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napkins i forgot napkins this is like the most uh how do you call it stressful not stressful like that anxiety no like oh babe what's the word when you're like i'm trying to get the cake no cause i was like stacking the cake is the most like me yes when you're like thin then like yes the most nerve-wracking part hi guys welcome back to my channel if you're new here don't forget to subscribe and click on the bell right next to it that way you can notified every single time i upload a new video so this video should be pretty lengthy pretty interesting as you guys heard in the title i am going to be doing laura's baby shower cake so most of you guys already know her laura laura boutique naga's boutique but in case you do not laura is a good friend of mine that i met i want to say we've been friends for probably going on three years now fun fact laura was actually the first person that reached out to me ever uh non-business related when i started my whole you know social media thingymajingy we ended up hanging out going to buffalo wild wings on her first french state it was actually a double date me laura alex and victor um she just damned me to hang out and since then we've gotten super close she is now one of my best friends so with that being said she is obviously pregnant it's her baby shower cake and i will be doing her cake in case you guys don't already follow her or victor her fiance i will leave their socials down below so you guys can go ahead and give them a follow so she is in california i am in texas so we will be flying over tomorrow we leave tomorrow which is wednesday her baby shower is on saturday so it gives me a couple of days for me to bake and decorate the cake before her actual baby shower on saturday initially we're going to get over there on thursday but i didn't want to risk it and if you guys know me something might go wrong something might fall on the floor something might crack you know the vibes so i actually uh changed the flight dates and the airbnb will be staying in a house just so i can have the oven the space and everything i actually last minute changed the days to two extra days just so i have time and calm and peace and i'm not rushed doing the cake i'm super excited i am a little bit nervous just because i've never done a cake outside of my comfort zone aka my own house or you know much less decorated a cake somewhere else or traveled to make a cake but nonetheless i am super super excited laura is literally the least pickiest that's how you say right yeah the least picky the list the least pickiest person there is she told me to do whatever it is that i want with the cake um she just told me i just asked her like what the vibe of her baby shower was the thing was um which is teddy bears baby blue and like some nude so i brainstormed on my own to put her cake together and i will be actually packing with you guys everything that i'm gonna take over there the only thing that i'm not gonna pack is going to be like the cake mix the eggs the oil things that i can buy like at my local walmart over there fun fact there is a walmart 10 minutes away so as far as like baking the cake ingredients i will bite over there but my tools turning table cake board all of that i will take from here and we are about to pack that in a second and really quickly kind of just tell you guys how i go about making my cakes for example uh i also made my own baby shower cake i will link that video down below so i kind of just get ideas from different kind of cakes that i see and kind of put my ideas on its own so for laura's cake i wanted something very simple but still cute it will be a three-tiered cake and i always go ahead and try it out so i'm gonna go ahead and insert the picture right here of what i drew out on kind of what i envisioned for the cake to be last minute i got rid of the baby blocks just because there was not going to be enough space we will get into that later on in the video i'm actually just going to keep the lvd blocks at the bottom and as you guys can see the whole cake will be a baby blue i'm going to put some clouds made out of fondant and then the tricky part wish me luck is going to be the fondant teddy bear so i will be making these teddy bears out of fondant and i want for the top one to be holding a little blue balloon and then at the bottom like i said the baby blocks that say lve which i will be making all of this with you guys in this video so honestly i don't know how long this video is going to be um yeah that's pretty much it for the intro i will be bringing you guys along through the whole thing so with all that being said let's get to packing okay so now to get to patent baby so the way that i am planning to pack kind of how i pack my makeup i'm gonna go in order into what i plan on doing from the very first step aka baking the cake all the way to the very last step aka the fondant fondant detail so i don't think i'm missing anything hopefully if i did forget something annoying me it's something that i can go ahead and grab at walmart but like i said i don't think i'm forgetting anything so i have a medium-sized luggage that i will be checking in all of this stuff she'll be fine to be checked in so to start off i have my pants six eight and ten inch my baking spray measuring cup i thought you were gonna take the eggs in the suitcase and then in my head as i was putting all of this on the table i mean right now