Our First Time RV Camping at WALMART - Scary Door Knocks (Salem MA RV Life)

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my god oh my god who's knocking oh my god oh my god oh my god we're not supposed to be here oh my god oh geez please hello dude why are you not getting out of the bed dave [Applause] [Music] yeah oh my lord watch me sway darkness falls and we all pray hoping what's up you guys so dave and i we're from massachusetts but we've never been to salem mass so we figured since we're here we're going to dive a little bit more into the hidden gem local favorite spots here and including some local hidden gem favorite restaurants not to mention we're going to dive a bit more into the history and the untold truths of salem and the witch trials you may not be aware of now there's only one local rv park and well that's full so it looks like tonight we're heading to the local walmart which we hope will have used [Music] wow this place is really cool i know right i'm glad we saw it salem willows park before we headed into downtown salem but right here on the harbor super popular and it's literally like it's seriously like right down the street from the rv parks you got this beautiful beautiful kind of state little city park here i guess you would say it's so awesome there's like an amazing arcade maybe later we can kind of play some of the arcade over here oh i think you're right retro but i can't take my eyes off these willows these trees like these weeping willows and it's right on the harbor oh and check this out right over here looks like there's a place you can kind of grab some looks like lunch right there on the harbor a couple tables set up with umbrellas so before we get started we thought we'd stop off for some great brunch here at red sandwich shop which is uh highly recommended by locals to us and it's in a historic building club it used to be the old london coffee house 1698 building you excited babe i am very excited i'm i'm actually starving so it makes a lot of sense to kick this off it's pretty warm outside but i already placed an order for us so i think we're going to share it's supposedly they have really good breakfast tacos so already place an order i think we'll split it because there's also another spot i think we should try out after this but this place is supposed to be known for some really sort of that tasty homemade vibe in here so i'm excited yeah i'm excited too voila told you looks really really good i mean take a look at that oh man come on of course i have to ask for the hot sauce also they have their nice sort of potato which is really warm the only problem i feel with this is we're going to be full i'm getting a lot of walking today but i'm glad we're sharing me too and i'm starving it's like fully loaded like seriously i'm gonna actually just throw a potato in there just to give it a good old hearty hose from first bite all right the verdict days what's the verdict the verdict is mmm oh it's really good oh that's great i think it is definitely getting to turn it up well take care of that low blood sugar take your sugar [Music] so it was really cool to learn some of the famous footprints that have kind of come to this place here and one being adam sandler and noah schnapp i guess we were making a movie over here it was called like hubby halloween yeah who is noah yeah noah snap is from stranger things oh he's like the younger brother that kind of gets the tingly things in the back of his neck when he sends senses things going on i'm so stuffed so it looks like there's something like the freedom trail here in salem as well just kind of walk the line and it looks like wait a second connie's on it right now and we don't have any guide on where this is taking us but looks like there's a trail here wait it's going this don't test my judgment don't test my skills there we go you got the skills now they have some great organized tours in salem that you can definitely see oh oh oh wow the trolley's coming down yeah all right thanks man yeah there's some great organized tours here but with the ones we called didn't want us filming so we decided to try this self-guided tour but check out this trolley there it goes i'm glad you uh kept me from getting hit by that thing always thank you haunted house she looks pretty happy this way she gets ready to invite you into her house yeah it looks like something special it's like a welcoming spot here it's a really nice little walking area here oh yeah a little pedestrian except for the trolleys charlie's come down so watch out for the trolleys along the path here look up there you see her yeah huh lady of salem yeah and they're everywhere all right little blue in the face lady of salem sponsor bates elementary school oh cool the bates motel he just went there so right here on washington in front of salem cycle is the courthouse yeah the old uh courthouse actually it's not here anymore but it actually was right up partly around the middle of the street the old salem courthouse where they actually tried and convicted um you know all the people is part of all the victims as part of the sale on wish trial of course 19 were hung and then one refused to uh make a plea effectively guile's cory and he was actually pressed to death which is basically just putting boulders on top of him hey so we're standing right now in front of turner seafood which is a very popular restaurant here in salem actually one of the most popular seafood spots here in salem and it's also lyceum hall so bridgette bishop she was a former landowner here in lysine pawn and one of the interesting factors about british bishop is she was one of the victims of the witch trials [Music] another great way to beat the heat here or actually to beat the cold it's gonna get pretty cold here it's just a step inside one of the cool delicious restaurants and we stepped into another one called the juicery for a