'Oumuamua Is at the Heart of an Ongoing Battle Raging Within the Scientific Community... Again

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Oumuamua is gone now. It is past Neptune’s  orbit, and is far enough out that no telescope   can study it ever again. Its origins and  nature remain a mystery that still stokes   hot debate in the academic community to this  day. Was it a fragment of a broken planet,   flung our way from a distant star? Was it a  piece of alien technology, either accidentally   or deliberately sent to our solar system by an  enigmatic intelligence? Surprisingly, or perhaps   unsurprisingly, there are still academics  who put forward both theories as plausible.   Oumuamua’s anomalous nature makes it difficult  to classify as either a comet, an asteroid,   or something artificial. But it might be important  to reach such a classification, as 6 new objects   have been detected in our solar system that  share Oumuamua’s most bewildering trait – its   ability to accelerate, with no clear explanation  for where such acceleration is coming from.   I’m Alex McColgan, and you’re watching Astrum. And  today we will be exploring Oumuamua and these 6   new fittingly named “dark comets”, and exploring  the theories that have arisen in the last few   years as scientists attempt to explain something  that has so far defied clear explanation.   As a quick recap: Oumuamua is the first recognised  interstellar object to arrive in our solar system.   It did so on the 19th of October 2017, and was  spotted by the Haleakalā Observatory in Hawaii.   Scientists quickly noticed that there was  something strange about this object. It was   small – perhaps between 100 and 1000m long,  and was believed to have an unusual shape;   perhaps a cigar or a flat dish. Its trajectory  and speed made it clear that it would eventually   leave our solar system, so scientists reasoned  that it must not have come from here. The object   was thus given the Hawaiian name “Oumuamua”,  meaning “scout” or “first distant messenger”.   As the first of its kind that we know about  (although admittedly definitely not the first   interstellar object to pass through our solar  system, as there are trillions of possible   candidates out there that likely have done the  same), scientists were excited to study Oumuamua,   to learn what characteristics it might have that  made it similar or dissimilar to objects found in   our own solar system. As they did so they began to  notice certain abnormalities. While Oumuamua was   initially classified as a comet, it became  apparent that Oumuamua lacked a coma, or cometary   tail, making it more similar to an asteroid.  However, this lack of coma became a puzzling issue   when Oumuamua was seen accelerating away from  the Sun, on its slow way out of our solar system.   The rate of acceleration was minor – only about  17m per second when it was nearest the Sun – and   yet this was enough to cause a stir in academia.  Oumuamua was not doing what physics said it should   do. In the few months scientists were able to  observe it, Oumuamua was deviating from its   path . In physics, objects can only accelerate  when they are pushed. And so, scientists began   to try and explain what was pushing Oumuamua. A  few initial hypotheses were quickly ruled out.   This did not seem to be simple solar winds giving  a small nudge. While it is a recorded phenomenon   for the small trace particles fired off from the  Sun to push at objects in space, this small force   was not enough to explain Oumuamua’s acceleration,  assuming it was an ordinary asteroid.   I should note that this is an assumption,  as even the best photos of Oumuamua only   show a tiny speck, making it difficult  to say for sure what it looks like.   Most theories about its shape come from the  variations in its light curve, the brightness   of which rose and fell uniformly as Oumuamua  travelled. This wouldn’t happen for a   round object, but would happen for a tumbling  irregularly shaped object like a disk, or a cigar.   Scientists reached for another example in our  solar system of accelerating objects – comets.   As comets travel close to the Sun, the  ice within them warms and sublimates,   turning into gas and spouting off from the comet’s  main body. This outpouring of gas and dust forms   the comet’s signature tail, but it also gives the  comet a little push, acting like a little thruster   on the side nearest the Sun that accelerates  the comet away from the source of all that heat.   But as I mentioned, scientists could  not detect all that dust and gas.   They looked, but it didn’t seem to be there.  This absence gave rise to more exotic theories.   Let’s take a look at an argument between  two theorists, with two theories.   The first theory was the most headline-catching.  Harvard professor Avi Loeb promoted in numerous   papers that Oumuamua could represent alien  technology. He argued in 2018 that solar winds   could provide the acceleration seen with Oumuamua,  but only if Oumuamua was actually much thinner   than scientists originally assumed: between 0.3  and 0.9mm thin. As a 1000m long, 1mm thin object   was unlikely to appear in nature, Loeb argued that  this had to mean it was artificial – a light sail,   created to catch solar winds and use them to  accelerate through space from one star to another.   This theory met resistance from other members  of the academic community. Darryl Seligman,   our second theorist, and a postdoctoral researcher  at Cornell University, countered by co-authoring a   paper in 2020 that said that perhaps the reason no  outgassing was detected from Oumuamua was because   Oumuamua was emitting an invisible gas such as  hydrogen. This would not have been detectable   using the telescopes that were trained on  Oumuamua. Seligman proposed that Oumuamua   was entirely or largely made of such hydrogen – a  hydrogen iceberg, that was sublimating thanks to   the warmth of the Sun and it was that sublimation  that was creating the push. Loeb disagreed. A few   months later he co-wrote a paper asking where  exactly this hydrogen iceberg could have come   from? He showed mathematically that the starlight  in the interstellar vaccum was warm enough that   any hydrogen iceberg that formed in even the  nearest dense molecular clouds would have melted   before they got here. Loeb was still convinced  that an alien explanation was the most probable.   His refutation was strong enough to  send Seligman back to the drawing board,   who dropped the hydrogen iceberg idea.  However, Seligman continued to play around   with the idea that Oumuamua had been  moved by escaping pure hydrogen gas.   