putting it on the table to show you guys but in my head as i was like taking everything out i was literally pretending like i was like baking decorating you know step by step so after i take it out i'm going to need some boards to cool the cake and then this right here to level them off okay please disregard if you guys hear baby g just having the time of his life in the background but the frosting i will be freezing it and then putting it lasting in the luggage once we head out that way uh the flight is about three hours we shall be fine since we do have a layover so frosting and then i'm going to cross and then i'm going to frost my cake so i'm taking my big spatula my little spatula my scraper my big scraper two spatulas why are you just laughing in the back mom life so uh this is what i used to frost my cakes uh depending on the size of the cake the frosting and stuff these are my tools and then you guys know i like to frost them with a piping tip and then some piping bags and then also some of my smoothie straws for support after that i'm going to do some cloud fun and design so i have my fondant mat my roller fondant tools some cloud cookie cutters that i bought off amazon and then to glue the clouds i'm going to need some brushes water obviously i'll get over there and then this is where it kind of got a little bit more like into detail uh my as far as my cake all of that is already done so i'm set to there now for all the other little designs i'm gonna be doing baby blocks i just need three but i'm taking six just in case baby she bites one one catches on fire i don't know i'm just taking three extra ones so i have six cubes right here and then this is going to be my bottom board board of the cake at the bottom i taped the letters that i'm going to be putting um which we will get into it later on in the video but these are the letters that i will be using to make the make the lv cubes so that way my paper does not fold and then my cubes i will also be using some hot glue gun and then the most detailed part which is going to be the teddy bears so i have my fondant i actually dyed this last night because if you guys have dyed fondant at least me it is a workout to be done um yeah to be like coloring the fondant so i have it ready to go for my teddy bears and i wrapped this like 10 times to make sure it did not harden with just some what it calls and then some just plain white fondant for my clouds some wire that i will be using uh for the balloon which is right here and then i'm also taking some edible markers for the teddy bears blue nude and black food coloring for details in the bear and then also a couple of different tips some of these i'm gonna use the actual tip and then some of these i'm going to use the bottom part like as a circle cutter and then this is what i had and i was like i feel like i'm forgetting something tell me why i almost forgot my turntables so i don't think i would have been able to do this cake without a turntable i mean i guess i could have bought it at walmart but yeah i'm taking both of my turntables one is short one's a little bit taller um so i'm just gonna take both of them and lastly as far as what i'm packing in the luggage i'm gonna take these right here so these are called cake dummies i'm gonna use them to kind of place the fondant bare on top of the balloon to see the sizing of it so roughly this is what the cake size will be six eight to ten of course with the layering the frosting boards and all that the cake will be about this top this top plus the bear and the balloon but i like to take cake dummies to kind of like you know envision how big i want the bear how big i want the balloon and these also work great to kind of place things that are drying up just like this so i have a luggage right there uh i'm about to put everything into some containers i will fast forward that part but this is basically everything that i'm packing and am i forgetting anything no everything looks good okay so now to actually put it all in the luggage [Music] okay everything is packed i'm actually going to pack the camera the batteries um all of that because we're doing two different vlogs uh this is going to be all cake related and then the other one's going to be like an actual vlog vlog baby g's first time flying as far as for the cake i will go ahead and see you guys tomorrow once we're in la ready to get everything ready for the cake the next day made it to la guys okay so we are casting alton came through with the setup because i didn't want to pack the monitor because obviously it's like a whole tv so they came through so tomorrow everything's ready and also with the ring light and this table oh and then also this table was in the center but i moved it more this way just so um it's kind of short so this way um it's a little bit taller and then i'm a little bit lower but yeah it is currently 10 p.m at night we have the crowd and yeah i'm debating him to start baking right now or tomorrow but everybody's saying tomorrow yeah it's like 10 p.m right now but also guys we just got back from walmart everything is set up ready to go so i already unpacked everything for the cake but yeah quick update since last time i saw you guys was at the house packing for everything and i'm excited to get this kick started so yeah i'll be seeing you guys tomorrow early in the morning the next day it is now the next day i actually already went ahead in the morning baked all of the cake it is now cooling