Outlaw Half Nottingham 2023 // My First 70.3 Triathlon!
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Lewis Fordham
Views: 2,995
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: half ironman training, triathlon training day, triathlon training, ironman triathlon, half ironman, 70.3 ironman, 70.3 triathlon, outlaw triathlon, outlaw nottingham, outlaw half nottingham, full day of training, triathlon, ironman 70.3 training, training for an ironman, triathlon training for beginners, triathlon vlog, lewis fordham, triathlete training, triathlon swim training, triathlon training plan, first triathlon, outlaw half nottingham 2023, outlaw nottingham 2023
Id: atrwJTwcclM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 37sec (937 seconds)
Published: Wed May 24 2023
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