OUC Presents: Oakwood Uncut

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mission that you created us to do to focus on what we were created to do on this earth and we trust you we love you and we just ask that your spirit move throughout this place and everywhere throughout this nation in the world in Jesus name Amen amen amen I'm gonna turn it over to Naomi man the omens gonna lead us in our and our worship tonight and we appreciate her being willing to do that for us this evening so Naomi man take us to the throne man tickets let's have worship tonight I know you know this song he says I will bless the Lord at some times no I will bless the Lord at one [Music] Oh ha before me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we appreciate all the music we also have Steven benders with us on tonight so we're excited to have him as well and so once again maybe just want to come and share with you a little bit about the brainchild behind uncut we just wanted to come together and just kind of share what is on our heart we know that we're kind of living in a crazy time and we couldn't have predicted the things that we're going through right now and so I have my man Sebastian right here and Sebastian man when you heard about the first the first time you heard about Cova 19 or coronavirus what were your first thoughts man what were your first thoughts well when I first heard of it yeah when again when it came to China man what were your first thoughts it was just gonna be something minor when it was started in China I thought it was just gonna be contained but really just the past few weeks I was thinking to myself as a young adult how has this kind of impacted you you know school being out you know rationing the rationing kind of food in the stores now things of that nature New York is shut down California is shut down like like what's going on in your mind we thing about buying everything in the stores for others who actually need it Sebastian what would you say to maybe a young person they're just just unsure everything that's going on you know what I mean and you know we hear different a lot of different things as relates to the Bible and prophecy but what would you say man to kind of encourage a younger person as they're kind of going facing maybe something like this for the first time in terms of adversity or a challenge challenge well I would I would start off by saying that you know in case you didn't know you're actually a child of God like you're not created to be weak or just to be destroyed you you literally have the victory and you have the capability of being great and being used by God so that none of this phases you so ultimately you should not be afraid and if you are then you should turn to God and turn to his word but really really important you should repent repenting is crucial and and I would just just talk about that and try to understand where what he he or she is going through and what they the way they see it and talk about the word but talk about real life application as well and ultimately I feel like you know it is it is scary when you don't have the truth but once you present the truth then you should feel comfort you should feel peace you should you should you should feel all that because God's Word is living so I would encourage those two to get into the word even if you if you don't know God if you know God to just get into the work because that will give you peace and that will that will allow you to understand exactly what's going on in the world definitely definitely Melissa man lastly just well before we we get back into some more worship you know this isolation how is that how's that affecting you now I don't know you know I'm looking online I see introverts you know or you know they're in the heyday you know they're having their like whoo you know we can do this all day but having a variety yeah so I don't know what you are specifically but you know how does this isolation how is that affecting you maybe now I don't know where your your extended family is but but maybe not being able to get to them how does how's that kind of affecting you well actually this has affected me a lot in terms of this weekend was actually supposed to be our five and a half month olds dedication so now we had to postpone that unfortunately so I had a lot of family coming here originally for that event however there they actually my parent Mike parents and my sister and my brother they still came so they're up here so we're all together right now all right yeah but I know there's a lot of people that can't but get to their families and I would say that I am some toast to a certain extent I am an introvert I'm a homebody I love being home but I think the fact that I can't leave now it's like now I want to leave you know so but I feel like in terms of us having to stay inside and and things like that I've been just kind of working on myself you know and I think that this is a great time to all those goals that y'all had for 2020 that you plan all those things accordingly there's no excuses because you can't go anywhere you know so so I would say go full speed ahead with those things and speaking into existence incorporate the Lord in every part of your life especially now that you're cooped up inside speak to him tell him what you want tell him what your goals are and your bid that business idea that you just threw out there but you never did I would expect someone to do that now and even those who are introverts I everybody goes on social media so I would expect that you're checking up on people your family and at least keeping that communication going in this time because tomorrow's not promised I mean I'm not trying to scare anybody but it really isn't so I think this situation that's going on is a wake-up call and I think that people really need to realize that how we didn't project this happen in three weeks ago or so and now our whole lot every single person almost in the world's life have changed over this situation so I think this time for real deep meditation prayer and