weight past two bags max capacity and still be able to move at a reasonable pace reason 5 and this leads me into the next part of this video is that you can combine movement speed with a bow and pistols to easily kite and kill the majority of enemies in the game so onto the build and the steps to follow on how to acquire the skills and gear you need stay with it it's a bit of a ride the build needs quite a bit of silver totaling around 6 K for the skills and majority of the gear excluding the Chimera pistols I've left a link in the description to another guide I've made on how to farm unlimited silver without leaving the first town you can also find a link to the image version of the build I'm showing you in this video let's get started step 1 Chuck your favorite tunes on and farm up about 3 to 4 K silver in CS oh and craft 150 health potions make bandages and buy up iron scraps or find another way to quickly earn 6000 silver the video linked in the description will show you the farmer out that I use while farming buy any ingredients required for items needed for the build such as scaled lever make a scaled satchel ASAP also pick up any other items you fancy you can find as much silver as you want after all the Soraa Borean caravan Eve sometimes has some useful late-game crafting components and the alchemist sometime sells occult remains sell everything you don't want because it's going to get you to 6k silver faster store everything you're not using in your lighthouse stash quickly stop by Ito the spell blade and grab the Fitness skill for the rest of the steps sell or store any random items you find and don't want also make sure you always have enough travel rations to get between regions and earning a bit of silver along the way covers travel costs and it might leave you with a bit of extra silver at the end step to kill / birds to find a pearl bird mask this might take two minutes or two hours the drop chance is 2.5% bio-weapon you feel comfortable killing pale birds with I went for an iron halberd and then quickly killed some hyenas to make a fang halberd great axes also work well both have a decent attack combo pattern bring a bedroll or tent with you just outside of CSO's set up camp and wait for an hour you're trying to get ambushed if you are ambushed either bandits or if Hurlburt will spawn you can also roam around Cheston ease a bit there are a fair few perverts near CSO if all goes well you'll soon have a pearl bird mask step3 cell health potions at vin devil fortress hopefully by this point you'll have a scaled satchel backpack grab the hundred and fifty health potions you made and any bandages and iron scraps you want to sell and using that nice movement speed bonus from the per bird mask head over to ven devil fortress you can find it on the southwestern coastline of Chesney's go inside talk to the bloke sitting at the table select option number two you'll find yourself a slave in their mind but that's just fine head to the guards near the locked gate and ask if there's anything else you can help with they'll say the cook and nurse need help and will unlock the gate head down the hallway on the left and in the room on the left to reclaim your clothing and backpack head back down the corridor and find the nurse in the room to the right of where the guards were sell the health potions you should now be 2250 silver richer also sell any bandages and iron scraps you've brought along the iron scraps you can sell to a nearby slave in the other room now find the hole with what looks like a diving board at the top of it jump into the abyss you'll wake up on the beach without your backpack but don't panic hike back up the beach towards the fortress you'll find your backpack near some shells and ammolite near the fort entrance head back to CSO for a well-deserved rest step 4 off to burg for a war bow and bow skills store whatever you're not using grab all your silver and get a few travel rations together you're going to need 14 total for the journey you're about to go on but don't worry if you don't want to carry that many you can stock up on more in the cities head over to n marker first and make your way to burg stop by tour the wild hunter and get the following skills hunter's eye' snipers shot hunters resilience and piercing shot also by a war bow off the blacksmith it costs 1000 silver side note here combining iron scraps with wood will get you three arrows it's a very useful recipe and good to know for this build you can also combine iron scraps and thick oil to make bullets again another handy recipe for this build now head back out into an Mirka forest to find at the sourabh Orion Caravan eeeh and to maybe pay a visit to the immaculate step 5 wandering the woods to find the master trader gear now you're trying to find the master trader garb and boots these will buff your movement speed even more and make your stamina drain more slowly you can find the garb in chests hollowed logs and other loot containers in the end marker first the caravan ears sometimes sells parts of the master trader set but only went out in the large worldspace areas the immaculate in this region will also give you the garb if you ask him for equipment so roam around opening logs and chests while making your way to the Immaculate scamp you can find the camp south of the southern old wooden mill marker keep an eye out for the caravan here if you're lucky he'll have the master trader boots buy the boots off him if he has them you can also find the boots in the chests hollowed blogs and containers in the hallowed marche region but if all has gone well and you're lucky like I was you'll have the garb and boots before you leave the end marker first once you are wearing all this gear and you'll be getting a 35% movement speed bonus so now get ready to go to the desert step 6 off to Levant in the abrasive desert to get some movement speed make your way out of the forest and into the abrasive desert you'll need for travel rations to do this at Easter Levant find jam on the mercenary trainer and buy the following skills fast maintenance Swift foot and marathoner now your movement speed bonus will be at 45% it usually sits at about 40% because wearing your backpack takes off about 5% consider picking up a couple of pistols from the blacksmith at this point if you have the silver to spare cannon pistols are always a good choice a side note here as well is that you can get even more movement speed you can eat jewel meat which you get from the jewel birds and the abrasive desert [Music] and you can also buy jewel meat from chef tano in Levant with the speed-up bonus from the jewel meat combined with your gear you'll be at and the Swift foot perk you just got you'll be at 55 percent movement speed bonus or 60 percent if you aren't wearing a backpack and that is where it just gets absolutely ridiculous and you just fly step seven back to chessani's to get some Charmin