OUR POSITIVE BIRTH STORY *Natural & Unmedicated* First Time Parents!

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[Music] all right ready you ready for mommy to tell you your birthday story and how you came hey health nuts welcome back to my channel someone has the hiccups um in case you are new here i'm now a mom it's so crazy still to say and this is i feel like my turtleneck is like blocking my view of her i'm not used to wearing anything but pajamas this is miss sage chloe gonsalves which we are going to talk about later in the video why her last name is gonsalves because we didn't address that in like the whole meet the baby video and we'll talk about that i'm gonna bring in matt later aka daddy say just daddy um into the video because there's a lot of parts to the birth story that i kind of forget like timelines and maybe some details and i think matt who wasn't in excruciating pain trying to push out a baby will probably remember a little bit more right so first off crazy i'm sure by now you guys have seen the official birth vlog which was the most intense real raw video i cannot believe i put out onto the internet but you know what those videos really helped me when i was getting ready to have a child even before being pregnant i watched those a lot i found them really interesting just to see real everyday people going through the steps and motions of birth and it's so crazy but also like very interesting to me so hopefully you guys enjoyed that video i don't know is it an enjoyable video it's definitely like an intense video so anyways i will link that i have a whole like pregnancy playlist i will link down below in the info box if you guys want to check that out basically from when i found out i was pregnant to when sage came out of my body okay we'll leave her in the video while she's happy but if she gets cranky i'll i'll give her to daddy so basically my contraction started on the saturday november 7th she was born november 8th at 1 26 a.m and to be honest i woke up that saturday thinking like nothing nothing was gonna happen i woke up it was like five or six in the morning and i was starting to have like some cramping i think it was waking me up a bit because i couldn't sleep so i just got up and decided to run myself a bath i ended up being in the bath for like two hours and i talked about this in my birth vlog but i was in the bath for two hours on and off contractions well at that point i didn't even know what they were i thought is this early labor is this just like cramping i have no idea because as a new mom and going through labor for the first time you second guess everything like nothing is normal you don't know what is what or if you are experiencing what you think you're experiencing i was now that i now i know i was having early labor contractions they were about 20 30 minutes apart they were irregular and they were lasting about 30 to 45 seconds and they were just like uncomfortable like period cramps like i get really intense period cramps as i mentioned in that video so for me it wasn't anything like unbearable it was just like more like achy like ugh this is annoying and they would come and they would go sometimes it would be like every other one would get more intense that i had to breathe through a little bit but nothing like like you see in the movies you know was not at that stage at all and i've heard from my doula that the early labor because there's like three stages of labor there's early labor active labor labor and then like the pushing labor from my understanding i'm not a doctor one thing looking back on i'm so grateful we did is while we were having breakfast this morning matt had put on a video that our midwife sent us and it was called like how to push a baby out and it was all my like to-do list to watch and i just never got around to it so that morning that i gave birth i watched this and matt made me watch it like three times he was like or maybe more he was like watch it again watch it again and like practice it it was basically like breathing techniques on how to physically push your baby out and that video saved my life like honestly that is how i pushed her out so quickly which we'll get to but i just really wanted to mention that video and i'm by the way i'm gonna have like a whole kind of like recap of my birth story on the blog so i will link any resources and stuff that really helped me prepare so if you guys are pregnant and about to give birth that you can maybe reference it and just have some peace of mind for some things that can help you out in the process in terms of our birth plan i use quotations because you never it's like a plan it's really just a i think in hypnobirthing they call it a birth goal is that what they call it matt a birth goal in hypno i think it's called like a birth goal and it's basically you just write out your kind of ideal scenario of what is going to go down things also too that you may want because when you're actually in labor it's really hard to make decisions just there's a lot going on you may be in a lot of pain and it's hard just to be in the mind frame of making a decision um so it's good to kind of prep that stuff ahead like do you want an epidural do you want um i might even share our birth plan actually on the blog post because i find it might be interesting if you guys want to know what was on there i'm totally open to that i will post that on the blog post to give you guys an idea of what a birth plan is it's a super simple like one pager of like what you think your plan is gonna be so our plan is was basically you know labor at home for as long as possible and then go to the hospital so in theory that is what happened we were able to have our doula and our midwife here at the house and then head to the hospital like at the very last minute we did for a little bit just like contemplate on a home birth just because of how things are right now and we knew we