get them goals yeah all right and I'm gonna ask Naomi says we live and we're uncut Naomi man you know what do you do what do you do to kind of bring yourself up when you're going through down times and specifically what we're going through now has affecting you and share with us then and then lead us into our next worship song I think for me music has always been my outlet has always been the way that God speaks to me and encourages me and lets me know that he's near I know first samuel it talks about david plain is harp and casting out demons so i believe it to be one of the most powerful forums in which we can experience God and the words words of songs are just so transforming and so encouraging so I think I write I produce I arrange and I keep my mind focused on him in these times and and on that note we're gonna sing a song that magnifies him we're gonna make him bigger we talked about corona and we talked about all these diseases but I'm here to magnify the Lord anybody else he's a magnifier can we sing this is an old song [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] glory glory hallelujah listen y'all get down with that all night long you know I'm a little bit older than everybody around here I do need to get my rest but I'd enjoy worship I enjoy what they do here on Sabbath I enjoy what they do here on Friday night we have a good time man listen I'm on this as we kind of talked about this virus just a little bit more tonight we know that there are individuals man Sebastian who are kind of nervous they they might even be scared as to hey man is this thing gonna get worse when is this gonna end we're hearing all kind of timelines it's kind of crazy out there but man Sebastian how would you help man somebody who's kind of scared about you know just kind of the unknown cuz we did obviously again we didn't see this coming so what would you share with somebody man who's just kind of fearful right now they're kind of scared in terms of what potentially could happen next you know and I know where I'm cut so I'm just riding right playing French Montana and you're worried about none anywhere about no cuz I'm literally not worried about anything and the reason that is is because I mean God's Word and I would encourage others to get into God's Word because that is literally going to give you what you need in order to have peace and to have healing and all of that so I mean ultimately if you are trying to figure it out on your own you're trying to get all suited up with all these masks and all the all the gloves and all these things that that you feel like can protect yourself from these from the virus and all actuality if you don't have the truth inside of you then you are vulnerable you are vulnerable and you need that so I mean ultimately when it comes down to it you need God's Word and more of that in you than the news you need more of God's Word than the gossip that people are saying oh we're gonna be shut down oh did you hear this and just get into God's Word it was like I don't need that I don't need that I need God so focus on him and I encourage those two too that are questioning whether they're gonna be alive or if they're gonna be sick and just a panic attack just pause stop I just see God's face and humble yourself before him gotcha gotcha you know number of people y'all you know watching online Facebook live YouTube and and we just want to encourage you tonight to kind of drop your if you got prayer requests kind of drop them in the comment section we don't we want to pray for you and those requests and we also want to continue praying not just tonight but we have a prayer team here at the church and every day at five I think six o'clock they get on this prayer line and they're lifting up the prayer request that we kind of forward to them and so if you feel like anxiety if you feel it anxious nervous about you know what what's happening drop us the prayer requests man they're online we try to look at them we see we got people from all over watching on tonight man so we're excited that you decide to join us for a little bit tonight as as well so again drop your prayer requests so we can that we can have those we can pray over them I also know that as I talk with some of the students who've I've you know developed a friendship with since I've been down here talk with some of the students man especially the seniors the graduating seniors man it was rough it is rough and I got a text message today from a young and old friend not in this specific area but they just said listen can you pray can you pray for the young people who are supposed to be graduating and their graduation might be canceled and so that whole celebratory season is kind of you know it may not happen for them man and so just being uncut you know you may be angry with God you may be upset at not having the opportunity to graduate with your friends at going home early I know around here a lot of people struggle to get into school and then to be sent home it could be rough it can certainly be rough and so we definitely know God is big enough to handle your anger God is big enough to handle your frustration and we just want to encourage you to cry out to God and that's why we're worshiping tonight as we're kind of talking and we're sharing together we're worshiping tonight so that we can continue to cry out to God lift up God Naomi man I'm gonna turn it back over to you as you lead us in another song and and and we just want to get again encourage you man if you can take whatever feelings you have whether you're mad you're sad you're upset you're frustrated whatever it is you're going through God can handle it share it with God tell God about it and as Naomi leads us into another song man just inhabit the worship just see if you can hear the words of the song and and lift up the name of Jesus so Naomi you can take over one thing that has been key for me this week I've literally read it every day Psalms 91 he says he who dwells in a secret I shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty I will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my fortress my god in him I will trust surely he shall deliver you from the snare of the Fowler and from the perilous pestilence he shall come here with his feather and under his wings you shall take refuge his truth shall be your shield and by the moon you shall not be afraid thank you Lord you shall not be afraid of the terror by night nor the arrow that flies by day nor of the pestilence that wars in the darkness nor of the destruction that lays waste on you today and that is such an amazing promise that we serve such a holy and such a majestic God that he is so big and he saw only president sovereign but he still looks out for every one of us he orchestrates the whole universe but still knows the spy name what an amazing God in glory [Music] I lift my hands to you as a sign of surrender and see [Music] Oh [Music] you're [Music] cheers y'all just [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you your majesty [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Music] holy you [Music] [Music] no one else like you [Music] it's gone everything's together only you [Music] [Music] only you are wonderful cheese [Music] [Music] monie you [Music] [Applause] we still believe in [Music] we trust you tonight Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] maybe your [Music] but if you glory about Irish but our troubles [Music] thank you lord [Music] you know it's it's it's hard to focus on your own stuff when you worship you know when praises are being lifted up to God God just does something that kind of takes you out of your own issues and helps you get out your own way and so I just want to encourage you to continue to worship in your own way I know tomorrow all churches most churches will be shut down but find a group of friends online find um use different platforms to just get together share pray and encourage each other in the Lord I just want to acknowledge some of these prayer requests man that came through online I appreciate you guys sharing those with us and Michaela Cyrus she asked for prayers for all the college students all of College Dudes her friends who had to leave school and are kind of concerned about their academic futures a phonetic Cuffy says she wants prayer for her family a Wendy Pozzo is asking for a prayer for health for her family David Thompson saying that the government is using an SD a building as a holding center so pray for those people who are maybe quarantined pray for in New York City we want to pray for those in California who are on the stay stay at home watch Patricia Johnson is asking for complete healing Daisy Watson is asking to pray for the country of Jamaica we also want to continue to pray for all of those in the health care field you know they are on the front lines Ground Zero as it were and they are putting themselves potentially in harm's way so we definitely want to keep all those health care workers in prayer we thank you we want to thank you for your service we want to pray for our nation nikki canada says pray for her family there's a whole list of prayer requests that have come through we're gonna go through these once we go off the air tonight and we're just gonna continue to lift these things up in prayer we wanted to have a season of Prayer tonight we're not gonna get through this without being connected and Sebastian man I'm going to ask you if you would lead us just in a word of prayer tonight praying for obviously those who are traveling praying for those who in the health care profession praying for the students that leave praying for those who are feeling anxious or scared not knowing what's gonna happen moving forward you know the Bible says it's my people who are called by my name will humble themselves pray and seek my face turn from our wicked ways that he would hear and he would hear and I believe tonight man he's gonna hear so you know I invite you man to pray with us online pray with us online as Sebastian leads us in prayer tonight do you have any father you know exactly what's going on in the world what we're all going through some of us are struggling with with fears just just panicking just losing their mind and and and we need you we need you right now you know the list of people that put in prayer requesting on live and and everyone that's voicing that they need healing they need protection they're they're worried about their family worried about their country and and all the things that we're worried about concerns you as well so we present everything that we're struggling with everything that's on our mind we you know exactly what's going through our minds and and we have all these questions and these questions are coming up now because it's difficult these questions are coming up now because now it could possibly threaten our our our health and our lives are in danger considering that people are dying and and please be with those families that have lost loved ones due to this virus please be with those that are ill right now and that are confirmed with this coronavirus and I just ask that if it be your will to just heal heal them and bring glory to your name and I know that I know that this is not a surprise to you when it comes to this whole scenario and of course it caught us off guard but it didn't catch you off guard we know that you're in control of everything we need you more than anything right now and and and just like we referenced in your word second chronicles seven that we need to humble ourselves before you we need it fast we need to pray we need to seek your face and we haven't been doing that I wear a minute we have not been doing it I have not been doing it but now when things get rough now I'm like hey God is me again I'd like to have a conversation about this whole health crisis can we reconnect because I'm worried and you know that I'm worried some of us are scared and you know that they're scared we can be comforted by your word you have given us the word and help us to be hungry for truth help us to be hungry to to be able to just get into the word and not