LAST MAN (2022) | Short Film

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*The Itsy-Bitsy Spider Playing* *Music Stops* Man *Off Screen*: Oh my god... The door was open. Holy... Holy shit, I... How long have you been out there? Since the beginning. Right... right. Yeah, no shit. Obviously... Hey, uh, can I... can I get you some food or something? You don't need to concern yourself with that. Oh... okay. I've been here the whole time. I didn't think there was anyone else out there. Um... I- I used to work here! That's how I knew about the place! There was a boy scout bottle drive right before... Before... I remembered there was a lot of canned foods in the kitchen and before everything started, y'know, uh... "going" I, uh, I came in here and I boarded myself in. Lonely? For a while, yeah. But I kept myself busy. A lot of Solitaire, learned a few languages... not that I have anyone to talk to them with. I mostly spent a lot of time thinking about things, y'know? Like? Everything, I guess. Life scares me. Living just as a... I don't know. All I know is that death scares me more. What a shitty predicament, huh? And how about you? How'd you survive? I still had some things to do. Maybe... that's why I lived? What if... I still had some things to do? Like, maybe theres still others out there... like me. Maybe that's why I lived, it's like my-my purpose! To find others, to start over to rebuild! I was supposed to live! It's like... my destiny! We can go out there! We can find others, we can rebuild! You and I are alive who's to say that aren't others- No! No... you're the last one It wasn't supposed to happen like this. What the hell are you talking about? This. All this. You, me, here. It was supposed to be quick, and yet here you are... ...and here I am. My entire existence I've done one job. One purpose for existing, one... meaning. I never thought I'd be here, I never thought it'd get to this point, but... now it's all going to be over. Afraid of living and afraid of dying, huh? Yeah... that is a shitty predicament. -Please! -It's not up to me. -It's just me and you, you can make your own decisions! -It doesn't work like that. You said that it has to end, but it doesn't have to! You said I was the last one, but what about your purpose? What are you going to do? Stop it! Just let me go... look you can chase me! I can run away, find somewhere new and you can chase me! Then it doesn't have to be over for either of us... please! Please... Please don't do this. I don't want to die... not yet. *screams* *Slicing Noise Followed by a Thud* *Row Row Row Your Boat Begins Playing* *thud* *Music Slowly Fades Away*
Channel: Cracked Bulb Films
Views: 1,584,774
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: amXGChr-YFI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 31 2022
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