couldn't have the doula at the hospital our midwives could come um but not the doula only matt it was like either the doula or matt could come and obviously i picked daddy so and at that point matt could still come into the room if you couldn't i probably would have really wanted a home birth so that was the plan and i was like in terms of an epidural i was always on the fence about it i honestly just thought i don't know if i'd be able to go through it without any drugs so i was never like against drugs and i am still not against drugs i'm like you do what you want to do i was just like i'm open to both i'm no hero it's you don't want to meddle if you don't take the epidural to have a baby you have to do what feels right to you and i just kind of want to play by ear and see like how painful are these contractions oh i wish i could tell past nicole when she would say that and like oh you don't even know what you're gonna get into so that was our plan going into everything so i heard that like early labor can last like up to three days it can kind of just be that same thing like on and off cramping all that so i had no idea like was that gonna be the night that sage comes and i was just kind of like going about my day not really knowing what was going to happen matt came into the bathroom probably around like i don't know 8 a.m um i honestly can't remember how long i was in there for but he was just checking in on me asking how it's feeling and um yeah i just kind of told him what's happening he's like on and off contractions didn't really know what was up we ended up just messaging our doula that morning and i have the the text messages i'll put on the screen and i think i just said like hey i'm kind of feeling a little bit crampy um this is their on and off and just to give her an update because she's like the first person i need to tell like if i thought i was experiencing any pre-labor feelings so she basically just said you know chill relax let me know if they start getting closer together we just had a super chill day i wrote some notes so like i don't forget i will mention that a few days i think the wednesday before i did see my midwife and she measured me and i was three centimeters dilated that being said it's quite normal you can be like four centimeters dilated and doesn't mean like you're gonna go into labor right away and honestly i can't even remember when i lost my mucus plug i feel like it was on the saturday that i kind of forget and if you don't know what a mucus plug is i don't know if you should google it but you will if you're pregnant we went for a walk with cashew all insert like an instagram story i went a vest in the park that morning and i i think i talked to like my mom and my aunt and my sister that day um but i just and even my best friend but i just was kind of like oh yeah i'm just feeling achy like i didn't tell everyone anyone that i thought i was going into labor uh yeah what else did we do we went like got at the car wash we went to costco and got like decorations for uh christmas like it was such a weird chill day i was in costco having contractions those were getting a little bit more like strong coming on and we were tracking it so we're out all day i was just keeping busy and then by time we got home it was probably i want to say like 6 30 and we just decided like oh which this was like the worst decision do not eat pizza if you think you're going into labor it was the worst idea ever but we just decided to throw in this like mushroom cheese pizza and decided to make granola bars which two batches of granola bars you know i don't know why we thought this is a good idea but in hindsight it did really help like have something to focus on instead of what was about to come so at this point it was like 6 30 and jess or doula was just kind of contacting me throughout the day asking if there was any progress and it was the same thing i was actually getting a little discouraged because i was still like the 20 minute it sometimes would be like a little less than 20 minutes was around like every 20 minutes 30 to 40 second contractions and it was just getting a little like disappointing i thought maybe she's not gonna come tonight because let me tell you i was in the zone i was ready to push a baby out that night like it wasn't like oh okay maybe next i wasn't trying to delay i was like i'm ready i slept i had a nap i feel good i feel calm let's do this so when i caught she ended up calling me and she said okay so you know um things may not progress uh why don't you guys just have a chill night eat an early dinner and go to bed and get some rest because you'll need it tomorrow if she comes and maybe i'll come in the morning and do some induction acupuncture on you so i was a little bit defeated at this point because i just thought all day i'm thinking we're gonna need our baby girl we're gonna meet sage tonight and she was not ready to come yet or so we thought so we were like is there anything that we can do to help speed things up because like matt was fine having another good night's sleep i was ready guys to get this baby out i was trying to get uncomfortable we were four days past our due date and i was just ready so she ends up telling us to do the stretches from this website called spinning babies and they were called i wrote them down here she told us to do leaning inversions and side lying also doing lunges and kind of alternating those all during contractions and i will link that website and the exercises that we did in the blog post but they were the simplest exercises we did the inversion one once she said it's kind of like you're doing a nosedive push-up off of the couch it's hard to do when you're nine months pregnant and then the other ones you do with your partner the side laying and matt was like pushing we didn't film any of this but it was him pushing on my hips while i kind of lifted my side leg and there's a whole