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Hello guys and welcome to Til Vacuum Do Us Part  if you're new here my name is Ashley welcome   today I'm going to be sharing tips on how I keep  a clean house so I always get told I'm cleaning a   clean house but the only reason it stays clean  is because I have a lot of tips and a lot of   routines that actually work so if you're looking  to like get your house under control and you want   to have that calming place to come home to at  the end of the day I definitely have the tips   that I've been using for years that I swear that  work um I feel like it's been a while since I've   posted a video like this so I wanted to go ahead  and renew it update it here in the house but full   disclaimer it's a lot of the same things they just  work they just do so if you're new here go ahead   and click that red subscribe button down below  and let's jump straight into these [Music] tips   the first thing I always always mention almost  in every cleaning video in every hacks video   tips video every time I'm trying to help you guys  out I always start off with make your bed daily I   know it seems like something so small but it's  really not it really just sets the tone for the   rest of the day um my mom always had to make her  bed growing up because my grandpa made her and so   she always taught me and my sister to do it and  I'm not going to lie like the first month I went   off to college I was like I'm not making my bed  and I'm not opening up my blinds and it was like   a few months in and I realized I had been doing  it every day like I made a point not to do it but   then once I stopped thinking about it I just woke  up and did it cuz it was so just like embedded   in my brain but it really does make a difference  it keeps you out of it um there's very very very   few days that I don't make my bed and the days I  do that I feel like I can just crawl right back   into it I'm not as productive I don't get as much  done I like getting into a made bed like I said   it just starts off your day on the right foot so  if you haven't tried this try it for a week and   just see what you think I've already kind of  mentioned this next one in my last point but   open up your blinds your curtains it doesn't have  to be like your windows but get that fresh Light   inside that's going to be another thing that  keeps you productive and keeps you out of your   bed if you have this like dark cozy room with an  unmade bed chances are you're just going to crawl   back into it now if you're needing a lazy day go  for it enjoy it turn on the TV read a good book   whatever but nine times out of 10 we need to get  stuff done we have busy schedules we have stuff   around the house we have work wake up get that bed  made open up your curtains or your blinds and you   can choose the order of this just depending on  your schedule if you go to work really early you   could as soon as you step out of your bed make it  open your blinds i t tend to like get up get ready   and then I come back and like make my bed open  up the curtains all that and then as I make my   way through the space I do it in the other spaces  you can definitely adjust it just make sure it's   done before lunchtime the next tip is to clean  your bathroom weekly and it really does make a   difference I feel like sometimes when you just let  your spaces get out of control it becomes like a   weekend project instead of like a 10 to 20 minute  like tidy up so clean that shower and those sinks   mirror your countertops definitely at least do it  weekly you could do it more often I will say daily   there is a tidy up like when I'm done putting on  my makeup I put those items away when I'm done   like doing my hair I put that away so definitely  like tidy as you go but as far as those cleanings   make sure you at least clean your sink out um  the toilet the shower all that weekly and then   it prevents it from like getting out of control  looking gross and then you spending the entire   weekend scrubbing it let's talk about laundry cuz  it can be overwhelming it can end up in piles and   messes and all of that and it's really about just  coming up with a good routine or good system that   works so for me doing one load a day is really  helpful now I will say occasionally there's a   day where I don't have to do any there may be a  day where I have to do two or three cuz I'm like   getting all the sheets done in our house that is  something I like to do too I kind of didn't talk   about that during making the bed is wash your  sheets once a week and you're going to sleep so   much better if you can't swing that at least do it  like every 2 weeks but doing one load of laundry a   day has been so beneficial for us I start in the  morning I move it over in the afternoon and then   I fold it before bed and you have to put it away  you can't just put it in the basket put it on the   kitchen table put it on the countertops put it  on your bed get it done immediately otherwise   it's just going to sit there and it's going to  pile up no one just like loves doing laundry but   definitely the faster you can get it done then  you don't have to think about it you don't have   to move it before before bed as soon as that  dryer goes off or whenever you get home fold   it and put it away another tip when it comes to  laundry is your kids can help you as they get   older they can help you Savannah's almost 14 years  old when her hamper gets full or she needs laundry   done she brings it puts it in front of my washer  that way when I go in there I know it needs to   be done I wash it I dry it I kind of sort it and  like neatly put it back in her um laundry hamper   and then I go set it in her room and she will put  everything away for herself I kind of do the same   thing with Chase's laundry now ours goes into  like the same bins but I'll fold all of our stuff   sort it and then I put my items away he puts his  away you guys it's a family everyone can help out   it doesn't all have to be mom so definitely