smoothie a little juicy little juicy time so that's another great thing about sailing is there's so many dynamite restaurants here on top of the history we've actually experienced quite a few and there's some that we wish we had time to try so if you have time but you're going to be doing a lot of walking which we recommend because that is a great way to not miss something important is to try some of these restaurants because they're dynamite yes and actually that brings us to a question for you if you've been to salem and you've had a most memorable experience let us know what that experience was in the comments below we might just feature that comment in a future video absolutely and babe we should actually get going we have a lot to see that's true we do have a lot of exciting things coming up and that's why we have to have the smoothies with protein to get us through it let's rock [Music] so dave fun fact oh yeah what's that did you know salem was the birthplace of the national guard in 1636. i did not know that well it is wow that's a very cool fact actually wow well in 1883 did you know that actually parker brothers the game company was founded in salem actually the headquarters were here for years and of course they they developed monopoly clue right a lot of great board games wow i did not know that but it sounds like we're going to need to pick up a monopoly board for desert snow that's not a bad idea [Laughter] hey everyone say hello to sam samantha stevens you know elizabeth montgomery so why is this here in salem well in 1970 the salem set in california before he which burned down so they did the salem sagas here in salem and this iconic statue of sam stevens is one of the most popular photo spots here in salem wait wait she's telling me something oh yes okay i got it so you're there all right be gone [Music] this is not quite the anchor quite thinking it's funny the one thing about salem but people don't really think about it is it has an incredible marine history as well but i think that's pretty cool oh it's a great little park it's a really nice area though but there are some histories and some mysteries that we have to uncover while we're [Music] can you believe here paul revere bought this bell like 46 bucks wow 46 dollars that's a lot of money back then it seems like a lot of money right wow i don't think i've ever seen a blue bark is that blue bark is this only in salem the salem stuff that is a salem painted blue blue bark watch out look for the blue bark here in salem now this is a gorgeous little walkway here more blue bark it's everywhere there's blue bark everywhere so folks know the meaning of the blue bark and white yeah if people know that the meaning of the blue bark let us know in the comments below please why are the trees oh here we go there's an answer here wait we can find out so i guess we now know why the trees are blue so the artist it was constantine dinopolis he basically uh responded to the global deforestation and uh the climate crisis and the reason he painted the trees blue was because there are no real blue trees in nature so this is kind of his response you know to that and how he felt and this house behind us is uh pretty crazy right a lot of rumors around this one it's the samuel pikman house and the rumor is that back sometime in the 1700s a family moved in there and the dad was uh was kind of crazy and apparently he tied his daughter right up on the second floor to the down to the floor or something that's crazy and like before that kind of kicked in he was seeing like demonic spirits and things that nature and so you know even though the family has been forgotten the scary stories of the family still remain and it happened to be right up in that second window that a lot of folks visitors even today have said they still see a silhouette or a little girl kicking out that one that's kind of creepy but that's us that's the first one we're up there there's a second floor there we go second part right there so now you can enter the house but guess what you may not be able to leave unless you buy something this is a gift shop now it's a gift shop actually through the gift shop visit the gift shop see what they got keep an eye on that yeah quite a few places yes wow [Music] but that's not always reliable uh she's not very similarly get some iron-on patches if you like iron-on patches oh bummer you picked the good stuff you did oh my god my mom had something like this for my dad my dad got it for your mom really yeah doesn't feel spooky being inside of the pikmin house i mean definitely the ceiling heights are not made for like there's actually more room in desert snow can you believe it right i can actually top right here it's actually really cool i love i love the beans yeah it's really cool so it's still standing so it shows sound quality but boy oh boy it feels a little creepy we're heading off next to the charter street cemetery is there a little girl i thought somebody popped out around those bushes i think there was some that popped around those bushes [Music] i got a map for us for the cemetery oh awesome let this spooky begin we actually have a map now of the cemetery that we can actually use to find the key pieces to the cemetery not to mention the back of this actually kind of lets us know what those symbols are about it's a great way you know using this map is a great way to kind of figure out things and you know maybe the order you might want to check them out [Music] we're actually at the charter street cemetery and actually none of the victims of uh the witch trials were buried here um there is a memorial right next door we're going to check that out in a little bit but uh you're actually one of the judges and many other folks are actually buried here during the sale and wish trials the judges would actually allow spectral evidence which is basically evidence supposed evidence that the