Ottawa (AZ) vs SAGU - NAIA Football 2021

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as far as i'm concerned uh you know i grandview should definitely be higher ranked higher than they are morningside obviously top of the the the pack in my opinion lindsey wilson having a great great start to their season so you know it's uh it's good and then you get down the the top 25 you kind of make your way down and you find uh some of the other schools such as dickinson state georgetown kentucky uh and then uh one of the arizona schools that's near and dear to my heart here so you know it's uh yeah it's summing up to to be a great start of the season well we are going to be talking a lot about ottawa of arizona today as that is saggy's matchup we'll get into that here in a little bit but you know you see your lindsay wilson's you see your morning sides they're the perennial powerhouses vince now uh give us maybe one or two picks as a sleeper to sneak their way in the top 25 or who are already in the top 25 and let's try to steer away from ottawa because i know you're going to want to talk about that [Music] there you go college of idaho has always been a school that's kind of hung around and they'll continue to do that they're tucked away they don't get a lot of respect uh but then when they get into the the postseason it's lights out for them so uh they are much better than than where they're reflected now they're about a middle of the top 25 right now i really like dickinson state they play in a tough conference as well uh tucked away in in the uh frozen tundra so uh those are a couple of the schools that i really like and then you may see a little bit of arizona christian here and there from time to time kind of sneaking in so uh being in the shadow of ottawa and uh but but they're one they've got a major recruiting base in the metro phoenix area so you know a lot of kids choose them as an alternative absolutely absolutely i'm glad to hear you mention uh arizona christian as well and ottawa but those both of those two teams play in the sooner athletic conference there are two teams currently in the top 25 from the sooner uh break those down a little bit i know one of them is ottawa but but as far as the sooner it goes are we playing ketchup is saggy playing ketchup is langston playing catch-up with those two teams that are currently ranked in the top 25. i you know i think so and and the sooner gets kind of a bad rap because they're not you know they're relatively new new kids on the block and and you know they're they haven't been known as a very strong conference and just case in point two years ago ottawa practically ran the table and they get into the postseason and they got smacked by college of idaho and uh and nobody saw that coming but then again when you play in a conference that that isn't up to par with some of the other conferences nationally week in and week out it's going to happen right exactly so you have it sagu langston kind of in that second tier of competition here in the student athletic conference for our sakes hopefully today sagu could give ottawa a run for their money but let's talk a little bit more about the sooner athletic conference matchups this week vince now we went through and we we made our picks we looked at every single one i want to go over those with you uh right now vince so uh first game on the document let's let's talk about sagu auto of arizona oh come on guys why are we doing this 76 to 10 i mean what would have to and no offense but literally austin mccullough would would have to not get on the team bus in order for saguda to have a chance in this game even mike nesbitt for that matter and and you know i know that's a bold statement they still have to play the game but 76-10 uh last week and and these guys are just getting started and you've got a roster full of guys that feel like they've been there forever you know austin mccullough who's finally a senior now and he felt like he was a senior two three years ago you got jamar moreland who was the offensive player of the year but the guy is known for special teams um you've got marcellus chester riley who is a an outstanding running back they spread the ball last week to 14 different receivers how do you defend against that i don't i don't know i don't know if you can i mean i am actually tim i'm gonna you give us your pick for segway i guess i'll i'll sandwich it i'm gonna go a little bit homer maybe but it's just because you talk about austin mccullough jordan barlow has obviously coming off as the pre-season pick as the offensive player of the year anytime you got jordan barlow in the backfield he can keep up with anybody i almost used the example of thursday night the cowboys were ten point underdogs that kept him in that game to the very end and you're one play away and i trust some of these saggy defensive players like rodriguez or keandre belcher to maybe make a big play so i'm gonna sandwich it in there with with my one homer call i would say if you were picking a favorite i would definitely say uh ottawa is the favorite today however i do think sagu has a shot and i i have no problem i guess being the bad guy here because i'm going with ottawa i think that that austin mccullough this high-powered spirit offense is it's a word for it and i'm going to probably use it a lot today is is ridiculous i mean 70 points last week you mentioned before we went on here that we the the sagu played ottawa was it four almost four months ago maybe it was very recent it was in seven seven it was that weird the season was split in half and then ottawa camp comes in and they beat us by 30. they beat saggy by 30. so i'm gonna go with ottawa again today um we're going to get into a little bit more of the matchups you know here later but let's talk a little bit more about some of the other student athletic athletic conference matchups tim give us one that you're keeping an eye on today well the one i'm keeping an eye on today is oklahoma panhandle state because they are just always such a hard out and i am picking them this week it feels like every single time they get on the field no matter who they're playing they are just a hard team to beat so i think we may have disagreed on that pick yeah i'm going opsu today and vince how about the opsu waylon baptist matchup you know i'm a big fan of butch henderson because he's one of those coaches that you feel like you've known forever and he's a very steadying force with his team you could sit there on him you know on the front porch and sit back in a rocking chair and have a beer with the guy uh but ops u is is gonna be my pick this week they're a little bit stronger i i've corrected it it's ops versus texas wesleyan i actually went opposite oh of you tim it's it's not that's my fault they all start to run together sometimes i'm going to texas wesleyan again it's i think it's the only one that i go the opposite again here with you tim i'm going i'm going texas wesleyan they have built a great program there very quickly in just a few years and we know from basketball volleyball soccer if texas wesleyan is going to play a sport they're going to play it well absolutely this could be a big breakthrough absolutely so i'm going to wesley and they are kind of our rivals here in sagu they're just a little bit up 287 and there's texas wesleyan but uh i'm going with the rams i think that they are competitive in every sport that they play so i think it's going to be a good one now let's move on to langston texas college now these are historically two schools that are very far apart in terms of talent but you kind of have to look at it last couple years langston and i'm not the only one who thinks this they they took a step back a little bit they've lost a step obviously sagu got their historic first ever win against langston last year we didn't throw a parade for it we just thought about it uh i'm obviously going to langston over texas college but they're a team to watch right now as we talk about arizona christian ottawa arizona kind of taking over this conference can langston regain some of that footing and re-establish themselves back in the central states football league days the sooner they ran this conference it's half reasons called the sooners because as langston oklahoma you feel like and right now it's the arizona teams burying the stress of the sooner so i'm picking them today no question over texas college but they'll be interesting to watch all year long absolutely and and speaking of texas college uh texas college just a couple of years ago came in and gave sagu their first loss to texas college and what feels like maybe forever so i am actually going to go langston as well but it is a battle of a couple of schools they may still be quite a bit apart but langston took a step back and texas college feels like it's a little bit on the rise so it's an interesting one to keep an eye on vince how about you who do you like in that matchup you know i really like langston here and and outside of the power five schools i mean langston it owns the state of oklahoma and and they are a great program a very historic program they recruit well and it's all about recruiting in my opinion so i pick langston in this matchup absolutely and then tim give us another one that you're taking a look at today we got a little abilene christian action yeah aveline a christian against lyon who uh you know struggled last i'm sorry louisiana college not lying louisiana college who struggled last week against sagu i mean abilene christian is just a solid program i mean they they're you feel like they can go out there and play some of the better d1 squads and give them oh yeah they run for their money so abilene christian hands down vince i i assume you kind of you know exactly it's abilene christian all the way and uh agreed this is a little it feels a little bit like sagu when they used to kick off against texas lutheran and come in and lose 75 to 10 type of thing abilene christian just kind of an unfortunate match up it just you get these big colleges it is it's a tune-up game it is what it is so i think we're on agreement there and the last one is waylon baptist and lion is the last uh the last matchup now i'm going whalen baptist i know vince kept an eye on that game last week as uh lyon faced off against ottawa and i i i i don't you got a good look at lyon last week vince what do you think here against uh waylon baptist okay so this is definitely and i talked about so i got a little confused when you mentioned waylon baptist earlier this is the one that i really like again butch henderson he's a great guy great coach i'm i'm going waylon baptist it's it's hard to recover from a a 66 point beat down so i'm sorry lion yeah yeah sorry guys and i'm going wayland as well obviously another team that's just tough weekend week out maybe they only end up five and five at the end of the year but those five wins are gonna be hard fought and those five losses are gonna be down to the wire uh lyon you know like you said you're gonna have to see some more out of them rather than a 66 point loss before you're willing to start putting that picks on them i i i hate to say it i'm picking waylon baptist as well as i said it it's a tough sea it's a tough way to start the season if you're lying you're going off against ottawa who is a top 25 team and they ran the table they are just a high-powered offense they're a lot of fun to watch and then you go to weyland baptist after getting walloped against the spirit and you're just kind of having to fight back and it's tough but i'm going waylon baptist now vince quickly as we as we come to a close here um an outlook on ottawa for the rest of the season if you're putting on your swami hat you're looking into your crystal ball yeah with the burger king go get one of those crowns yeah go get one of those paper crabs real fast i want it my way how do you how do you see this the season panning out here for for ottawa well they you know they're gonna they're gonna run the table and i'll tell you why the kids really are drawn to mike nesbit coach mike nesbitt is is unlike any coach that i've seen in an naia school anywhere this guy is is should be coaching division one and it's a matter of time and if i'm ottawa administration you're gonna have to take out that checkbook if you want to keep this guy i i am serious mike nesbit is is a draw his kids don't want to leave they graduate they want to stay and you've got kids that are that are you know again austin mccullough marcus ferrier christian viville i mean these guys are playing for this guy they love him he was a punter in college he was a punter in the nfl but he snuck into the offensive meeting rooms he is a special teams coordinator he's an offensive coordinator this guy does it all and uh and and he is the glue that keeps this program this machine running um and and this is why they will win it's ultimately it's because of mike nesbit and his game planning um now once they get into the postseason again it's the level of competition with the sooner athletic conference they got to raise their game they got to recruit maybe if they schedule some more out of league