San Francisco California Travel Guide 4K

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What's going on Island Hoppers?  today we're coming to you from   one of America's finest cities San  Francisco bay area let's do it.. as you could see the main  part of San Francisco city   actually sits on the west coast of  the bay on the San Francisco peninsula   so this area that i'm at now is called union  square it's actually an area where you can   get fine dining nightlife activity right  around this little square area right here what we're going to do in this travel  guide is show you around Chinatown   the painted sisters where many films were filmed  uh up in the classic area of San Francisco   we're gonna go down to fisherman's wharf we're  going to ride a ferry through golden gate   and the other bridge that crosses through  treasure island called the bay area bridge   a lot to see around san francisco san francisco is  an artistic city as you can see by this fountain   behind me quite a bit of intrinsic art but the  architecture the landmarks obviously we have   the golden gate bridge which we're going to  show you here later lombard street with the   way they did the landscaping but all over san  francisco you'll be constantly coming across   nice ark like this one here it's a fountain  called ruth asawa's san francisco fountain all right here we are at dragon's gate this  is actually the entrance into chinatown yeah as you can see we're walking up a hill this  is actually a minor hill compared to what you'll   actually get out here in san francisco we're  about to show you some more of these hills san   francisco is really a city built on the hillside  as we're just walking up here into chinatown   you guys notice that red stripe up and down  the hills here this is for the cable cars   the street cars they go up and down here we'll  actually show you guys what those cars look like so after the recent lockdown 70 percent of  chinatown has actually been affected and   shut down that means only 30 percent  of the businesses currently are open   hopefully it rebounds and comes back to  normal but the recent lockdowns did affect chinatown so here i got some singapore noodle with pork here we are on columbus and broadway  we're actually going to head back   towards downtown real quick and show  you the primerica building and another   building that's also worth checking  out when you come here it's photogenic here we are along columbus street if  you look right over here you'll see   this copper building that's  actually called the sentinel   right behind it is the primerica building  that's an iconic landmark here in san francisco as you can see here san francisco's  built on many different steep hills   that's why cable cars were so popular back in  the day could you fit your car in that garage all right here we are at the cable car   work center here they're actually going to start  resuming the cable car services up and down san   francisco hill in september not enough for you  tourists so come on out ride these street cars wow what we just saw was definitely a really good  insight into the cable cars like i said previously   they're going to open back up in september  let's go check out this cable car museum you can see how the mechanics on the system  actually works if you go right here you can see   the cable cars actually have no power so they're  towed along tracks on the street so they get towed   by these cables but there's no power but  the propulsion all come from the cables   right here you could see those big wheels  right there like luis was showing us up there   all right so now we're headed over to lombard  street just in case you guys wanted to actually   ride the cable car when you come out here they  say the most incredible intense like literally   a little bit of an adventure street hype street  so hyde that's the one you're going to want to   go on if you guys want to really test your  uh wits with that now lombard's going to be   uh the windiest road in the united states  maybe even the whole world let's go see   wow look at this view but more interesting is the  way people are parking that's like a 45 degree   angle if you look straight down there could  you make that parking job right there happen   you know it's interesting because we're on  top of russian hill in between russian hill   and nob hill and they've got skyscrapers  or high-rise buildings i should call them   all up and down here right up  on top of the mountain one here   over here they've got a couple really  amazing engineering to build san francisco as you can see right here on signal hill  you've got these old victorian homes these   really old designs they're still there in place  but look at how the houses are kind of stacked   as it angles and slopes down just in case you didn't know  right here put down the white claw   pick up a pitchfork i don't  know what's a pitchfork um yeah as you can see the cable car goes up and down  this street right here this is hyde street look at   going down right here would you imagine  riding a street car cable car up and down that all right guys here we are at the top of  lombard street we're gonna walk down show   you guys this little area please be respectful  of the homeowners though when you come here so   lombard street sits on russian hill neighborhood  in between hyde street and leavenworth so this   is actually the most crooked street in the  world with eight hairpin turns look at that just make sure the brakes on your  vehicle whether it be a motor scooter   or a van or who knows what you're  driving but make sure the brakes work all right now that we're done with lombard  street let's head down the hill here which   is easier going down than it is coming up  towards the actual fisherman's wharf and hop on   a san francisco bay cruise  under the golden gate bridge now when you're down in fisherman's wharf they do  have many restaurants but also they have the tour   that takes you out to alcatraz the rock the  old prison we elected not to do the tour of   alcatraz although many people do choose to do that  i prefer to go out to the golden gate bridge and   see the bay area bridge and we do go by alcatraz  we just don't go actually inside the prison we're doing a san francisco bay cruise they go  under the golden gate bridge back around alcatraz   treasure island the bay area bridge oh and they  got a beer bar wine whatever you need right here now when you are headed out to the golden gate  bridge on the way out there is strong winds   and the weather is very breezy and cool when  you're out there especially when you're heading   