tutorial on the spinning baby's website they were simple exercises nothing that i thought was actually going to do anything next minute we were going from like 20 minute uh intervals to like 10. i actually ended up texting jess at 7 41 and i basically said contractions are starting to pick up every seven to ten minutes and my pain level was like a five to six so it was slowly increasing because before then i think i told her like oh they're like a four um i they maybe a five like i was second guessing myself in the pain level but they were once we did those um stretches they were increasing and definitely getting more painful in the birth blog you would have seen uh we're still making these granola bars these famous granola bars and i was starting to like lean on the counter and breathe through them matt would come do these hip squeezes which were the best thing ever i basically had to have that every single time i was having a contraction because it just really helped i guess like offset the pain or redirect the pain i don't or the pressure and because i was getting it a lot like in my hips and throughout my uh front before we did the pushes before we did the exercises i was getting a lot of um like bum achingness and i guess that could turn into back labor so at this point i tell jess and she's like okay so i'm gonna have a quick nap because i think she knew it's gonna be a long night that most likely baby's coming she said message me um as soon as they get any shorter so you know i thought okay we have some time like let's finish making these damn granola bars and you know matt at this point was like stress cleaning in between in between contractions which was really funny to see to look back on in the vlog and we didn't really know what to expect we just thought okay like things are picking up and we'll we still have time like what do we what else do we have to put in the hospital bag all that stuff uh all those last-minute things that you leave till the end we were doing at that point okay so i'm going to bring that in we're going to bring daddy in okay okay and finish and finish telling the story get some pens all right we got the other half now i'm here ready to go takes two to tango takes two to make a baby yeah literally and in long nine months yes so um yeah i want to bring matt into this video because he was obviously not only a big part of making sage oh was that cashew it's okay it's fine oh sorry cashew just hit the tripod obviously matt was a big part of bringing sage into the world not only for the making of her but also the the birth like you were so involved though matt like i don't think i tried i think i tried my i think i tried my best i guess like my thought was just um the easier it is for you and the more comfortable you are likely the easier and more comfortable be for me as well so it's just that bit of that mind frame it's like oh if i make it nice and and as enjoyable as as possible and you're as comfortable as possible i feel like it was gonna also make me feel more comfortable so you're being selfish um i think i was just being strategic right i was just thinking like okay if it's good for you it's good for me it's good for sage it's good for you know everyone involved so just do my part to try to make things um yeah as smooth as possible and i think you mentioned this lots of times like obviously like i was the only one that could go through the birthing process so i think you you said many times like i just want to do my part and do what i can to support you because like obviously like there's only so much like you can do so being a support person obviously was a huge help throughout the process so basically we left off or i left off at the part where we were making granola bars no it's like a running joke you're gonna say we left off at the part where we were making babies no we were making granola bars and yes i messaged jess and said that like instructions we did those exercises i messaged jess said they're now like 10 minutes apart pain level like five to six and things are getting intense quickly yeah i mean once we started doing that stretching i mean i feel like it just escalated from being sporadic um what are they called contractions sporadic contractions forgotten already yeah it's like it was like very sporadic just like it could be at 20 minutes could be 15 could be two is very all over the place and i think once we started doing those the exercises the stretching is just like shortly after it was just like every eight minutes or whatever and you it went from uh you know like a seven or like a five pain to like an eight to a nine very quickly yeah like a rap yeah because i messaged her at 7 41 and when do you think i was i was probably in full full-on active labor what i like nine so i'd messaged her to say that the pain was an eight at nine o'clock p.m yeah so around 9 10 she said okay i'm going to get dressed and i'm on my way after the contractions were going much quicker and more intense like i called to do that like 9 10 um and she's like okay i'm on my way and then i message chloe as i come pick up cashew and she came over shortly after that and then i think the doula it took her took her probably a good at least 30 to 40 minutes to get there because she doesn't live in our town and she i remember chloe got here and chloe's like i'm having contractions chloe's just like cuddling with cashew asking me like so how painful is it by the time jess got here like the doula it was maybe like 9 50 let's just say and she wasn't here that long she's only here like 15 maybe 20 minutes max when she's like we should call the midwife because i can see here like we called the midwife at 1007 from my phone and i think same thing the midwife uh it took her probably i think by the time the midwife guy here was close to like 11 it's pretty close to like 11 because they weren't here very long like i think in total like the doula was