Our Incredible Future | 1 Corinthians - Lesson 5

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first corinthians chapter two first corinthians chapter number two we're leaving out early early in the morning and going on vacation and i always feel guilty when i do so i know everybody doesn't get to go on vacation but we're going on one and we'll miss you while we're gone we're gonna head out to south dakota go to the badlands and the black hills and then drive across go to yellowstone national park see yogi bear and boo boo mr ranger so uh so we enjoy god's creation and so uh thank you for the opportunity to get away for a little bit all right first corinthians chapter two and verse number 6 how be it we speak wisdom among them that are perfect yet not the wisdom of this world nor of the princes of this world that come to naught we speak the wisdom of god in a mystery even the hidden wisdom which god ordained before the world unto our glory which none of the princes of this world knew for had they known it they would not have crucified the lord of glory we'll talk about that lord willing when we get back but as it is written i have not seen nor ear heard neither have entered the heart of man the things which god has prepared for them that love him you've heard that verse quoted many many times without the following verse but god hath revealed them unto us by his spirit for the spirit with all things yea the deep things of god now let me let me read to you from isaiah 64. in the old testament this is the place from which the quotation of verse number nine is taken isaiah 64 and verse number 4 for since the beginning of the world men have not heard nor perceived by the ear neither hath the eye seen o god beside thee what he hath prepared for him that waiteth for him so in the old testament the writer said nobody's seen nobody's heard nobody's ever had any idea what's waiting in the future for believers but god you know but then in the new testament the holy spirit takes that same quotation i had not seen nor ear heard none other than the heart of man things we've got to prepare them love him but god hath revealed them unto us by his spirit so there is an advanced revelation from god in the new testament over and above what's found in the old testament and we have given to us by god an understanding of what lies beyond this life which is a real blessing according to the bible and and we'll get to that in in just a moment lord help us please tonight draw closer to you as we place greater faith and have greater understanding of your word in jesus name we pray amen now we've been talking about this this gospel preaching the gospel witnessing the power of the gospel we saw it again this morning and i i want to go over this i was going to go over this this morning with you we had so many visitors so many visitors and we had just such a great opportunity to preach the gospel to a lot of people that we'd never seen before may never see again we just took that opportunity but i put this together a couple of weeks ago in anticipation of these messages on the gospel and speaking and preaching and talking to lost people so of the adults that are regularly attending the bible baptist church in deland as best i i know from your testimony two of you two of them are here because someone handed them a gospel tract and they read it and were drawn to christ and became part of the church two of them two two of you two two people here are here as a direct result of someone knocking on your door in door to door house to house visitation six people are here because of good news clubs and vacation bible school thank the lord for that ten people because they got a mailer in their mailbox we do that once a year we try to send a gospel mailer to every every house in the in west volusia county 10 people here because of that there are 10 people who are members of our church who drove by once twice a dozen times saw the signs saw the cars saw the people and said i think i'll go in there and check that out and they've been here ever since 20 people 20 people because of my traveling and preaching other places got to know them they wanted to retire where am i going to retire retired here or they travel in to hear a meeting and say that not a not a church like that in our area not preaching like that in our area let's go down there i'd move for a job why wouldn't i move for a good church and so so there's 20 people here because of that 21 who came to attend bible school been a bible school classes 23 people because of uh just looking for a church on the internet the web listing the website looking for information well i'm looking for a church that that believes like i believe because i'm right and i need to find a church that's right and so you you've you've found a match and and and there you are 30 people from street preaching amen amen 30 people from street preaching not now wait so so here here's what people expect well then street preaching well some people say street preaching doesn't do any good well that's obviously not true then they said well door knocking doesn't do any good there's only two people there from door knocking there's 30 people from the street preaching we had 80 people out street preaching yesterday we've never had 80 people door knocking we have 60 people a week standing on a street corner looking for people to talk to we we don't have 60 people every week going knocking on doors so it's not a that's not a condemnation of door knocking it's more you can't get too much result if you're not putting too much into it would be what i want to say but anyway 30 people as a result of street preaching that's a blessing 51 51 from listening to preaching from our church on the radio or on the internet got saved or or decided they want to grow in the lord and know more about the lord so oh that's pretty good until you hit this number 81 8 by far and away 81 from a personal invitation from someone they knew or worked with who said would you come to church with me and and hear about jesus so you say i'm not a door knocker i'm not a street preacher i'm not a pastor i couldn't have a radio ministry you could say to your neighbor or your co-worker would you come come to church with me would