Initially, he didn’t have an explanation for  how this could be, until in 2023 he met with   University of California assistant professor  Jennifer Bergner, who pointed to experiments in   labs where water ice in extremely cold conditions  hit with radiation could trap pockets of hydrogen,   only to release it later when warmed up as the  ice structure rearranged itself. As it happened,   water ice is much more plentiful in space, and so  is radiation – cosmic radiation could be enough   to provide the pre-baking that would be needed.  Between the two of them, Seligman and Bergner   wrote a paper arguing that Oumuamua needed a new  category entirely. It wasn’t a regular comet,   or an asteroid, but rather a “dark comet” – one  with a coma that was invisible, but present. Their   explanation accounted for Oumuamua’s acceleration,  and also for the lack of dust, as dark comets   would not need to release dust as they were simply  reconfiguring their structures and releasing the   pockets of invisible gas, rather than blasting gas  from out its surface like a small, gassy volcano.   While this was not enough to convince Loeb, who  co-authored two more papers in the next month   that accused Seligman of bad maths, while also  continuing to push his alien spaceship model,   Seligman was already considering the next step in  his own logic. He began to wonder – if Oumuamua   represented a dark comet, could there be other  dark comets out there? He, Bergner, and others   began pouring through the data of objects already  existing in our solar system. They might not   be interstellar, but was anything else in the  solar system accelerating when it shouldn’t be?   Sure enough, they found 6 that matched their  criteria. 6 objects that showed non-gravitational,   non-solar-wind-based acceleration that  couldn’t be explained by any known mechanism.   These objects were small - some as tiny as just  3 metres across. They looked like asteroids, and   didn’t have remarkable features. They were near  Earth objects – all orbiting close enough to Earth   that missions to them were extremely viable. And  they were all exhibiting signs of acceleration.   To be clear, such acceleration was very minor –  small enough to have been overlooked previously.   These objects aren’t zipping around the solar  system from planet to planet like spaceships.   They are not interstellar objects. But just like  Oumuamua, science cannot currently account for   their motion, especially given that they  do not have visible signs of outgassing.   And intriguingly, one of them is  already scheduled to be visited by 2031.   1998 KY26 is due to be visited by the Japanese  Hayabusa2 probe, an asteroid sample-return mission   that was launched in 2014 and finished its primary  mission 6 years later, but since has been given a   mission extension to visit other asteroids in the  Near Earth Apollo group. 1998 KY26 is rotating   quickly – once every 10 minutes – and Hayabusa2  will aim to perform a flyby to learn more about   this water-rich tiny object for the benefit of  future human missions to Mars. Once it’s there,   perhaps it will become clearer what the source  of 1998 KY26’s strange acceleration might be.   It’s still not obvious who among all the various  scientists out there is right about Oumuamua.   Given that it’s now out of our reach, perhaps  we will never know. But it’s undeniably   intriguing that more objects exhibiting strange  acceleration have been detected, and highly   likely that they will shed further insights  into Oumuamua’s possible nature and origins.   If they are found to accelerate through invisible  outgassing of hydrogen, Seligman will stand   validated. But if a little hatch opens up and a  small alien form peeks out to wave at us, before   accelerating off out of the solar system, then we  might regret not listening more closely to Loeb.   I think the former is more likely than the latter,  as there is no way 1998 KY26 is a light sail;   we have excellent imaging of this one. But  either way, it will be fascinating to study.   Of course, in the end, it might prove that neither  theory is correct. That is the wonder of science.   The more we explore the universe, the more we  encounter strange and unexpected phenomena,   and as we learn more about them the better our  theories become. Perhaps one day we will encounter   more objects like Oumuamua from outside our  solar system, which may lend further weight to a   particular explanation. The search, even for dark  objects that currently act under invisible forces,   always fills me with a marvellous curiosity. Once  2031 rolls around, perhaps that itch for answers   will be scratched. Or perhaps we will be simply  faced with more questions. Only time will tell.   Can you throw a ball powerfully  enough that you could turn around   and catch it as it came back to you from  the opposite direction around the world?   This somewhat tongue-in-cheek question is actually  a valid thought experiment that lets you explore   some interesting quirks about Newtonian laws  of gravity for objects in orbit – perfect if   you want to catch out any dark comets that are  behaving unusually around our Sun. The sponsor   of today’s video – Brilliant – posed this idea  to me in their course on Gravitational Physics,   and I was once again impressed by its simple and  engaging user interface, and the intuitive way   Brilliant helped expand my knowledge. Brilliant  teaches thousands of lessons on STEM subjects,   with new interactive classes added monthly. If you  are interested in learning more about the universe   or developing skills, why not check them out by  clicking my link https://brilliant.org/astrum in   the description below? Everything they have  to offer is free for the first 30 days,   and the first 200 of you will get 20% off  Brilliant’s annual premium subscription.   Thanks for watching! If you missed the first  Oumuamua video, check it out here. And thanks   to my patrons and members for your support.  If you want access to these perks and have   your name added to this list, check the links  below. All the best and see you next time.
Channel: Astrum
Views: 2,250,225
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Keywords: oumuamua, dark comet, astrum, astrumspace, nasa, avi loeb, Jennifer Bergner, Darryl Seligman, oumuamua update, space, solar system, universe, oumuamua light sail, avi loeb debate, avi loeb oumuamua, oumuamua real video, alien spacecraft, oumuamua 2019, oumuamua asteroid, what is oumuamua, oumuamua documentary, real image of oumuamua, oumuamua trajectory, oumuamua footage, oumuamua spaceship, oumuamua nasa, avi loeb harvard, oumuamua mystery, accelerating, oumuamua acceleration
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 23sec (863 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 06 2023
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