Goa to Mumbai on the Vande Bharat Express - India's LUXURY Train 🇮🇳

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good afternoon everyone we are just outside of M Junction train station which is one of the main train stations in Goa today we are going to Mumbai now we're getting a special train today all the way to Mumbai we are currently sitting the taxi rank so let's move out here you're on the way a little bit as always I'm just try to myself out proba not the best place to do it yeah now yes we have got a very special trade it's our first ever express trade it's a Tas Express now this is one of the best way to travel from Goa to Mumbai and we are excited about aren't we yes it's a very long journey I think it's about what night no about 10 hour 10 11 hours and it's classed as affordable luxury so I think we paid around 3035 each for a ticket should be air conditioned um we should get food as well I think we picked a veggie option so excited to see what that's going to be like yeah so yeah like you say around 3,000 rupees each was quite a lot more than what we normally pay on buses and trains and stuff but we're excited so we're going to head in this way find where our train is and then we've got about a 45 minute wait so let's head on over okay so I hope this explains it train 2223 Zar Mao which is where we are to csmt which is in Mumbai uh time 1220 platform it says pf3 so hope that means platform 3 we are on platform one now so I assume one two three over there maybe yeah that big blue one yeah so we are early we still got about 45 minutes but I think we to get that way which I assume we get there from up there so they head that way yeah I think so see how we get on there's not really anyone around here to ask either no I mean maybe I know he's an engineer yeah there's not really too many people to ask you kind of have to figure it out on your own but I think it is platform so platforms two and three now I guess we go down that way to roll out back bags because these bags are seriously heavy seriously heavy oh yeah cuz we went ah we went down that way last time yeah so we have been to this train station before when we first got to go but we couldn't really like we didn't recognize it cuz it was so early in the morning it turns out we actually went down that way last time so yeah do feel like we've been here for about 10 days now 2 weeks nearly and it's flown by so looking forward to Mumbai and Beyond to be honest this uh should be good so we've been waiting out here for the last half an hour not knowing that this is actually our train so it's kind of blue and white and blue at the bottom now all the photos online the Ted Express is normally like a yellowy orange color so we've been sat there thinking this in our train but we just realized now that it actually is so I mean we're on I'll should take it for a walk through here sir this is like a kitchen area think all your kind of like food and stuff and all the workers there and then this is our Carriage nice and spacious hi and this is our seat for the next 11 hours yeah 11 12 hours yeah so they're really loads of leg room they're really spacious and we do have no we don't um we it back some she's got hers back yeah so we should be able to recline these and we do get like f rests here um so really there is actually a lot of all yeah hello that looks good bit is it a bit too long kind quite yeah I mean so much more space high so much more space here than you're get in like a normal airplane so yeah it's actually quite nice do we have like a table or anything I think this is actually one of the most um like spacious modes of Transport that we've been on yeah uh oh the T look here we have a table I believe it's like a little aircraft yeah oh sorry and there we go there's our little table for our food we are served food on this train I'm not sure how many meals but I know at least one for definite um yeah I just thought the photos I saw online of Tas Express which is looked a bit nicer I mean this is still really nice it's a really comfy car so we're in the executive class one which I think is one of the highest the most expensive classes you can get I mean it is actually when you compare it to the other buses and trains and like transport we've been on it is nice yeah is actually really it's probably the it's Nic than any trains I've been in the UK so that's going for it um I'm interested to see what the food's like we'll try and show you around the toilets and stuff and all the kind of like facilities we' got here but for now this is our train of course it's air con so it's lovely and cold in here and we got a nice big window here so hopefully apparently the scenery here on the way to M bu is like unbelievable so we'll get a good view of that we got a nice TV up there show show us how fast we're going I think this train goes around 160 or 130 km an hour so it is quick so we shouldn't be there too long really not too busy at the minute as well it might fill up yeah yeah it would fill up soon I'm sure but yeah we're going to chill for a bit then I need to go for a need to go to toilet so we'll show you the toilet and then we need to keep ourselves entertained oh wow stop wow okay I thought I were a bit I did not know oh yeah because moved a bit yeah hold on hold on cuz I can see a little thing here maybe let's put this on there if these seats twist that is insane do because I can see like a little thing that there maybe I know feel about that that's insane I don't know I mean you haven't got a great view but I've got a really good view oh my God you got talk to the person behind you yeah this wild that's insane I mean you can go the way back so if we make some friends here wow yeah got so weird that's so cool never ever ever been on a train that does that no NE neither so if the uh if the reviews the reviews if the views are as good as good as they say they are online then we'll be definitely switching this round and getting a nice big view yeah that's insane yeah that's W cool actually never done that before this guy okay let's uh get our ticket sorted then I think I don't know right then so we've we left at 1220 and it's only now 12:28 and I could already see some people and a carts coming down here so I assume it's around lunchtime now they might be giving us a lunchtime meal I mean it's quite soon we have absolutely no idea what we ordered or what we're expecting yeah I mean it's completely shut in the dark here um