just  like tackle it together maybe you have a mountain   of laundry that needs to be folded and put away  like grab everybody set a timer do something to   make it fun turn on music turn on a show just  kind of speed up the process and just get it   done the next tip tip that I have is something  I've been doing for years and I feel like it's   the game Cher out of all of them and it's the one  touch roll so when I have something that needs to   be put away I don't just move it to the next space  and then put it away later um so like say we come   in and we put all of our like Walmart sacks on  the countertop so we can like sort through them   put the food away you know put the beauty products  away try not to just move them around like as soon   as you pick up a product immediately put it in its  space and that's kind of leads me into another tip   is everything should have a home if it doesn't  have a home then you need to declutter your house   like everything in your space or in your house  should have a home otherwise you have too much   stuff so make sure you declutter keep the things  you love keep the things you're using get rid of   those items that you're not so then when it comes  time to tidy up everyone knows where things belong   you're not just moving it from the kitchen to  the table to the kids room room to the bedroom   whatever it is everything should have a home that  way when you pick those up and you're like these   are my shoes I know right where they go on my  shelf maybe it's like beauty products cleaning   products everything should have a home and it  should be the one touch rule so when you come   into your house you should have a spot to hang  your purse you should have a spot to put your   shoes maybe it's your keys or your wallet little  things like that don't just like come home and   like drop everything when you first walk in the  door have a system set in place with your kids   with your husbands with yourself otherwise you're  going to come in you're going to drop everything   on the floor it's going to stay there then it  just piles up versus doing that OneTouch Rule   and then again everything should have a home now  that you have those countertops cleared cuz you've   put everything away it's in its home everything  has a spot um I think something you should be   doing daily is cleaning those countertops so I  probably do mine two to three times a day I like   them super clean I don't like crumbs on them I  don't like dust um I like just getting things   wiped off I like to do it in the morning I like to  do it after lunch and then obviously after dinner   and when I say countertops I kind of mean most  of those surfaces like so even like our dining   room table because if we've prepared food in their  kitchen we're probably eating at the table so just   getting all those wiped down it never takes long  to do and then your kitchen smells fresh and then   if you have clean countertops you really don't  want to fill them back up with other items so   when something does come in and gets dropped there  you can just put it away immediately because you   want that space nice and clear so just having  little you know systems like that in place um   really help maintain your house now at first  it's going to take a while to get it down but   once it's a routine I don't even think about  it like my house just stays clean and I know   I'm cleaning it but it doesn't feel like I am  because I just have those systems in place those   routines in place I don't even think about it I  just put things away immediately I wipe things   down and then it's just always staying clean this  next one doesn't have to be done like often or   daily this is just like personal preference but  I want to show you my sectional before like when   people have been sitting on it we watch TV in the  evenings I always have a blanket like the corner   is my section I love that um plus our sectionals  very cozy so it can look frumpy very very easily   so if you're wanting your space to look clean just  taking a few minutes and fluffing everything up is   already going to help the space it's going to make  it feel cleaner it's going to look cleaner and all   you did was fluff pillows so once again this is  something I do daily maybe even multiple times a   day but it doesn't have to get done but if you're  wanting that clean look maybe you're having people   over or you're taking pictures something like that  just taking a few moments to like fixing the seat   cushion the back cushion um fluffing up like the  decor accent pillows and then you know throw the   blanket on it real pretty um just a little tip if  you have like down feathered um like cushions no   matter what type of cushion or pillow you have it  really does help to turn it upside down bead on it   and then I flip it like on its back and kind of  like flatten it out and then obviously you guys   know I like to do the karate chop you don't have  to do that but just fluffing it from the bottom   really does give it life it like plumps it up and  makes it look new and fresh again and then you see   the after of it and you can tell like I changed  nothing other than I was beating some cions around   and look how much better it looks this is another  small one but just changing out your hand towel   so do this at least once a week I feel like in my  bathroom I'm always washing my face and cleaning   my hands I feel like I change mine out daily  or every other day now Chase on his side I feel   like his sink doesn't get used as much so he may  go every 3 to four days but definitely in those   guest bathrooms maybe your kitchen places that  are really getting used I mean it should be often   but at the very least make sure you're washing  those once a week so they're nice and clean like   I said I do mine more often but when you walk into  a space and you see a dirty hand tow it's going to   make the space just feel gross and dirty versus  just taking a few minutes switching it out when   that looks clean everything