here for like an hour and 15 minutes hour and a half let's just say she was here for like three hours like an hour hour and a half so when jess actually got there i was in the tub at this point and things were that was definitely helping with pain and matt was just pressing on my hips every time i was having contractions well i think at that point she was because she was in the bathroom with you so you but you guys swapped a little bit yeah matt was doing it before because i was getting to the point where i would start to like before just got there i was like at the point of like i'd be tearing up during the contractions because they were getting really intense almost like when at the time i'm trying to like clean up the dishes and stuff too a little bit in between finish packing the hospital make sure everything's ready to go somebody's happening tonight so i just wanted to say um before you talk about the midwife so uh once the doula got there basically um she was in the bathroom with me for a bit we dim the lights we had soft music playing um oh i was sniffing peppermint oil a lot because i was feeling so nauseous remember that pizza let's let's like rewind that pizza that we had like a little like frozen pizza for dinner just because it was an idea time was a ticking and it was quick and easy to throw in that's why we thought oh it's light it was like one of those like thin crust pizzas and then jess was like oh but she told me i always said do not eat the pizza yeah yeah i constantly in hindsight yeah i think it's what we had it was quick yeah right so i i thought i was going to throw up we had brought in a bowl in the bathroom we had the peppermint oil and we were just like going through the contractions breathing them out i was doing a lot of like that deep like like kind of in yoga when you do the like the deep lower breathing kind of thing that's what i was doing i was very vocal at this point like low grunting breathing yeah to try to help like move release that pain i felt like if i was just to hold it in it would have been even more painful like you have to just like let it out yeah so they're like in the tub jess is helping i'm tidying you know jess is there maybe i don't know like i said not long 15 minutes and it's like okay let's call it midwife midwife comes at around 11 and then she starts doing her checks on you like like you set your heart in this and then okay we need to find the dilation to see like where where we at right because you never know like you know you could be that painful and you could still not be far along who knows right so but then of course like you gotta get out the tub get under the bed getting out of that tub was the hardest thing i've ever i'm like can you check me in here and she's like no i need you laying down i'm like what then i think even even when you were in the bedroom and like to be checked it was i think you were like leaning over on the bed and then you're like waited for a break and then like flipped over oh i just like still go check you had to do everything in between contractions you're like you couldn't be moving during a contraction so yeah i remember i was like on the edge of the bed contraction as soon as that ended it was like right i laid on the bed and i opened my legs and checked me quick before the next conjunction yeah and then i just remember she was like okay so i got two choices or you got a choice to make right now um either we leave for the hospital like right now or like you have a baby here because you're eight centimeters dilated and we're like centimeters no wonder i was in so much pain yeah yeah so i know that when she said that we both looked at each other and we're kind of like oh like doubting ourselves like wait like do we have it here like you're already so far along um we're here like it's comfortable like what do we do i looked at you and i was like you make the decision that i didn't know yeah and i think we just kind of were like okay well we put a plan together before all this happened that we wanted to do it at a hospital so like let's not make a change to our our like decision like in the heat of the moment like let's go with what we originally planned when we were like when we were sound mind and body right like i said the midwife got there at 11 by 10 you got checked and like everything it's 11 20 11 30 at this point at like at the latest um maybe we're maybe maybe it was more like 11 15 11 20 because then it's like surrounding everything up and like getting all the stuff like we we were late for our plane that was leaving in 15 years grabbing everything and like second checking everything and grabbing it and i think like by the time we're in the car and leaving like let me see by the time we're in the car and leaving yeah it's about 11 30. you know we're starting to drive and like where the hospital is it's it's about a 20 minute drive from our because it's the next town longest 20 minute drive of my life the midwife is like just take your time i'm gonna go ahead i'll call the hospital let them know we're coming in hot and she's like don't rush don't speed as soon as we get in the car i'm like speed i think your water breaks in the oh yeah yeah like your water broke yeah as i was like into the jeep i was like it's almost like i forgot that there was a water to break like not everyone's water breaks ahead so i didn't even think about it i'm about to get into the jeep and like all of a sudden i just feel this gush of water and instantly i thought of like movies where people were like my water just i think my water broke that's exactly what i said and it was just like felt like yeah a gush of water and i had to go into the jeep just with my water breaking the entire time like it was just like flu i don't know our poor jeep well on the plus side the jeep was fine there was no stains or anything no water or something like oh well yeah i didn't have to i was thinking like oh