living their best life in the kitchen i did do that in the morning while we were uh eating breakfast cleaning up so i didn't really record that part but you guys have seen me bake my cakes a lot of times so yeah my cakes are all baked cooling ready to go and today is thursday so basically i have the rest of the day it is about 1 p.m and then i also have tomorrow friday um to get everything done before the actual baby shower day which is saturday so saturday i plan on just uh going over to the venue early setting up the cake and into being ready so with that being said i'm actually gonna get started on the teddy bears um as you guys saw in the picture i plan on doing about four to five uh teddy bears and then also the cubes um which is what's going to take me the longest well mainly the teddy bear so i'm going to get started on that so i have here my fondant i think i don't know i keep like looking at it i feel like i look at things too much and then i start overthinking it i feel like this is a good teddy bear color is this good or is it too dark i say it's light light oh no no if anything okay i'm not saying it's light if anything else like it's too dark but if you're saying it's light then i feel like it's perfect then it's like in the middle so yeah this is going to be my fondant for the teddy bears which i have already ready to go i also have some white fondant some toothpicks some nude and black food coloring as well as my fondant roller this fondant mat that most of these things actually got off amazon so i like this one it's like super big you guys will see right now some wire that i will be using to put my teddy bears together which you guys will see in a second and then also my uh little pizzas to cut the wire but yeah i think um overall in the cake the only thing that has me a little bit nervous is the teddy bears i haven't worked with fondant or like actually made uh fondant figures in a long long time but they seem to be pretty simple type so hopefully i can nail it i did practice i'll post a picture here this was like a very uh crazy one i did like in five minutes just to kind of get the idea of it of course these the actual teddy bears i'm going to take my time in um and then i also have this right here so you guys can get like a top view okay so for the teddy bears it's obviously going to be the head the body two arms and two legs oh i also bought this edible markers i will be using this to draw the face of the teddy bears okay let me go ahead and dye some of my fondant in new some in black and then i'll be right back a few moments later i put on my apron because i hate i forgot how much i hate uh dying dying i forgot how much i hate dyeing black fondant because it gets so messy look at my hands i mean i'm obviously gonna go and wash it but even then it stains not for too long for like a day but yeah my apron is on thank god i brought in april so let me wash my hands and then we'll get going with the actual teddy bears i'm gonna start on the bears ready so my fondant i wrapped it like literally ten times so we're not harder whatsoever and it is nice and soft for the bears i'm actually not gonna put the heads on the bears um so probably tomorrow just because i don't want for the heads to be too heavy and put any pressure on the body so i want to do i'm gonna do five uh teddy bears i'm gonna start off by doing the teddy bear heads [Music] oh my god my hands look so chubby [Music] okay guys didn't record this part because it took longer than i thought but uh the heads are done and then i went ahead and added the ears basically used uh this as a circle cutter and then this one for the nude part so my heads and the little ears are done and this is what we have so far i've been about an hour in and this is what i have i'm telling you guys the ears just took a little bit too long and then now on to making the face okay guys went ahead and finished this face let me grab this one right here and i'm gonna do everything in past motion just because it takes me a while but here it is [Music] okay it's been literally a couple of hours um i was trying to record from the top view what i was doing but it was taking me so long and then just blending uh the little fondant moving the hands and everything but i think i'm almost done so the heads have been done the body this one is going to be the one that's at the top so let me pretend the head is on there it's going to be something like this and then right here i still have to make the fondant balloon out of this right here the balloon's going to go there this one is just going to be regular sitting this one looks a little bit off right now but once i put the head up it'll all make sense this one is going to be laying down and then lastly i'm doing this one right here so i'm actually going to have one leg hanging one leg on the cake so this is actually like the cake i'm pretending um and then while the head's done and then the manitas i'll have four bodies which i think i'm only gonna end up doing four teddy bears just because they're a pretty good size i don't wanna overdo it with the teddy bears five teddy bears might be over doing it and i wanna have like an extra head just in case anything happens and basically like i'm gonna do this real life real time how do you say real life like not fast forwarding i'm gonna make this just you guys can see like how long it takes me and also uh my hands are not dirty guys it's just all of the food coloring i've been playing