OUR (Honest) FULL Chateau Tour Including PRIVATE QUARTERS 👀

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[Music] today we are going to be doing something  that we have never done on YouTube we are going   to do a tour of our shat the whole [Music] thing  we are going to be showing you all of the rooms   that we've never shown before the rooms we  didn't want to show you because we want to   show you the reality of living in a shadow as a  family whilst we're renovating it come with me this is what I call our boot room or mud room and  we recently finished it we've created a lot of   storage here for all of our many jackets and shoes  and we went for a light color on here which was a   little bit controversial because a lot of people  warned that it was going to get very muddy and I   can report back that it's not perfectly clean  but you know what that's the reality of having   a family living in a house and it doesn't bother  me at all next we're going to go into what is our kitchen this is where we spend all of our time  well pretty much all of our time as a family we   love cooking in here we love inviting our friends  here even though we have a dining room we end up   hosting on and uh entertaining in here because  it's just such a lovely space when we moved in   here we still had our guest house open and at the  time we had a very small temporary kitchen back   here so we were desperate to get the kitchen  in use for our our guest house so we didn't   quite finish some of the things for example these  cupboards are not painted we never quite figured   out we put our fridge in here and the concept was  to attach somehow a mechanism that would attached   to the fridge door so that when we opened this it  was you know it was hidden but then it was opening   as we opened this door and currently it's not very  practical the problem with this door is it doesn't   open like a normal cupbo door from a kitchen cover  you would buy from Ikea or something because it's   it's different it's thicker so the the angle that  this door describes when it opens isn't compatible   with the angle of the fridge door so it's kind of  complicated to explain but it doesn't go parallel   and all the mechanisms you can buy are meant for  different type of doors so we will find something   it needs to be something like a double axis and  it's shifted Etc and Philip you never put the   plumbing to make the ice machine work inside it  in Europe we don't use ice much often so we've   never done that but our fridge could make ice  which seems to be a normal thing in in the US   but in Europe it's quite a fancy and except thing  yeah another thing we regret is not putting some   marble on this part here underneath coffee machine  we knew that it was going to get wet and we needed   to protect it so we thought we could just varnish  it but unfortunately that wasn't enough and it's   very stained another thing was that we plan and  to have a library ladder that we could use to   access those top cupboards and we haven't yet  got one so that's another thing that we need to finish and this is our laundry area which we  never show because it's a big embarrassment   we just created it out of whatever we had left  over in this back kitchen area this used to be   the 18th century kitchen and when we were living  here we suddenly realized that Philip needed an   office and we also needed a downstairs toilet  for us to use as a family and we needed washing   machines and Tumble dryers and things like that so  we created this in this tiny little Corridor space   and it does work well but there's one thing  that we didn't finish we always plan to make   a nice kind of little wooden surface here and we  never got around to it so right now it's just got   random buckets and uh window cleaning equipment  also this sink I reget this sink we need to have   like a tap with a hose or something because trying  to clean this huge sink is a nightmare but that's   your fault because you wash out all the all your  painting stuff in here yeah there's always some   kind of painting equipment down here so this is  I mean people know this place because I work in   here from time to time and film myself but this is  my editing room and it works really well it's tiny   but I like it I have a beautiful view I have  shelves with all kinds of stuff another Shelf   with all kind of stuff and here most importantly  all the gear you can see here is sailboard gear   sailboat accessories so this is the very exciting  part which I can't reveal you now I love the color   I chose it it's not my favorite color but it's  your room so we never finished painting this   door Phillip this door which door this door oh no  that's true yeah this door has never been paint   yeah because we don't know what color we paint  that room anyway so we decided it's not more point   in painting them and there's also another thing  in here in this laundry room that we've never   sh and it's this doorway oh there a little detail  I never finished this corner and nor this one you   see there's another ugly corner here is where the  kids play a lot of the time and actually it's also   Ziggy's kind of bed and sleeping spot as well so  it's often covered in dog hair we ended up putting   our old sofa from our old house in here because  we didn't know where to put it in the chatau   it's really not shatow kind of style this room  is just it's constantly a mess it's chaos I've   tried to tidy up a little bit for you guys because  it was just too much it was an embarrassment we've   got some very ugly Ikea cheap furniture in here  and we just needed to find storage so we just went   to Ikea one day and and that's one room where I  really don't like the color as well yeah this was   a room where we really struggled with the color we  ended up painting it this weird um it was like a   swimming pool blue color and it was so horrible  we had to repaint it as soon as we finished in here is our dining room this room here we  haven't quite finished I love the color but we   haven't quite found all of the furniture that we  we hav't found any of the furniture we just found   some beautiful chairs that we bought on auction  but they need reupholstering there's so much to   do in here to make it finished uh for example I  never got around to putting a top coat of paint on   the radiators we don't actually have any curtains  and it's currently a room that we don't use a huge   amount because we tend to host our friends  in the kitchen so it does