you would you come and listen to the preacher preach would you come and check it out and by far and away the most effective means of bringing people to christ and seeing people out of the church is you talking to the people you know about jesus that's that's just the tried and proven methods so anyway i thought i'd pass that along to you i found that interesting and then the bible says in chapter two let's go back to the passage here and verse number six uh how be it we speak wisdom on them that are perfect and that perfection we we read about in chapter one verses uh six through eight that's the work that christ accomplishes in us and chapter one verse number thirty that's the work christ accomplishes in us and that's over set over against yet not the wisdom of this world nor the princes of this world that come to naught and that's a repetition of those those verses there in chapter 1 and verse 21 the world by by wisdom the world's wisdom knew not god and then chapter 25 because the foolishness of god is wiser than men the weakness of god is stronger than men and then verse number 27 god had chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise and so i touched on a few of these this morning but you get a lot of grief if you're in school you get a lot of grief you speak up on your job family reunions man can't that be can't they be a challenge oh you believe the bible oh you're one of those bible thumpers so so let me let me talk about the wisdom of the world just just for a minute so you can you can maybe you won't feel so out of place being a christian um if if a man says he's a woman you're supposed to be as crazy as he was as and agree with him and act like he is that's that's strange business it's un-american for the census to count how many americans are in america that's a strange business russians influencing our elections is a bad thing but non-citizens voting in our elections is a good thing somebody not thinking straight people who've never been to college should pay the debts of college students who voluntarily took on huge loans to go to college that doesn't make a lot of sense to me immigrants with tuberculosis and and aids are welcome but you have to prove you're vaccinated to keep your job that doesn't make sense to me irish doctors and german engineers who want to immigrate to the u.s have to go through a rigorous vetting process but the illiterate gang members are welcome just come on in take up residence in our cities if you cheat to get into college you go to prison but if you cheat to get into the country you get to go to college for free some what's that something messed up people who say there's no such thing as gender can't wait till we get to first female president we see other countries going socialist and collapsing but it seems like a great idea to us some people are held responsible for things that happened before they were born other people are not held responsible for what they're doing right now that doesn't make any sense to me criminals are caught and released to hurt more people but stopping them is bad because it violates their rights something messed up about that people who have never owned slaves should pay slavery reparations to people who have never been slaves that doesn't make any sense to me i said this this morning we're saying again people want you to take experimental shots to save your life made from babies they aborted to get the stuff to put in the shots that doesn't make sense to me people demand to be treated as equals and then wine if they don't get special privileges parents let their children control the home and then wonder why youth are out of control so the bible says we speak wisdom among them that are perfect yet not the wisdom of this world because if that bunch thinks we're crazy it it's probably a good evidence we're saying nor the prince of this world to come to naught we speak the wisdom of god the mystery even the hidden wisdom which god ordained before the world unto our glory which none of the prince of this world knew for had they known it they would not have crucified the lord of glory how seriously do you take a world that that murdered the only man that never did them any harm how seriously you take a world that curses the name of jesus christ every time something goes wrong and he's the only one who could save their sorry soul from hellfire and yet he's the one to curse so i want everybody like me you can tell by how nice i am and how i do but but if a bunch if a bunch of people as messed up as the people running this world think that i'm some sort of an oddball i'll welcome that i'll i'll take that on because because i'm not seeing any evidence of intelligent life out there somebody said we're trying to find intelligent life on other planets how about this one i got a great picture at home it's it's these aliens sitting in their backyard with a telescope looking at earth trying to figure out if there's anything going on down there anyway so let's get to the good stuff that's that's all the things i left out this morning because i knew you could take it but as it is written see that's what we go back to as it is written i have not seen nor ear heard neither been to the heart of man the things that god has prepared for them that love him so obviously the future your eye hasn't seen the future obviously what you're going to hear in the future you're not hearing now and obviously what is going to happen when you're when your heart has fully taken in what god has prepared for you you can't experience that now you're not there it hasn't happened yet but the bible says which god hath prepared for them that love him god hath revealed them unto us can't see it but it's revealed you can't hear it but it's revealed you can't you can't experience it but it's real it's revealed unto them unto us by his spirit for the spirit searcheth all things yea the deep things of god so here's what happens the holy spirit is gone where you can't go and told you what was there and the holy spirit has seen what you can't see and has has shown you what is there in the holy spirit has heard what you can't hear and has given you some understanding and some insight into what awaits and it's not what you think jesus said