games such as a couple years ago they had a morning site scheduled it never happened but games like that that set the bar set the tone maybe but these guys should run the table in my opinion and uh and then we'll see what happens in the postseason i think a major win for them is to win that first uh playoff game and then see what happens from there gotcha well there you have it folks that is all but a guarantee uh from from from from vince about this oau the ottawa game and sagu today don't go anywhere thank you vin so much for your time we're looking forward to a fun season with you uh coming up next is going to be our segment here again for the the spirit and the sagu lions don't go anywhere coming right back at you right here on the sagu sports network [Applause] ministry and community organizations [Music] jesus you're always with me you're always with the me level is highly competitive i know that a lot of ncaa schools will have opening round games with a lot of nai schools and those are very close games a lot of times and it's a highly competitive level and it's been a great great situation for me and i think it's a great situation for a lot of my teammates and a lot of my peers [Music] welcome back to the sagu sports network as i mentioned earlier today's match up the ottawa of arizona spirit come to waxahachie to face off against your hometown sagu lions live from here lumpkin stadium beautiful waxahachie starting to get a little bit warm here uh it won't have you but it's 64 this morning and texas that does that to you it says oh it's fall nah it's not fall it's 94 by kickoff and and we're going to feel every every bit of it but it's it's it's football weather football's back we're happy it's the best time of the year so tim let's talk a little bit about the matchup here today we did just get off the horn here with vince he's talking about talking up i should say ottawa uh as one of these powerhouses of the student athletic conference i agree with him the matchup here as you as we mentioned just a short four months ago sagu takes the loss against ottawa 37-7 30 point it's a blowout at that point um it's a different season you know coming into today otto wasn't one of those sages want to know we'll get to the sagu game from last week because if you didn't see it it was an exciting one but the match up today against uh the spirit it's give us your thoughts on that yeah i mean sagu is i would say the underdog in this game but as long as you've got a quarterback like jordan barlow you're in the game i mean that at every level of football now is quarterback driven from from peewee to the nfl it is all quarterback driven and so as long as you've got a quarterback that you trust that just was excellent in crunch time last week to pull off that win in louisiana as long as you've got that quarterback you can hang in the game and you can find a way to win in the closing moments absolutely now let's go over some of the the keys for the sagu alliance today to walk out with the win the first is going to be to try to protect over top of this ottawa arizona team the the the spirit really can use the long ball to their advantage they had four or five different receivers last week who averaged double-digit yards per catch which is just i mean long play after long play it is ridiculous it's ridiculous the other one is we just mentioned lean on barlow let him lead you he is a baller he is a gamer he is a winner he may not be the best passer in the world he may not be the best runner in the world but he wills his team to victory time in and time out and has been an absolute treat to watch here at sagu uh and again just to remind you he graduated last semester he came back as a grad student to lead this sagu offense and then the last thing uh here for sagu keep it clean you and i have seen this a couple years in a row here where uh things can get a little bit chippy in in terms of the on-field play personal fouls unsportsmanlike conducts keep your head those penalties can make it make a huge difference in a shootout like this has the potential to be and it's just it's just big keep keep the laundry off the field absolutely absolutely uh pete behind the curtain here uh oh sorry tim sorry about that keys to the game it's week one folks and we don't get pretty seasoned to discuss it all out uh keith of the game first of all spy barlow uh jordan you really need to watch him while he's playing you can throw blitzes at him but he's pretty good under pressure keep a linebacker back looking at his eyes locked in with him and force him to make some errors he will sometimes throw some tight passes that you can try to intercept so if i'm if i'm the spirit i'm keeping a linebacker back and spying barlow throughout the game second don't use your best player that's more of a joke than anything uh heading into the ending into the preseason austin bond the ottawa arizona punter was named the special teams player of the year our preseason perspectives play of the year he punted once last week so if you're not using your punter you're winning obviously and last whittled down the rushing attack last week they had six listed running backs take two cares or more now obviously you've got a blowout situation you're trying a lot of different things but one of your best players would play here a second only got a few touches so it's time to whittle it down you're playing a much more serious opponent this week than you were last week it's time to whittle it down and find that two or three headed rushing attack and that was a good thing last week to be able to try all six i doubt we'll see six this week we'll probably see it down to two or three those are your keys to the game for the spirit and the lions we've got a new face with us this year sideline reporter jaz williams is with head coach ryan smith right now down on the sideline let's get his thoughts on what his lions have to do to walk away with a victory here today jazz down to you thanks adam coach you kicked off the season with a thrilling win in the season opener how did the team focus and prepare this past week leading up to the home opener you know the big selling point is that between week one and week two is always your biggest element of growth so that was what we're really pushing this week is we just got to get better we got to execute better and we got to be cleaner and just understanding the flow and the transitional aspects of football within a game setting that you can't get until you get in game settings and understanding you know staying emotionally invested into four quarters and those things were extremely important that we pushed this week we had a great week it was very physical week but we had a really good week ottawa is coming off a blow-off victory what did you and your coaching staff decide were the main strengths of the spirit you know a really good quarterback play coach nesbitt does a great job with those guys offensively they're extremely explosive we know that we've got to limit snaps and then defensively they're very athletic so we've got to do the things we need to do in order to execute and just manage the game that's our biggest thing is we've got to manage the tempo of the game and the clock all eyes are going to be on senior quarterback jordan barlow but who do you expect to have a great game today against ottawa you know defensively i'm excited about our front guys and then also our back end is really coming on strong all our dbs offensively our receiving corps had a good week last week i think they can be better and then up front you know we love our 50 linemen we like our guys uh they're they're senior heavy so we're gonna lean on them this week and expect them to play really well thanks coach and good luck today back to you adam thank you jazz thank you coach smith there you have it i like to talk about quarterbacks all day but coach smith really putting some importance on that offensive line so we'll keep an eye on that as well tim we talked about the keys to the game for the team let's talk about some of the players who are going to execute those those schemes for here here from the spirit well you just heard coach right there talking about the defensive line and the defensive backs and they're gonna have their hands full today with quarterback austin mccullough so you heard vince talking about him he's coming off a 2020 season where he averaged 322 yards a game through 11 touchdowns just in just five starts and last week he just blew the doors off the building 391 yards and five touchdowns in limited action he left that game early since it was a blowout second running back shamar morning as we mentioned a few times he is the defending offensive player of the year for the sooner athletic conference however last week in that blowout win he had a slow start he only had three catches for 39 yards and three rushes for 15 yards so that's one of the guys i was talking about when you're whittling down that rushing attack expect to see a lot more of him this week i don't know if that was just load management last week you don't want to risk you're literally one of your best players in a game that's out of hand early on interesting to see how moreland gets in last defensive lineman marcus feria he didn't play last year but this senior and former washington husky this guy has division one pedigree had two and a half tackles for a loss and a sack last week so after taking 2020 off comes right back in 2021 with a big start for that senior that's one of those guys you've been talking about who comes to this team because of the coach and he will be a big threat today going after not just the running attack of sagu but chasing barlow around how about absolutely i figured talk about barlow yeah i mean you know me we've worked together for years tim i i love quarterbacks i will talk about quarterbacks any chance i can get and sagu's got a good one we talked about how he is a gamer he's a winner he wills his team to victory jordan barlow returning for another season after graduating to lead the sack it was up in the air it really was like whether or not he was going to come back but he just did decide to come back give it one more year led the team to victory last week essentially a walk-off touchdown last week yeah the brilliant play got louisiana college to jump offsides with five uh ten seconds left knew he had a free play zipped it in the endzone for the game winning touchdown you can't ask for more he doesn't put up five touchdown games eighty percent accuracy like austin mccullough does but he's just a different breed of quarterback he is a winner secondly keaton dudick you and i again i'm going to go back to how long we've worked together when's the last time that sagu has had a featured running back in this offense it hasn't happened it's always been running back by committee you had a little bit of thunder and lightning a couple years ago with jp lowry and ricky bickham speed back power back now it's keaton dudek and it's keaton dudek alone had over 20 touches last week both rushing and receiving has been the go-to featured back for the sagu offense and that's not something that we've seen in a long time here for the lion so keep an eye on him coming out of the backfield today and lastly we'll go to the defensive side of the ball jalen jalen brown last week uh flying all over the field he had two tackles for loss a sack and a half it just looks like he is emerging to be the leader of this sagu defense so keep an eye out for uh number eight today on that sagu defense jaylen brown to make some make some impact but tim we're just minutes away from kickoff it's here it's here we are we were finally here just minutes away for ready to go mentioning those defensive players watching that game against louisiana college last week they play with some abandon they play with some speed and some pop and they're going to have to they have they're going to have to risk getting burned a few times today i think in order to go make plays be willing to maybe get burned because guess what the spirit are going to score oh yeah they're going to score so if you make a mistake and they score two players early they were gonna be willing to make a mistake to go try to make a big play and turn the game around absolutely we're gonna send you live down to the field for the national anthem as well as the coin toss for the opening kickoff don't go anywhere the ottawa spirit versus the sagu lions coming your way right here on the sagu sports network for my saggy student autumn jackson oh say can you see by the dawn's early night what's so proud we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming whose bright stripes and bright stars [Music] dreaming [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] brains [Applause] yes [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] and this morning we'd like to introduce you to our officials during this match referee tony acosta umpire chris and taylor line judge scott huffman field judge dwayne keith headlines miguel valera side judge nick mcfaul back judge eric white and center judge here for kaylee [Applause] [Applause] oh [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] yes [Applause] [Applause] lions here we are we are ready for the opening coin toss there you see the captains for the sagu lions drake rodriguez wearing number 50 big key andre belcher with number 99 we have evan greathouse wearing 66 and then of course jordan barlow round out the captains for the sagu lions and we have austin mccullough [Music] austin mccullough will be the lone captain for the ottawa arizona spirit [Applause] here's the sagu won the call and defer and that is a bold bold move as they are going to put their defense out on the field to face this high-powered spirit offense but tim i gotta be honest with you i love that move yeah i mean if you can if you can go make a statement early it's almost like going down and scoring a touchdown of your own isn't making a statement because you know that you can score and you know ottawa arizona is going to score if you can come out and make a quick statement force a quick three and out or at least force no points on the board that that's a big statement early on you it's the kind of kind of choices you're gonna have to make today go big or go home to come away with the win remember of course to follow us on all of our social media platforms saggy sports network on facebook at saggy sportsnet on twitter and of course saggy sports network on youtube that you can find live streams on all of those platforms be sure and share them with your friends get everybody out here watching some beautiful saturday morning football from waxahachie texas as we are ready for the kickoff here comes kieran woodley to start off the home slate for the sagu lions starting on defense will be your hometown sagu lions the first home game this season uh for sagu in which we hope to see a great one hopes are high here for sega they had a good end to their last kind of odd season but walked away with a winning record overall the hopes are high here for the sagu alliance and we are underway it's gonna be a little pooch kick they're gonna get it down to about the 20 and then falling as he brings it in will be the return man for ottawa that was a a little odd as he kind of just shamar moreland just kind of got underneath it and just kind of sat down right at the right of the way they're going to give them the 21 but right at the 20 yard line yeah that that's a little bit of a risk right there kind of losing track of the ball there was a flag on the play but the referees aren't signaling anything so it might have been an inadvertent flag drop one of my keys was to keep the laundry off the field but now it's accidentally flying not a good start for my predictions but here comes the spirit offense again led by austin mccullough he's got shamar moreland with him in the backfield looks like they're going to start out here with three out wide to the left of mccullough one out to the right so four wide here for the spirit [Applause] offensive line austin lloyd no laurel dustin rivera joshua ubeda and elijah boyd velakis [Applause] are the men up front and they are big and they are experienced one junior four seniors for this spirit offensive line and they actually have marked the ball for five yards so there might have been an offsides on sag good that they tacked on at the end so you said keep laundry on the field there's zero seconds off the clock and sagu has their first penalty of the of the game so here we are underway mccullough pistol formation he's going to turn around and hand it off here's moreland more than looking for a hole but he is wrapped up quickly there for the initial contact was kashan kelly for a gain of we'll call it four on first down and k'andre belcher is also the one here big number 99 going in to seal that hole and after only six touches total last year last week that is shamar moreland gets the first handoff of the game [Applause] will be second and six here for the spirit two out wide or four out wide to either side here for mccullough he's going to change the play at the line you can see the experience from the spirit quarterback mccullough he's going to hand it off again to moreland marlin breaks the tackle breaks another tackle makes a man miss cuts back and gets wrapped up that's a good job by the lions to not let him get the first down but it's going to be third and very short here for ottawa yeah it looks like drake rodriguez is going to finish the play off before that he ditches two shoestring tackles and makes a third man miss determine what really could should have been a gain of one or two into a gain of five and brings up a third and one let's see if this seasoned sagu defensive line can cause some havoc here noah gibson drake rodriguez belcher and chavez you hand it off again moreland finds a hole cuts it up that's gonna be a first down for the spirit he's finally brought down that time by damaris harren that's when you make your offensive lines job easy just go out create one hole you know you can count on moreland to make this quick cut back here as soon as he sees it picks up his easy five yards and a first down and we go high tempo here two out wide they go two tight end set here does otto of arizona mccullough changes the line or changes the play at the line he's back to pass his first throw of the game he's going to go deep down the sideline looking for his receiver and it falls incomplete that is really good coverage out there by lontarius maclean yeah he was step for step the entire way not giving any room at all to operate for brandon mclaughlin that's just good lockup defending a little bit of hand fighting nothing that's going to draw a flag solid play we will see the sagu defensive backs at some points today like you said on an island where they're gonna have to go man up one on one and that time the sagu corner comes away with the victory second and ten here for mccullough and this spirit offense back to pass quick hitter out to the flat got a man he's makes a move towards the sideline but he goes out of bounds after a short gain that is completed to number 12 sam mason the senior receiver and this isn't quite an open field tackle but another great job there by luntarius mclean to close that gap down and force him out of bounds for a short game bringing up a third and mid and we get a flag here pre-snap and this will be a false start that's a big break for sagu it was third and six which is very manageable for this offense that's gonna set them back five and make it third and eleven false start offense number two five yard penalty remains third down and there you see an interesting play call there by the spirit they were going to run on third down 36. i'm not sure if that false start didn't bail them out a little bit because it looked like shamar moreland was going to be easily taken down well short of the first down marker so now in the way they kind of get a fresh slate they're five yards further back but they have another shot at converting on this play third and eleven here's mccullough he's back to pass rolls out to his left he's gonna go deep down the middle has a man wide open he takes it in at the 45 throws a stiff arm breaking off tackles he's brought down at the 15 long pitch and catch there and a huge gain on third down as he hits his receiver antonio day we called his name a lot last spring yeah dave's just going to get clearly open there nobody within or hold on check that's actually jonah alicia was not there so alicia number nine not six making the catch all these receivers with single digit numbers these days i love it i know tom brady was complaining about it too and i'm finding it kind of tough myself here's the hand off the moreland marlin finds a huge hole makes a couple of people miss and into the end zone almost skated his way in and that is how this game will start with the spirit putting up a quick six as moreland from 15 yards out and it starts with a gaping hole and then he's going to break one tackle and then just kind of bounce off two others not very strong attempts there for sagu so the third the quick hitting third and 11 conversion keeps the drive alive and shamar moreland after a quiet week one emphatically walks into the end zone it is a seven nothing lead the extra point up and good for michael hall and that is a seven to nothing lead here for ottawa that initial hole was just gaping huge huge and there you said it that that false start may have given them a little bit of a break because moreland looked like he was going to get brought down in the backfield there was essentially no blocking on that third and six when the false start was called a little bit of a break there for for ottawa for sure and just like last week on the first drive ottawa marches down and scores now we're hoping that we don't see 70 plus points put up by the spirit offense like they did last week against lyon but very similar very similar opening drive touchdown for the spirit yeah if you're sagging you like that you got into a third and long situation but that's where you've got to convert you cannot let a team this good out of those situations they're gonna have drives where they don't have a third down but they're just gonna march on you and so letting them out of that situation early on is a big sting and it's now up to the sago office to see if they can come back and level this thing early on michael hall in the kickoff for the spirit the lefty will kick it deep that's a good one fielded right at the goal line so segues got their work cut out for them here on a return makes a man missed out past the 20 loses his feet and goes down just at the 23-yard line that was number one kevian davis with the return and you can tell he's a little upset with himself right there he thought that he if he could have stayed on his feet there he had some more room to run with first down lines so it'd be the ball to 23 for jordan barlow for his first home possession of the true 2021 season and here he comes empty backfield five wide for barlow they look like they want to try to air it out here so we'll see what they do maybe some pre-snap motion i don't think so i think it's gonna be straight empty backfield here and it will be he's gonna drop back to pass he's gonna take off a designed run here falls forward for a good game there on first down that's gonna be second and one on the design quarterback keeper nice little play call there you spread it out that wide all you need there is one block and everybody can be so wide that it's an easy eight yard scamper nine yard scamper for barlow so like that play call little i wouldn't quite call it trickery quite but it's it's a it's a misdirection to be to be certain they come out here in a bunch formation dude it goes into the backfield here with barlow second and short barlow sends a man of motion there's dudic it's going to be empty backfield again here barlow quick hitter out wide to do it dude's got the first down and rumbles again for three more so move the chains here for sagu you got to love that pace two plays first down and another pretty good route tree there you put two guys up front you trust that otto arizona's not going to jump that route because if they do then you have a chance to beat them deep as soon as they set back on their haunches for a second you got dudak wide open for an easy pitching catch and a first down jumbo package here for sagu they bring in the defensive lineman isiah luta suesse [Applause] so they go from five wide to a jumbo package with the defensive lineman playing fullback or h back here sends a man in motion they hand it off to dude bounces it outside he's got a little bit of running room he's gonna have a first down dips out of bound a gain of about 15 and we get a flag after the play a sagu offensive lineman has his helmet off donald kinchen had his helmet off i don't know if he took it off or whatever but there is some heat going on down there right now before the flag a like you said a strong bunch formation interesting to see that on your own 40-yard line now we'll wait on the call and there was a saggy helmet on the ground but then there were also words exchanged afterwards so you think this might fall into the area of offsetting [Applause] the official did throw his hat so i think you might be right here it could be offsetting now if it happens after the play after the play we've unsupported a lot of conduct offense number 79 unsportsmanlike conduct number seven white those penalties will offset first down fortunately for the lions the play will stand unfortunately they're gonna have to give their senior offensive lineman a minute or two to catch his head so sagu will pick up the first down the two offensive or two unsportsmanlike conducts here for both of those players here early in the game and don't forget in modern football those act like yellow cards i hate to throw in a soccer reference but you could have gone you could have gone technical fouls in the nba but you went soccer i went straight to soccer man here's the hand off the dude dude to come first down has a nice run there about seven yards that'd be second and three go ahead tim i'm sorry i'm sorry that's what i get for growing up in europe my brain goes to soccer first i i beg your forgiveness but