OUR VANDE BHARAT EXPRESS EXPERIENCE! (India Luxury Train) 🇮🇳 हिंदी उपशीर्षक

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hi guys welcome back we're on tour ddes if you're  new here we're a full-time travel couple from   the UK as you can tell by the hecticness and  craziness we're in India we're currently at   the old Delhi train station we're about to get  on The Veranda verat Express this is actually   one of India's best and fastest trains and we  cannot wait let's get in cuz I haven't even got   our tickets yet we have have but we haven't got  our printed tickets yeah we've got like online   QR codes so we're not really sure how it works  now but it looks like it's in this building is   amazing though look at it it's like a red brick  building with white archways it's nice but this   area around it is proper hectic but if you get  here early there's actually like a really good   Market out there but it's crazy the traffic the  horns I I had to close my eyes a few times cuz   I thought we were going to get hit by a bus back  crazy driver it was crazy one wer he we're here   Mega early supposed there's a lounge here we  might pay to get into that so just go and find   out sort out our tickets and see if we can  go and chill for I think we got like three   four hours yeah so just going to have a look we  just went to inquiries and he said the lounge   should be perer um our train we can use the QR  ticket on our phone as well so we don't need a   printed there it is premium Lounge yeah going  there this is the lounge let's go and check it out right I'm going to check out next door see  if we can get coffee there's like table hello   us uh one coffee one tea got myself a coffee you  comfortable I've got a chy it's really hot though   I don't think I can sip it yet creamy and sweet  this is perfect I'm going to get my laptop out   just cleaning things up after the holy Festival  yesterday and going to chill here for 3 hours Perfect all right we've killed  3 hours in the lounge it got so   busy towards yeah didn't it it got  a bit chilly as well I was getting   look a bit cold from the airon W this  is mental it's been busy look at this station it's so busy and noisy here  we want platform two we're heading   this way but everyone's running they  must be late for the the latest train   look at that L India is just crazy oh my  God we got like a ritual coming through I do love a train journey I'm like proper  buzzing for this I've heard so much start   this train like how good it is so there's  a train here and it is super busy I'm not   sure where it's headed but look how full it  is people end up sitting here it's actually   not that bad if you got unreserved seats you  end up sitting on the doorway look at the difference unreal and it's like Mega  popular like literally loads of people   taking photos we just thought we'  take a photo for the fun now but   everyone's taking photos look at them all  so funny I would be so tempted if I was to move you think this is our um train then  this our train time it's quter three now   and our train is qu so I'm going to sh the  St so let's go and find our seat we check   this is our train we check the number up  here it says the car and then that's the   number of the train so this is our train  we got going for our seats what numbers   are we part five seats 36 and 37 we' got the  tickets on our phone let's going to have a   look on board I'm so excited for this I love  a good train journey especially when it's POS the 36 and 37 thank you 36 37 yeah just pass the red suitcase as a space  got it past3 now and we're literally well we did   move now we've stopped not sure why but is fully  packed out like every seat's tooken this is like   the busiest train with' not standing up I've ever  seen oh it isn't it normally you can end up being   unreserved and standing up but this isn't too  bad we're literally gone now as you can see we're proper easy if you're a foreigner easiest way to  get train tickets is one two go so we're going to   em in the Punjab region we are leaving delhi  now it's 15 minutes past 3 and we should get   to Amar at 8:45 it looks like they're giving out  bottles of water at the moment obviously you do   get drinks I don't have to like come around with  things constantly like um bit CH bit of CH hope we   get a bit of CH this is going to be a fun 6 hours  though it's such a nice train thank you thank you   water we've actually swapped now this family had  two kids like sat here in the whole six bit so   they like swapped of us cuz we wanted to film like  out the window and that they were nice enough to   swap with us so Brian actually got embarrassed so  she had to move no I left the cabin she Lally shot   up and walked off I she go I felt really rude to  the other people opposite like didn't want to be   there but no they were happy to move they wanted  to move yeah I know the people opposite us where   we were there I just felt like we were being  rude but it's just that or I wanted to film out   the window and it's just a lot easier to talk cuz  always we're like in their face constantly talking   and it feels rude they obviously don't care but  then you just feel like you feel rude yeah you're   in a you're you feel like you're inconvenience in  their Journey so we don't like putting our camera   in people's faces and the poor guy next to us  probably as well get annoyed but here's our seats   we've got tables that come down here and then we  got like a little baggy bit drink hold of just put   a drink there a fo rest and again an outlet where  is it just there it's going to be a nice journey   and then we've got the views now I'm so glad I am  happy and also you've got Wi-Fi on it when you log   in there's like a thing all movies and games and  stuff so all that's included