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are you ready you have about 10 minutes okay guys we are ready for the vapor trail where it is about 30 minutes till 6:00 which is witness kart quick OTD of the day for our baby shower yay so Alex decided to please explain the haircut to do a last-minute bad when you call I guess or what what's going on the piece of paper we need I just feel a little bit crazy a little bit spontaneous I just did it I don't know I'm not in love with it but I mean I can't really do anything it's already done so little quick OTB he denies you know the turtleneck to keep nice and warm a little blazer some slack he brought out the Blazer you can't really tell about your hair I see both of them put in thing but then you look down and you're like what's up you can really you can really see the cut so he just went with black and white and then me okay so this is my dress I've been telling you guys that it was going to be on long break a long red dress so it is literally just a long playing red dress and I wanted for it to cover my my feet because I could not do it your face and I'm just wearing some really comfortable clear sandals so if you do something is gonna seem like if I'm disgusted but I'm not some wearing some sandals are than a dress and then some earrings which are a little bit out there I'm not used to like if you guys know I only like stunts but I feel like it was my baby shower so was okay for me to add some little of diamond earrings and yeah this is my outfit of the day beautiful I'm out of breath like always so it is 5:30 guys or a baby shower starts at 6:00 so we're actually on time and we are about to head out there I wanted to show you guys your outfits um really quick because I feel like we're not gonna have time to do that later so come with us do you mind your highness hi guys welcome back to my channel it is baby shower Dale's baby shower week but it is today officially our baby shower we're literally on our way and it's all crazy I feel like just a couple videos ago I was sitting here telling you guys like oh my gosh I'm pregnant and I always like our baby shower like can you believe that it's already here this turtlenecks choking me honestly there's my first time everywhere in a turtleneck and it feels like I'm I don't know I feel like I'm choked but they do die though so I did go a little bit out for or I try to go a little bit out for the baby shower so I feel like that's why I feel so like because I feel like I'm telling you didn't take it's like I can see it and stuff so we are on our way to grand gala event which is where I'm having my baby shower and I am so excited to see the venue to see like the decor in stuff and Laura left before she is already there she wanted to make sure everything was ready for when I got there she's like I want for you to see it when it's all ready so again huge huge he would shout out to Laura for those of you guys I did not know she did basically plan my whole baby shower she would like send me pictures here and there you know like of the mood she was going forward did I like this did I like that but yeah she basically planned a good pretty much of the whole thing Alex literally did like yeah like literally 0% well he got me pregnant so we're here hey we're here with his a beautiful soul I am so excited to see it like all fully done I know she did a really good job I trust Laura so every time she would even ask me things I'd be like honestly do whatever you want do whatever you want she's like are you sure and I'm gonna get I chose to you just do whatever you want so I'm so excited guys to show you guys the video the venue and then of course block my baby shower I'm gonna try my best to block as much as I can but we are two minutes away so I'll see you guys at once we are there come on in guys hey what is it my reflection I'm so excited to see so you come on in thank you and this is going to be the present table so the guests coming through there and look how cute that it's called Baby G so Christmas which is the theme of the baby shower and then of course my love and then the little Whoville trees on the entrance and Laura the master behind it all that's not Laura this is Laura okay and then they are serving some what what kind of campaign is this we are serving you some J Roche and it is branched out cringed out so it's just food color right yeah so these are also going to be for the case when they walk in so green of course and then the grand doing you walk in look how cute it is guys I love it I like how it's go like super simple but like super Grinch tau orange me mount less mount less Whoville baby cheese layer so me and Laura came up with this kind of last minute we're like wait what do we name it so we just came up with baby cheese there mount less and then this is like some snow and then to this size is who this is gonna be like a little backdrop for pictures and the Christmas trees so these are the ones my story about was putting together guys look how cute this is I'm getting Christmas Christmas vibe AF I'm gonna try my best and I see cute every two seconds as I show you guys around but so yeah this is one of the trees that she decorated and then this is the table setup so we went with white and red accents a little Grinch in the middle some spheres and then this is actual I don't know what kind of tree this is pine tree or whatever like the ones from Christmas tree but it's actually real [Music] so this is the table by the way they're gonna change the music right no we're not staying with Joss all night oh yeah I love I love the little Grinch in every table and then the red napkins [Music] and then they also changed the light to that about to be green to match the theme this is me so Grinch is on the entrance and then max cindy-lou and then the trees and every one of those bars and guys my favorite part is the dessert table one Florence done I'll show you guys to the dessert table and then let me show you guys on this side the other tree that my store that decorated I think you did such a good job oh there's another Grinch here I forgot there's another Grinch right here and then the three stockings Leslie baby G and Alex my little family and then this is the second tree she decorated I really like it I think this is how she's also going to decorate our tree for our house and this year I'm also going with Grinchy Grinch team drinks the theme for the holidays movies why are you taking me to the restroom Alex wants to take a selfie before