I wasn't expecting it so soon but I mean I'm not too bothered either way because it is lunch time it be interesting to see what they give us looks like a soup or a tea or coffee maybe really just a big bow Mar oh yeah let's have a look hi hello hello how are you good uh yes tickets yes the wrong train thank you thank you very much this is when he goes oh you're actually meant to be on map train yeah I mean that could possibly be well the case come back like get off now I think we were expecting it to be yellow yeah we were expected to be yellow so threw us off a bit that's blue but yes please what's this sou sou oh okay tomato oh love sou we've not had a tomato yet I assum they bring the hot water Rod after us maybe or cold SE it looks thank you very much thank you thank you very much oh yeah it's a preix isn't it right let's get mine so yes it looks like we've got a tomato soup premix Cafe and tea what else we got here what's this uh these are quite warm what's this um not too sure what this is let's have a look ah okay so it looks similar like bread sticks maybe yeah and then we've got some butter some salt and pepper so yeah I assume they'll come around with uh hot water in just a moment but this is so funny I feel like I'm on a flight oh it's I actually just feel like I'm on a flight to be fa Su spoon as well bit cute yeah already the level of service here is really good um I know it's not the most expensive trade you can get in India but it's definitely like affordable luxury and to us considering what been on so far it's definitely luxury so you don't get this to think in the UK you spend what about30 on a train into London you don't get this level of service no yeah the the trains in the UK are nowhere near the level they are here so yeah have to be on it yeah it's good is so I believe this man here has some nice bottles in his hand hopefully it's going to come and fill out for us hello hi thank you you so much thank oh wow there we go yum now I am a little bit worried about the yeah no it's in the um how bumpy the train is because it is boiling hot water it does look very watery but we'll we'll give this a bit of a taste test it looks nice it smells really good I don't what you mean actually it's risky on a train in white trousers as well oh should I get one of these in okay just okay this look really nice these are bit s yeah we've never had these like bread stick things before nice never I mean it just smells like a bit of a bread stick to be honest but we'll give it a go and see what it's like really good oh yeah it's almost like a tastes like a Nar bread in a stick it's like a nan bread in a stick which is weird soups really good though I usually like my soups a bit thicker but I think maybe you having them a little bit watered down maybe very nice am yeah nice little snack actually I assume we'll get a bit of a bigger meal later but for now we'll tuck into this and enjoy the view enjoy the view so we've just given back our suits which I assume was a starter so now it's 12:51 so it's about 15 20 minutes after our soup and now they're C back around again and I can see over there he's got a nice big plate so yeah I'm not sure what we're expecting but food is what we're expecting hello vegetable sorry thank you thank you there's one were not prepared for this to be so too thank you so much thank you oh it looks to be just like a veggie Curry we didn't want to risk it and get guys taking a face us yeah we didn't want to risk and get meat for this one we didn't know if it was fish if it was we we basically didn't know what meat so we just thought we yeah take the safe option get a vegetable meal now I don't really know what this is It's like a yeah maybe like a th style um we have a Dal yogurt maybe yeah D yogurt we have what is in here then I'm not sure but I think it's full of chilies chilies maybe yeah so that's what it kind of looks like um but I mean it smells smells really really good watch's this we have little parcel here I'm not too sure what this is hopefully it's like a small Pata yeah that's that's what I'm hoping for and I think it might be like a roty yeah I think that is a roty it looks likey yeah is there's two in there warm as well oh yeah nice just fingering his food there so we'll give this a little try before Oh there's also like a little um what's that pickle Mi pickle pack which might be quite nice to try as well right then let's give it a go get some rice in there dip it in this water Li one and then we that is really really nice still don't know what it is but it's quite spicy a little bit M let watch out but yeah this is good I'm looking forward to this you can give yours a try it out yeah this is what it looks like up close lovely bit of Curry maybe some gravy of some sort OB see our rice and everything there this is like a festar service I'm really happy with it so far we might have some cut here as well I think maybe what we got in there maybe like a spork maybe right oh just a spoon just a spoon that's all right look a deal Works five star dining here isn't it I'm not quite sure is that like a d I think yeah I think that is a d that one you can see the yeah so that's a d and then that is some sort of Curry vegetable I think just a veg yeah oh it's got paner in it has it got paner in it I think we might have paneer in this one then give it a go let me actually how is it good it's actually really good A bit spicy yes so these meals were included in the price of the tickets we don't have to pay anything extra um obviously you do have to pay for the meal themselves cuz it's included in the price but yeah I mean it was quite easy to sort we just clicked a few buttons and that'll see it um yeah the whole booking process was a bit stressful though because they do ask for IRCTC numbers I think that's what it's called and it's basically just a tourist fee that you pay as a foreigner and I couldn't even get onto the system it wasn't letting me put my details in so luckily Dan's worked but you do have to have a login and pay a very very small fee like 30 rupees or something um per transaction fee so if you are a tourist coming you do have to get an irtct number but yeah it was a bit of a pain yeah I think everyone has to have an irtc number yeah I think it's not just tourists I think it's all Indians have to get one it's like a it's supposed to streamline the process but for us it made it a lot more difficult especially because we didn't have Indian numbers