in in john chapter number three if i've told you earthly things and you believe them not how should you believe if i tell you of heavenly things he said i talked to you about what you've seen and you you don't get it i talked about what you've heard and experienced and it just goes right past you right over your head if i was to tell you about the things that await you you couldn't grasp it so this whole great big book it's not until you get to the 21st chapter 20 and 21st chapter of revelation that god tells you anything at all about heaven isn't that interesting this this book's not about heaven it's about down here but you're going to a place called heaven but even then well let me just let me just show you what god's prepared for them of him romans chapter 8 let's go there romans chapter number eight five of the seven things i'm going to show you don't really have anything to do with heaven romans chapter 8 and verse number verse 22 if we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now some way or another in the course of a 30-day month everybody groans everybody hurts everybody experiences pain one way or another not only they but ourselves also which have the first fruits of the spirit even we ourselves grown within ourselves waiting for the adoption to with the redemption of our body you know what he said everybody in the world hurts and that goes for you save people everybody in the world groans and has pain that goes for you save people he had to put that in there because he knew some tv preachers would lie to you about that getting saved doesn't exempt you from the aches and pains and troubles and trials and groans and heartaches that come with life and it's not it's not just because of sin because the bible says the whole creation groans and and pain together animals haven't sinned the birds haven't sinned the water hasn't sinned the air hasn't sin the bible says everything is hurt because of sin even things that haven't sinned and sometimes people say why is this happening to me what did i do you don't have to do anything you just have to live here it's just it's just life life's messed up because of sin entered the world but verse verse number 24 we are saved by hope but hope that is seen is not hope for what a man seeth why did he had hope for but if we hope for that we see not then do we with patience wait for it what is that into verse 23 the redemption of our body verse 29 whom he did for no god knows you right now before you see him face to face he also did predestinate he's determined where you're going to end up to be conformed to the image of his son moreover whom he did predestinate them he also called and whom he called them elsa justified whom he justified them he also glorified so jesus christ came into this world and wept jesus wept jesus christ came into this world and was grieved in his heart he groaned at the funeral of his friend lazarus he he was pained deeply as he looked down over jerusalem at the way that people he cared about rejected him and then he felt the blows of sinners and the whip and the lash across his back and the nails in his hands so christ suffered physical and emotional pain and he never sinned he just came down here and got in the middle of it but then 40 days after he rose from the dead he ascended to the right hand of the father glorified glorified praise the lord now you know what the bible says if you trust christ as your savior he will save your soul to forgive your sins he'll give you the holy spirit to get you through this not to get you around it to get you through this and all the while our certain hope is one day i'm gonna be glorified just like christ and as my soul is redeemed my body is going to be redeemed hallelujah no ventilators in heaven see no no i see you in heaven no cancer treatments in heaven no broken bones in heaven no broken hearts no broken emotions no downcast spirits all of that comes when we are free from this world of sin and the bible says we haven't seen it with our eye we haven't heard it with our ear we haven't experienced with our heart but god has given us a revelation this is your future a body free of aches and pains in a location free of all that caused the aches and pains that's a blessing first corinthians chapter 15. first corinthians chapter 15 so the redemption of our body is part of this wonderful future that god has revealed to us first corinthians 15 and verse number 50 now this i say brethren that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of god neither corruption inheritance corruption behold i show you a mystery see it again it's a mystery but it's shown we mentioned this in a bible school class the other night some of you have or maybe you continue to to read mystery novels or maybe you've watched a mystery program sometime in your life and that mystery novel can draw you in and make you curious and i wonder who did it i wonder how it turns out once you can't read it a second time and never feel that again you can't watch the show a second time and wonder how's it going to turn out so the mystery it's called a mystery novel but at the end of the novel the mystery is revealed so the bible calls this a mystery all through the old testament the question was well i wonder what's beyond the grave i wonder what happens to people who trust in god after they die but in the new testament the lord said well let me tell you and so it's called a mystery not because it remains beyond our comprehension it's called a mystery because that's that's what it was but now we got the answer to it so we should not all sleep but we shall all be changed in a moment it's not a progressive matter it's not a matter of multiple reincarnations in a moment of the twinkling of an eye this fellow asked me a week or two ago he said you think it's possible we could have been reincarnated i said let's suppose let's suppose this is your third seventh twelfth reincar how you doing i mean man if this is your tenth shot at this thing and you're still living like this let's just give up on that whole idea right now you know what the lord's not going to do he's not going to keep sending you back down here to try and get it right in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last