i got to steam clean this cheap afterwards but no safe and sound we were good so then it's like 11 30 middle of the night um we're in the car it's like contractions are heavy i'm standing so you're like holding on to the no i was no i had my fists you know how matt was squeezing my hips the entire time that was the only thing that was giving me like some kind of relief so i had both my fists on either side and i was just jamming them into me to like help with the pain oh oh oh oh good thing for us is that there's no like there's no cars on the road luckily at this point so we could go pretty quick but at the same sensor i'm like i'm trying to think like hey we got to drive safe can't really run red lights you know maybe maybe rolling stops on the stop signs but i'm just like go go go and like we it worked out good we had no no issues on the drive except for you kind of going through obviously the contractions but we got to the hospital in about just 20 minutes pretty much spot on so it's just before midnight by the time we get to the hospital like 11 55 say 12 o'clock just round up and then it's luckily the midwife's already there someone's coming out with the wheelchair and you're in it take your like you took one or two bags with you because we still didn't know if i would just be able to go in right away quickly so you got your one bag so you had stuff to be comfortable and like boom you guys just shot shot in there i go park the car grab all the stuff trying to like you know like grab the car seat and this make sure i have everything because at this point i didn't know like i was under the assumption like once you're in the hospital you're like you can't leave right that's what we had heard before luckily i go in pretty smooth to get into the hospital they just made a quick call up to confirm that um you know nicole's there and i'm good to go in and i guess how far along you were so i got in there within within 5-10 minutes yeah you know they're fast because like we basically we zoomed right here maybe we zoomed in do you want daddy a little change of scenery so basically my midwife uh just wheeled me in so fast went up the elevator to the birthing unit and we didn't have time to even like hook me up to the iv like i didn't have anything hooked up to me the entire time and she i think just put the heart monitor on for the baby but i didn't have time to put on like um scrubs she had she barely had time to put on her scrubs i was just in my clothes the entire time and i was just like leaning on the edge of like standing on the edge of the bed um having contractions while my water was continuing to break i was wearing slippers those slippers are thrown out now and it was just like a mess like i didn't know what was happening you came in you you brought up the little fan for me that was fun yeah it was like it's for a stroller um matt got me a bake of ice which was really helping to like cool me down i remember at one point i must have been almost at this point almost 10 centimeters dilated and i was starting to get to that like a little bit delirious like okay this is so painful like how far are we until like baby comes out and matt at one point was so cute he's over my shoulders while i was like leaning on the bed saying like do you need the drugs like you let me know and i'll go get like you know and then i looked at kristen our midwife and i'm like like are we close like don't don't just tell me we are like don't mess with me like don't be like you know like yeah you got it you're almost there meanwhile like still got an hour like i need to know like is this baby coming out soon and she's like she's like no i'm not i'm not just saying it i think you're so ready so close to pushing i was like okay because i'm kind of getting to that point of yeah i think it was like if you by the time you you get someone here and get the like the drug into like before it even take effect like she'll be out and also we're like how can i even stand still for an epidural like i think that's why it's not good to get it later on because like how would you stay still like to get that needle in your back so that was another risk too so she's like okay i'm gonna check you i roll onto my back laying on the bed which let me tell you laying down was like the worst position for me during my entire laboring experience i just felt like it was more intense like the pain so i lay down she checked me she said my water was almost done like breaking so she moved something aside more water comes out and she's like you're 10 centimeters now you're ready to push and i think that's at the time you put the camera on the windowsill and like you got to see the intense that was just the pushing guys that wasn't even the dilation yeah that was just like the preemptive stuff that was like the contractions not the extra like it's time to start pushing all right let's try to finish our story before she starts freaking out again not much left i don't think no where were we we're almost at the finale pushing pushing pain ow ow screaming let me just say as soon as and i think i even say it and you hear me in the birth vlog being like oh my god wow like when i got the first person construction because it was the most unexpected intense feeling like the whole thing obviously was really intense and painful and not anything i've ever experienced but the push and contractions were was like your entire body is bearing down and you have no control but to like i remember saying that yeah it's it takes over your body it's the most insane sensation i've ever felt like my whole body wanted to push something out so the pushing went on for 45 minutes um which after it was done i know the midwives were like that was it was a good amount of time for your first kid like oh that was fast so i mean we have no other frame of reference no no at the time i was just like all i was doing was trying to squeeze the hips because it