get used but not   really for its real [Music] purpose this is our  main entrance to the chatau and when we had our   guest house this is where our guests would enter  but it's not a very practical space where do you   hang your coats that's why we always use the side  entrance over there we did a lot of renovation in   here to bring some of the features back in here  this is one of the most finished rooms right   now it looks a little plain we could probably  find some more art but we quite like it very minimal Phillip what is this room well the  problem is we don't know that used to be our   breakfast room but since we closed the guest  house it's empty I think it would be a really   beautiful living room because funny enough  we don't have a proper living room with a   nice sitting area to watch TV or something and I  think that would be ideal but because it's a big   room it would need a big sofa uh a big carpet  and that those things are expensive so we are   hesitating and we need to find something nice  look at this mirror you did a very good job in   other room I think it would deserve to be in  Gold yes I need to Guild that definitely it's   a beautiful room it gets the morning lights it's  super nice I can imagine sitting here and and and   relaxing the problem is we don't even have  time to sit down and watch TV right now so   is somehow not a priority to create  a living room even though probably if   you had a living room you probably would take  the time and sit down and relax from time to time through here is the evening salon and it's  the room that we do use sometimes to watch TV and   put the fire on in the winter and it's a very cozy  spot for now we have these chairs that I bought   secondhand and you can see that they're getting  a little bit trashed because they were intended   just to be sat on on you know in a very sort of  respectful way unfortunately with the kids they   kind of get climbed all over and yeah they need  to be reupholstered basically I still really love   it I just think we could bring it back to being a  more formal evening room over here is something we   don't like to show very often it is the TV I would  ideally like to do is have some kind of artwork   or some shelving with the TV that's kind of set  back into the cupboard and uh and then have some   art on top top of it or something that we can  kind of hide it away when we're not using it I   know this is one of our dear subscribers favorite  room animated It's a Wonderful room but we always   show the lower parts and there's a good reason  for that because up here you still haven't found   a nice light fting same here inside the toilet I  need to switch the light on it's our guest toilet   also no light fitting and also no ventilation no  hat well there's ventilation but there's no hat   so this is our wine storage dog food storage  everything storage mind your head I know why   is you filming and a lot of um plumbing and wires  electric wires and plumbing is going on down here   this is what we call our private s we had to  replum the whole house and the electricity is   completely new it's finished but we never really  managed to sort it out here for different reasons   but mainly because we don't really know what going  to do here maybe we're going to make a wine cell   and keep the the heating thing in another room  and here we have another funny thing an incident   with our plumber he was about to install a water  soft you know and he put all the and he brought   all the materials here but he then never showed up  again it's definitely a future project it could be   nice to turn it into a wine cell maybe a table a  tasting cell we don't actually have any wine down   here though do we Philip no because you drink it  all the time we tend to drink what we have [Music]   are we heading upstairs to the first floor this is where we used to have our guest  rooms right now they've all been a little bit   transformed into my workspaces so this is the  pink room which is now my studio space and I'm   loving it I am getting very messy in here very  creative I think I could do with some better   storage solutions I mean at the moment I have  found this old Ikea cupboard from our old house   and uh it doesn't lock anymore so I have currently  taped it up to kind of keep it in place original   solution yeah in here was the blue guest room and  now has been transformed into my upholstery Studio   this is what these rooms are either used by our  friends and family when they come to stay or for   storing stuff maybe some of the wallpaper needs  to be a little bit repaired but this room isn't   too [Music] bad there's another hidden door behind  here and this used to go into what was probably   like a nursery but we transformed it into the  onsuite bathroom for this green room and then we   thought oh it would be good to use this space as a  cupboard it just we never really finished it it's   still got like the raw plaster board it's got the  pipes exposed I think that we need to sort out as   at some point we need to put some nice shelving in  or we just close the door and forget about [Music] it I think there's not too much to say in this  room so thankfully for one of the rooms there's   not too much else to do maybe the firep plate  needs a little bit of repair but and the marble   no it's all character it adds to the character  yeah this room is perfect there's nothing to do   maybe new lights uh there maybe some new  lamp shades this is a little broken and [Music] wonky and through here in  the on Suite bathroom it's pretty   okay actually I wouldn't change  anything in [Music] here dressing room almost done almost yeah some wallpapering  to do some light sockets to put in the floor   has to be sanded uh the light fitting is missing  Anna's going to make some wallpaper here mirrors   on the wall but um your plug sockets but other  than that done just need to move in and we also   need to furnish it we need to find a nice mirror  for this wall here but it's a big Improvement   just giving you a quick tour because you can see  all these the work on these rooms in our current   video series but here the bathroom a shower  there's a hidden toilet in here and the bath   that I just renovated will be here so painting  to do here and after painting is done Furnishing   and we need to Source lights and here our future  master bedroom I love the color on the wall with   the floor sanded it would look perfect there's  still a lot of painting to do the windows need   