the guests get here like a behind the scenes already selfies oh okay so this is my favorite part guys the dessert table so right now it is closed so you see right there that is me dessert table closed and then let me show you guys close-up so these are obviously just balloons then a donut wha with Grinch donuts and I just realized how cute these are look they all have like a little finger baby G baby G oh my god I'm gonna cry and some donut popsicles on this side how baby G still Christmas some little cupcakes right there and everything is themed of course for baby GE more balloons and then here I'm just gonna show you guys not really talk too much for one mmm I'm honestly not too sure what these are eating they're just chocolate bars but oh there it is whoo cake popsicles whoo chocolate pudding some rice krispies oh these are good these are cool most Atanas what the hell and then a little tree a little tree of macaroons that you see sighs damn look at the cake just kidding and then the cake that you guys already saw in the vlog Morioka it does I love how they did the whole by the way guys this is like my first time seen this with you guys the whole cool cookies that is so creative this is really really really nice cool strawberry pudding gee brownies and then some pretzels a little Christmas tree look how cute that is the Grinch with max pulling away the losses Alex waiting to get drunk no absolutely a change I'm a changed man you are now a father gee baby G cupcakes a little bottle and then some little Grinch doughnuts these are so detailed Grinch Street guys this is so cute I absolutely love it oh and then obviously the Grinch face this is my favorite part of the whole thing but like I said I'm seeing all of this with you guys so we're seeing this together cuz me and Alex well not even that but we did it like I didn't plan a Lauren did the whole planning and a lot of things she doesn't show me because she wants for me to see it in person to me for example the dessert table yeah but it is so cute [Music] guys I forgot to show you guys the little copse that I've been doing with you guys so this is what the dogs end up looking like the straws and then over here more straws and more [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] marry fire very creamy take a moment I know with no mashed potato some rice alakazoo Alakazam my mom and my dad [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ready these drink at the bar [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] guys the party's over no I don't want to leave so they're already picking everything they're already picking everything up what yeah I'm going I have to pay you pay party is over everything's coming down already from finding a stronger slug I wish me so everybody went to Alex's parents house but I gave you first because I'm waiting on Alex's mom to bring the presents let me just tell you guys I don't know how many times in the past 30 minutes I've said I said my feet hurt so bad like the whole baby shower I was fine it's like I didn't feel it because I was like so bro so like so the adrenaline was like in my body but now that it's all said and done I'm like I cannot feel my feet and they're so old and I will show love to you guys but they're so crusty I don't know why they're so like dirty and stuff probably cuz I was wearing sandals all night but yeah I am exhausted my friends actually also went to Alex's parents house like I guess like for an after and stuff so I think I'm gonna go there for a little bit see how long I can hang I'm gonna try and vlog over there so I'll see you guys at Alex's parents house it is currently 11 p.m. which is past my bedtime but I feel like I'll be okay dang what is that okay so the presents are here I'm so excited to open this tomorrow it's gonna be like Christmas morning is that the last load oh that's okay are you rapping I was like that's like you're rapping little thrown Alex's parents Craig Mickey vibes that's so cute did I sign I'm like that one so cutely proud no that's trash but these are the presents now to change my dress change my feet that are sold in here and then go to Alex's parents house [Music] [Music] can you throw it out [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi guys so today is Monday yesterday was obviously Sunday the day after the baby shower my family vlog yesterday was just the day after the party and we had a lead assembly come over or friends came over we're all just kind of having a little bonding moment and besides that everybody was like super hungover literally saying to me but I thought I was hungover on Saturday the day I look baby shower I would just leave by 4:00 in the morning I was so freaking tired come on Mike the adrenaline went down after the party and my feet were soles folding guys I could not frickin sleep oh yes I do we're all day we just had but put on here like I said I didn't get to blog yesterday which was literally it's just us sitting down in the couch just talking stuff the whole day venner didn't forgot it in today's Monday yesterday actually my sister and Alex's mom came over to help me open the presents which we got so many we're so thankful for everybody who did go and but maybe do something I thank you so much now Alex actually I didn't this blog that you guys you're watching and I am putting yeah that loggers that you can throw our tickets so today I'm taking off the tax of everything I want to watch all but I got I have this power to go in and those are just like diapers cameras little points of that they got him so that is water it might be consistent but I hope you guys enjoyed this vlog thank you so much to all of our friends and family who came out and take you Mason show so much love and support through our videos being baby G and Alex who is right now recording aren't forever grateful guys we love you guys so much we really really really appreciate all the love and not forget to subscribe because I'm going about right next to us you gonna fight every single time done post any video and if you guys don't see you on my next website hi guys love you
Channel: Les Do Makeup
Views: 2,042,961
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: LES DO makeuo, leeexlieee, lexxxlieee, les baby shower, grinch baby shower, grinch, the grinch, grinch theme baby shower
Id: TG3yD9X9PsI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 50sec (1370 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 05 2019
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