girls that were afflicted supposedly by by the witches and things like that uh would actually give that testimony and that was assumed to be true even though there's absolutely no way no evidence no way to really prove that at all just the word of the girls that were affected and that led to a lot of you know i mean apparently the conviction rate i think was like 100 as well so it's just it's so it's just terrible you can actually tell the age of the gravestones really by the type of motifs that they have on them you can see that's one of the older ones right there with the skull motif and then over here there's actually a face that you'll see which so it's a little bit more recent than the last one information you may want to know that you may not have known is that john hawthorne and nathaniel hawthorne related and john hawthorne who we know is the judge that allowed spectral evidence which caused so many deaths and nathaniel hawthorne who's the writer of the scarlet letter well if you notice their names he put a w in front of thorne hawthorne because he didn't want to be associated with john for all the terrible acts that were caused due to his judging interesting you know just to put some color in terms of how evil judge hoffman was he would basically bully men and women into saying things that he could use to incriminate them to put them to death and that's crazy oh no it is crazy i mean he also allowed spectral evidence which of course is you can't disprove it's ridiculous and we heard the conviction rate was a hundred percent yeah which is just just horrible oh yeah like if somewhere back back then to save their own butt if they can say this person over here is a witch and this is why there will be no proof allowed that person potentially be put to death because of the spectral evidence so it's really really a a nasty uh and in my opinion a really evil man so interestingly enough there is a house i keep seeing this spooky creepy house that's kind of right up here in the graveyard and apparently it's called dr grimshaw's house and it's the house or home of nathaniel hawthorne's wife right it's so funny it's right and it's right against the tombstone yeah looks like you can get a nice window view it looks like on the tunes for that view right but i got i think those windows on the bottom floor are painted are those those are painted are they painted no they're windows are those windows those are just locked out windows right to keep these spirits from looking at you premium for the window of view it's a view of the future [Music] [Applause] so in downtown salem right in the center of town actually right by the cemetery we were just in they have a memorial to the victims of the witch trials all 20 of the victims and it is amazing just looking and kind of look right down here and just seeing it actually each one they do have someone put flowers down but you can see rebecca nurse hanged july 9 19 16 92 and you kind of go to each one and it's and there's the sarah wilds july 19 1692 and it's incredible just how many happen in such a short time right this is only over the course of like a year or two so interestingly enough what kicked off all of this uh madness um to these poor folks being killed was reverend parish's daughter betty and his niece abigail who just randomly at some point started having these fits and convulsions and seeing things that the doctors or the priests couldn't put into play what they did say was that it happened to be the work of the devil and by that it went from there and they tried to figure out ways in terms of how they can get out who was putting this curse on them and so what they did was they tried different ways of doing so until three names came into play to kind of kick off this and it seemed like the the three uh women that were named were all poor okay so john proctor was a landowner in mass and he ended up being hung because of the fact that he stood up for his wife so when they accused his wife which i believe his niece was the one that accused his wife wow and it's just unbelievable and then he stood up for her saying she's not and because of his belief in truth and right they turned on him hence he was also part of the 20 in his grave sad so i guess one of the things we should point out is that he was the last of that day so august 19th 1962 was when he went his turn to be hung and it's really sad because he had to watch others life being drained from their body before he went up so it's and apparently as we understand it was they had what was called a short time not the long hang not that it's necessarily better but apparently shorter yeah when the longer longer ones you would break your neck and die more instantly where these apparently it was more of a you would get choked to death and it would be just a horrible much slower yeah well i love that folks are kind of immoralizing it as well by putting the difference here none of that says courage and maintaining your good name they actually have engraved right here at the front of the memorial just some really heart-wrenching quotes of the accused during the witch trials you can see right here oh lord help me they're actually these are actual quotes the transcripts of the trials and i am holy innocent of such wickedness and of course you can see here i plead not guilty it just kind of goes on so really quick there's actually one more interesting name i think we should point out which is a very unique story to this one here i'll meet you over there huh that was fast so anyway george burrows is the name of a very has a very unique story behind george burroughs he was the only pastor in american history that was accused of witchcraft and the story goes that george burrows basically borrowed money because when his wife died he didn't have enough money to pay for a funeral so he borrowed it from the putnams and over time he couldn't pay it back so he left