seemed to at least make you feel calm when i was doing that like during the pushing or at least help and that's all i could do and giving me water my lip chop and the ice bag was like i felt like uh like ringside like yeah like i'm the corner man for in your boxing and i'm just like giving you this water and putting ice on your face and you're like that's how i felt yeah i'd get my breaths in in between and i'll sort of exactly what if i would stuff my face into the ice i don't know if i mentioned but at this point like i was actually squatting on the bed so it's kind of like on all fours you're on all fours the whole time yeah yeah and um the other thing i talked about that how to push your baby out video matt made me watch like so many times that morning that is how i pushed her out it was like breathe in breathe out push down like you gotta pee and i was just again and again so focused in this like meditative state of i'm gonna push her out like i was just yeah you did say like you just kept remembering that video and like what to do and like how to push i mean it made a big difference which is good and then it was like water and then my it was like i was so thirsty and my lips were dry yeah so having matt they're like during every push contraction which they were getting like quicker and quicker more and more close together as they went on that was crazy and my screaming man oh there were some times where like the screams were so like it sounded like a murder scene it felt like i was being murdered it was insane my vagina was being murdered like something where it's like i didn't even know like that's when you like that that amount of screaming when like the loud the decibel like how it you could feel it and like it just it was like so raw what were you thinking were you like is she in that like in that much people like at first i was that's when i like at first when i was going on i was like are we doing drugs or are we not right because i'm like you you were in a lot of pain no i'm leading up to the hospital so i was kind of like um do you want drugs like because i know like midwives and that they're like they like the natural approach which is good of course but it's like i just want to ask you separately to be like do you want drugs it's easier for you know why it is easier for them because like sometimes the epidural can like delay things and stall um but at no point were they ever like no you can do it say no to drugs no they're just very real they're like look i don't think support yeah yeah very good very good so and then at this point i guess like i said 45 minutes of pushing and then you know they're start the point where you could start to feel the head because i remember at one point they took your hand and made you touch the head i could just tell just a soft spot on her head i was like i was like no i don't want okay and then i did it and i was i couldn't really tell this feeling but i could feel like a soft spot and a little bit of hair yeah and then i remember for me i was i was just at one point i guess near the end i looked over and you could see the head starting to to come out and then there was like and then that you're pushing and i remember they said okay like when they tell you to stop this is like near the end when they're like when you when we tell you to stop pushing you need to like stop so i end up hearing though in the vlog it's to prevent tearing she goes i'm going to help prevent tearing when i tell you to stop stop i didn't know that's what it was i thought it was like a safety thing which for everything they once probably had to readjust i didn't actually see but i remember just seeing her head coming out and you could see like it was just like oh man because i guess the sax still over so it's like things are all it looked like you know in movies where like a criminal wears like pantyhose in their face it was like that i was just like oh but of course i got like i got like so emotional i was like yeah tearing up right you seen this like baby creature coming out of the look but like that was wild that was a crazy thing to see you're just like i can only imagine what it looked like from your angle i mean i wasn't like because i was so focused on the pushing i wasn't looking down there very often it was more just as the head came out you know and they were saying it i i looked and i could see it and i was like oh my god and then i think they had to kind of move the the cord around to make sure it wasn't wrapped and get things ready and like shift the hips and all that or her shoulders i mean sorry shift her shoulders oh that's what she's doing i think so to help prevent tearing and then it was kind of like one last push and she's just like and that is when i think she's like slid right out like a water slide she did the footage is in it's just like a cane yeah it just comes out real quick like you better catch that baby before i think once the heads out it's just like the rest is just slips out that ending though feeling her like fully come out like i didn't actually tear on my perineum which is like the area between your butt and your vagina in case you're wondering um we like to keep it real here um because of all the stretching which i could talk about that in a whole other video but perineal highly recommend um but i did get some micro tearing kind of like at the top near my urethra so from just i think from how because i was squatting down and how her face was coming out but it was micro tearing like almost didn't need stitches but i did feel that i didn't have to get stitches i felt those hairs one long stitch instead of multiple because i was like how many stitches he's like well it's not really multiple it's one just longer one yeah because at that point sage is out you were on all fours when she came out and then they kind of took her and they um yeah they did what they had to do i think they had to wipe her a bit or i