Our first priority must be defeating Donald Trump.

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look we are living in crazy times and the challenges that our country and the world face are probably the most dangerous for a very very long time this is tough stuff and I think the first point to be made and answer to your question is people have got to understand what a horrific danger Donald Trump will be if he is reelected if you believe that climate change is real and a real threat to the future of this planet and our kids and grandchildren Donald Trump thinks climate change is a hoax if you think there something wrong when three people own more wealth than the bottom half of American society and we have an unprecedented level of income and wealth inequality Donald Trump very clearly wants to give more tax breaks to billionaires if you think that our Health Care system today is broken Donald Trump wants to end the Affordable Car Act and throw millions of people off the health care that they have if you think that women should have the fundamental right to control their own bodies something you know we have taken for granted for decades Donald Trump will be supporting a National Abortion ban and make it harder for women uh to get abortions so and by the way no no tiny matter if you happen to believe in democracy and the right of people to control their own lives Donald Trump has made it very clear that he will take us to an authoritarian type of society those are the guys around the world strong men around the world who do not believe in democracy are his Heroes so it is absolutely imperative that we defeat Trump clearly the most dangerous candidate in maybe American history all right now do I have disagreements with Biden do I have strong disagreements with Biden the answer is yes I do and I'm going to do everything I can to move Biden in a more Progressive agenda but I'm not going to throw the baby out with the bathwater I'm not going to allow Donald Trump to become elected president so what do we have to do we have to go forward in a several pronged approach number one we defeat Donald Trump number two at the Grassroots level we mobilize people not only to vote for Biden but to support the many many good Progressive candidates who are today under assault from APAC and other super Pacs out there one of the very nice things that I think does not get the attention that it deserves is over the last 6 eight years we have seen a real growth of young often people of color progressives in the House of Representatives far more I suspected in the history of this country far more than when I was in the house in the 1990s we got to protect those people from The Assault that they're going to be getting hit with uh by uh super Pacs and thirdly at the Grassroots level we got to continue the pressure for a progressive agenda an agenda by the way which the American people support healthc care is a human right broadening the Trade union movement making it easier for workers to form unions and we're making some real progress in that a Direction moving aggressively not only in this country around the world to combat the fossil fuel industry and save the planet from climate etc etc so these are extraordinarily difficult times and on top of all of that we've gone through covid gone through Mental Health crisis going through that right now but at the very least Donald Trump must be defeated all of us got to work uh on that effort
Channel: Bernie Sanders
Views: 38,772
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bernie sanders, 2020, election, democratic primary, bernie 2020, bernie, joe biden, elizabeth warren
Id: 2R9hQtFMCBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 55sec (235 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2024
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