Our Trip To San Francisco | Travel Vlog

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[Applause] so we're here at the airport um waiting for our flight to go to san francisco this is caitlin's first time flying so that's pretty exciting we just ordered some food ordered a burger which order and some chicken fajitas um it is very different from the last time that i flew now that you know we got the pandemic going on i got to wear masks got to be cautious of what we touch and stuff so it's pretty exciting man can't wait to get in san francisco we do have a layover in los angeles for two hours i believe so that's a little unfortunate [Music] so [Music] [Applause] so [Music] los angeles had a uh hour and a half lay over here in los angeles we're about a fourth or second flight to san francisco how long does it flight one hour 19 minutes it's an hour and about 20 minutes just ready to get there [Music] we out here waiting for a bus [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm gonna give you a tour of the hotel room there's our king-sized bed our artsy artsy wall that's uh kingdom flesh in the toilet for tv i'm here to check check myself out let's see uh the restroom you're done see we're currently on our way to go eat some steak at this uh steakhouse it's about a seven minute walk so uh you know forgot how many hills there is in san francisco it's kind of a workout but i think we'll survive that's the devil's apartments i'm very excited to go get steak we haven't ate since like i don't know how to count because of the the time it was like 11 there wait like six hours ago pretty much longer than that because right now over there it's almost 10. i don't know i don't know it's been almost 12 hours i don't know how to math i don't know how to man we're on our way to go eat at this little italian restaurant here in san francisco we were going to eat steak but the place was ridiculously overpriced it's too fancy for us too fancy you know dress code acquired yeah dress code when we don't do none of that you know we just little hillbillies from texas in a big a big old city like san francisco yeah so pretty much every place we've tried to fly to eat uh is either temporarily closed we're closed for the night so we're on our way to uh to the cheesecake factory inside of macy's apparently it's really nice and really cool so we're about to go check it out and see see what that's about uh we're just pretty much we're starving right now so at this point we'll eat anything yeah we'll try again tomorrow try to find something local something we haven't had before so after going to the cheesecake factory there was like a three hour wait we decided to go somewhere else and eat uh this italian restaurant i'm over here losing my wife so we decided to eat at this italian restaurant it was quite nice you know inside it was nicely decorated it looked like a authentic italian restaurant um service was very very very wet very good very well um the food though was kind of uh for for the price and stuff uh it tastes like microwave italian food pretty much but uh we're here at 7-eleven now because pretty much everything was closed and uh we're gonna get some snacks go back to the hotel go to sleep and uh start tomorrow off it is uh saturday april 24th we're about to head out go get some breakfast and uh go exploring we're gonna turn up the next flight hello [Music] so [Music] move by the uber out here to chinatown [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] so we just made it out of chinatown and now we're here at pier 39 about to go explore a little bit and uh see what's what's all about uh so far it looks very beautiful and and you know it's very nice weather right now so not too hot not too cold perfect day to go exploring huh [Music] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] good morning good morning today is sunday april 25th we're still here in san francisco we're on our way to go pick up our rental car uh after that we're gonna go get some breakfast and then we're gonna be heading to the mirror woods it's one of the red forest redwood foresters here in san francisco uh and then after that we're gonna go explore a little more so the car rental place didn't work out so now we're currently on a mission to find a way to the mirror woods and then i'm gonna find a way back [Music] where are we going [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay so we couldn't find a rental car we couldn't find ubers to take us here and back so we ended up just running a u-haul truck which was our original plan but then we canceled the last minute and then last minute we got it again uh but we successfully made it to the mirror woods uh caitlyn almost had an anxiety attack coming up the mountains the roads are very steep and they are pretty scary but she survived barely [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] we just climbed the very steep and very high hill so we're pretty out of breath our bad our bad eating habits are starting to show now are you feeling back there [Music] still got a little ways to go we just started about 15 minutes ago so we'll let y'all know how the rest of the trip goes [Music] [Applause] [Applause] oh scary [Music] we're about 40 50 minutes in and we've been doing this for about two hours now all right see where the rest of this trail takes us [Music] so [Music] so [Music] we got about two hours into our hike just about two hours into our hike and uh parks closing here sometime soon as well as about about it getting dark out here so uh we're about to do this 50-minute hike back down no 50-minute hike back now and then and then head to the golden gate bridge to check that out [Music] made it at the mirror woods we're on our way to the golden gate bridge hopefully we can make it before sundown uh take a right we're on our way to the golden gate bridge trying to make it before sundown uh usually sunsets at eight o'clock uh it is currently 6 11. so we'll see if we can make it [Music] [Music] [Applause] so [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] how are you feeling i'm ready to go back home we were here back at the airport um about a flight our last last flight back to houston you know we had a good time but it's it's time to go see our babies so we got home yesterday around 7 30 we put the kids to bed and then we went back because we were we were extremely exhausted um i just wanted to touch on you know how the trip was and and you know my overall thoughts about it um it was pretty fun i'm not gonna lie me me and katelyn had a really good time we enjoyed our our stay in san francisco the only thing i do have to complain about is that because of the pandemic a lot of stores shops restaurants a lot of the things we wanted to do um were closed as well as transportation uh the shuttles that you know would have taken us to mere woods those were shut down and closed that's what we had to rent a u-haul and uh drive up to to the mirror woods so just plan it you know if you plan on going you know plan ahead um try to try to figure out you know alternatives for for vehicle vehicles and and transportation and whatnot but other than that man we had a really good time um my favorite part about the trip was definitely going to the muir woods as well as going up to the mountain that overlooks the san francisco golden gate bridge um but yeah we had a good time man and um if you want to see more videos like this make sure y'all subscribe like comment down below and uh i'll catch you guys next time
Channel: AfterHours Tv
Views: 2,350
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 57sec (1617 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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