May Be The Tightest Tractor Trailer Back In On Youtube! (NYPD Cop Tries To Stop Me!) #trucking
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Channel: Only4Trucks
Views: 1,685,438
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mack, Rmodel, R600, Diesel, scenery, roadtrip, econodyne, triaxle, heavyhaul, macktrucks, overtheroad, construction, driving, ford, ltl9000, ltl, long nose, sleeper, flat top, philadelphia, kensington, hauling, rebar, steel, excavator, bridges, rigging, crane, flatbed, highway, trucks, ford lt, ford trucks, offroad, mud, equipment, lights, chrome, shifting, shift, 9speed, eaton, fuller, transmission, manual, shifter, stickshift, truck, trucking, trucker, grove, new jersey, rmodel, straightpipe, pipe, oldschool, old, school, nypd, cop, backing
Id: tX-5HqUde1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 31sec (1531 seconds)
Published: Wed May 17 2023
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