to be painted and again all the light fittings  it took us a long time to renovate this space as   you have seen in this video video and the spaces  you still will see a lot of people made fun of us   saying we are slow here in the comments but the  reason is we needed to learn so many new skills   along the way and find the style that suited  us for this really particular space we never   lived in an 80th Century building before now  luckily not every creative Endeavor needs to   be so complicated for instance when it comes to  create your own homepage there's an excellent tool   called Squarespace and all in-one website platform  for individuals and businesses which helps you to   stand out and succeed online and also happens  to be this week's ad the pages created with   grbas always look good and are easy to navigate  because they have been built using well-designed   templates which you choose according to your  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wall here with a door to make this   into our completely private apartment and we were  planning to put down some uh seagrass carpet in   the end we decided actually we didn't want to  do that anymore and we have never finished it   through here is our private family apartment and  I love it up here it's very cozy we're under the   roof and it has a very kind of cottagey feel so  a lot of people wonder why we haven't moved down   stairs onto those big first floor rooms and the  reason was that we quite liked up here it was a   little bit of a cocoon very cozy and especially  with our daughters being very young we felt   that it was nice they felt very safe they were  very close with Us close to us so through here   is their bedroom they currently share a bedroom  I'm not sure for how much longer because I think   Lily would be ready to have her own bedroom this  was actually my very first wallpaper I did and I   made a hand painted design which I then printed  digitally I never really finished putting proper   curtains up so we've done some kind of improvised  curtains in [Music] here so out here is my only   hanging storage which is not a lot and I that's  one of my issues I have here we have a huge amount   space but we don't have enough storage so  we used an old cupboard that we found um   these are beautiful 18th century doors and  then benoir helped us to repurpose them and   make a cupboard out of it and through here is  definitely a room of Doom I really don't want to   show you but I'm going to give you a very very  quick Glimpse and it's a room that we need to   sort out desperately and I want to know in the  comments if anybody else has this kind of room   of Doom that they just throw stuff in please  tell me I'm not the only one oh my goodness   it's gone crazy it's chaos in here can you see the  chaos clothes bedding towels spare mattresses I   mean we could put them in our attic space you'll  understand why they are not in there when I show   you in a second and in here is our bedroom so we  are in the servants quarters of the chatau and   I think that at a later date they probably did  some renovation and added some more beautiful   detailing because we do have a nice mirror in  here a really pretty fireplace this is one of my   storage solutions at the moment this chair that I  upholstered has now become a spare sort of Jumper storage in here is our bathroom and it's our  family bathroom so the kids use it as well I   think there's a couple of things that I regret  that we have never got around to actually doing   and that is finding some Proper Storage  in here this is just a charity shop find   it's quite ugly we never fitted a shower  curtain with a rail so we have this shower   but we can't actually use it so there's  a couple of little things that we could finish so here we have like a small double  bedroom for our family and a a little on   Suite bathroom but we hate the color in here  we painted it gray for some reason it's okay   but it could do with some love I think it  was done very quickly we have a random light   fitting which is hanging from the ceiling but  it works our family are happy to stay in here   so through here it's our attic space I have to  watch my step because there are some missing   tiles yeah some deadly traps this was organized  earlier this year by Phillip where he put all his   tools but it's again transformed into a chaos  so we definitely need to tidy up in here don't   we Philip that's going to be a huge project  because we need to separate things we need   things that we don't need anymore more and then  reorganize everything I think some of them we're   giving away to charity yeah uh some stuff is just  random things that need to be thrown out or just reorganized through here is the second part of  our attic space and it's even more messy even   more messy oh my goodness chaos in here  ah we have so much stuff in here when we   first moved it was completely empty and we  have a huge amount of spare insulation for   some reason we over ordered and so we just  kept it here I think we should just try and   resell it because we don't need or insulator  roof and there's also a huge amount of kids   toys that I put up here and just need to  get them to the charity shop but isn't   that a beautiful space look at it it is a  beautiful space imagine this one [Music] renovated and if you enjoyed this video and  if you want to see our next big renovation   project please consider subscribing and  leave us a like or comment that helps   us enormously as well thank you so much  bye bye and one more thing to celebrate   International chat day on the 14th of July  we are giving 20% off all our candles with   the discount code shatow 20 link to our  shop LFR in the description of this video
Channel: How To Renovate A Chateau
Views: 173,255
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chateau, chateaulife, newlife, countrylife, diy, renovating, familylife, restoration, castle, chateau diaries, living in france, chateau Bed & breakfast, house tour, chateau tour, french property, country life, architecture, architectural digest, escape to the chateau, howtorenovateachateau, escape to the country side, renovation, french style, house and garden, chateau near paris, chateau interior design, chateau life, chateau renovation, chateau tour france, castle house
Id: wpkTxNJlnsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 7sec (1267 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2024
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