trump baron or whoever the last trump for the trumpet shall trump trump is the note of a trumpet for the trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised incorruptable and we should be changed for this corruptable must put on incorruption and this mortal must put on immortality so when this corruption shall have put on incorruption this mortal should have put on immortality then should be brought to pass the saying that is written death then then shall be brought to pass the saying is written death is swallowed up in victory o death where is thy sting o grave whereas thy victory string strength the sting of death is sin strength of sin is law but thanks be to god which giveth us the victory through our lord jesus christ we read those verses when we go to the cemetery but we still go to the cemetery you understand we use those verses to encourage one another as we watch people that we love wither away and die because they wither away and die save people lost people but what god has revealed is that when this thing called the church is complete when this age of saving souls and joining them to christ is complete in one god is going to deliver every body that is alive from ever having corruption lay hold upon it and the body of every saved person who has died will be delivered from corruption's grasp it's called a resurrection christ accomplished it and promised that he would accomplish the same for everyone that trusted him and so my eye has not seen the resurrection of all believers my ear has not heard the sound of that trump my heart has not experienced the joy that will be ours when all the dead in christ rise to live forever but the holy spirit says you have my word on it that's what's going to happen praise the lord now if i could stand here in front of you today and say get saved and and you never have to worry about viruses or car wrecks or old age or cancer if i told you that i'd be lying i can't tell you that but i can tell you that someone has taken the sting away from death and someone has taken power away from the grave and in the moment of his choosing everyone that ever experienced groaning pain death corruption will be as completely delivered from it as christ himself praise the lord for that all right philippians chapter number philippians chapter 3 redemption of the body changed from a condition of death to a condition of immortality philippians 3 verse number 24 our conversation is in heaven from whence also we look for the savior the lord jesus christ who shall change our vile body oh not me i'm a i'm a glamour gal not me i'm a bodybuilder not me i'm a hunka hunka burning love you know that's probably what he is right now anyway um oh vile body you don't believe it look how easy it cuts bruises breaks tears that's the physical part now i see you now i don't see right what huh what'd you say red book [Laughter] every single day that you live past what 30 your body says you didn't get away with it i'm gonna make you pay for that pay me an hour pay me later but it's going to cost you they're vile bodies and you live in a you live in a country where we've got enough money to try and hide that fact but it sure takes a lot of sprays and rubs and creams and soaps and conditioners and laundry this and detergent that to keep you from smelling like you'd smell without it because it's a vile body go to sleep at night you think you're fresh and clean you wake up in the morning say hi dear and go brush your teeth and use some mouthwash leave your teeth in the mouthwash for a while this body this body it's it's fantastic for what it's designed for but it sure got a short shelf life it really does and it sure takes an awful lot of maintenance it really it really does and you look at some people god's god's blessed me with good health you bless my wife good health and uh and but i see people just young people cancers and and leukemias and disease and stuff like that you know so what'd they do wrong he didn't do anything wrong then a vile body vile body and we'd rather we'd rather live 70 years in 30 years or 90 years than 40 years but they're not one not a 90 year old person anywhere saying i've had enough of this just clinging clinging we cling to this to this life but the bible says who should change our vile body that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body according to working whereby he is able even us to do all things unto himself so christ the man christ jesus rose from the dead 33 a.d this is 2021. you do the math long time ago coming up 2000 years long time ago he's just as alive as he was that morning that he walked out of the grave he's just as healthy as he was that morning when he walked out of the grave he's just as powerful as he was that morning when he walked out of the grave you know what the bible says he's going to make you like that that's what that's what he said there's no prayer request for the sick in heaven they don't sell crepe and wreaths to hang on the door in heaven no sympathy cards in heaven praise the lord the gift of god is eternal life through jesus christ why is it hard for us to wrap our minds around that because we see people who we know biblically have eternal life we see them die and our eyes don't see the coming day when that body will be raised up that soul reunited with that body and that body soul and spirit spirit soul and body are made just like jesus christ now leave the physical out of it you know jesus christ never sinned you know that do you know why he never sinned he never wanted to you know why you sin then get convicted then say you're sorry then repent then feel bad about it then because you want to i want to well what sin do you want to come i'm not telling you but we sin by choice because in us in us is this desire for sin and you know what happens when we sin we hurt people we heard of families we hurt our friends we were at our churches we heard our hurt our savior we heard our reputations and our testimonies you know something one day you're going to be made like jesus christ which means there won't be anything in you that wants to sin so you'll never sin so you'll never offend anyone or hurt anyone or or cause anyone pain hallelujah not a blessing that's a pretty good future first