plus we got snacks   and food apparently included and they just give  us a lot of water so everything's good it's all   looking good we're on it for 6 hours so what we're  going to do don't know just probably just like BS   it out how do you know Ben celebr holy yesterday  orange and he here still a little bit about holy   absolutely fantastic experience loved every minute  of it obviously we was in Delhi next year we want   to come back we've already asked on the previous  video where we should best celebrate it we had a   few recommendations but even on this video you  can keep putting them on the comments tell us   where to go for ho next year cuz we're 100% coming  back also my hands are still staying blue and like   like cleavage food bit where it must have run down  there it's all blue still yeah amazing experience   though I know it was absolutely fantastic day and  I really recommend like buing tickets for like   a festival I think that is like a really good  experience cuz you get like the PO free colors   it's all just like included and easy and there's  a bar and it's safe drinking yeah everyone just   gets mashed up it's cool what will'll say about  this train just first the pressure of this train   very look slick very modern um and one thing  I've noticed is you literally can't hear it oh   yeah you can't hear the train at all yeah is a  noisy train is it just the people you can hear   okay so let me read you out a few facts fer  Express is India's first semi highspeed fully   electric bullet train it can reach speeds of 180  km making it one of India's fastest trains it runs   between New Delhi and varasi and also our food is  about to arrive so I'm going to change the camera   angle the food's just come around we went for the  veggie dishes and they look pretty good I've been   looking at people behind me a little bit excited  but I haven't said that we've switched seats to   someone so I don't know what we're going to  get I don't think that's huh might snack oh [Music] snack thank you yeah we Chang Chang we got   ourselves a little snack right I'm  going to show you what we got mango juice what is it oh what's it like a little  bit dry no it's a little bit Bland I think   that needs a bit of uh ketchup which they  did give me some ketchup like a Bombay mix   peanut bar and it's some like instant Ginger  chai but these like are snack so it's try so   this is all part included in our tickets on  here so I think we get a meal must be a bit   more like evening time now it's like 20 4 so  a good little snack I'm glad cuz we haven't   packed any food at all cuz you know us we're  un we got water once but that's about it first   time i' ever heard you say water with a tea I  know I thought about it before I said it yeah   it's pretty weird it's like a biscuit sure what  it is I would say like an American biscuit it's   got like a um Masala taste inside but come  around with the hot water for our Ginger   try I'm so messy thank you one for you D thank  you you get car Ginger Teese sachche those in there it smells gingery it's like tea and ginger quite strong  just had to turn the camera back on cuz this   this thing unbelievable so nice a chicky  I'm real that's like the best snack I've   eaten in ages so how much we paid for these  train tickets we booked it on one two go and   there were 1,310 per person but then it was  500 rupe per person extra charge on one two   go cuz it's like I don't know a fee on there  so a commission fee so just a little bit more   but worth it we couldn't get um the IND of  our way to work at all so we just got it to   work on there just a little bit extra but it's  definitely worth as we say it's full inclusive   with the food drinks and a comfortable ride  right he's picked up the speed a little bit   we're going 128 km an hour just got to give a  shout out for a second for like the service has   been absolutely brilliant like they keep coming  around giving us food drinks chai everything   airon really nice really really impressed with  this train absolutely love it at the moment yeah   it's a really great train and Shout Out Indian  Railway you've done an excellent [Music] job [Music] okay quick tour around the toilet you  got to see what the toilet's like on the train   this is one of the nicest and biggest I've  probably been in hasn't got the best smell   but it has got like a perfume smell covering  like feces so we got sink Works nicely and   we got our soap that works uh a window that's  closed which is nice I don't want people see me   on the toilet a western toilet bom wash  electric flush and toilet roll actually   rise and across the way there's also an Indian  style toilet if you want to use that [Music] I [Music] we just literally just crossed the  border into Punjab we just have to stop then   and they brought loads of food on so I think  dinner is not far away don't feel I've ever   been on a train where it's so like Rowdy and  noisy not moaning I say it's bad it's noise   we can speak like normal on the camera normally  we're like so now we're going into the tunnel   got whis normally got whisper on here it's like  obviously speak loudly because so you can hear us   but then it just Blends in with all the other  loud volume dinner is arriv let's see what we   got rice looks like Dow Curry sort of Bombay  potatoes I I would say that's a paner curry   and we've also got a reier oh Rotty yeah some  Rotty here two rotties and a yogurt as well taste everything the D little kid bit little bit spicy  it's not that warm though I'm just going to go   through I'm going to go through really quickly  potatoes sort of not spicy like lukewarm not   that hot and then like a little tiny spice  kick quite a lot of flavor though really nice a Kake but that pan look really soft  really really nice this looks