Our Typical Travel Day: See How We Do It

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look 326 327 what times that 327 in the morning always a good time to start a trip our flights at 6:00 so we got to get on the road by 4 to get to the airport in time like we're flying from a smaller airport so security is about five people long instead of 500 people long so that does help but this is us on our day heading out to travel for the day it's just Jocelyn I this time so it's a little bit less crazy we'll do one of these we have all the boys going to and stuff like that but this time it's just us on a nice trip together going for a work trip having a fun time as well and getting up really early in the morning anyway so here's a typical day a typical travel day for us when we go so you can see what we'd go through see we got to go through the same things and if you noticed I'm a bit more of a morning person and Jocelyn is not so she will not be in the morning part of this video so just to give you a heads up well I got to hit shower so you're back on the road here in a sick and I'll talk about it there now of course before we leave we got to say goodbye to the Munchkins so they're not very happy at 3:45 in the morning so uh we'll leave them the president wake up too much cuz grandma's gonna have to deal with them at 6:00 school day obviously he's gonna miss me a lot you didn't see if he goes no love you buddy have a great day with Grandma okay thanks buddy so there you go we're off and we got the bigger one too which is way more dangerous all right so it's 404 we're in the car Joseph forgot her water so she's going back in but now we're off to the airport kids aside goodbye to one of the things we do to actually be ready so we can get up last minute and go is we have everything packed the night before so I've already got a pack and I put it in the car this morning about ready to go and so there's Jocelyn ready to drive and so we're off to the airport so nice er day [Music] well we're on the highway it's 4:20 to Vegas a good time we're not making good time well we're gonna out of the house a good time the fog in the morning isn't very helpful I know if you can see us but part of the thing morning flight morning fun so it's bright at five o'clock we're actually walking into the airport now getting ready to drop off our stuff so cloudy foggy mornings are fun driving aren't they yes indeed so got her bag it's gonna drop them off we have a tight connection so with the tight connection actually on some of these smaller regional jets we don't actually do carry on well we have a carry-on sized bag see but what we do is we actually check it because then it's about a chance our bag gets there because on the small planes you know you have to wait for them they usually have you you know your gate check and then you have to wait for it at the top of the get jet way to get it and so that takes a lot of time sometimes so to give us a chance to run as fast as we can to get to our next flight because we only have an hour connection in Atlanta we're gonna actually check our bags so little tip we actually do the other advice I only run if I have to catch a flight yes there you go and now it's security time and one of the best parts about being the small airports like here in Bloomington is the fact that you have a very short line and actually the TSA PreCheck line is longer than the normal line so often when we're in airports we rented fans and things but this time not only could we run into a fan we ran into family so wonderful surprises now you can read for fun stuff exciting the standard online thank you thank you yeah welcome so I've got my seat we're sitting down getting ready to go on our first leg an hour-and-a-half flight to Atlanta then we got a run to the airport in Atlanta there to annex fly to Albuquerque so girl in not sitting by joseline she's she got upgraded up there I got upgraded to here so she got a better upgrade which is cool but also got to get my cousin ant up there - so that was nice - seated down so far nobody's with me but we just started morning I got operated which is always a plus we got to see our buddies from Delta that were there that we talked to all the time so that was nice say hi to Tony so getting ready to go and I on our breath our lovely [Music] thank you very much I'm a great mountain boy yeah [Music] Schuyler how was your flight all right on our way well we're we're gone we're going to a 1 and where are we so we got a little ways but good thing it's for 20 minutes early so that made it easier so we're in the airport walking sure now the kids are actually on their way to school with Grandma and Grandpa so we're giving them a call to say hey be good and stuff like that and we have deer for it so they feel better anyway so keep our walking gonorrhea [Music] so I just figured out why mark is a little down in the mouth this morning usually when they fly or in we get to go in through the terminal it's maybe got nerve to go and look at new jingles a new and now we're on the plane train my and right one so one thing I always do when I'm at the airport before I get on a plane is actually hit up the