yeah two so in a way it offsets but another way it puts two players on very thin ice for a game that's already gotten chippy just five minutes in good first down run there by dudek makes second and three so this sagu offense looks like they're keeping pace right now as much as they can with the ottawa offense and in a game like this you're going to have to try to go punch for punch with the spirit and that is a very tall task you can't find yourself down two scores absolutely here's second and three barlow dude to his left three out wide to his left hard count he's going to roll out to his left steps up avoids a tackler he's gonna go for it he's got the first down and then some look at him run up the middle of the field takes a huge hit just inside the 20 falls forward jordan barlow we talked about it he does what he can to move these chains and keep this sagu offense pocket awareness to see that he's lost the right side then just keeps going and doesn't go down i mean as a coach sometimes you're thinking just sly because he takes a wallet from deandre armstrong there but that is just the competitive fire jordan barlow plays with sometimes you want to say hey we didn't need those last three yards that much but he is gonna fight for every single one of them and he popped right back up so that hit looked it looked really really bad but he was able to get back up and get back under center orange shotgun rather first down carry there for duke that goes nowhere that's gonna be a gain of zero no gain there on first down yeah quick penetration all across the line you see just a disheveled bunch of purple jerseys there and three white hats coming straight for dudek a a clear domination on the line from the start of that play donald kitchen back into the game after the unsportsmanlike conduct penalty coach smith gave him a couple plays to cool off get some water cooler heads prevail he's back in at right guard for sagu second and ten here two men in the backfield here with barlow he sends a man in motion that is zachary johnson hands it off to duty dude looking for blocking he cuts it up field and then down after a decent game there on second down he's gonna make it third and we'll call it seven and this is an important third down here for sagu this is very big third down you obviously you you like your kicker kieran woodley's been a successful kicker for you for a few seasons now but this is not a game where you need to be matching touchdowns with field goals especially not in the first quarter not not when you know how good this ottawa arizona offense is going to be these are seven big yards you saw the spirit convert their third and 11 on their drive now here you are in the red zone with a big third and seven staring you down you gotta want to pick up this first down because i don't think you go forward on fourth here this early in the game with almost guaranteed points on the board he's going to fake the hand off he's going to go deep to draw along and it's overthrown was looking for his big receiver there in the end zone and he could not come down with it and they will indeed send on the kicking unit [Applause] just good one-on-one coverage and one of those that barlow had to put a place where the defender couldn't get it but the defender was so blanketed on the receiver that that meant it was incomplete it means the receiver didn't have a chance to get the ball either so it'll be a 31-yard attempt for kieran woodley he does have the wind at his back here in the first quarter so that should not be a factor at least for resistance it can always be a factor blowing left and right though hold is down the kick is up and it is no good looks like he missed it to the left so as we said it was an important third down for sagu not to go for it on fourth with almost guaranteed points and i think i jinxed it missed the field goal so sagu will come away with a pretty good offensive drive that results in no points and that's where ottawa will come back out here on offense so can they throw another haymaker potentially go up 14-0 yeah that that stings right there to put together a drive it starts at your own 23-yard line convert some big plays to get down the field get down inside the red zone and walk away with no points that hurts early on against the team that you know is not going to let their foot off the gas [Applause] ottawa arizona taking control here at the 20-yard line the same field position that they had more or less to start the first drive in which they scored a touchdown here's mccullough back to pass he's going to take a deep shot and it's almost it is intercepted off the tip down the sideline he's down to the 20 down to the 10. makes a man miss into the end zone sagu answers back with the defensive score of their own and that is huge off the hands of the initial defender picked off by kevian davis and he takes it all the way back down for a touchdown and we are tied this is just a miscommunication this is a poorly placed ball you see right there the the wide receiver starting to bounce he realizes he's overrun his route and the both defenders crashed on it and first of all exaggerated missed their opportunity but davis cleans up the tip and just like that disappointment turns to elation and comes out with a chance to tie this game and there you see the sagu the first time that we've seen it here the turnover chain for the sagu lions being worn by kevian davis here's what they offer the extra point and it is good now we are tied seven apiece so the offensive series ends at no points but the first play from your defense we heard coach smith talk about it how much he is relying on this defense to make plays today and that's going to make you thrilled if you're head coach smith and defensive coordinator jared hutchins yeah that's that's the kind of thing that you're gonna have to do today to pull off the win is make some huge plays like that and that is a big statement play early on again what just appeared to be a little bit of miscommunication mccullough's dropping that pass in and it looks like his top receiver had overrun the route but it's the defenders who have the luxury of being able to full-time look at the quarterback and crash back a lot quicker and it for a second like saggy would miss their opportunity but davis corrals that in and takes it all the way so yeah you go from driving down the field and getting no points to then immediately tying the game up what a huge turnaround absolutely so sagu kieran woodley will kick off here we'll see if they decide to go with the same strategy here on kickoff the pooch kicked down to about the 20. we know woodley's got the leg to put it in the end zone but i think they're trying to stay away from shamar moreland as much as they can and they will indeed do an end over end hooch kick but it's fielded by morgan he's going to cut back all the way across the field and this is dangerous he's got a lot of room to run if he can hit that hole he's going to get brought down just shy of midfield that was almost disaster for the sagu kickoff team but great field position here for ottawa as they take over right at midfield that pooch creek felt like it didn't have quite enough hang time it got to moreland's hands a little too quick you see all of sagu's uh hands team is still around the 35 yard line when you have a pooch kick you want to be down to the 25 20. right he's actually landing in somebody's hands and it really was on the first one that one didn't seem to hang quite as much and because of it ottawa arizona is going to start off with great field position just in the shadow of midfield so here is mcculloch coming off the pick six here by the sagu defense we'll see if they elect to run the ball here on first down and try to get a little bit of momentum going back their way and they will hand it off moreland cuts it up field he's gonna get brought down in the backfield that's gonna be a tackle for loss by drake rodriguez as well as big number 55 noah gibson yeah you see gibson just coming off the corner there disrupting that play they're going to call it a gain of a no game it sure looked like a tfl from up here regardless good play there by saggy on first down this defense they are fired up right now back to pass here's mccullough on second to ten he's going to take a deep shot down the middle there's contact deep down field but it looks like it was initiated by the receiver uh at first by ottawa he took a shot to brandon mclaughlin incomplete it's gonna be third and ten yeah if anything was mclean he was kind of asking for a flag there uh mclaughlin kind of went down to the ground and and you know disrupt him a little bit you get a little more leeway with that as the as the receiver than the defender if the defender's the one falling and grabbing the receiver you're going to have a dpi every single time absolutely opi not as much you don't have quite the same right to the ball i don't i don't know uh on third down here long pass completed down to the sideline that was a beautiful pass by mccullough needed 10 and picked up almost 20 there on third down looks like he froze up trevian mcneil underneath he's he's spying the quarterback like they wore on the last drive he's got his eyes on him but that ball was placed perfectly unlike the other one and it drops right into the 31 yard line and a big third down conversion we've seen a couple he's already from the spirit first and ten new set of downs here for mccullough and this offense he's gonna turn around and hand it off to moreland moreland right up the middle lowers his shoulder and he's gonna get brought down he kind of carried himself a cloud of dirt there cloud of dust for the first down correction that is actually going to be running back marcellus chester riley who's doing the carrying this drive here and just let me looks like he's running at a 45 degree angle just that much power going forward to where yeah it looked like that was going to be maybe a gain of one or two but instead he picks up a decent chunk down to the 30-yard line just the difference in size between the two running backs for for ottawa shemar warren 6 foot 177 but chester riley 5-7-180 low center of gravity rpo a complete across the middle down to the 10. he may have a touchdown and he will spins off a tackler and just like that ottawa answers back the rpo run perfectly by mccullough finds a man wide open down the middle and they're going to end up scoring and taking the lead right back here from the lions yeah and that's going to lock every single db in place for around half a second and that is way too long for austin mccullough to easily pick up his receiver over the middle who had enough room to scamper in so mccullough quickly responds after the error marches well 51 yards down the field thanks to the big kick return extra point is up and it is good and ottawa will go up 14-7 on the touchdown pass by mccullough there you see the rpo and i was trying to get a number on it and indeed it is ian zamudio for the touchdown the senior wide receiver just kind of caught it and there was a wide open field in front of him no sagu defenders like you said the rpo kind of froze that defense just long enough to wear wide open green grass for zamudio and he walks into the end zone so a lot of action here in the first nine minutes of play three touchdowns already all while ottawa arizona had their offense on the field and that that's why that interception was such a huge break because that could have so easily been fourteen nothing absolutely why that is such a huge thing to wear now when you're sagu you're still you that right now you're still playing from punch for punch according to the the sheet you you get the ball first start second half and you're down one score right now so it's still up to this offense to complete a drive this time [Applause] here to kick off for the spirit michael hall the lefty again was able to get it down to the one yard line last time this one can be fielded at the nine cutting it up field looking for some room runs right into the back of his blockers and is brought down by a host of spirit defenders and that is where sagu will take over that return that time by adrian rowell yep and he didn't have much room to work with at all and it's matthew coolman who comes in and finishes it off right around i mean 21-yard line so pretty much the exact same starting field position as the first sagu drive which stalled out led to the missed field goal and was bailed out by the pick six [Applause] so here comes barlow and the sagu offense had a pretty good drive their first time out it just kind of petered out and had no no points after the missed field goal barlow will come out with double stacks out to either side left and right judic in the backfield he's going to hand it off to the big hole across the middle but he's brought down quickly there was a lot of room there but a good job there by by the ottawa defender to tackle him in open space yeah that is a great linebacker type tackle by josh gutierrez who just stays at home he sees that the initial line of defense falls apart just stays where he needs to and wraps him up for a gain of four second and six here for the