powers and manner make your way back to chessani's farm some more silver or if you have 1250 silver head to the shaman in the hermit's house aka the Cabal of wind tower in the northeast of the region you'll have to go through the ghost pass for it but it should be easy to bypass the enemies once you've made it to the hermit with 1250 silver pick up the following skills called two elements whether tolerance shamanic resonance and sigil of wind sigil of wind is ridiculously powerful when combined with pistols but to use it in a region you need to activate the wind altar in that region so make sure you find and activate the altars in each region you'll also need Manor so head to one of the conflux mountain paths I went to the holy mission path at the base of the mountain on the western southwestern side if you go to this path once inside unlock the gate blocking your way by activating three levers you can find the levers in side chambers it's pretty easy to find the entrances to these side chambers on the left and right side of the cave you can either fight the enemies or you can just avoid them using your movement speed once the gate is unlocked continue on to the conflux chambers make your way to the ley line and trade some health and stamina for mana I traded 10 health and stamina for 40 mana I find this as a good amount for this build because sigil of wind is the only spell you really cast and 40 mana allows for some wriggle room when considering sleeping taking away from your total mana pool step eight to the swamp for some buffs now that you've got mana sorted and assuming you've got 150 silver head to the hallowed Marsh and make your way to monsoon you'll need three travel rations to get there from chessani's find Galera the warrior monk and by the following skills slow metabolism and focus now find Moffatt and accept his training for fifty silver to receive the blessed skill also while you here find Lane the alchemist and buy some occult remains if you haven't got some already Congrats now you've got all the skills and some decent gear and should be feeling pretty powerful now it's time to sort out a horror bow and unlock the ability to buy a chimera pistol step 9 its shell horror hunting season do whatever farming you need to do also if you are joining one of the factions other than the levant based one do that now side note here once you join a faction if you don't do the vendor quest within 20 days he has oh will be permanently destroyed talk to Brock in CSI to start the quest back on topic get seven Russians together and travel to the aggressor desert in the oppressor desert there are a couple of shell that are easy to find and kill and now get you the hard shite and you need to complete the hora bow one is in a canyon near the hives and one is in a cabal of the wind tower aim-down-sights with your bow and kite the one in the canyon with your movement speed [Music] to kill the shell hora in the Kabyle of wind tower activate the wind altar nearby if you haven't already cars blessed and then enter the building drop the sigil of wind fire off a couple of pistol shots exit the building reload your pistols enter again and finish him off shell is a weak against lightning so you'll make sure work of it [Music] now combine your war bow with two hora Titan and one cold remains congrats you've got a badass Horeb oh now is also a good time to pop into Levant and join the heroic kingdom of Levant if that's the faction that you want to go with step 10 unlock tomorrow in Levant and unlock chimera pistols start doing your faction quest line until the council meeting in burg after that section you can enter any in but for convenience enter the union burg and you should overhear a conversation and get the blood under the Sun quest now head to the burn outpost in the southern part of the N murki forest to pass the burning tree if you're following a heroic kingdom of Levant faction quest like I was you'll be able to knock over two quests in one go kill the bandits inside the burnt-out post for the faction quest and look for a note on the table in the first room for the blood under the Sun quest now head to the hive prison in the abrasive desert it's left of the hives and the clue is on the left as you enter head to Levon and find the next clue in a basket on a rooftop in the slums talk to Cyrene and you'll load into the Undercity passage head down and find the prince talk to him and once his dialogue is finished you'll be teleported back to LaVon talk to the Queen for your reward if you're a member of the heroic Kingdom you'll get a free house now the blood under the Sun is done head back into the slums and find pigeon I don't worry this quest is easy just donate 40 silver to him five times for a total of 200 silver that will finish the quest and the unlock tomorrow and since you've completed the blood under the Sun quest she'll stock chimera pistols make sure you leave LaVon and reenter this will despawn the barricade that stops you from reaching tomorrow when you can acquire as many chimera pistols as you want before I finish up this video I will quickly show you how I have my hotbar setup feel free to set up yours however you want though I put sniper shot on cue piercing shot on a fire slash reload on our sigil of wind on one horeb Oh on two and pistols on three four and five it used to hidden kay and using focused and blessed before starting a fight right click to use them in the skill menu also get into the habit of making sure you've got 15 areas equipped before a fight and that you've got some bullets in your pocket and backpack and most importantly always make sure you load your pistols before starting a fight if you're an idiot like me and forget and then start reloading your pistols right in front of an enemy who wants your blood you'll quickly find yourself getting your ass handed to you last but not least you can find some useful potion and food recipes on the image post I've made for this build but there are plenty of other handy recipes and all sorts of awesome info on the wiki so I'll encourage you to look around on it I'll leave a link in the description and that's all there is to it now you're kitted out and ready to get out into the world of our wood and explore hopefully you've learned a thing or two along the way that will help you and your future endeavors in outward thanks for watching have a good day online whichever it may be and I'll see you in the next video [Music] [Music]
Channel: Churchy
Views: 358,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Outward, Build, Guide, Movement Speed, Outward Archer, Outward Pistols, Sigil of Wind, Master trader, Churchy, Outward guide, Outward in 2020, Pistol Build, Bow Build, build guide
Id: xTyStNYJh7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 58sec (958 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 18 2020
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