else looks clean it's  easy it's simple doesn't take long to do so just   make sure those hand towels are staying clean I  think a really underrated chore that people don't   like to do and they don't think it matters are our  floors I feel like you can clean your entire house   you can have fresh hand tows and a fresh sofa  with fresh pillows and fresh countertops but if   your floors are just dirty if your carpets don't  have vacuum lines in them and you can see crumbs   and dog hair and all the things in them nothing  else is going to feel clean plus I feel like when   you clean your floors it just changes the smell of  the house it's going to smell clean you smell the   product you use on like your hard servfaces you  can put um like scent bead boosters like on your   rug and vacuum it up while you're vacuuming the  rug your house is going to smell so much better   it's going to look cleaner try it sometime like  don't even clean your house but just like vacuum   your floors and your rugs and off and I promise  you it already just smells and cleans better plus   there's more of a shine to it if you have like a  wood floor or a tile you can just feel and smell   the cleanness and I know it takes a little bit of  work um so you have to have a system I like to do   mine daily like I vacuum every single day I may  mop every other day I like to do it every every   single day sometimes it gets busy um there's so  many great products out on the market I talk about   them all the time here on my channel I have this  like wet vacuum mop but it like vacuums and mops   at the same time so I can get all of that done if  I have to like vacuum my entire house and then mop   my entire house I would not have time to do that  every single day but since like it's all in one I   can speed through my house and get it done um if  you can't do this daily cuz I get like lives busy   at least do it weekly you definitely make time to  clean your house if you will just maintain it then   you're just going to spend a little bit of time  every single day cleaning it which becomes like   a habit over time versus like oh my gosh it's the  weekend and we have to scrub our entire house cuz   it's so dirty and people are coming over but it's  a beautiful weekend don't get to that point clean   it before it gets to that point clean it before  it takes you hours do it while it only takes you   a few minutes and that's how we live our life  here and so I know you guys are always saying   we're cleaning a clean house we clean it but it  gets dirty it gets dirty we're just maintaining   it as we go so then I can just rinse out the  sink like spray something in it and rinse it   out versus half and like scrub so hard because  there's been dishes in it for a week and it's   nasty and it's got stains and smells we just try  to prevent anything like that happening because I   don't love getting on my hands and knees and like  scrubbing the shower floors and scrubbing tops so   if I can just spray something wipe it down rinse  it I will choose that any day over like weekends   scrubbing I could honestly go on and on and on  but I feel like those are like my top things   like make your bed open your curtains clean your  floors fluff your pillows clean your bathrooms   weekly switch out those hand towels just getting a  little system like that in place can really change   the game in your house so don't try to do all of  these at once maybe just start with one and add as   you go so maybe you haven't been making your bets  so start there be like tomorrow I'm going to wake   up and I'm going to make my bed before I go to  work and then once you do that for a few days be   like okay now I'm going to open my blinds do that  and just kind of start adding on those chores and   before long you're going to be hitting all of the  these and not even thinking about it you're going   to come home from work and be like wow my house is  so clean and I feel like I never clean it and it's   just all about having systems in place so if you  love this style video definitely let me know Down   Below in the comment section give it a thumbs up  so I know to continue to like add videos like this   I will say I have lots of routine videos um posted  I will do more with the seasons changing but I   like to put up like morning routines and nighttime  routines so you can see my cleaning schedule when   I do deeper cleans um another thing I like to do  a few times a week I'll just throw one more bonus   thing in there is like I try to throw in one extra  thing so like try to declutter something or work   on a space or maybe there's like a spot on the  floor that has something sticky on it and you   keep walking over avoiding it once or twice a week  try to take a moment just to work on little things   like that so you're not neglecting different  areas but I promise you guys it's not overwhelming   it may seem like like it but if you just start  slowly adding on it doesn't feel like much and   I feel like I'm always in a clean house and I can  maintain it easily so thank you guys so much for   being here I hope you enjoyed this video thank you  if you made it to this point of the video it helps   me out so much I hope you guys have a wonderful  week and I will see you in the next one [Music] bye [Music] cuz all you got to smash like subscribe
Channel: Til Vacuum Do Us Part
Views: 166,769
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 10 MUST KNOW TIPS FOR A CLEAN HOUSE, BIGGEST TIPS TO KEEP A CLEAN HOME, HOW TO HAVE A CLEAN HOME, til vacuum do us part, 10 must know tips for a clean home, how to keep a clean home, how to have a clean house, need to know tips for a clean home, homemaking with me 2023, 2023 homemaking with me, 2023 need to know tips for a clean home, cleaning tips 2023, 2023 cleaning tips, need to know cleaning tips, must know cleaning tips, 10 tips for a clean home, how i keep my home clean
Id: AP-xN0HVnCc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 01 2023
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