salem and moved to maine and ten years goes by and it gets the knock from these gentlemen that are accusing him of witchcraft the putnam's accused him of witchcraft which then he would be pulled out of maine drawn back to salem to be tried which we all know how all that ends when you're tried for witchcraft with a hundred percent accused rate exactly convictions wow august 19th 1962 says for reverend burroughs a man of god a man of truth [Music] ah looks like they're painted [Music] okay first and foremost after we sit here for five minutes i think we need to go get some refresher hot parched but i have to tell you this is a very very interesting spot that we decided to park our butts so that beautiful brick building called the town hall with the green doors in front of us if it looks familiar it's because it was the dance hall scene in hocus pocus oh wow okay yeah a little hocus pocus sighting exactly but there's something that they may not know yeah apparently there were secret tunnels under i don't know if there's a town hall in the in the square area the town hall where you could actually folks would actually go to secretly visit brothels and maybe bootleg in some whiskey and things like that so so uh historians out there let us know in the comments uh how much truth there is into that rumor we heard but let us know that's where we're hearing that's what rumors are for yeah those are kind of those things where it's a rumor it could be true or it could not be true that is the question i love i love how like festive is here with the little uh market going on here behind us like really kind of like a little flea market going on they got little dolls over there with witches and they got like some romantic essence herbs and and romantic essence herbs ooh romantic [Music] oh no now you're getting down there you go and this is regular speed folks not sure if i could uh wear this shirt here looks good on you though uh what do you think i can handle that one i think what about we got something like this and i thought i looked down this fella right here though kind of fits him a little better than me right but maybe that way i'm really all about the orange kind of fun though all about the orange all right you don't like that one but i can't really like uh fish very well i gotta say oh that's nice that's more subtle right you're not scared of this one yeah but the other one's awfully bright like exactly you'll be like a beacon coming into that uh casino on camera just which one did you get i think when you gotta go for it just gotta go for it which one there it is you sure don't how about the grandpa swag [Music] so it's interesting babe this is actually they call it the witch house but there actually weren't any witches that lived in here and this is also one of the only buildings left in salem that has a direct connection to the witch trials actually one of the judges judge corwin lived here who was one of the main judges during the witch trials you know basically convicting all these uh the poor victims during the witch trials but it's an amazing building still standing you know part of history it's the only building that you can actually go inside yes that's true and as gifts as a gift shop let's go check it out of all the gifts should we check it out i think you should check out all the gifts in the gift shop we're looking for gifts we're on a mission for gifts [Music] small doors you better duck you're kind of tall i know this is me thank you definitely are you ready not meant for uh folks uh with some height at the creek oh yeah well babes this is the first church in salem founded august 6 16 29 also the first congregational church in america right over there wow it's a ropes mansion right it's seen in hocus pocus yes this is allison's house that's right it was all kind of i think it was all decked out for halloween for halloween like he walked inside the guy that liked her walked inside with his little sister right and then he went inside blah blah blah and he said something the sister didn't like so she came running outside and she kind of like dived here it was like really sad and it was like it was like there's like there's like hay bales here so she could dive into the hay bales for halloween and then she was like no not gonna handle it anymore he's like would you just give me one more chance she's like why do i do that he's like because i'm your brother i'm your brother and she's like where are you taking me i'm taking you to max and danny's house so they're from hocus pocus you're the brother and sister are you like ms ho hocus pocus today oh good this is part of the witch it's a focus pocus kind of day crowd exactly this is a private house right over there huh and there it is what a beautiful spot where are we feels kind of familiar like from a movie like from a movie that's been pretty popular around this parts for some time dave what do you think hocus pocus does it look like max and danny's house behind me not more of that hocus pocus stuff i'm just saying it's max and danny's house behind me you know i remember that top exploding i think yeah i think that exploded in the movie and some witches came flying out but look they put it back together perfectly well perfect perfect right it's absolutely perfect back together but now this is actually a really cool um you know piece obviously this is a place you can't really park and stop down here because it's for the neighborhood while they look over at this beautiful yeah the view is amazing view oh it's beautiful i've been actually invited up no i usually don't invite people up but you guys are thank you and a lot of people struggle with yeah wow this is quite the view you have it's serious thank you so much so check this out dave this is quite the angle now do you watch hocus pocus like over again and are you just like yeah laugh halloween our first halloween when we were here and