have to get tired or bored help us to find those opportunities to be blessing to others I was not the focus on ourselves it's not about us it's not about just me me me I want to survive this that so I can grow old this is about loving one another and finding those opportunities to be a blessing to those that need them and I need I need your spirit we need your spirit we need your spirit to do but we were created to do we did not we were not created just to work a nine-to-five we were not created just to go to school and and we were not created just to retire and and just have vacations and all these things we were created to spread the gospel to heal those that need healing to help those that need help to uplift those that need encouragement to do some work somewhere around the way in and I will say that I can see that this is a wake-up call this is an opportunity for us to repent and we just ask for forgiveness we need forgiveness and we are just and a low right now where things are just looking crazy but I know I know that we will be prosperous again I know that everybody will be we'll continue to do well in and that we will have the opportunity to continue to do ministry and have gatherings and and do all these things but which of those things for granted we took those things for granted oh whoa I'll just go next Sabbath but now then there's no service what happened now you want to go to church right I mean it's crazy how we just take all these things for granted and I just ask that you purify us of all unrighteousness and fill us with your spirit we are in need and dire need for your spirit and help us to reach the community in around us so many want to focus on other countries we need to start within within a five mile radius then we can stretch out the ten mile radius then we can stretch out to different states in different countries but let's start home there's people that need to hear words of encouragement and you can use us so we're asking that you use us Lord Jesus please forgive us for our sins thank you so much for your love for us and for giving us the opportunity to repent and to accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior [Music] thank you for healing our land thank you for restoring the economy thank you for restoring everything so that we can be able to continue to do what we're created to do in Jesus name Amen and especially I appreciate that man that prayer heartfelt authentic prayer before we before we get out of here tonight before Naomi leads us in our in our final song we do want to share with you that we will be live tomorrow morning at 10:30 a.m. with Sabbath school and our own dr. Toussaint Williams will lead a Sabbath School discussion from 10:30 to 11:00 and then at 11:00 we will have our worship experience obviously we won't have our members here with us but only essential staff personnel will be here with us on tomorrow but we want you to tune in we want you to enjoy once again worshiping with us here at the Oakwood University Church I'm just so appreciative of the musicians on tonight and if those are here can we put our hands together man just for the musicians praying for effective praise team of the praise team here tonight they came out everybody is practicing social distances tonight for the moment for the most part help us Lord but we aren't we're definitely appreciate Stephen and Naomi for being a part of open uncut we would love to be back next week and our goal is to come and share support and they get more even a little more raw as we continue each week but the truth of the matter is is things are changing everyday so we don't even know if we'll be back on next Friday night but that's the goal that's the prayer we appreciate you guys tuning in tonight with us we're praying for you we love you and we know that God is not finished with us yet if we just hold on I specifically want to shout out my teens they watched by YouTube all the teens out there God has got something just so tremendously in store for you he's got purpose for you and this is just something that's causing us to kind of step out on on faith and so for the young people specifically the Oakland University students man hold tight hold tight Oh God's gonna do something amazing we just got to stay with him and we will see what happens so do me come on take us out tonight and god bless you god grant you peace we want to raise a song that one of our own Steve Amanda's maestro genius and and is something that has been giving me a lot of confidence the verse Psalm 46:10 me says be still and [Music] we raise it together [Music] I am God [Music] [Music] [Music] No [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and no time [Music] [Applause] [Music] once again we just want to encourage you to watch online borrowed by our own dr. Byrd will be here preaching the mighty word for tomorrow into season you don't want to miss it tomorrow we also have our two the best pastor Phil he's gonna have something [Music] crowd the children around the your your iPad crackling under overbite so just make sure that they're tuning the Open University Church whether it's on Facebook whether it's on YouTube whether you go to our website that's how they get on tomorrow I'm also also we want to keep ministry going y'all we want to keep ministry going and and so we wanted if you want to be if you wanna come be a part of what we're doing down here you think young adult ministry here the Open University Church you want to give you can cash a purse and dollar sign oh you see SD a dollar sign oh you see if you want to be a part of a ministry down here once again god bless you guys we've had a good time tonight here and Oakwood uncut and prayerfully we will see you on next Friday night god bless you happy 7:00 [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Oakwood University Church
Views: 5,066
Rating: 4.9636364 out of 5
Id: XgakHaN8oxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 23sec (3203 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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