sagu offense they bring an h-back into the backfield [Applause] here's barlow sends a man in motion almost draws the spirit offsides hard count and sag is going to have a false start that you hate to see that leaning forward was the up man javonte harper fall start sagu number 88 five yard penalty remains second down and that's a missed opportunity because they did have the spirit offsides if you had jumped forward to that time of falling forward at that point you would have gotten the five free yards or if barlow could have gotten a quick snap off instead while trying to reset themselves at sagu who gets the five yards yeah you even see ottawa arizona looking at each other kind of worried at first that the flag might have been on them because they knew they were so far across the line but enough time had passed that they weren't penalized barlow takes the handoff throws off his back foot has the man across middle it's jamal long jamalong spins off a tackle taken down just shy of midfield they're gonna mark him down at the 46-yard line a huge pitching catch there from barlow to his man jamal long and that moves the chains for the line yes to thread the needle with no time to throw it all it's gutierrez again coming right up into barlow's face and long with some strength at the end of that one throwing a defender off and going for a few more yards up to the 46. [Applause] so here is sagu moving the chains like you said punch for punch here with this spirit offense you have to you have to try to match whatever they do and sagu's offense has been up to the task so far with a with their first drive being a relatively good one now here they're moving here in the second drive they're going to hand it off to dude dude it gets up ended after a carry of about one that's a really good tackle there on the outside defense stayed at home again they were not biting on the rpo there eric holman with the tackle not a single white helmet even turned to look towards barlow they knew that was a handoff from the start second and nine here for the lions offense there is a stacked formation with four wide receivers to the outside on the left interesting look here they may [Applause] go design run no they go to the opposite side one one-on-one out wide he finds his man that's gonna be mike mouton on the outside yeah they overload the left side there with four men at the bottom of the screen but the play is always going to mouton the defender was pretty much there to kind of kind of sniff that one out just a gain of four brings up another third down these will be so key to keep converting throughout this game this is the second third down sagu will face this game there oh for one so far here's barlow he's back to pass they bring pressure he steps up dumps it out the dude dude makes a nice snag and he's got the first down and then some and then we get a flag it looks like they're gonna get ottawa the ottawa defender for taking him down out of bounds a little bit after he was already out that's josh gutierrez and this is just a snag by dudek that ball is not perfectly thrown it's where he had to throw it because he's under so much pressure yeah personal foul face mask ottawa number four 15-yard penalty from the end of the run automatic first down and there you have it it's the face mask i must have missed it down there amongst all the uh the players on the bench but a face max gives him an extra 15. honestly either way he got kind of he got fully thrown when he was already clearly out of bounds so one way or the other that was going to be a free 15. what a huge conversion dude just making an extended snag and then getting the benefit of 15 free yards down to the 21-yard line sague knocking on the red zone again absolutely here's barlow now new set of downs takes a handoff dumps it out wide to johnson johnson trying to get it up field and he's going to get a nice little game there on first down going to make it second and four i'm sorry adrian rowell on the on the reception correction and this is good patience on that block up front getting laid by jamal long second down that's so it's so tempting to want to get in there early but that's when you get called for offensive past interference he knows he has the rpo or the play action in the backfield to try to pull the defender off and he stays at home and doesn't deliver the block until the ball is safely in the defend in the receiver's hands he sends rowland motion here he's gonna have two wide either side in the pistol barlow hands it off to duty dude tries to cut it to the outside and falls forward for an extra yard maybe it's gonna make it third and short here third and two so sagu faces another third down here and it looks like they're gonna bring the jumbo set out that jumbo look worked pretty well when they were on their side of the field on their last drive and i don't know that maybe you're not thinking that you have this jumbo set out here for two plays right now if you don't pick it up on the first again they bring in defensive lineman isaiah lu tu suesse in as an h-back dudek to the left send a man in motion they look like they're loading for up for something here on the left side hands it off the dude dude tries to lower the shoulder and there was nothing there he's gonna have a game they will call it a gain of one i am surprised he even got that so it'll be fourth and one here for sagu and i don't see any movement on their sideline it looks like they're going to go for this yeah this is you already have a missed field goal no no here comes the field goal team just when i was starting to justify the the fourth in one decision they will bring karen woodley out he missed his first one from 31 this is going to be from 29. they got to watch themselves the play clock's getting a little bit low right now you don't want to hurry this four seconds on it i think they're gonna have to use a timeout yeah and then here comes coach smith calling that timeout he will get it in in time because you don't want to lose five yards and he is irate that he had to call that time out it all going to happen when you had a little bit of a delay on the decision making that that that's the risk you run when you're not 100 sure what you're going to do if the first play fails they didn't get the kicking team out there enough and they have to burn a time out here in the first quarter otherwise again you don't you don't want to lose yard especially when you already missed one um that wind has picked up and it is now blowing across the field so it's definitely not helping sagu a little bit of wind yeah a little bit so we'll see what it uh how it affects this field goal opportunity this field goal try here i actually am looking at so they are electing to it looks like they're gonna go for it here tim yep barlow's back out on the field okay so they bring the jumbo package out so the timeout made coach smith reconsider and he has come back out going forward on fourth and one which honestly is what i thought they're gonna do the first time it's a decision i agree with you can't match touchdowns for field goals you've already missed one today you gotta if you can't trust your offense to go pick one yard up you're not going to be able to hang with arizona ottawa arizona for life i i think i don't want to try to predict here but i think you keep the ball in barlow's hands here maybe go design quarterback run but we'll see here's barlow sends a man in motion heavy set takes a snap hands it off to dick and duda gets brought down in the backfield and that will be a turnover on downs as sagu again gets the ball inside the red zone of the spirit and they walk away with no points and that is that is gut-wrenching for the sagu offense and that's a well-drawn defensive play you know you have that jumbo package up the middle but those guys are slower they're not as quick to adapt and so they bring the linebackers around the corners and the play happened so quick that there was just nowhere for dude to even think about going get thrown for a loss and now two trips inside the red zone get no points for the sagu offense their defense bail them out last time they're going to need to again right here this is a very important drive for the sagu defense here is mccullough he is going to hand it off to moreland moreland cuts it to the outside is brought down from behind that's a pretty good game there on first down gonna make it second and five you'll take that every time if you're an offensive coordinator you'll take that gain of five on first dalton spencer with the stop now if you run on first and ten you've got to at least pick up five yards to make it worthwhile and mccullough changing the play at the line three out wide the left one to the right pistol formation he's gonna turn off and hand it to moreland again moreland bounces it outside cuts it back up inside he's gonna get brought down by host of lions that's right at the first down marker i think they're gonna give it to him yeah and they will yep got just enough and that is the final play of the first quarter and so the period will end with the spirit leading 14-7 as we will switch sides two long touchdowns are two one long and one medium touchdown drive for the spirit meanwhile sagu's offense goes down the field twice with no points to show for it thankfully they have a kevian davis pick six that has them in this game right now but this is you feel this is a crucial drive we said you can't go down two scores the moment you go down two scores this is catch up for the next 30 40 minutes you're gonna be you'll be one step behind that's why it was so crucial to try to come away with any points on that last drive and and you didn't uh so it's it's a very crucial drive for just being the start of the second quarter you feel like this is gonna set the pace for the rest of the game let's go back to the uh the sagu possession on fourth down there tim do you are you an advocate do you like running jumbo set out of the shotgun are you are you under center quarterback sneak get the get the couple inches you need for the first down i i'll always lean a bit more traditional my thought process is that when you're in a situation right here you're giving the ball the dude at the 17-yard line you need the 10-yard line exactly you're turning what needs to be a one-yard run into a seven-yard run and i know that's the way football's gone now i mean under center is i mean i i there might be kids who are playing in college today who have never ran an offensive snap under center in their life we've called how many saggy games at this point i can't tell you the last time i saw them line up it just doesn't happen very much and if you do it's almost a dead giveaway that's just going to be a quarterback sneak but i'd rather be able to just trust my center and my quarterback to try to grind out 36 inches then what that play is it's turning a one since he's turning a fourth and one into a fourth and seven here is marlon he's got room up the middle makes him a miss gets tripped and tackled just past the 40-yard line i don't know if that was intentional but they caught the feet uh of the sagu defender damaris heron look at look at this here he kind of just stuck his foot out after the missed tackle yeah that that that oh that was close to not being inadvertent that could have easily been a a personal foul mccullough going across the middle has his man completed down at the 35-yard line and again there you see the accuracy again from mccullough finds his receiver and just so dangerous going right at the heart of the defense they're not going corner to corner they're not trying to rely on toe taps they're going straight to middle of the field and with excellent route running are getting guys wide open here is mcculloch comes out he's going to hand it off again here's moreland tiptoeing his way around the defense another good carry there on first down he's gonna make it second and three another just straight up the gut it feels like the spirit are no longer worrying about being sneaky about their attacks they are going straight to the teeth of the saga defense both on the ground and through the air key andre belcher checks back into the game here for sagu that's the kind of guy you're looking for to plug a gap or maybe go make a big play in the backfield they hand it off to moreland moorland tries bounce to the outside sagu does a good job of containing this time actually brings him down for a loss of one makes it third and five yeah it did a good job we got two or three guys in the backfield there and damaris heron hanging on to really be the key guy to slow him down and now another third and five sagu has not been able to get off the field on these third downs yet marcellus chester riley checks into the game for moreland we'll see if they decide to run it here or air it out with mccullough they will fake the handoff rolling out to the right he's got a man wide open the flat but he goes to the deeper level concept and it's incomplete mccullough wanted more yards than that open up back that he had rolling out of the out of the backfield with him and we'll see what the decision is here for the spirit and that's just the first poorly