don't even know the umbilical cord off of her yeah and they slitter up between your legs like footballed her and then try and then we're like okay you gotta roll over onto your back and i think like obviously at that point your balance spit off because i know when you're trying to roll over you're like getting pretty close to the edge of the bed yeah we're like whoa okay like yeah moved you over there at that point like so much is going on because they're they're checking and they're wiping down and babies crying and you know you're crying and that point in my life and in the labor process was the most insane thing because you go from the most excruciating pain that i've ever felt to the best moment of my life so far and it's like oh i know i know no it's the best i said it was the best yeah it was just like so much pain to then all of a sudden i guess when the baby comes out your body flushes you with like oxytocin which is like a happy feel good hormone and so you instantly it's like no pain yeah i was crazy as soon as she came out it was like all the pain was gone and all i could think about was that there was a baby on me i think matt got some clips of like just that moment which i'm so happy that you grabbed the camera because that like i cry every time i watch it and that moment when she came into the world was like the most surreal thing ever and now mommy and daddy have no time to themselves to film a video the crazy thing is is like i did not ex i've said this so many times i did not expect her to be so blonde like she's strawberry blonde hair but like bleach peach fuzz all over her i still think very fair very fair i was like how is this my child she's so cute and yeah she's just our sweet little peach and we're just like i i know we're both just so grateful for a healthy baby there was no complications with her so she came out at 1 26 a.m she was born she uh weighed 7.1 pounds and which i thought it was gonna have a huge baby so sounds great yeah you're a scorpio what what were your thoughts when she like finally came out it's just a lot of emotion i i don't think i i don't think at that point you're like thinking really you're just sort of like i think i guess i just remembered to grab the camera to to film that and then it was just like happy to see her come out happy that like you were okay you were safe you know she was safe um it was nice like i think subconsciously you're thinking like oh it's good that they weren't like oh there's something here there's something wrong or we gotta take her you know which like happens so i think when they didn't have to do that like it was in the back of my mind right and they're like oh they just took her and wiped her down and spent a bit of time with her while they were checking you and doing that and then um yeah i got the um i cut the cord cord cutting she's saying she's saying wrap this up this video is too long so matt for all the dads who are like scared to look or cut the umbilical cord how was it for you and do you think it says like what's your thought like take on it so because you're on all fours and i was focusing really on trying to squeeze your hips keep you comfortable i wasn't really looking down there that often i really just kind of looked down when they said her head was out so i mean for me like seeing the head come out and that it was i didn't find it anything weird but perhaps if i was just you know sitting at the end of the bed staring at it for 45 minutes and maybe the experience would have been different i don't know but uh so i don't think that was bad cutting the cord i know i had friends and some other people say it was like gross and they didn't like it and recommended not to do it but like i don't know i did i didn't think it was weird at all it was just yeah cutting a cord went quick don't be a wusty unless you're like really grossed out by blood and you're gonna faint that's different that's different but it's not like oh it's i've done it i cut my sisters for diana it's not a big deal not a big deal at all did it ruin sex for you for life no sorry chloe no not at all it's just like huh but once again if i was staring at it for 45 minutes and maybe it might have made the experience a little bit like more oh you know take time to get over i don't know but no no for me it was just um i think as long as you're focusing on making the experience good and everyone comfortable and less on focusing on that kind of negative stuff i think you're fine you will be fine for you how did you feel like was it as painful as you thought it was gonna be would you do it again without without like the drugs or what are your thoughts it's funny because as soon as they pushed her out i was thinking like was it worth it yeah what would i do differently next time i definitely don't regret like the whole birth plan laboring as long as we did at home i think is what kept me calm and able to dilate because a lot of times i feel like people don't women don't dilate that quickly because they're stressed out and tight intense and that wasn't the case for me i was quite calm at home just in a lot of pain so i don't regret it i wouldn't change anything my recovery has been really great and part of that i do attest to just doing it unmedicated but i don't have anything to like compare it to no it was way more painful than i ever thought i did not know i could endure that type of pain that level of intensity was insane and i honestly felt like a superwoman when i once i gave birth i was like i can do anything like anything that bothered me before or i was like anxious about was like don't bother like the benchmark now has been raised so high for like pain levels yeah but i remember like the midwife or doula or someone saying like oh just remember that like your body won't put you through more pain than you can handle i forgot that helped me so much the doula said that when i was in the bath with her yeah like you will