straight into the wind that channel there where  the golden gate bridge is is a cool breezy area it   might be 106 degrees in san jose or inland but you  go right through here and it's about 55-65 degrees   even though 20 miles inland it's 106 degrees  something about this golden gate bay area   bridge here always cold every time i go there so  try to bring a sweater or a jacket for this one now here's an interesting fact  about the golden gate bridge   it was actually supposed to be black and yellow   and the orange was just a primer but they  ended up deciding to leave it this primer color so as you can see we're going right past  alcatraz here and you'll notice something it says   indian land that's because this actually was  an indian reservation for native americans   before it became a prison and the native american  tribe is actually trying to reclaim alcatraz all right here we are going past treasure island   towards the bay area bridge as you can see  the bay area bridge connects with treasure   island and then there's another bridge  that connects it ultimately with oakland this bridge here is equally  unique as the golden gate bridge   it just crosses right through the middle  of the bay so it's not as windy and   breezy because it's protected by the big  buildings and the city of san francisco   and if this is your first time to island opera  tv you can like the video if you're enjoying it   subscribe to the channel and turn on the bell to  get notified every time we make a travel guide after an awesome cruise through the san  francisco bay let's get some food it's lunch time   place we're eating out here is called the  franciscan look at this they have binoculars you can see those sailboats out there   yeah i got some crab cakes i thought they would give like some  sort of sauce but i guess not let's see let's take you for a stroll through these  shops down here at fisherman's wharf all   types of different souvenirs and apparel  for you to pick up about san francisco   and northern california also known as norcal   yeah here we are at the san francisco  maritime area this historic park right   here but there's also up here called the  hyde street pier let's go take a look   where we're standing right now was actually  a military base during world war ii this is   where over one million u.s service members passed  through this pier from fisherman's wharf pier 39   all the way towards the presidio so this was a big  military base during world war ii nowadays come   here and check out the history it's totally closed  down it's now been turned into museums and other   things that are way less intense than military  activity but this right here is known as the presidio nowadays hyde street pier is actually a boat  museum which is what the national museum   or monument here landmark is all about uh you  could see a variety of different boats this   big bertha right here northwestern pacific  look at how big that boat is made of wood   uh you have this big behemoth of a boat  right here most of these boats would do   a variety of different activities  everything from whaling fishing up in alaska   so between san francisco uh portland even eureka  then you go north you go into seattle puget sound   and then all the way up into alaska there's a big  northwestern uh maritime influence in this area   really interesting if you guys are interested  in learning more about that right here hmm here's something interesting the head  which is also known as the bathroom   so on the boat they call a bathroom the head  because a lot of people want to know about   sanitation out at sea well i'll tell you why they  call it the head because at the head of the boat   they would have a hole carved out in the wood  where sailors could actually just you know   drop their stuff right into the ocean  that's why they call it the head of the boat   hey and while we're over here why don't  we go check out the juradelli chocolate factory so look at all that creamy chocolatey  goodness let's go see what they got in there so and here we are at the palace of fine arts   this was built in 1915 reconstructed  in the 60s let's go take a look the palace of fine arts was actually  built in 1915 for the panama pacific   x position right behind me here is the  lagoon this actually used to be a tidal   wetland and they incorporated into  the exposition let's go take a look so here we are at chrissy field beach as you can see  behind me lots of kite surfers up and down here san francisco bay has known the world over for  its windy environment that sailors with sailboats   and kite surfers absolutely love all right so here we are at the  san francisco botanical garden the area that we're in at the botanical garden  is actually in the golden gate park which is   one of the largest urban parks in all of  america depending on who you ask they'll   say it's bigger than central park depending  on who you ask they'll say the one in new   york's a little bit bigger i think the one in  new york is a little bit bigger than this one   but to get into this botanical garden  that we're at here nine dollars   i don't think it's necessary if you come  here to necessarily come to the botanical   garden though unless you really want to  see a variety of different flora and fauna they do have some wild coyotes in here wiley  coyote now when it's pupping season like it is   now here in june uh they may be a little  bit more protective of their young but   for the most part nothing to worry about  with coyotes but it's kind of cool to see them here in golden gate park we're near  two museums with the planetarium   which we'll be showing you here  momentarily but right behind us   here is the music concourse they've  got actually a live band up there now so here behind me we have the california  academy of sciences this is a great   museum they got a planetary planetarium inside  there and lots of different things for the kids   to see if you go right over here we have the  new ferris wheel that they've actually installed lots of people lining up to the sky store if you guys like flowers you can come over  here to the conservatory of flowers right here all right now we finally made it to  the hate and ashbury neighborhood   cape nashbury is a actual intersection so what  we're coming up to right now walking here is hate   and we will be intersecting with ashbury  probably in the next five to ten minutes so this area here is hayden  ashbury it's a corner intersection   this is where the 1960s counter  culture movement originated here   in the united states but most of the time if  you want nightlife or entertainment go