john chapter 3 first john chapter 3. first john chapter 3 and verse number 1. first john 3 1. what manner of love the father bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of god therefore the world knoweth us not because it knew him not now if you're a son of god how come the world doesn't know you're a son of god because right now the eye hasn't seen the ear hadn't heard it's not evident what god verse number two beloved now are we the sons of god it does not yet appear what we shall be but we know that when he shall appear we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is now these people want to argue about what we're going to look like and people want to divide christians over how everybody's going to look when they get to heaven and how they're going to look in there here's what here's why here's why they have a problem with that they say how what do you think we're going to look like in our new bodies new bodies is not a bible term it's not a bible doctrine you don't get a new body this one gets fixed you are going to be the person god made he's just going to make you not look like christ he's going to make you like christ if everyone looked just like jesus but acted just like you it wouldn't be heaven if i looked better but didn't act better it wouldn't be heaven he didn't say he's going to make everyone look like christ he's going to make everyone like christ i think that's better i think that's a lot better as in which christ you want to look like the one in revelation 1 the one in the gospels what do you look like in the gospels well he never told you the one in the resurrection well isn't that the same as the one in the gospel it was but they didn't recognize him so you don't really know what he looked like other than the painting that your grandmother had in her in her living room it's one little girl she just coloring away and her mother said what are you doing she said i'm drawing a picture of god and she said nobody knows what god looks like little girl said they will in a minute and that's that's kind of how we all are you know we get this idea that when we get to heaven we're all gonna you know i'm gonna look like this or look like that that's not what he said you're going to be like jesus christ love joy peace long suffering gentleness meekness temperance goodness faith in unlimited measure that be great all right so redemption of the body changed into a deathless state our vile bodies changed to be made like christ our being changed so that we're like christ and then first thessalonians chapter four first thessalonians chapter four this passage on the rapture of the church the catching away of the believers verse number 13 but i would not have you be ignorant brethren concerning them which are asleep that you sorrow not even as others which have no hope notice people who have hope still have sorrow but their sorrow is helped along it's tempered by the hope that we have for if we believe that jesus died and rose again and are baptized and are good people and give enough money and for if we believe that jesus died and rose again even so them also which sleep in jesus will god bring with him that's the requirement believe the gospel matches first corinthians for this we say unto you by the word of the lord that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the lord shall not prevent them which are asleep for the lord himself should ascend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the archangel with the trump of god the dead in christ shall rise first then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air so you see this people who are alive when the lord comes for his church their spirit and their soul and their body rise up to meet the lord the people whose soul and spirit are already with the lord their bodies rise up and they are they are resurrected we are we are raptured they are resurrected to join the rapture and there are the saved people who are alive and the saved people who are dead and the lord and they're all together in the air they're all alive and then look at this phrase and so shall we ever be with the lord wherefore comfort one another with these words isn't that great so let me confess something to you i don't have confession or not um my my job is not a it's not a difficult job it's not physically demanding job it's but but part of my job requires that i stand in front of you and constantly keep you encouraged and and in love with jesus christ and filled with hope which means between my living room and the parking lot or between my office and the pulpit i have to stop crying because i miss howard so much and i have to stop grieving for a woman who who buried her husband last week and two boys were sitting here this morning in their 20s that'll never see their dad again this side of heaven and what enables you to do that is not that you pretend they didn't die it's remembering that there is coming a day when nothing will ever separate listen not just the believer from the lord but all believers from one another he didn't say so shall i ever be with the lord so shall you ever be with the lord the dead in christ and the living in christ we shall meet the lord in the air and we shall be forever with the lord we're going to a place where there are no splits and divisions and fractions and falling outs and i'm not speaking to you again and and i don't ever want to see you again and and and then funerals and cemeteries and remembrances of the anniversary on which somebody died all of that is over forever that's a blessing god's church in heaven is the only one that has never had a decline in membership it's the only one that's ever had to take people's name off the roll and he doesn't just say so shall you be with the lord so shall we forever be with the lord no goodbyes no broken hearts man i watched those boys up there a week or so ago shoveling that dirt in on that casket there daddy buried there i tell you that's adam brought that in the world not god stop cursing god curse adam adam brought all this but i'll tell you who's going to take it all away jesus christ all right now just just for a quick look revelation 21 revelation 21 you understand how disappointed you would be with christ if i if i told