Our ELF on the SHELF Loves LEXI!! Buddy In a VACUUM! (FUNnel Xmas Vision Days 4-7)

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[Music] there's another buddy [Music] [Music] right here hi guys tell us I want to do a kiss for you oh he's holding a mistletoe you know the mistletoe us it's like like a plant looking thing and then when you're under it with someone you have to kiss them all right we gotta go let's go get ready for school but he's not there there you go buddy why do you do what he's missing my buddy enroll room why he likes done shoes yeah how are you getting to you who is he a magician [Music] exactly let's do this buddy why are you entice or fake buddies a magician you see him where what oh you got to kidding me what's he doing there you guys hey guys tell that I want to give her a kiss love buddy whoa buddy like Lex you look you can't get by and look my house is done for Christmas look I tweet these Christmas know another one wait that one's ready bro like it [Music] once the outside we meet again mr. snowman bring us some snow oh my gosh it didn't bring me Snow it brought me my mom [Music] [Music] wacky hey who are you talking to Lex I gotta tell you something wait wait listen earlier buddy he was under mistletoe and he said he's got a crush on you that's nice are you hiding your phone no no no who is that the Dingle hoppers help on the shelf oh my gosh buddy's gonna be so jelly you buddy cannot find out about this I can't believe you what do you think I drink too much water left today help we drank too much wine and he peed a lot he filled three cups let me try it if it's apple juice that's not real [Music] [Music] Oriol did it she knows what she did is she trained to be Frankie did she know she did it so she ran back here I was wondering why her face was discolored [Music] now order gotta go potty did you drink all that as soon as she got to the door and she saw that I saw she's like oh stop with the camera oh sorry yeah you're not just for YouTube oh yeah we making gingerbread is your head okay okay Oreo drink a magical elf from North Pole's pee she's a hiccups what's that oh that's the wall candy but can't build it mommy got the icing I'm not showing your face because it looks like all right let me just see if order does one more hiccup I start to build look at this kid instead of decorating gingerbread it's putting it in a smoothie hey hey are you down with the Pew yeah time for the reveal and no we can't smash it dude you didn't even you didn't do anything I told shun we're gonna destroy it in January for gingerbread house destruction and what did you tell me now you look like a clown why'd you mess up the door you can't break in now you're supposed to decorate come on don't you put all your candy in your drink hey well you guys try smashed it with your sword then you're not gonna have anything to smash during gingerbread house destruction you're gonna smash that little piece what right here oh my gosh smash it oh my gosh here did these pieces I like your hair [Music] [Music] Oh house or yeah I thought it was a bird give me this shake I thought it was a bird flapping over my head you kiss smash the whole thing I just made it for you for sure we got away ah let me show you the videos that we did before okay what now did you watch the video okay so see we have to wait now how do you wanna smash it with the sword or right now what you're not gonna have one do it later okay fine you don't care okay I'm gonna use this as a flashback in case you get upset when we do it in the month okay okay let's have four you say good bye good bye Stuart Oreo [Music] as being the vacuum she's eating off the pieces when decorate outside I thought you gonna break it which one your own bakery that's how you break it by decorating it my gosh that made an explosion come on are we decorating why are we decorating if I'm recording in slo-mo this explosive candy you can't do that buddy won't look at it it's still going dude you still haven't broken it what are you doing okay now it's too late we have to wait so tomorrow I know we can't wait till tomorrow and we'll break it when it gets sunny time okay we made a little protective house so no rain or bugs get to it we'll see you tomorrow [Music] there's another buddy baby I think I know why how did this happen I don't understand what did he do climb up here get the bucket area and then get sucked up in the back don't I make any sense he's upside down in a vacuum Metiria these animals drive me crazy well sure nobody's still in his spine like still holding his pink it's nice to go pee that's why two buddies here and Jace is there because you know no I don't know if that's why that's what I think maybe his friend just came for a visit I don't know all the way over there I wonder why both to the pantry there's lots of food in there looking booth this my name is Jace I'm buddy's fun I think he just came here to say hi and maybe buddy watch it okay here we are are you gonna break it yeah okay right you can't decorate no I leave me a hot it's really hard okay you ready and smash it no heart [Music] [Applause] [Music] trying to find buddy hmm Wow I was an elf I wouldn't want to be on those shelves hashtag messy I just got this oh my gosh bro that's such an epic game that's cool what is this there's hearts did you do that oh yes chick-fil-a let's go you don't want chick-fil-a for breakfast buddy you want chick-fil-a for breakfast ooh this guy creepy fried mataji we're still talking to blitz what are you doing no you look like a farmer guys okay Jase oh maybe Jase beat up buddy because they both like Lex [Music] like pictures and I said I'm walking and then he was a creepy stop are you not dressed for you to whoa wait wait let me see sure you have a Super Bowl shirt on so dues I oh my gosh we're twinsies so are you in chase well good morning sir hi achey Breaky fuzzy buddy yeah [Music] what are those hi people why are they on the floor you're gonna look for buddy yeah you don't find it weird that there's hearts going to Alexa's room [Applause] where you going bathroom no wait ring the bell I have to let her go out to poop [Music] look she won't write to her pavilion such a proud mama why don't I go see what those hearts are vile X's room let's go check I don't know we have to go see right there let's go whoa there's so many hearts on floor OH buddies and love you know that says this is Lex and Buddy fun by yourself today alright well that's it for this video thanks so much for am i invisible what I'm invisible can you guys see me what you can't see oh my goodness all right well I'm out that's it for this video I got to find out how to become not invisible [Music]
Channel: FV FAMILY
Views: 37,568,926
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Elf on the shelf, funny videos, funnel vision, fgteev, Funnel elf vision, chases corner, fv family, doh much fun, Buddy the elf
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 34sec (934 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 12 2018
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