Our First Mother's Day

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so we just got done picking up some groceries at Walmart this is a Saturday this is the Saturday before Mother's Day and Austin said we need to go to Lowe's and I'm like well why do we need to go to Lowe's for and he's like just because and I'm like okay and we're sitting in the curbside pickup and I'm thinking what's happening here and he got me a a barn door a door for our half bath in our bedroom we have in our bedroom just really small bathroom it's just a um sink and a toilet and there's no door on it and so we were trying to think you know would we eventually just hang a curtain would we get a pocket door and then we thought we should get a barn door you know they'd be pretty and probably best use of the space and uh that's what he got me just so sweet I love it he knows that I'm practical that gift wise I want something that is going to be useful that I can use so that is so sweet of course Kat's not with me right now because she's at home with the baby but we kind of wanted to document our first Mother's Day but then also just make a little video and celebrate all the mothers and just say happy Mother's Day to everyone so it's it's neat uh thinking about this being my first Mother's Day I'm like does that count I mean I think it counts with even though the baby's not born yet but that's special and I was telling Austin that's something I never even thought about uh when I got pregnant was oh well then someday on Mother's Day you know um I'll you know I'll be a mother I'll participate in that I just never thought about that until I was thinking you know oh what am I going to get like my mom and oh my sister and my grandma and my mother-in-law for Mother's Day and and then I was like oh wait a second I guess I'm sort of in that category too so that's just special very sweet of atin babe you're so sweet he thought you might like it thank you you're welcome I love you love you that is so sweet I said Austin knows that I'm practical that yes any kind of gift I want it to be something I can use somehow oh yeah Cory doesn't want it if she can't use it that is true I get that from Mama yes thank you baby you're quite welcome h i love you I love you baby do you want to go get a donut let's do [Music] it thank you very much YouTube haven't even had the first sip of coffee this morning you haven't that's too good really good we'll be on a sugar high yeah we will be after eating this it's so good good though too good thank you darling welcome Happy Mother's Day thank you baby mama this has been such a sweet day already well it ain't over yet well I need to get to work on making a cake thany y I wanted to make a cake for Mother's Day for Katie and Mom and we'll take some to Granny of course I'm sure I'll eat some and um we'll even let Dad and Austin have some what say I'm just kidding so I kind of need to get to work on the cake and then while we were at the grocery store I actually got some flowers for Katie and Mom for Mother's Day I already have them some gifts that I need to kind of put together today but I wanted to just add the flowers to it and then I need to get Granny's thing together and then I need to make sure that we've got your mom's thing squared away so I need to kind of do those things today we yeah look how pretty it is out today it is very nice day a little cool to start out but going right up I think there like 47 this morning yeah it's like 53 now but this guy is so blue and it's no rain mhm it's going to get close to 70 I think before they said nice [Music] the [Music] n [Music] oh oh [Music] he n [Music] n [Music] so I got the cake done for Mom and Katie and I think that that would be a sweet surprise it is not perfect by no means I've never really made a cake like that before so I'm just tickled that it actually turned out at all so that would be neat to slice in to tomorrow I want to show you a gift that Mom and Dad got me I did not know that they were doing this so so in dad this is going in there I'm not editing that out so in the big Garden here mom and dad put in a whole row here this cattle panel of uh beans and then we got some cucumbers at the end they were like you can plant whatever you want down there at the end and some cucumbers and I said well I have seeds in the house will you plant them for me if I go get them and they did so this is a whole spot in the garden which of course you know they tell us we can have anything we want but it's just sweet that they made this especially for me for Mother's Day for mother's day I love it I'm so glad thank you guys I knew you'd love it it's awesome I told Austin this morning when he surprised me with the born door for the bathroom I really like practical gifts M and that's what I said I said I'm like my mama so this is very practical I love it going to be so cool to come down here and pick beans of course I probably won't be doing it cuz I'll be taking care of the baby but Austin can might slip out for a minute yeah so I got dirt in my shoes you are wearing sandals I did wear them on purpose I had a agenda you wanted to get in the creek I that and I just wanted to get in the