Our Labor & Delivery Vlog | Positive Birth Story

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hey guys welcome back to my channel welcome to our birth blog I am in labor for sure yesterday I was having contractions that were like 20 minutes apart okay I did that all night and then when I woke up they were 10 minutes apart and now they're like three to five minutes apart and definitely more intense so I'm just laboring at home I'm just kind of hanging out sorry about all the background noise we have the a/c on and the dishwasher but I'm doing really well this labor is already so different from my labor with knocks I had really bad back labor with knocks and my water broke first so I'm actually like really enjoying laboring at home I'm feeling really really good the contractions are definitely like pretty intense but I'm completely fine like I am enjoying this I'm doing so well I'm sipping on a coffee and I'm just kind of chilling I obviously got ready I did my hair and makeup we're just kind of like taking our time we're lucky because we live so close to the hospital so we can just like shoot across the bridge and be there so I can't believe this is happening I'm so excited to meet baby girl it's so so weird my mom's here taking care of Knox and then hubby's coming with me since we're only allowed one guest in the hospital so he'll be with me and mum will be here with not [Music] [Music] [Applause] hey guys so we're on our way to the hospital my contractions started yesterday they were 20 minutes apart this morning they were down to 10 minutes apart they were down to 5 minutes apart for like hours today and then even for hours at a time they were down to like two minutes apart lasting a minute or more and they slowed again to 10 minutes apart and I'm just getting nervous that I'm gonna have failure to progress like I did with Knox like I went for I don't even know 15 plus hours of like active labor where I was having contractions that were lasting over a minute and we're like a minute apart and I like was not progressing and I didn't I didn't know that with Knox until she checked me like nine hours like apart and I had gone from like a four and a half to a five and a half or something so yeah my water hasn't broke so this time like it's not as much of like a sense of urgency to get the baby out but for me like I need to know if I'm progressing because any time I walk my contractions are like two three minutes apart consistently like the whole time I'm on my feet but then if I lay down they go back to being ten minutes apart and I'm like I just need to know where I'm at I am so down to walk and let the contractions hit if I'm progressing but if I'm not and like it's already been a lot of hours I may just be a really slow labor and the contractions are like their bearable is that's great learn to bearable but they're they're painful if they definitely feel like they're doing something I obviously know what like real you know contractions feel like oh I just I think that I'm panicking and feeling like if I go in and find out I'm at a three which is pretty much what I was at my last appointment after I just have already been through hours of labour today then I just kind of need to make decisions based off that and how are you doing honey good I'm still doing well I just like my mindset kind of just started to change and it's unfortunate but if I go in and they tell me I'm at like a 6 or something sweet like then I know they're doing something and I can continue doing what I'm doing and working toward [Music] [Music] I just got my epidural it was not part of my plan necessarily but like it took a total turn not because of pain but just because of like length of time and stuff like it just turned I I had already like changed my mind before I was even in like intense pain it's just so weird but I was that like seven and a half when like the epidural it was like put in uh he just checked me and said I'm like almost I'm eight right honey yeah he's seven eight and I just had a contraction it was the first one that I couldn't feel so I'm like uh oh my gosh when they were giving me the epidural I got like a wicked goofy and like in between contractions the contractions were crazy but in between I was like joking I just got like all like I don't know I just felt funny I was making jokes and being silly I think I was like nervous and I like this epidural a lot better than my one with Knox because but not only worked on one side and then so I had to get it again and I was just so numb this one like I I could get up and walk if I wanted to I'm not not allowed to but I could walk like I can completely move my legs and all that honestly like I was I started having thoughts about not being able to enjoy the birth and like I enjoyed pushing and like birthing knocks it was just like such an incredible experience in the fear of not enjoying it made me like I was like I want an epidural and they also said like the enthusiast was going into surgery so it was like now or not for a while forever so I was like oh best I've felt in two days how are you doing honey I'm doing good just got my epidural - oh yeah no I'm pretty good you're so much more handsome when I'm not in pain [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Miss Rylee Jade
Views: 308,205
Rating: 4.8966026 out of 5
Keywords: birth story, labor, deliver, birth vlog, real, raw, honest, positive birth, contractions, natural, epidural, medicated, unmedicated birth, medicated birth, long labor, short labor, pregnant, pregnancy, beautiful, emotional, thirdtrimester, hospital bag, what's in my hospital bag, covid 19, birth during covid, postpartum, must have, newborn, what to pack, hospital birth, at home birth, baby number 2, mom, mom of 2, stay at home mom, family of 4, gender reveal, telling my husband I'm pregnant
Id: D4J1GDH3cS4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 29 2020
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