Vancouver B.C. City Walking Tour in 4K - 12.5 Miles/20Km
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: Prowalk Tours
Views: 366,327
Rating: 4.9181485 out of 5
Keywords: Virtual Walking Tour, Treadmill Video, Treadmill Walks, Virtual Walk, City Walks, Prowalks, walking videos, jogging videos, walks, Virtual Tour, Pro Walks, Walking Tour 4K, Travel Guide, Travel, Prowalk Tours, Walking Tour, Tourism, Tour Guide, Travel from home, travel from home tours, Vancouver, Robeson St, Canada, Canada Place, The Canadian Trail, Chinatown, vancouver british columbia, Walking Tours of Canada, Walking Vancouver BC, City Walk Video, 4K video, North America
Id: faUNhaRLpMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 232min 11sec (13931 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 06 2020
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