Our Family Speaks Japanese Only for the Weekend 🇯🇵 | Life in Japan Episode 248

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Today is the first day in a long time that we will have a Japanese-only day but it's not just today, this whole weekend will be Japanese only. Let's do so! Let's do so! How about dad? How was my intro? Well I could hardly hear it, but it was pretty good. Yea, that's right. Good! Japanese-only day! [Life in Japan Theme Song] Sarah! What are you doing?! Sparkles... Sparkles... She's the Unicorn Master, right? Unicorn Master Sarah First thing today I have a meeting, This meeting is a Japanese only meeting, so let's do our best. About how many can stay? Maybe 50 people you think? Well, we have 5 rooms so yeah, about 50 people. Anna, did you buy breakfast? Donut. Thanks Anna. If you all don't come I'll end up eating it all. The 2nd day isn't a holiday... We study Japanese every day Ah, I'm in the Diamond League but I want to get in the finals! Did you edit the video? Yes, I edited it. But there's several different kinds of study we have, Ruth does other kinds of study Ruth's Japanese study... "Wanikani" Do you also do something else? Here and Kumon. That's how it is. Good. Go get it. Thanks. Sarah, can I have Cupcake for a day? We thought of a good idea... If you spend today together with Cupcake, then Cupcake spends the night with you. That's cool. Cute Cupcake can spend the night. But before sleeping, Joshua and I will give Cupcake dinner. Yep, that's ok. Cupcake uses this... Ah, for sleeping, right? And that does it. Anna? Do your best. Sarah? Let's go to the supermarket together? Ok! Cupcake is mine! Please do your best. Let's go? Let's go? No no no, not yet! Everyone, let's go! What is this? Statue oh my, oh my, oh my Oh my?! I'm sorry! You're too tall! Cheating! No it's not! Look Mr Camera... Look Mr Camera... Mr Camera? OK. Mr Camera is watching. Wow. Good. Oh! Going back... Wow, Joshua. These shoes really make things heavy. For some reason it's harder than before... You can do it! Go! Go! Because I'm strong! Your feet are heavy, aren't they? What did you buy at the supermarket? A lot of vegetables... And milk. Milk. Cheese... Miss Sarah — Miss Sarah! Salad... But this Sarah... Just Sarah. Sarah, what will you eat? Baked Sweet Potatoe Are baked sweet potatoes tasty? Tasty — very tasty! Try some... I also want to eat, but I don't like that. You don't like it? Really? Now what will you do? Well, rollerblade. Baked vegetables Baked vegetables Baked vegetables Baked vegetables That's it. Oh! Can you give an explanation?! Unicorn Sarah, did you make this? Yes. Whoa! Cute overload! It's too cute, isn't it? What did our boy Joshua make? It's a little strange... Well, a koala. A koala! Wow Joshua. Who helped you with it? Me and my big sister. Big sis! Sarah. Walking along the river — I love it! I often come here to walk along side the river. In January and February of course it's cold, but walking for about an hour is just fine. Guys, what's everyone doing? What! Are we eating?! Hello. Hello! Everything good? Yes. How was dinner? Delicious. Delicious. What did you eat? Well, rice and I don't really know how to say it... Something is happening at Yomiuriland Right!? Fun! Doing it would be fun. Right!? In just a little bit. Yea! I don't know how to say it... Becca how?! We're washing dishes. Good! Rebecca, annoying! Sorry, right? So very sorry, excuse me. Now we will receive a run down on Joshua's and Sarah's Pokemons. Oh wow! It's so many Pokeman, isn't it? I have 13—no, 12 and, well, my big sis has 11. so that's 23 in all. 23 in all! Do you know all the names? No, I don't know all of them, but I know a lot. Umbreon, Charlizard Don't know, Pikachu, Vulpix, Vaporeon, I don't know, Eevee, Yamper, Ponyta Pichu, Big Pikachu Pichu, Big Pikachu Dragonite I don't know, I don't know... Pippi... Pippi?! For real?! Charmander Togepi, Glaceon Leafeon, Dedenne I don't know, I don't know, Big Pichu. That's nice, isn't it? And this here is the principal at the school. Oh, is that so? At the school? The Pokemon school? The principal? Does the princiapl have a name? We call him the principal. What's up, twins' room?! Game. A game together. I was about to talk in English. Sarah gave Cupcake for a day! I know! I'm surprised! I also want Cupcake! But Anna received Cupcake, didn't she? Yes, for a day. Let me see. It's mine. It's Sarah's. Oh cool. Well yeah, Sarah's. See you later. Bye bye. Joshua... Yes.. Are you reading the Bible? Oh! In Japanese?! Wow, Joshua's Bible is in Japanese! What are you reading today? Job got sick... Is that so! Well alright, go ahead. What happened now? A big earthquake! "Dai?" Big. It was close, wasn't it? It was quite scary. Tokyo Bay. It was scary. Now what are we doing? Going to church! Today at the Volunteer Party I bought some prize... Got... got. This is an Angel Bubble Gun. But why did I buy it? Got... got. Well, It was a prize for the person who is always joyful, and since almost everyone pointed at dad, he got the prize. Dad's coming! Joshua, did you finish your homework? Yes. Oh, you did it already? Tonight's dinner was McDonald's. McDonald's! I bought on the app but Anna went by bicycle to pick it up. Anna, so kindly doing it for everyone. Anna, so kindly doing it for everyone. You love popcorn, don't you? Sarah, it's time to return Cupcake. It's mine. Oh, Cupcake is back! Goodnight, Cupcake. Tomorrow — Rebecca is tomorrow. Tomorrow is Rebecca?! Tomorrow No... Now Not now. Not now, it's tomorrow. Well, I guess Really?! Sarah's so nice! Is Cupcake, well, OK? Just fine. Because when we were in Australia, she had a party. Is that so! Is that so!
Channel: Life in Japan
Views: 173,851
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 12sec (792 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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