placed ball we've seen from mccullough today and i feel like if you have unleashed to the underneath man almost out of the gun he's going to get that first down by the time he had waited he was too close to the sideline and it would have been a lot tougher to convert that to where he had to go up top but if you pulled the trigger immediately i think he's got the first down there and they will go for it here on fourth down three out wide to the right here's mccullough in the pistol chester riley in the backfield he's back to pass he's taking a shot deep across the middle and it is incomplete sagu's defense up to the task turnover on downs and the offense will come back out here for the lions and tim we set it at the beginning of that defensive series that was a huge huge drive for the defense and they were up to the task okay and they were up to the task at just the right moment three straight plays with no yards allowed that was a crucial stance you cannot go down two scores you give the so twice now the offense has gone down the field and been able to score in the red zone and twice now the defense has bailed them out right after the fact so here comes jordan barlow we'll see if the offense can put up points here they have been very good so far today but it's just the ottawa defense has just stood stood tall inside the red zone barlow comes out with five wide last time we saw this he took off on his own first and ten here for the lines after turnover on downs he will take off on his own again lowers the shoulder spins off the tackle and picks up four on first down saga may have gotten away with a little bit of a hold there i know it looks like it just kind of got behind him yeah it's one of those times he let loose just in time you you don't want to be caught grabbing a guy's full shirt and extending it so he did just enough to misdirect him but not enough to to hold and get called for the flag short gain there on first down makes it second and six here for barlow new man in the backfield is kevin busby so dude gets a a breather here on the sideline they have been using him a lot today he fakes the handoff he pumps he's gonna go across the middle has a man complete first down breaks off a tackle falls forward for a little bit more yardage that is a first down for the lions zachariah johnson with the catch and you see you see barlow going through his read progressions there pump fakes once looks again sees that he has johnson with just enough room to thread the ball in there big first down ball back towards midfield [Applause] looks like sagu may go with the bunch formation here they will [Applause] busby in the background the the backfield with baller the freshman out of the bunch barlow back to pass he rolls out to his right he's going to unleash it has a man and knocked away what a play there by the defensive back for ottawa travis cut right the second on jamal long and jamal long is not an easy cover no cut right he's going to stay on his hip pocket the entire run here he knows he's probably the only guy left to really be a target dives in front and just makes an excellent swat on that pass that is such a hard play for a defensive back to make that is quite a play there by cut right yeah when when when the receiver has put himself between you and the ball to be able to go around and not get flagged for past interference make a clean play on the ball that's just an impressive move absolutely so it's gonna be second and ten hands it off to busby busby cuts it up field for a gain of four there on second down so we'll call it third and six and again we we reach a very important third down here for sagu they converted a couple third downs last drive we'll see if they can keep this going yeah this is another big one this is a situation where every single time you give the ball away down seven you just run that inherent risk of finding yourself on the wrong end of a mountain you've got as long as you have a tie game within sight you need to find a way to go capitalize absolutely here's barlow third and six hard count takes the snap rolls out to his left throws it to the sideline good coverage it's brought in is that a catch it is not it is incomplete just out of bounds jamal long went up and got it and just could not get his foot down i'd like to take another look at this because it was awfully close long's gonna go up he's getting pushed got the ball there and let's see where this first foot comes down oh that is so close that is very close it's it's just impossible to glean oh man that that's the one where you just got to trust that both officials who were looking right down that line did see a toe uh touch that line but oh either way just devastatingly close to a great catch and yeah it's just it looks like the tip of that toe might be on the line you just got to trust that the guys looking straight down the line were able to clearly see it they will get the punt off from seth green fair catch called for and brought in at the 15 yard line by shimar moreland so we see sagu's first punt of the morning afternoon whatever you want to call it at this weird time of day it goes inside the 20 and that's where the spirit will take over looking at the game stats here 187 total yards for the spirit sagu with 134 and no points to show for the seven on the board but it's not because of them i've often just used that simple uh yeah it's a simple one-to-one ratio every 100 yards needs to net you seven points on the scoreboard as simple as that and you're at 134 right now and no points to show for it we'll see if the sagu defense can hold tight here again they've been very good today they've stepped up in very big situations ottawa does have 14 points to show for it but sagu has had a couple of key stops including an interception for a touchdown on first down they will hand it off and then the pile gets carried for about three more yards that's gonna be a good gain there on first down i believe by marcellus chester riley and it is and we have seen a two running back set today between chester riley and moreland as we kind of predicted in pregame that that this is how they were going to move forward the did have a flag on the play face mask so it's 15 yard penalty from the end of the run automatic first down drake rodriguez on the face mac it sounded like our officials microphone cut out there for a second but it came through that would be a first down for the spirit and that's what you hate to see yeah just you can't hand 15 free yards at the end of a little six seven yard scamper so new set of downs here's mccullough he's going to hand it off to chester riley this time shorter run that's going to be about three yards makes it second and seven [Music] and honestly i feel like i saw drake rodriguez almost get away with a face mask on the previous drive so that's something he's got to watch uh getting those hands in there as we see here on the replay and it's hard to tell in that bunch formation scrum yeah mccullough rolling out to his right [Applause] pumps he's got time to throw he's going to go cross his body brought in what a an adjustment there by the receiver to notice his quarterback was in a little bit of trouble it comes back to get the reception that is just a heads-up route there by number 16 paul oddity that that is a great route to come back this is what you don't want to see your quarterback doing throwing up not doing a jump throw across his body that is so risky but they made it work oh beautiful open field tackle there by men on the outside lontarius mclean we've seen a couple of good stops by him today but that is a huge tackle for a gain of one that first down mcclain's been an island on an island a few times and right there he's one on two gets through the block and makes a great leg tackle to prevent that otherwise that's gonna be an easy gain of seven or eight absolutely second and nine here for mccullough in the spirit offense we are under 10 minutes to play here in the second quarter almost under nine minutes to play here in the second quarter here's mccullough he's going to hand it off to chester reilly chester reilly falls four that's another short game we'll call that a gain of two so call this third and six here for the spirit third and six third and seven [Applause] and the spirit run this no huddle the sagu fans coming to life here trying to will this defense on to another stop mccullough hands it off a late handoff chester reilly fighting for the yardage does he have enough for the first down i think he does and it was that second effort it was chester riley's second effort is going to force his way through wrapped up and just lunging forward for that extra yard and a half he needed that knee almost hit in the tackle that's a good job by chester riley the effort to move those chains another big third down conversion from the spirit and they will hand it off to chester riley again tries to bounce it to the outside but again another good open field tackle by lontarius maclean [Applause] mclean has had himself a very good game now you never necessarily want to see i'm actually sorry that's not mclean that is uh dalton spencer making the time i'm telling you brittany's right all these fives and sixes and threes give me a 99 yeah come on this is gonna be second and six here for for the spirit out of the pistols gonna turn around and hand it off this is moreland he checks back into the game and immediately has a big run down to the 15. he needed six and got almost 20 and you see the different running styles moreland is more of a straight up rusher look at how upright his shoulders are he's planting these shoulders into you he's spinning off of you with that leg speed meanwhile you get chester riley in there who it feels like he runs at a 45 degree angle he just lowers straight down and plows ahead it really moreland almost looks like he skates when he's on the field he is so smooth when he runs and he is up and down a little he is also tall for a running back he comes in at six foot which is on the taller side uh for a running back coming out of the backfield as we have uh a lion defender down that is jalen brown yeah he is down at the end of that run no i i like that metaphor it is almost like he is just ice skating through the path it's smooth he he looks like a a powerful nhl forward muscling his way past the blue line like it really is an impressive it's a distinct running style it's one you don't see very often and it's the one that made him the sooner athletic conference offensive player of the year last year and there you see the uh comment section of our youtube live stream go ahead and give us a comment and we may feature it on air don't tweet it to csn high school tweet it to sagu sports network make sure that you send it to the right place but always have anna carlson go ouz good luck brandon we've got some arizona fans watching here for uh on the side of sports network we appreciate every single person who who who tunes in to watch these games there we go come on sagu hey baby sis darling so shout out for darla by vinnie bailey i saw a message in there she's bruting heavily today for big 99 kiandre belcher so i think a close personal friend there of of belcher so we first intend here for the spirit back to passes mccullough he's got across the middle there is some contact no flag it looked like there was a person wide open to the corner of the end zone and mccullough just missed yeah mccullough's going to he's attacked to the middle like he's want to do looks like he would have had a much better chance going to that corner a little bit of contact but the ball probably wasn't placed quite well enough to say that contact clearly interfered with any attempt to get the ball second and ten and this is a ben don't break situation for sagu pistol formation again here for the spirit he sends a man in motion to turn around and hand it off to chester reilly chester reilly looking to the outside he's got a blocker with him and it makes a man miss in the open field has enough for it looks like the first down and it should be first and goal and it will be first and goal from the five yard line that's a good run there by chester reilly chester riley and didn't even use his lead blocker you've got uh number six out there antonio day as the lead blocker never even needed to use him and there's riley chester reilly again brought down this time for no gain actually going to say a loss of one yeah kelly does a great job of coming around that right side wrapping up from behind and i feel like that might be how you have to get these running backs trip them up from behind because both of them are so powerful of either spinning off tackles throwing stiff arms or just lowering their weight through you for extra yardage second and goal from the six after the loss of one therefore the spirit offense they will hand it off again to chester riley chester riley runs into the back of the offensive line trying to move the pile he's going to get a gain of two making it third and goal and a another big third down sagu has done a good job of continually getting the spirit to these third down situations unfortunately minus one attempt they have yet to