Barefoot I like the way it feels P my we're excited cuz we haven't seen this Garden tilled in Long Time time long time probably about 10 years oh at least maybe more than that so it's cool to see yeah it probably has so I've got some nice things for you guys tomorrow on actual Mother's Day I have one little present for you you didn't have to get me nothing [Music] and [Music] heart I could he my [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] would me so much to me if I could hear my [Music] [Applause] mother I just got back from church and so now I want to get together the gifts for Katie and Mama and get my card for granny so that way I'll be ready to take it to them they had a really sweet little breakfast uh for mothers at church and then I thought this was so sweet they had these little things packaged together and it says thank you for being the hands of Jesus and so like hand soap and lotion and some hand sanitizer I thought that was really sweet so there's my card for granny and I got Katie a few things I got her some cookies some candy that she likes and then I got her a gift card that I sent her through her email so maybe she can buy some things for baby and then I found this you know she of course she doesn't have tons and tons of time to uh you know read a devotional or or read the Bible but you know she still tries her best and so I thought this would be good one minute prayer so pretty sure and then I did get her this devotional it's one if you've been on the channel before you know that I talk about how much I like it and so I bought her a copy so I hope that she will like these things simil for Mom she likes the cookies and then I also got her a copy of this and I got her uh a book by Lisa Jewel I read that book several years ago and when Granny was in the hospital mama was reading a lot because that was pretty much all she could do and she's an Avid Reader anyways but she read some of this lady's books and liked them so I wanted to get her another one and then this I won't unpackage it but I will show you what it looks like cuz I have one justlike it is an olive oil bottle and they have like a plastic one that come with the black stone that they bought but I wanted her to have like a nice glass one like the one that I have so I got her one of those I also got Katie and Mom some flowers for Mother's Day I just thought these were so pretty and these are blanket flowers those are just I don't know just really unique and pretty looking so I hope that they would like these I thought they would be good we could plant them outside and they could enjoy him we sent Austin's Mama a gift card and we made sure to text her since we're not getting to spend Mother's Day with her but she's getting to spend Mother's Day with her mama in South Carolina so that's sweet I know that they will enjoy that time and it's kind of crazy this being my first Mother's Day of course baby's not here yet but I think it's sweet and Sweet that the church included me and I'm looking forward to cutting this cake I never made a cake like this and I want to see if it's any good and definitely cut a piece and take one to Granny and take one to Paul and hopefully everyone will enjoy it this so cool so before we go up and eat supper Austin installed the door yep it's a little half bath off our bedroom here thought about it it's like well you don't want it really just sitting wide open so it's something we could do it would' be hard to put a door in cuz you know this is in the way walls in the way so I thought maybe put a barn door in yeah and you kind of slide it behind this piece of furniture right here and it's actually soft clothes too so yeah it's awesome I love it I love that thing got that put in today thank you baby you're very welcome that's awesome I love happy Mother's Day thank you all right Mama there you go Cory this is so good I'm sorry and it was so nice of you to make us some cake happy Mother's Day happy Mother's Day to you and your mom oh I tasted the frosting that taste this is delicious this cake is beautiful and Cory looks so cute and what she's wearing today you to sleep thank you I look like a homeless person no you don't this is really good being Mom Austin is on the phone so we give up on Austin I think he's talking to his moment so we're going to um leave him a piece day oh my gosh it's so good Cory kti's trying to eat fast before the baby he wakes up and sings us the song of his people but we'll see oh it's good only thing it needs the only thing it needs is a glass of milk not bad I had a glass of milk in the living room somewhere it's not only not bad what kind of frosting that's really good I guess it's buttercream cuz I use a lot of butter and powder love all the little things you put on it thank you I put those on there for decoration this is really not bad it's delicious's done such a good job I'm so proud of you so sweet happy Mother's Day happy Mother's Day I love you guys Happy Mother's Day to all the other moments out there yeah absolutely want to wish them everyone happy Mother's Day I want everybody to open their gift yeah I'm going to get you guys open your gift this is good still good just sat out