like a really   good meal I say for a train it's actually  like really good food and we went for a   veggie option but obviously you can  have meat so we Al also got pickles   and a yogurt for dessert or I could actually  mix this in with my Curry the option is open   oh my God this train just got there we just  got given ice cream not just ice cream got   Bor and vanilla no butterscotch look this does  look good we got some chunks in there got it's hard look at it looks so good can get it out look crunchy bit that is really nice they  just got like a 10 out of 10 just forgive   me ice cream oh we are literally like what  45 minutes away now 45 minutes 45 minutes   away now absolutely the most enjoyable trip  like just literally getting looked after the   hallway absolutely brilliant too much food it  could be my top top top train it's absolutely   brilliant this has been we've arrived after  5 and 1 half hours on this luxury train into   amirar known for the famous Golden Temple which is  obviously going to be the first thing we going to   do tomorrow but at the moment as you can see  it is Pitch Black outside so first of all we   need to make it to our accommodation obviously  but now it is qu to9 find a ritual to take us here down we go oh it's actually like really cool  here isn't the temperature really different yeah   it's not like that hot just someone com yeah Ben  can't go that side of me cuz he can't see me so   we can't film so you'll probably notice what  all at I know we said to use one two go for   your tickets but we're going to try and get  our tickets for the next train cuz I think   you can get more variety of different trains  when you're here cheaper as well but we don't   know if the ticket office is open we think it  might have closed at 8 if that guy was being truthful looks a bit closed okay uh 8:00 till  when to what time what8 to until what time 8   to8 8 to 8 okay okay thank you no open 828 so  the ritual driver was telling the truth but   then we wouldn't have got a taxi with him it's  way to get away so let's get away from here and   find her to get taxi shall we okay there's  no apps here so we're going to have to get   a random rual from the train station which is  one of the things we hate to do yeah cuz it's   going to be hard to get the rout price we don't  mind he's going to come in about three times as   much yeah we don't mind paying double it's when  it's like 10 times the amount so let's see what   we can get it should be around 100 rupees  cuz it's only 2km it's only a 30 minute   walk obviously it's pitch black and we won't  walk it we' normally walk it during the day   well what that go the other day it should be 60  yeah it should be 15 but we're in a different   area don't know if it changes I would pay 100  yeah let's go and find out what we can [Music] get you call me no to no call me no um so this   single back this is 300 only  200 just thank you all right we'll hello hello we've made it to a hotel really  nice it's like a brand new hotel we got a ritual   just literally outside the train station I can't  not sure if you can see it cuz it was quite dark   but we got it for 200 the he started at 300 but  he was really nice and we might use him to get   to the Border cuz Wagner border is right here  that's one of the main Reas he he did actually   offer that I'm a bit tempted like ran said don't  know first price that we got can't just go and   take it straight away I took his number and it  would be easier if we just got a drive yeah he   said 1,200 so quite fair but let's show you  our room it's quite small actually but they   did say they're fully booked tonight they would  can move us to a bigger one cuz we're literally   right next to reception and there's a little  bit of loop but we're only at three nights so   we might not yeah but we got nice double bed  um towels water already here soap toilet roll   bonus points already and it's just so clean  and then we got lovely what is this oh it's   like fabric AC brand new TV and then a bathroom  in here oh lovely bathroom sink soap toilet and   a shower we haven't had a hot shower for like a  week so I'm hoping this is a hot shower and I'm   hoping this bed it's comfy the reviews said  comfy bed still quite hard but it's not rock   solid but it's kind of but these are nice pullow  actually the last ones were like as hard as the   bed and we've got like a cool cover I don't like  these like blanket things and F sheets I'm I'm   so fussy now the older I get I swear things annoy  me a bit more than they used to I used to be like   farm with anything I'm really happy with this  and the Wi-Fi seems really good that's it but   make sure you watch the next video because we're  going to go explore msar Golden Temple all that   stuff going to have a traditional Amari breakfast  in our room tomorrow they've already said about   that included in the price the price we love  that excited to get in a bit of the Punjabi   culture buzzing this is the real India I've  heard and this is like the best place to see so subscribe hi guys welcome back we're on  tour with dges if you're new here I think   I messed it up yeah place to use one two  three go is definitely the one two [Music] [Music] go oh
Channel: On Tour With Dridgers #OTWD
Views: 129,992
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: On tour with dridgers, #otwd, IPL, IPL cricket, Lucknow, Lucknow super giants, Punjab super kings, Indian premier league, India cricket, Foreigners react to india, Foreigners react to IPL, Foreigners react to India cricket, British in india, First cricket game, First time cricket
Id: Qsog5WvIFNY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 0sec (1260 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2024
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