Becca & Anna's Last Japanese Junior High School Sports Festival 🏅 Life in Japan EP 263

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One of the most unique parts of the Japanese school system is undoubtedly the sports festival, An event that is uniquely Japanese. Join us as our twin daughters Rebecca and Anna participate in their last takusai in chugako and see what makes this an event like nothing else in the world. [Life in Japan Theme Song] Well girls, the third year taikusai [sports meet] Tell me, are you excited? Yea, and nervous. Jinx. And nervous-why? I'm running with the fast kids Wa!! Alright — well God bless you guys. And away they go! So today you are the lone representative for us parents, huh? Yea. So what's the big deal about 3rd year sports [day]? Well, one thing it's the last year of sports at this school. And since they're 3rd year, they are sempai [senior] So they're the cool kids on the block. That's a big deal. Plus my kids stand out — so much. They're the only blond kids in the school. Sarah, you're going today, huh? Are you going to be my second videographer on the scene? Noice. I will stay here. You're going to stay here. The boys are just going to chill here today, huh? OK team Reutter. Tchau! OK! We're on our way! We're on our way to go see the girls. Their undoukai — taikusai! (Athletic Meet / Sports Festival) Sarah's accompanying me since Nate's got a broken leg. OK! And we have all the little Block people. Come people! She's Blue! Becca! You see her? Yea, right there! Becca! Anna! Hi! Sports Festivals are a huge part of the Japanese school system. Each year schools host these massive events full of pageantry, ceremony and competition. But after you see one of these, you will probably come to the same conclusion that we have: there’s nothing quite like a Japanese sports festival. Go Reutters! The 100-meter race is next Oh cool! And they're both in it. One's green and one's blue. You can't really see. The three grades are divided up into 5 equal teams and the festival starts with a classic: the one-hundred meter sprint. Anna! Anna! OK, what do you think of Anna? Yea Anna, you did it! You were the fastest! That was awesome! Way to go! Way to go, Anna! Go Becca, go Becca, go Becca! Go Becca, go Becca, yea Becca! Go Becca!! Points are awarded to each team depending on the events, so Becca and Anna sure helped their teams! While waiting for their next event to come, students cheer on their fellow teammates in their events. There’s even a classic relay race. But the events only get more and more wild from this point on. Becca's right in front — you see her? Wave at her, everyone! They're starting! I don't think blue got too much in. 1... 2... 3... 25... 26... 27... 28... Soon Anna was up for her event — a very different kind of race. Oh good, that's fast! With each event, points are added to each teams overall score. There’s even a good old fashioned tug of war. But perhaps one of the most interesting events are the team presentations. It's been a long day. A long day. Sarah's trying to see something from down below. That's Sarah's view. As the day turned into the afternoon, the students got ready for an event only the 3rd year students do, the centipede race. Ok there goes Anna... There's Becca going back! Becca's going back! Soon it was time to announce the winner of the school’s sports festival, with the yellow team winning it all. Even though neither Becca nor Anna’s team won their last takusai in chugako, they sure performed well and we’re super proud of them. It is a hot hot day. Almost done. Finally. I'm actually waiting here at home for everyone to get back. Because I can't wait to hear how things went! I know Rebecca and Anna did great in their races, but other than that, I really don't know what's going on. And I'm looking forward to hearing. How was it? Why are you leaving the camera right there? Why? Because I wanted to get everyone coming back home! We're exhausted! Oh, are you? I can't imagine Becca and Anna! Oh my! Ten hours later... No joke! I feel like I got so much dust in my eyes and mouth and face and nose... Oh man. There's the magical camera that captured it all! I haven't seen what's on there yet but by this point in the video, I have. And edited it all. That's right. Is it good? Is it a good video?! Welcome back! Good job mama chan. Thank you. You sit back there and... oh! You snuck in! Oh mylanta! Oh mylanta, did you girls come the other way?! So? What? So what?! How was it? Good. Coming up on Life in Japan, we have Sarah and Joshua's elementary school Olympic Games, You are not going to want to miss it! So make sure you're subscribed And very important here: make sure you turn on the bell notifications to all That way you won't miss any of our videos coming up! And that we will see you next time on Life in Japan!
Channel: Life in Japan
Views: 349,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zADCDeL6r_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2024
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