[OUTDATED] Create 500+ Commands Discord Bot Without Coding in 2023 | 24/7 Hours Online

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in today's video I will be going to show you how you can create a 500 command spot without coding and hosting it 24 7 hours for free but before that don't forget to like the video or you will be a big noob besides that I also made videos about a bot dashboard without coding and a free domain for one year so make sure to watch those the links will be in the description alright let's start come to Discord developer portals and click on the new application enter your bot name and agree to their term of services and then click on the create button now go to the bot tab then click on add a bot and then click on yes do it now scroll down a little bit and enable these three intense options these options are very important if you don't enable them then the bot will not respond to your message alright now go to auth2tab then URL generator select bot and then select your Bot permissions you can also leave it normal for no permissions now scroll down and copy the invite link to add the bot to your server simply paste this link in another Tab and invite the bot okay once you invited your Bot to the server come to this project file you will find the link in the description once you are here simply click on forkrep L button enter your project name and description then click on forkrep L now wait for some time until it fully load your files it can take some time depends on your internet connection there are about four things which you will need to do before running your Bot and they are your Bot token token Diffie and client ID and the last one is optimal and these four Discord token and client ID is easy to get so first we will put these two to get started come to the tool sections in their find Secrets option now in the key section type Discord token make sure the key name is same as written in the EnV example or your Bot will not work go to developer portals and then bot tab after that click on reset token and enter your 2fa code if you have enabled after getting your token copy it and paste it in the key box after that click on add a new secret then type client ID in the key box make sure the letters are same as the example now go again to developer portals and go to auth2 Tab and then General copy the client ID of your Bot and paste it there again click on add a new secret for the giphy token but before that first let's replace the client ID in the config file go to SRC folder then search for config folder now click on botjs and then replace your client ID in the line number nine once you did that now you are ready for the giphy token write the giphy token as a key and to get the API key come to this website you will find the link in the description after signing up you will see something like this to get the API key click on create an app then select API key as we need the API key only after that enter your app name and description and then click on create app once your app is created you will get the API key now copy this key and paste it in the value section after that again click on add new secret and type token make sure the letters in word is same as it is in the example now it's time to create a mongodb URL try to watch this part carefully because a lot of people facing problems while creating mongodb so that it don't create any problem for you come to this website from the description after that click on build a database select a free plan for the cluster now select a cloud provider if you don't know about this then leave them normal and click on create a cluster after that go to the database Tab and wait until they fully create your cluster now again you will need to wait until it fully loads your cluster it can take up to three or five minutes but while it is loading let's create a database access for the cluster go to database access then click on add a new database user in the password authentication enter your username and password make sure they are different from your login details and also make sure to remember these information because we will be using it at the end now scroll down and in built enroll click on add a role and then select read and write to any database after that scroll down and click on add a user okay now go to network access and then click on add an IP address you can use your current IP address but now I will use allow access from anywhere after that simply click on confirm now wait for some time until they active the address it can take about 30 seconds after that go to the database and check if your cluster is loaded or not once your cluster is loaded click on connect button then select connect your application which is the second one now copy the mongodb URL and paste it somewhere else where you can edit it now the last thing is you will need to remove the password word from the URL and instead of this you will need to enter your own password which you used at password authentication now copy the URL and paste it in the value section after you've done those things you'll have to set up a log channel so that you can monitor how the bot is performing go to SRC folder then data and after that click on webhook.json here you will have to put your web look token to get the token go to your server in which the bot is then select a log channel then right click on that channel and go to edit Channel click on integration then click on create a web hook copy the web hook URL and paste it somewhere now all you need to do is to Simply copy the token from your web hook URL now replace your web hook token with all the tokens which are in the code after that you will have to replace your token ID go back to the web look and copy only the ID from your web hook and replace it with the ID which is present in the code after completing simply click on the Run button and wait for the process to be done it may take some time depending on your Internet to check the bot if it's online or not simply go to the log channel which you have selected and if you see these commands messages then it means that your Bot is working fine now all you need to do is use the bot command as Discord now supports slash commands so you don't need to use any other prefixes because it only supports slash commands you can use the main menu to select your page and also if your emojis are not working then don't worry when you move to another page then it will automatically start working okay now let me show you how you can host it 24 7 hours for free when you run the bot you will see this link on Rebel copy this link and come to the uptime robot website you will also find the link in the description after signing up simply click on add a new monitor in monitor type select https then enter your monitor name which you want and paste the project link which you have copied after that simply click on create monitor click on continue with slower monitoring and again click create Monitor and then click on create monitor with no alert now wait for some time until it uploads your Bot it may take about one to two minutes so after that time reload the page and your project file should be running if you see this it's mean that your monitor will now 24 7 hours online so this is the end of the video if you have any problems then feel free to ask me in the comments section thank you for watching and peace out
Channel: Being
Views: 96,704
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make a discord bot, how to make a discord bot without coding, how to make a discord bot without downloading anything, discord bot, how to make discord bot, how to make your own bot without coding, discord bot tutorial, how to make your own discord bot, discord bot maker, make your own discord bot, 100+ commands discord bot without coding, discord, how to make discord bot 24/7, how to make discord bot online forever, Being, discord bot slash commands, free discord nitro
Id: ckqiT6SDI24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 55sec (415 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 06 2022
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