stop any of these third downs the spirit are just converting at an unbelievable click right now third and goal from the three-yard line can sagu's defense stand tall and stand strong here again looks like coach smith may be calling a timeout no he did not get a timeout off here's the throw across the middle brought in for a touchdown the spirit marched down the field and a passing touchdown touched down by austin mccullough finds his man there is a flag after the play it may be an unsportsman like conduct but he found his man ian zamudio again for the second oh correction actually the new is there's so many he completes passes to so many different receivers vinsmits in that pregame of just how much he spreads the ball around i didn't quite catch the number there looked like it it may have been number 80 jeremiah trotman jr either way it will be a another huge third down conversion that will finally move this to a two score game after the play personal foul late hit on the offense number 74. that penalty will be enforced on the kickoff result of the play is a touchdown austin lloyd on the personal foul the late hit so sangu has the chance to have really good field position here on their next possession and it was interesting it looked like coach smith may have been trying to call a timeout with the official down the line he was pleading with the official i think he saw something with the spirit's lineup i think he saw what he thought was an illegal formation of some sort and was one of the official to blow the whistle once the place started to no avail now i i couldn't see from my vantage point what he might have seen yeah it's and though sometimes those legal formations are literally a finger in the ground or not you know it's that it's that nitpicky but i think that's what he was doing because he was uh pleading with the official to see what he was seeing he did not get it however and the spirit go up 21 so let's talk about overall game theory of how this game needs to move forward sagu gets the ball first to start the second half which means there is still a chance at this point to get back to a one score game and cash in on your extra possession but it means this drive is now worth everything you just can't find yourself going into the half down two or more scores so this is a crucial crucial drive for sagu to stay toe to toe in this one look at the look at the the the numbers there for for ottawa the the total yards and the rushing and passing the the balance that they have rushing we talked about mccullough you know all day long how good he is at the quarterback position they're running backs also and a big shout out to the to the offensive line i mean it starts up front and their offensive line has opened up a lot of holes today for the spirit and they've taken advantage oh yeah no neither morland or chester riley have had to break many backfield tackles not at all they've had a head of steam for three or four yards before the play even gets started and that's a pretty good kickoff actually it will go out into the end zone for a touchback so zagu had the chance to have good field position after the personal foul and it looks like that that i mean that's kind of a little bit deflating if you're the lions because they move them back 15 yards and it still ends up in a touch back but what a kick there by michael hall yeah he's got a leg on him kind of taking the risk of just kind of going with a line drive kick knowing saggy was pulled up hoping the ball would land around the 15 20. and he launches a line drive to essentially erase the penalty so you always now i have a feeling that play will still come up in monday morning film sessions about tacking on 15-yard penalties after touchdowns but at the moment uh the kicker pretty much completely erased uh the the situation sagu comes out first and ten six minutes left to play in the first half three out wide to the right here for barlow busby is still in the backfield [Applause] and they will hand it off busby a little counter action tries to break a tackle he does break a tackle bounces it to the outside down past the 40 breaks another one gets out of bounds that play look busted from the start but a good job by kevin busby to keep his feet and pick up a huge gain there on first down no idea how he stays on his feet here he's wrapped he's falling to the ground and getting wrapped up anything i feel like the second defender might have kept helped him regain his balance and he's able to break out and set that bounds a little bit earlier than we thought he did but he still gets up to the 46 yard line what a carry there on first down busby my goodness the freshman to kickstart what is a very big drive for this sagu offense here's barlow three stacked to his right new set of downs first down barlow fakes a handoff and completes the pass to the outside but that is a quick tackle there for the spirit defense what reaction that's gonna be a short gain on first down they they were for sagu they were in danger of having that route jumped oh yeah another step or two and that's going to the house the other direction uh that that's the risk you run of running a play-action situation if you don't freeze the defenders that gives them one extra step to move forward instead if they say no no i'm not i don't even care if you hand it off i'm getting to my receiver that's the danger of having kind of that slower play action set up is a gain of four though after all that here's barlow now on second and seven he's gonna fake the handoff go try to go across middle gets batted down incomplete so that will be third down and if you're sag new here you're this is this is a this is the biggest third down to the game to this point because you want to convert here keep the clock moving and potentially score but if you give the ball back to ottawa with this much time you're in you're in tough shape there on defense this is crucial because not only do you really really need points before half time you really really really can't afford to give up any more points before half time so this is a very big play to keep this drive moving and to keep this game from starting to look lopsided so here's barlow on third down a huge down here for the offense the flag comes out barlow steps up looking for a receiver down the sideline he's got jamal long in and out of his hands he could not bring it in there is a flag alongside the sagu sideline it looks like that's just going to be an illegal motion and i'm not even sure if this catch would have counted the receive the official's hat had come off so it's possible that long had already stepped out of bounds and it wouldn't have been a legal reception right so we'll see the call here sideline warning sagu first warning so sideline warning not an actual penalty per se but they got to be careful there that's why you always need what we like to call the get back coach whose only job it is is to yell at you to stay off that white line on the sidelines so sagu here will have to come out and punt after the the drive stalls so with 4 30 a little bit less when ottawa gets the ball here left to go ottawa is in good shape here to potentially drive down and get one more score before half oh man with 4 30 just about anything can happen two or three times at this point in the game and you know ottawa's offense has moved methodically but you know they can move quick as well if they need to seth green's punt end over end and it's going to bounce that's a huge sagu bounce it looks like it's going to settle right just outside the five and seth green does a good job to get the ball down inside the 10-yard line almost at the five [Applause] now very good punt [Applause] make the spirit face their worst starting field position of the half thus far they're gonna score you're gonna have to go 90 plus yards essentially i mean that's a good job there by the side of special teams yeah so first and ten from the six here for the spirit and as i said a moment ago you really really needed points there but you absolutely cannot if you want to stay in this game you can not allow points on this drive so here is mccullough sends a man in motion he settles on that right side three out wide to the right one to the left pistol formation here for mccullough and he is back to pass he is going to go deep down the sideline and it is incomplete overthrown good coverage there by the saga defender on an island [Applause] isaac gowdy is going to run step for step the entire way prevent the receiver from ever making that move he needed to and a deep ball falls harmlessly four or five yards ahead of them both was intended for jordan king on the outside second and ten here for the spirit [Music] same formation here for mccullough he's gonna fake the handoff roll out to his right levels concept he's got his man enough for the first down past the 20 and that will move the chains here for the spirit yeah you got your short your medium and your long right there and with mccullough rolling out to his right it's just pick which one's going to find a way to get open who's going to fall into the soft spot and usually it is the middle guy usually the top guy is going to have somebody on him the underneath guy's going to be blanketed is that middle guy who finds a way to slip open nikola hands it off there's moreland moreland gets brought down oh belcher had his hands on him but spun out of the tackle fortunately for the lions there was a host of defenders there to help clean that up but belcher did a good job with that initial contact the the sagu lions almost freeze on this play because it's so rare to ever see belcher lose a hold of somebody uh that it felt like everybody said okay cool he's got it and as soon as he broke open for a second he had a little bit of room to work with but zaggy was able to respond just in time hold that to just a gain of two second and eight here for the spirit offense three to the left one to the right pistol formation they're gonna fake the handoff go across the middle and it's incomplete off the hands of the intended receiver so that will bring up third down here for the spirit offense richard montello the intended receiver this is where they have excelled all game long again they have only had one third down attempt that they could not convert on that led to a turnover on downs big big gut check time for the sagu defense to get the spirit off the field rolling out to his right is mccullough he's going to let it float down the field incomplete he had a man and his man had a step but that ball floated just a little too much so with 312 here left to go in the half saggy's going to get another shot here on offense to try to put some points on the board for a second that looked like jonah alicia was going to go to the house and it sailed just a little bit too much mccullough's put a little bit too much on a couple of passes this quarter in particular and if he had been able to drop that one in perfectly this would be a 28-7 ball game instead for the first time it's austin bohn out to punt you called austin bond their best player i would somewhat facetiously i hope uh oh i i i i love the punting game tim segue's got a chance to get a return here and a lot of room to work with was dudick but no blocking in the spirit come down they say they have the ball let's take a look here and it will stay with sagu they they fooled me for a second i believe the refs had clearly ruled that one down it is interesting that when you have a spirit team this stacked somehow the only guy that oh i'm not sure that sagu didn't just get away with one there now it's hard to tell who's actually on it here dudek i think got back and got control of it when he got he got back okay so but still that was a fumble yeah it was i was here we were thinking that they had just ruled that he was down that ball had popped loose and the spirit just got a little bit too anxious on on who had gained control luckily dude was able to corral it right back into himself or else that would have been a devastating blow here's five wide here for barlow empty backfield [Applause] and you gotta look at what the defensive line was looking at doing and they run a little bit a stunt come quick pass completed there for barlow and then out of bounds has his man zachariah johnson am i crazy or did it look like zachariah johnson wanted to lateral to zachary johnson for a second all right that's that twin twin mentality almost looked like that was a hook and ladder uh for a second there and i was like i cannot believe you're running a hook and ladder on first and ten from your 36 yard line just down 14 in the second quarter but i'm also a fan of crazy so let's just see what's gonna happen it'll be second and five after the gain of five by zechariah johnson here is barlow empty backfield again five wide back to pass rolls out to his right points downfield looking for somebody he goes down the middle or towards the sideline rather incomplete clock will stop two and a half left to go this is another important third down here you don't want to give the ball right back to the spirit offense barlow's going to do a as much as he can here keeping the play alive direct in traffic