and Indian addresses and stuff so the RO station was a bit difficult but I mean we're here now we got the trade um so yeah we are going to eat this going to finish all out polish it off and then we'll see what we get bought out next there'll probably be a dessert won't there oh yeah yeah maybe hopefully so we're now just going to go on the hunt for the bathroom Okay so we've got the western style toilet there and you've got an Indian style toilet there so we have a look in the western we've got a wash base in here and there are some soap dispensers and a hand dryer yes it works then got the Western toilet here some new roll obviously the water pumps there and a flush so yeah this isn't too bad it actually smells really good as well and I have noticed that it's got a kind of air refresher there as well so it's not too bad it's quite clean as well so happy with this haven't come across a nice train toilet yet so yeah so use it so time is now4 3 and we've just CL been handed our next tray of food it's like nonstop this food isn't it I know I literally just trying to nap off it yeah this time we've got a peanut bar which actually looks quite nice that is um peanut bar we got some more nuts here what's that in there or S ni warm samosas really warm I thought I could smell some samosas for a while now so I'm really really excited for that because I love my samosas sure light cha I think that's obviously a um a rice PL like a kind of bomb mix maybe yeah maybe it's like crisps of some sort not to sure and then here we have a cheese sandwich doesn't look too advertising to be honest but I mean it's better than nothing it's quite interesting to see what the um meat option got I can't really see many but no neither sure what they got they get a nice little Tropicana Apple Delight as well which is nice so yeah I mean oh what's this oh instant tea premixed Ginger I think you get like a three meal what is it like a three meal course yeah it's like we're getting kind of breakfast lunch and dinner on this train I think yeah I think that is it um how's that cheese sandwich plant bit plain yeah I mean just like a wedge of cheese yeah yeah looks a bit Bland I mean the rest of it looks and smells good I'm going to go straighten P the most because that's good yeah that's nice that's good we're going to Chuck into this and then probably Pi this camera for about 5 minutes when they bring out the next course mhm so we're now 7 hours into our journey and again we've invol out a massive plate of food now this is more food than I've ever had on any journey in my life like even on like an Emirates or Qatar Airways flight you don't get those food which makes us quite suspicious I do hope this is included in our ticket because if it's not we've got big old comeing our way at the end so yeah I mean it smells really good does keep checking our names off the list as you can see outside it is dark now um oh what's this then I'm not too sure so we've got like four different containers all of them smell good and I ass this is probably like a Pata maybe hopefully here rice Curry maybe youd have to let us know what this is because I can't tell looks like the chili banana thing maybe yeah okay that looks like a d d maybe or a curry sauce of some sort or not sure this one and then that one is a bit more of a curry that's paner I think slightly similar to the one that we had earlier yeah but coming it's a bit more of a dinner portion isn't it yeah and what's this I think it's it's bread of some sort I'm going to say even Nano Pata or chapati maybe what have we got maybe another RI is another r ah yeah another Rotty and then fresh kurd here as well so yeah it's a big old meal again to be honest I am quite peckish now but we just didn't expect this much food like this level of attention to detail and this level of service is insane I just hope it's including our ticket otherwise we in for a big surprise we don't have Cuttery oh yeah Cuttery that one do you not have one we can share but yeah we're going to tuck into this and then we should only hopefully have a couple more hours left before we touch down in Mumbai we're so excited for Mumbai can't wait it's going to be hopefully yeah we've heard great things so yeah we'll eat this and then hopefully not too long until our last stop so the time is now 20 10 which is actually the time we were supposed to arrive so it's been 10 hours since we stepped on this train it's been a long 10 hours but it doesn't feel like that long like not one point have I felt like it's been too long yeah I think it's been sleeper buses and the sleeping trains are a lot worse yeah so this actually wasn't too bad but yeah we're napping now yeah we're literally about 5 minutes away from our stop so about to get ready the train is pretty much empty now yeah think this is time they said that we would arrive and it's bang on the time we arve so yeah so it's perfect um we'll get off the train I'll show you around Mumbai csmt train station should be good we've made it we finally made it to Mumbai we're at csmt train station now we've got a navigate our way through this to get outside don't really know where to go maybe down there oh there's thank you signs yeah I mean this place looks so busy and big already wow I don't know how like how long trains go on till yeah but it's so busy it's like half 10 nearly 11: now so it's late and it's all it's still really busy but yeah we're going to wrap the up there cuz we need to go find a tax now to our hotel but we've got the next few days here and we're going to explore all of Mumbai and try and do pretty much everything we can here so super excited for these next couple of videos and we'll see you there
Channel: Dan & Beth Travels
Views: 1,455,304
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Travel India, India Travel, India Tourist, India food, India Street food, India, Visit India, India tourism, India vlog, Foreigner in India, Mumbai, Bombay, India YouTube vlog, India Foreigner, Modern India, India travel guide, India beach, India train, mumbai train, mumbai vlog, mumbai market, Mumbai street food, India luxury train, mumbai tourist, mumbai foreigner, Mumbai travel vlog, Mumbai Taj Mahal, Mumbai Gateway of India, Things to do in Mumbai, Vande Bharat Train
Id: _iu_N-n2FSI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 39sec (1299 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 23 2023
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