what's your name i'm haley haley hi tanya nice to meet you husband and we're called turn it up [Music] well we made it to walmart now it's not the uh the biggest or nicest walmart you can kind of see off there in the distance is walmart there's a spirit halloween store coming not too distant future here right by the gamestop they actually told us the park in the parking lot right by the game stop but uh well here we are our first time at the walmart hey babe how you feeling about this they said we had to park over in this direction which seems a little more ominous of course we got a truck over that way and being in the town um we just kind of talked about all like the witches and all that haunted stuff something a little creepy at least we're under some lights yeah i don't know i think we should just wrap this up close up shop in here and the faster we go to sleep the faster the snail harvest you can see off there you got a uh you can make it out there's like a truck actually way off in the dark over there you do have some other guys you got a van here next to us and uh of course right back looking towards the walmart and planes going overhead on a plane route [Music] now i know we're in walmart but it's still pretty cozy being in here right once you're inside you feel cozy now i'm still a little nervous that we were not supposed to be here even though they said it was okay now tiny and i have been talking about doing pranks on one another for a long time now and i figured what better time than right now when we're sleeping in walmart in salem massachusetts and tanya has been a little nervous about it what better time than now to do a prank well it's in the middle of the night it's about 3 30 in the morning and this may be really this may be terrible um but it just seems like the perfect time here uh for the knock in the middle of the night and actually on my on my side of the bed i put pillows under blankets to try to make sure so tiny would think i'm still there and i have a camera going actually inside as well now to kind of get tanya's reaction so here it goes please forgive me knocking oh my god oh my god oh my god we're not supposed to be here oh my god oh geez please hello dude why are you not getting out of bed dave hello oh my god he's surprised he's kidding me i'm like oh my god oh my god that was terrible i don't know oh you know what oh no i'm going to lock you up [Applause] happy halloween i'm sorry babe i'm sorry oh you know what payback is a i'm sorry oh my god oh that was so wrong okay it's back back to bed [Music] oh my gosh it was so wrong oh my god oh that's so wrong you know get out of here get the camera off of me hey babe what i'm sorry do you still love me oh i do still love you but wait a second i'm already in bed who is you who's sleeping over here i swear to god that's good night everyone it's almost sunrise we get to sleep nice good morning [Music] good hey morning knocked that little scare oh hey guys i slept like a baby i think i uh i had a dream of i think i was like uh sleepwalking last night or something yeah that's you love your baby i love you so hey should we get some coffee and hit the road ah definitely and it's approaching well after seven years it's time to get going all right coffee [Music] wow this is a an incredibly powerful spot this is a place that was recently discovered to actually be the place where they believe or at least near here where they believe um the victims were actually hung during the salem witch trials i mean for years they thought it was actually further away up on a larger a larger hill but this is uh now you know we believe to be the spot based on some research that was done this is a nice memorial that they recently built here for the victims yeah i just find it incredible the historians that got together to piece the puzzles to find exactly where this um memorial for the victims uh happened so long ago to be able to kind of isolate and pinpoint different things to say this most likely would be the place and there's actually a great program about it by the smithsonian that they put out which uh it was really fascinating to watch danny was interested oh i guess a moment of silence for the victims [Music] wow so that was a fun you know and very enlightening time here in salem and i i thought we learned um more than expected oh no if there's so much to learn here so much history you know it's incredible because it's a solemn place right where there was just you know this horrible event that happened but the town itself is so full of life and so lively it's an amazing place to visit absolutely and just being here you can actually feel you know the energy of the town you can feel the history of the town it's a lot more than just reading it in a book or even seeing it like this so if you have a chance to get out here come out here to learn the history of this place because there's so much of it and by the way if you guys like more of these type of videos from us we're going to bring you more in depth of a town or a place that we're at on top of these fun hidden gems let us know in the comments below because that's something we are we're really enjoying and i think if you guys enjoy it we'll bring you more of that yeah so thanks everyone hope you enjoyed it and we'll see in the next one
Channel: LetsTurnItUpWorld
Views: 284,367
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rv, rv camping, rv camping parking lot, overnight rv camping, rv life, camper van, rv vlog, letsturnitupworld, turn it up world, rv living, walmart overnight parking, walmart rv overnight parking, walmart rv parking, turn it up world rv, salem witch trials, salem ma, salem massachusetts, hocus pocus filming locations
Id: mxQ_iYn7hH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 21sec (2421 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 11 2022
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