never yeah your body will never put you through more pain than you can handle and i was just telling myself that like the pain will not overcome me or like take over so okay we're gonna wrap this up because she's getting cranky yeah so while matt matt's gonna see if she'll go in her bassinet for a sec um would i do it with drugs the next time i thought i would after i gave birth and then after talking to some people and knowing that like hopefully it things would be quicker the next time i feel like i would probably just do it the same all over again like it sounds crazy because i'm pretty sure i have amnesia and forget exactly what the pain was like but it knowing now what my recovery has been like and that hopefully baby number two if we decide to have another baby um would go a little bit quicker i think you know if i made it through the first i can do it again and honestly the needle scares me too like epidurals freak me out so i feel like i would just like endure the pain again i must be crazy i don't know i'm pretty sure i am um even telling the story i feel like i'm telling somebody else's story like you just it's true what they say your body makes you forget probably for survival and to make sure that you want to have another baby and push another baby out um but it is definitely like the most intense thing i think i will ever experience and regardless if you um have to do drugs do a c-section however you birth your baby i think it's an incredible experience and every story is unique and it's just a crazy wild ride like i it was like i felt like out of animal planet or something it was just insane you're just like get this baby out and that is your focus and nothing else matters at that point in time so yes i would do no drugs again as crazy as that sounds so a lot of people have been asking about the name did i force that to you to have my last name for her like no no like even her first name it was a mutual decision yeah yeah really like you know for me anyways my um not to go deep but like my my father left us when we were pretty young so i don't know him really probably last time i saw him i was like eight or nine years old so i don't have any emotional connection to my last name because it's from him it's not your mom's last name it's not my mom's last name or anything it's from a man that i don't really know or have you know connection or feelings to so to me it's like i didn't didn't matter to me whereas for you your last names a little bit more you share with your sister i also have daddy problems um but i'm still connected with um that side of the family and they're good people um so for me i still there's still some connection to that last name and i just like how it sounds has a nice ring to it sage can solve this nicely sage varga oh no vargas i'm sure there's people doesn't have the same flow doesn't say it's a pretty last name too but there was just no connection where either one of us didn't really have connections with our last name but if we had to pick one i felt like gonzalez was yeah one yeah and that's really it it's not like someone wears the pants like people came up with their own theories and i don't really believe in this like i don't know some antiquated thinking of like i need to pass on my last name or legacy it's just like come on it doesn't matter we're not royalty or something like that we both love the name and we both it was it doesn't matter it sounds good i think it's a nice name maybe not maybe not the chloe part yeah so that is the mystery solved and um who knows matt may eventually change his last name to my last name and we could all be we can solve this too much paperwork for all that so um but that answers that mystery i know we got a lot of questions about that yeah and in case you guys didn't know matt also has a channel i will link it down below where he talks about business um real estate um entrepreneurship so i'm gonna link that down below definitely go give him a follow and um yeah go show him some love uh thank you matt for joining me on our birth story video for my channel and yeah if you guys have any questions at all let us know down below like i said and have a full recap blog post with some links and resources that we used um that i really think helped make the process as calm and smooth as it can yeah and i think you have a playlist probably with all like the stuff that you all the trimesters and updates and everything yeah i mentioned that in the beginning of the video but um yeah i'll have my full pregnancy playlist linked down below hopefully this video wasn't too long but if you have not watched the actual live filmed birth vlog version um if you can um if you're brave brave enough i will link that up here and down below as well so you guys can check that out it's very intense i cannot believe i put that on the internet but you're welcome hopefully you enjoy yes yes hopefully you get some takeaways from it right some knowledge is power yeah all right um sage is already uh can hear her fussing i'm gonna put her down for a popper nap and thank you so much for watching guys we love you subscribe and i'll see you in the next one bye okay gotta go mummy calls [Music] you
Channel: HealthNut Nutrition
Views: 182,778
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: birth story, positive birth story, natural labour, natural birth, hypnobirthing, bypnobirthing labour, delivery vlog, birth vlog, labour vlog, midwives, labor, body labor, healthy pregnancy, healthy natural induce labour, induce labor, calm birth, birthing positions, my experience, natural, first time parents, first time mom birth vlog, healthnut nutrition, healthnut, babyacorn, midwife, unmedicated labor and delivery, unmedicated birth story
Id: 14kMd4KrCuc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 29sec (2729 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 20 2021
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