down parties whatever you need and we make all the  clothes by the way and you say we could go in   there with the camera yeah we're gonna go check  out this really cool store here called piedmont   so the reason why you want to come to piedmont  it's actually known as the most outrageous   shopping experience in all of san francisco would  you guys wear this to burning man or what yes yes   there you go now how trippy is this shirt  it's like what the heck is going on here   now that is cool you know i like to have fun in  life and sometimes wearing something like this   you know every once in a while can  make you feel young again i'm only 38. with the black light effect what do you guys  think this one or the other one you tell me long story short yes i did get this and  what i really like about it is the fabric   it's italian fabric and then the colors  they make it fun so comfort i mean the   fabric is the best fabric i've ever felt  on my on my uh you know that i've ever worn   all right here we are at alamo square right here  you have the painted ladies classic victorian   style homes right here actually several cities  across america have painted ladies including   charleston and other towns but this is san  francisco's versions at the alamo square here we are on market street one of the main  drags up and down san francisco peninsula here   so we're going to show you guys around and then  we'll talk about what san francisco is known for   san francisco does have an efficient metro  system known as bart bay area rapid transit   right here is cal street station   here we are in front of one of the oldest  wells fargo banks in all the country   as you guys know wells fargo comes from san  francisco when the 1849 gold rush happened   also known as the 49ers when they came west to go  mine gold in the sierra nevadas wells fargo set   up a banking depository this is one of the oldest  banks in the country right here on market street san francisco is known for many things including  sourdough bread right rolling steep hills with fog   rolling over them it's also a tourist hub lombard  street alcatraz prison which is in the middle   of san francisco bay the old gold rush actually  burned down before let's keep this tour rolling just real quick before we get started on that i  want to touch on the fire it was actually caused   by an earthquake in 1906 most of san francisco  peninsula had burned down this building is   dedicated to william randolph first he was one of  the first newspaper publishers world famous man   right here in san francisco he's also known for  a lot of the modern journalism that we see today san francisco was established  in 1776 believe it or not it was   the biggest city on the west coast  and it is actually named after   saint francis of assisi so san francisco mission  was named after that man saint francis of assisi san francisco is actually the 12th  largest city in the united states   in terms of metropolitan area which includes  the san francisco bay area of oakland san jose   san francisco and surrounding areas but if you  include just san francisco in and of itself   866 000 people just under a million  people live here in san francisco if you look right behind me  you can hear the bell tower   for the port of san francisco let's go take a look where we're at now is actually the market but  because it's after hours most of these buildings   and establishments the restaurants are closed  but right here is the terminal for the ferry   and the market right now we're walking  out here we're going to see the bay area bridge   being that this is a ferry terminal you can see  the golden state ferry bay area bridge there's   a couple islands that you go across in order  to go over there it's actually a toll bridge right along here next to the marketplace  if you start going towards the   fisherman's wharf it's called the  embarcadero many piers along here   starting out at pier one you may  have already heard of pier 39   but let's start walking towards the actual  fisherman's wharf from here at the marketplace san francisco is actually one of america's most  diverse cities the whole metro area has many   different cultures coming together under this  big giant metropolis but it didn't just begin   with this generation where it was so diverse and  multicultural as you can see right here a steamer   that used to go in between san francisco bay and  yokohama and japan but also there was many chinese   that were established here and other immigrants  that came over to san francisco to mine gold   when they had the california gold rush as you  know we're the california this state right here   is the golden state named after all the gold  they extracted from here in san francisco   was the hub for everything that was coming out  of the golden state here san francisco right here if you look right behind me you can see  coit tower right there is pioneer park   that's actually an area where  you have a big lookout tower 360   degrees around san francisco you can  actually go up there there's a park so here we are at pier 39 this actually is  where the aquarium of the bay is right now   we're here after hours but now we're going  to walk down towards fisherman's wharf if you look right behind me here you could  see sea lions barking and kind of hanging   out playing along these wooden docks  right here let's go take a look up close right here where the sea lions are you  can hear them barking just behind me   you can see alcatraz beautiful sunset right now   and then if you look way off in the  distance way over here golden gate bridge so we're gonna get some food here at  the italian restaurant on pier 39. so so i got a mango margarita house salad  i've got some crab coming out along with clam chowder this crab is why i'm wearing  this goofy dip protecting my jacket here oh man that is buttery let's see all right now for dessert  clam chowder in a bread bowl all right everybody thanks for watching this  episode of island hopper tv from san francisco   hope you guys enjoyed it and  we'll see you on the next one
Channel: Island Hopper TV
Views: 278,073
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4K, Walking Tour, Virtual Tour, Travel, Vacation, Go Pro Vlog, Travel Guide, San Francisco, sf california, SF, Golden Gate Bridge, Bay Area, Oakland, haight and ashbury, Alcatraz, fisherman's wharf, Things to Do, Things to do SF, things to do san francisco, San Fran
Id: UtC8_MOlqV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 7sec (3067 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 22 2021
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