on my camera all night and I looked at it and was like I really want some I really want some of that what you thinking about it I need to get a gift is this for me yeah a got something for y on the deck Cory has a gift I just had haven't got it yet it's in there cookies cookies are always good oh knows I love these cookies my favorite candy hand it to me and I'll explain about the Box oh I got some books a how' you know I wanted that I actually took a picture of this Cory had one and put it in my phone but then I never bought it cuz I thought I'm going buy that for myself oh thank youy you're so sweet one minute you know that I like that I've read that one the family upstairs sounds a yay I C devotional that I read I was trying to have the baby I was like can someone pray for me and thenay and some of these cookies thank you Cory I love my gift thank you mother thank you happy Mother's Day ol leave my bag alone I trying to Ste SC with your Stu pretty you know what it is oh it's an olive oil for olive oil oh I can get rid of my little and the plastic one the problem with it is when you pour out of it then it runs down it and you can't get it off plastic this will never drip mine never does that's nice nice that looks good oh it's so I got one just like it oh thank you Cory my gift for Cory my gift for mom is in that box on the other side of the camera um my gift for Cory so I sent you something in your email but let me explain so one of my nearest dearest friends sent us all matching Mama necklaces and this is the thank you we love you I love you dearly thank you abely this is the box that it come in and so um I just saved the box cuz I thought maybe I'll do something else with it and then I thought I was going to make something for Cory and I thought well I've got some other boxes around but then I thought it would be funny to put it back in the box that she already got the other necklace out of so I put it back in the box so it's going to be good I've done seeing it here you go you can open it and see what you we'll see what you think about it oh my gosh I love this let me see if I canull it just pull it off the oh my gosh this this is going to be my new maybe they can take it up close of it we'll get it up close so that you can actually see it right now what I'm looking at this is beautiful so I use this U Moonstone because that's going to be baby's birth stone oh cuz that's the right and the shape is a Hulk and Katie did such a good job on it it looks so good I mean you need to make more of those I thought I could do this by myself but yeah I can't it's so pretty thank you so much I love it I just wanted I seen the Hulk I was like Cory's going to love this I love it thank you I just wanted to do something that I thought I I know you like Hawks but then I started well I love incorporate Ro but then I love the stones perfect and it looks like it's flying is really nice thank you so much Katie needs to do a whole you could do a whole series of them and say Cory's Hawks that could be the name of yeah that's true well that one is like you could do all kinds of different ones that one's in Flight like with it's like you could do one sitting like a silhouette of one setting and the texture on it you'll think this is funny one of them some of the textures just a little bitty tiny Hammer I've got but the rest of that's the basement FL I like to use the concrete and I don't just use concrete I use the concrete where I stand so I'm like I stood right here on this floor thank you so much thank you I love it that you guys had a good Mother's Day had a great Mother's Day we have we have it's been good I need to take granny and Paul some cake and take her her card I need to give Mom her present we can do that L what you think about that I love love it so nice I'm telling youy Haw do a whole series you can do some sitting some flying some sitting on aanch let me um go outside real quick and get you a plants you got us I just thought you guys could plant them oh this is beautiful that is so pretty that's called a blanket flower and this one said uh o this is a blanket flow I planted some of these seeds that ktie got me for Christmas if they come up oh that's pretty that's beautiful thank you thank you so much you got me too much I'm feeling bad no I love it I love my necklace and I love my bed thingy my it's not a bed fixed for cattle panel so I love this thank you I'll take your plant from you thank you so you can do baby Duty okay let's do it all right I guess this is where we're going to leave y'all here so thank you for watching and celebrating Mother's Day with us and we want to wish everyone a Happy Mother's day God bless you God keep you and we'll see you next bye going to eat more cake now to give Austin his cake peace out
Channel: thepressleygirls
Views: 39,605
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Pressley Girls, Pressley Girls, Pressley Sisters, The Pressley Sisters, Mother's Day Pressley Girls, Mother's Day Pressley Sisters
Id: 60Z8Upollm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 6sec (1386 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2024
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