with but yeah i just like mold it and mold it and if it's too big i take some out and yeah i've just been here in my zone so there's not too much uh i guess behind the scenes of the teddy bears but just because of how long these take i'm telling you guys i've been doing the bears for about two hours which i knew this is what was gonna take the longest but okay so i want for it to hang off the cake which is what i love i mean besides that they they're helpful to put the bodies here i'm kind of pretending it's the cake so it'll have one little leg hanging off like that and then the other one on the cake okay there we go and then today's thursday so hopefully by saturday these are pretty sturdy so i can just mount them on the cake so i am going to let them dry like this i'm not gonna put the head on top until it's fully dry and then this one is just missing the arms and then we'll be done with the teddy bear i'm gonna do a quick clean up here and then we're gonna get on to the blocks well the baby blocks okay so i just finished my blue fondant and actually i didn't show you guys but for the body at the very top well you guys found the picture i want for one of the teddy bears to be holding a balloon so i have this wire but the wire is coming out all the way through here because i'm pretending this is the cake so once i put this on the on top of the cake it has enough support with the balloon and stuff so i'll snap it through the cake uh hence why i have the wire coming down all the way through here and then also i have this little um template for both so i want for the teddy bears to also have a little bow so it's actually like the perfect size bow a little tiny bowl that i could put on the teddy bears and these are super simple to make you just put some sugar inside grab a little bit of your [Music] fondant [Music] ignore this i am editing but i made it work with that that was actually plastic so it's meant for candy melts not fondant so if you do want to recreate this make sure it is a silicone template not plastic i made it work it just took me way longer than it should have because it was plastic so the little bow was not coming out again i made it work but silicone would have been way way faster so make sure you get the silicone okay back to the video now i'm going to place these on this side not touch that until the day up which is saturday um once everything is fully hardened and then lastly as far as like little details i'm going to go ahead and do the cubes and then for the cubes i'm going to be using these i ordered off amazon they are two inches they're just some foam cubes and then i printed out these right here so it's six else six these six ease that way i can have my own baby cubes custom baby cues with l v heat so the cubes are actually not going to go on the cake they're going to go on the board so these are not going to be edible which doesn't matter because again they're not going to be on the actual cake so basically i'm just going to cut out the letter and then glue it to the cube [Music] anyways guys i was going to do the last cube with you guys and i totally forgot laura's hair yes i forgot the last cube but basically like i told you guys just cut out the letters glue them no this is not for you this is for laura's baby okay okay we are done for today i know it seems like not that much on camera but it's been what like four hours well i started baking in the morning and then i got to doing this so yeah but the most time taking things are done so with that being said i will see you guys tomorrow for the actual making of the cake we are back it is the next day it is already dark outside it's already the afternoon well heading towards nighttime and i'm about to get to frosting the cake sure this is going to be my bottom tier and i am purposely setting the cake a little bit off to the side that way i have space in the front to add the baby blocks as well as the bear frosting does take me quite some time so enjoy this in fast forward motion me basically just thrusting all the three tears in a baby boom [Music] do now on to the second one [Music] i have my three tiers already here frosted ready to go i'm now going to get them ready to tear even though i'm not going to cheer them till tomorrow but i want for them to already be basically ready to go for two for tomorrow so i have these right here these are called uh smoothie straws i hope they also have another name but basically just very thick straws and i'm using these um to stack my cakes i'm also going to stack them a little bit off um just so the bears fit in the front so the front of the cake is going to be this part right here and i'm going to stack the cakes a little bit you know on this side of the cake but it is to put the teddy bears so i already put one straw in i'm gonna take this one out and actually use this one to measure my other straws that i'm gonna be putting in there that way um they're all the same height and i can get my uh cake as leveled as possible and i'm gonna put a good amount of these just because i want for the cake to have good and a lot of support so yeah that's basically what i'm gonna do for now on the bottom tier and on the middle tier [Music] guys i don't know how i just did this no but i'm like panic attack but i'm actually gonna put clouds around the cakes i'm like okay i'll just put a cloud like a big cloud right here oh my god i don't know how that happened it literally just ran my fingers through there so