restroom because you never really know what you're gonna get when you get on the airplane when it comes to bathrooms sometimes they're perfectly fine sometimes they're perfectly disgusting so always hit the head before you go so we made our playing to Albuquerque nice I forgot about a three hour flight some more transport to get the siniface Oh [Music] we also have our ginger with my [Music] so we got off a plane and when I was getting the bag of the overhead compartment I grabbed Jocelyn's and it was nice and wet Johnson would you like to explain everything I swear the lid was tightly rolled but somehow my bag now has like eight ounces of water just dripping through it yep so see accents having everybody so we're here in Albuquerque and now we got to get to Santa Fe so they actually have a few options you can do over live they've got the shuttle there's also a train thing you can do but the train doesn't go from here you get to go into town and then get up from there so we're gonna take the quicker shuttle to get there just tennis a to help dry out her bag quicker there you go that's true and they have a dry heat here which everyone likes to tell you anyway hey I go to get our bags now so see we have misadventures - on our adventures now continuing with our good luck we were going to take the Sandia shuttle which is relatively quick but sadly no one's here to get tickets with them so we're just gonna take an uber which for two people is actually the same price for cheaper than taking the shuttle so we're just can do that it's what you got to do kind of roll with the punches when it happens just like when your water bottle exposed in your bag I love you too luckily we have a waterproof sport holder so we're having a nice ride on overdrive it's really pretty views here can't complain okay so we took it over because it's easier than the shuttle it is a little faster and it's about an hour to get here to our hotel and so we're ready to check-in and I am ready for now didn't sleep on the plane so I didn't sleep on the plane or the car ha fifteen minutes okay yep so we got checked in or hotel they were very nice and actually let us get into our room early so instead of waiting two or three hours to check in we got to come straight to our room I am NOT freshened up quite yet but uh she freshened up as usual she did leave quite a bit of makeup on my shirt where she wasn't sleeping on the plane the thing is is this is this is a typical cult kind of day traveling for us you know get up early in the morning her stuff right of the day before you know the night before it's it's sitting there ready to go the kids in their sleep run out the door yep come on grandpa Thanks yeah give the dog some love before we take off and then then we head out and it's just like everybody else there's not really anything different I think what everyone else goes through so if you're wondering how do they do it how we do it would you like you do just like you do so it's now noon so we started at 3 o'clock this morning around 3 o'clock this morning and it's now noon here in New Mexico so it's 1 there so since yeah so yeah so we've gotten all the way here just thought you would show you how it is I would see will film some videos here in New Mexico as for some you know fun stuff in Santa Fe and the good times will live here but I just wanted you to know so we try to vlog and see what it was like now you see how we don't fly because this is so what we thought we'd show you how this is a lot of people have asked and we'll probably one of these when we go with the kids one of these times that actually really does change things having the kids I mean the same basic stuff right but you know kids they always throw a monkey wrench in yeah and we'll do it and we'll do it one of our international trips I think we're going to France soon so we'll do that with them so you can kind of see what's alike for the International and I know it's a little bit different because one of the things we were since we're not we're still in the u.s. it was really a short flights and stuff like that was like there and no problem so three hours seems like nothing when you're used to 7 to 10 regularly it was like the first hour and a half flight we didn't notice and the airport Atlanta just grabbed by teeth and three hour flight like over there that's all it's kind of nice it maybe that's why I felt like I didn't sleep much because I'm used to having a lot longer sleep time yeah so anyway so I'm glad you guys so stuck around cos for us to drive around loggers yes I was stuck you loggers and we'll just get back to our normal videos where we have the tripod to me to show the b-roll and go through the loves hates shocks downs and all the good stuff about travels so see you later and bye from Santa
Channel: Wolters World
Views: 59,021
Rating: 4.9511232 out of 5
Keywords: travel, europe, mark wolters, wolters world, travel advice, tourist attractions, travel vlogger, honest travel, fat travel guy
Id: 2ni-10QqfoA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 52sec (892 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 05 2019
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