you get saved and no more tears get saved no more pain get saved no more heartaches get saved no more you you think god lied wouldn't be god that lie to be a preacher that lied to you god didn't tell you that you'd avoid all those things but he said i got something i got something waiting your eyes haven't seen and your ears haven't heard and something had haven't entered in to the heart of man let me let me reveal it to you by my spirit it's not going to be like this forever revelation 21 verse number 1 i saw a new heaven new earth the first heaven the first earth were passed away and there's no more sea i john saw the holy city washington d.c coming on new jerusalem coming down from god out of heaven prepared as a bride adorned for a husband i heard a great voice out of heaven saying behold the tabernacle of god is with men now stop just for a minute later in this chapter you're going to read about that gold street that you've heard so much about and those walls of jasper and gates of pearl and and all the gemstones and the walls and everything you know god doesn't stop start there god didn't start to he says behold the tabernacle god is with men and he will dwell with them and he will and they should be his people and and god himself should be with them and be their god and god swipe away all tears from their eyes and there should be no more death neither sorrow nor crying neither should there be any more pain for the former things are passed away isn't that great now i don't want to take you i really i don't take anybody back to probably the worst day of your life but this is a rich country we live in a rich country wealthy country and i've walked into some some fine hospitals beautiful lobbies fountains plants music anaesthetic clean and i've sat there in that lobby when the doctor came out and said he's gone and the people sitting in that room would rather go to the poorest neighborhood in town and see their loved one alive in the gutter sleeping under a bridge then sit in the beautiful lobby of that multi-million dollar hospital and know he's gone so if you got to heaven and it had gold streets and jasper walls and pearl gates and people up there kept dying it wouldn't matter to you how pretty the place was the great thing about heaven is not the furniture the great thing about heaven is not the decor the great thing about heaven is there death is not there pain is not there sorrow is not there heartache is not there goodbyes are not there hallelujah they can use millings on the streets for all i care if jesus is there and my loved ones are alive forever you understand in my father's house there are many mansions i'd settle for single wides honest i'm not i'm not trying to be disrespectful i'm telling you where god starts is not with how amazingly beautiful the place is it's with the fact that everybody there is alive and they'll be alive forevermore verse number six he says he said unto me it is done i am alpha omega the beginning in the end i will give unto him that is a thirst of the fountain of the water of life freely he that overcometh shall inherit all things and i will be his god he will be my son now we're going to read one more pastor tonight but if you're here maybe maybe you're here this morning and you're not saved and you thought about it you didn't get saved and maybe you're here tonight you're still not saved and you're thinking about it but you're not saved there there's there's two places you can end up heaven and hell in heaven people are drinking of the water of life freely and in hell they're crying out for one drop of water you can't put into words what a mistake it is to not get saved you can't put into words what a terrible choice it is to say i'm going to risk living another day without getting saved rivers of living water not one drop of water no death no life no sorrow torment no pain constant pain why would anybody go to hell they didn't have to so well i don't i think we ought to go to heaven because we love jesus i love him now i love me when i got saved i didn't want me to burn in hell and jesus offered to save me from it i took him up on it praise the lord i love him now i love him now but it's entirely selfish on my part when i got saved all right chapter 22 chapter 22 verse number one he showed me a pure river of water of life clearest crystal proceeding out of the throne of god of the lamb in the midst of the street of it on either side of the river was there the tree of life which bear twelve manner of fruits and yielded her fruit every month and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations not a blessing one tree 12 fruits that great got m m's on it it's got i don't know what all grown on that tree it'd be great but that's not the great part look at verse 3 and there shall be no more curse but the throne of god and of the lamb shall be in it and his servants shall serve him they shall see his face and his name should be in their foreheads there should be no night there they need no candle neither light of the sun for the lord god giveth them light and they shall reign forever and ever and he said unto me these sayings are faithful and true the lord god of the holy prophet sent his angel to show unto his servants the things which must shortly be done isn't that great my eye hasn't seen that god gave it to me by revelation my ear hasn't heard those sounds yet but god's given them to us by revelation my heart can't take that in but god has given them to us by revelation you're saved you've got an incredible future might be some bumps along the way between here and there what an incredible incredible future god has for us lord help us be encouraged the troubles of the days of the day the heartaches of the day in seeing how great our everlasting tomorrow is thank you thank you for making this available to sinners who will trust in your name we pray this th in jesus name amen amen
Channel: James W. Knox Sermons
Views: 2,145
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: bible, preaching, preacher, independent baptist
Id: o_tIt6Y5KZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 2sec (3062 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 29 2021
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