now all i'm missing is the fondant clouds which i will be doing tomorrow and then also of course putting uh the cake together and tomorrow will be a big day where i get to actually put it together and then just see the cake come to life so yeah see you guys tomorrow once we are ready to finish off the cake the next day it is now the next morning i went ahead and rolled out some fondant and then put it on this tier i'm debating it to put it on the other tiers or wait until i tear um stack the cakes put the bears and then put the clouds because i don't want for the clouds to be in the way of the bears if that makes sense but of course i'm not going to put the bears until i stack it at the party so ah i'm like debating and then these are the bears i already put the heads on them so a little slippy one this one is going to be at the top i am going to remove that wire once we're over there but i'm using it for support right now so yeah i also have some extra little bows in case one of them falls i also have extra balloons in case this one pops but it is currently 11 it starts at three so i want to get there about an hour before just to set it up make sure everything's good this is how i currently look i'm about to shower get ready so yeah i can't wait in my head i already kind of have planned how it's going to look and come out so i'm just hoping and praying crossing my fingers yeah i'll catch up with you guys once we are loading everything up and heading out okay guys we are loaded i decided to actually uh go set it up and then come back and finish getting ready my makeup's done um i actually put on this headband so when i'm setting up the cake my hair is not like on the buster but thankfully we have a suv so the cake should be good nothing is teared so nothing should fall the bears i'm actually going to take them in the front because nothing can happen to the little bears this and this are coming with me just because i don't want to risk it and i'm a little bit nervous i've never done this to where um because this is like whipped cream so hopefully by the time we get there it is not dry it's good i wrapped it really good so no air goes in there hopefully i'm crossing my fingers that the frosting is good uh you know for me to pipe it pipe the corners once we're there yeah we're 30 minutes away ah we made it to the house where the party's gonna be so i'm just gonna start stacking it up dj started tuesday in case i don't talk with you guys anymore it's because of the dj but and join me little spicy yeah do you want to just take the pillow off the table no i think it looks fine yeah it makes it look cute napkins i forgot napkins this is like the most uh how do you call it stressful not stressful like anxiety no like oh babe what's the word when you're like i'm trying to get the cake no cause i was like stacking the cake is the most like for me yes when you're like thin then like nerve yes the most nerve-wracking part because you know um but i am going to put the cloud so i have like a little bit of space for error because you know if anything happens a little poke or something i just cover it with a cloud i'm waiting out nap console i brought everything except napkins okay now the third one i brought my crocs too i'm like ignore my outfit okay so i think the frosting should be good it was only a 30 minute ride just to pipe the corners to cover up like the what not the wood the board [Music] i also brought the clouds the fondant clouds and a little uh tray of tools that i'm using so a little trick i'm actually gonna use the clouds my hands are washed it's just a food coloring but like the little places that i stabbed it accidentally i'm actually going to use the cloud to cover it and then go around piping it so it'll cover up any mistakes now what's going to bring the cake to life the clouds and the teddy bears [Music] so so i'm going to fast forward this part but yeah me putting the clouds on the [Music] cake [Music] so [Music] just finished putting the bears and we're done with the cake [Music] ah behind the scenes of that ass i mean of that cake it matches perfect oh i like it do you like it rate it one two ten three hundred times okay that'll be three hundred dollars paypal is fine laura we are done just left we're on the way to get ready and then i'm going to hop on to the other vlog i feel so happy so um accomplished yeah that's the word accomplished because his mom her mom was actually telling me like i know because i was like i genuinely enjoy it like i had so much fun doing it like when i make a cake that i have been planning to make for like weeks i've planned this cake like weeks back like even just like in my head uh looking for inspo how to do the bears and things like that the best part is when i put the cake together and it actually comes out how i envisioned it and everything comes out good i'm like ah like i just feel so happy yeah i hope laura loved it as well this was actually obviously my present to her and then she got me a present i think she put on her blog she was recording now my present is canceled so but i hope you guys enjoyed watching this vlog thank you guys so much for watching i love you guys and we'll see you on the next one bye
Channel: Les Do Makeup
Views: 3,846,804
Rating: 4.8296824 out of 5
Id: iYT8xPMK5vQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 32sec (1652 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 13 2021
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