sends dudic down the field but immediately the the spirit were all over him and more importantly than just not one to fall down by more points eventually you got to start scoring you had two drives flail out to start your game you have got to start putting some points on the board you're down 14. so you got to start scoring at some point so this is just a crucial crucial drive here's barlow he's got immediate pressure rolling out to his right throws a stiff arm that ball falls to the ground incomplete so it will be fourth down again here for the sagu offense and the spirit defense as much as we talked about the the high-powered offense that they have this defense so far is pitching a shutout yeah and that was a crucial pressure that they brought on him because it looked like he did for a moment have paul odie wide open at around the 50-yard line would have been a first down but just couldn't ever set his feet to throw the ball he was immediately thrown off so no it's been a great defensive effort from the firestorm who are pitching a shutout seth grain's punt fair catch called for and brought in right at the 30-yard line and that as well this is where the spirit will take over here with 221 left to go in the first half so we'll see if they can put up more points here they you got to think that they want to go up 28 potentially seven into the half with sagu getting the ball back coming out of the turn [Applause] yeah you still if you can build a three score cushion then you don't have to worry about the fact that sagu has that extra possession to start the second half so very big another comment here from brianna hunter let's go noah number 55. noah gibson emily zaragoza we're proud of you back home let's go joe number 73 number oh you have i'm sorry hashtag number one no oh no was that a boomer moment is that what they call those pound sign o u a z quick hitter to the outside good open field tackle there uh by the sagu defender that is kashan kelly second at five here for the spirit second down and mccullough has kind of started attacking the corners more on some of these more these last few drops turns around and hands it off moreland cuts it up field there is a flag in the area of holding but we'll see what he can do with it here he's exciting to watch in the open field next minutes and then falls out of bounds this one probably coming back though is typically the flag in that area does mean holding moreland just trying to prove the only person that can tackle him as himself uh moving she's putting some nice moves breaking tackles against probably all for not here because he puts one final move and you need both feet need both you do need both feet not just for it to be a complete pass usually but to stay on your feet if you throw both of them up you're probably going to land on your knees personal foul tripping on the offense number 59 15 yard penalty replay second down so not just a hole 15. a tripping penalty 15 yards and the firestorm have collected some penalties they had some offsetting as it's hard to see right there on that particular shot where it happened it looked like it happened on the offensive line no and that's where it's usually going to happen is a guy who's kind of getting beat or a guy's getting double teams just throws that foot out there and the truth is you do it because you get away with it 50 of the time he pumps he's going down the field on the wheel route he's got a man and he's in the open field catch me if you can and the lions will not and that is a walk in touchdown for ottawa what a play design there for the spirit the pump fake gets the defense to bite hits the wheel route and he goes all the way to the end zone for six and ottawa with another score that is a touchdown the moment leaves his hand even though you still had damaris heron rushing in he was too far out of position and just like that what might be a backbreaking touchdown for the lions in the final two minutes of the first half and mccullough's third touchdown pass third touchdown pass for mccullough multi touchdown came for game for samudio as he takes it for the long pitch and catch for a touchdown and that will put up 28 to seven for the spirit now sagu does have a minute and a half here and then they absolutely sometimes you come out a little bit when you've had a half where you haven't been able to put up any points you think about playing it safe safety's out the window now you've got to find a way to go get some points to at least change a little bit of the tenor of this game after just and i just mentioned it a minute ago throughout the entire first quarter really quarter and a half uh the spirit had mainly attacked down the middle of the field that's where they were getting all their bread was right down the middle of the field not just on handoffs but throwing it down the you know attacking the heart of that saga defense these last few drives you saw some rollouts you saw you know going to that middle guy and right there is another one punk fake going to the corner and that's why it can be so dangerous you you spread that field out you get to the corner you only have one guy to beat and he'd already beat him by the time he caught oh yeah he'd already beat him that might as well have been a 50 yard bomb with nobody in the in the vicinity for how open it even though there was a guy within two yards of him he was wide open and credit the play design and it would run perfectly by austin mccullough the pump fake and then gets the defense to bite and wide open was his man this kick is going to go into the end zone for a touchback and that is where sagu will take over here with a minute 26 left to play two timeouts as they did use that first one in the first quarter on the crucial fourth and one stop that ottawa did have so we'll see if sagu can put some points together here and tim the the word necessary as you said it is necessary yeah to put points up here now that you're down three scores uh that the only way you get back into this game right now is putting up some points right here and starting the second half out with some points and then maybe you can start talking about clawing your way back in other than if you can't get some points here it's gonna it's gonna take a couple of pick sixes in the second half now you've had one already it's gonna take then you're gonna start talking about the realm of okay what crazy needs to happen here's barlow he's gonna hand it off to dudek dude it cuts it up the middle he's going to get brought down after a pickup of five down to the 30. makes it second and five here create a little bit of breathing room on first down dude it looks like he kind of was kind of losing possession of the ball there for a second as he was going up the middle that could have been a devastating mistake sagu's slowing the pace of the offense here a little bit [Applause] barlow hands it off to duty due to cuts it up field he's not gonna have quite enough of the first down he's gonna make it third and two [Applause] and yeah definitely no hurry up in the saggy mentality right now the they're they're wait where the line it looks like they might just be content to go to halftime down 28-7 because yeah there is absolutely no hurry up two runs up the middle they have two timeouts in their back pocket that they are not even attempting to use as they have essentially run the rest of the half out here's barlow hands it off to duty dude bounces it to the outside he's going to get brought down for a loss and there's going to be a timeout here by the spirit with nine seconds up they're going to make sagu kick this ball because you never know what could happen there could be a return it could be a block absolutely good time out there by by uh ottawa absolutely no nine seconds left i mean saggy didn't run the half out on him there's nine seconds left you can have a return you can have a botched snap you can have a block [Applause] and i mean you just gotta say interesting decision making there down 28 to seven to come out with essentially really i really look like they're just trying to run the rest of the half out maybe you're that concerned of a mistake maybe you consider 28 to 7 a rallyable and a pick six on desperation would be too much to overcome but we both really thought saggio's going to come out slinging on that drive especially with two timeouts in your back pocket 90 seconds is an eternity and jordan barlow we know he can lead a drive down the field in pretty short order it is definitely a little bit of a head scratcher there to to keep their pocket the two timeouts that you have left in the in the first half here regardless with nine seconds left seth green will be on to punt shamar moreland who is very dangerous back there to return it looks like uh ottawa is going to come with an all-out block here to try to get something chaos happening here and it looks like they let up looks like they're going to try to get something going here here is moreland he's going to call for the fair catch and bring it in oh no he did put the hand up i was going to say he put the hand up for the fair catch and that should actually be a penalty should be a penalty but it's gonna it should end the half there's zeros on the clock yeah i guess it doesn't matter whether it doesn't flag or not so that will do it for the first half ottawa goes into the locker room leading 28 to seven in a game where the offense has just been so good and the sagu defense has had a couple of key stops had did have the the interception return for a touchdown but the offense shut out in the first half sagu will come out with possession to start half number two so we'll see what they can do uh to try to answer back against this ottawa spirit just powerhouse of a team here in the sooner athletic conference don't go anywhere half number two coming your way right here on the sagu sports network [Applause] at agcu we are committed to forging relationships centered around faith and finance our purpose is to provide financial solutions to help you succeed while we tie 10 of our annual earnings to ministry and community organizations [Music] the nai level is highly competitive i know that a lot of ncaa schools will have opening round games with a lot of naia schools and those are very close games a lot of times and it's a highly competitive level and it's been a great great situation for me and i think it's a great situation for a lot of my teammates and a lot of my peers [Music] honey have you applied it at school yet not really into purple [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] sagu never say no to a lion at southwestern we endeavor to offer more than the average college curriculum producing men and women whose lives are pleasing to god and that's worth everything [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] at agcu we are committed to forging relationships centered around faith and finance our purpose is to provide financial solutions to help you succeed while we tie 10 of our annual earnings to ministry and community organizations [Music] ending your kindness never fading jesus you're always with me you're always with me the naia level is highly competitive i know that a lot of ncaa schools will have opening round games with a lot of naia schools and those are very close games a lot of times and it's a highly competitive level and it's been a great great situation for me and i think it's a great situation for a lot of my teammates and a lot of my peers [Music] is your church looking to build a new facility purchase property renovate your current building or set up a capital campaign the north texas district church loan fund can help the ntd church loan fund has helped over 200 assembly of god churches in the state of texas expand their ministries through loans and investments we know this can be a challenging task and we want to make it easier for you looking for investment options invest with a purpose investing with the ntd church loan fund combines competitive rates and flexible terms with kingdom impact let's build the kingdom of god together visit today [Applause] [Music] okay [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is your church looking to build a new facility purchase property renovate your current building or set up a capital campaign the north texas district church loan fund can help the ntd church loan fund has helped over 200 assembly of god churches in the state of texas expand their ministries through loans and investments we know this can be a challenging task and we want to make it easier for you looking for investment options invest with a purpose investing with the ntd church loan fund combines competitive rates and flexible terms with kingdom impact let's build the kingdom of god together visit today what we're looking for is students in the church leadership program in any of our vocational ministry programs is somebody who has a passion for christ passion for people somebody who has an element of seriousness but they'll be transparent and be people with integrity i'm looking for students that are going to invest their lives in the life of a student that says i know how tough adolescence can be this degree is tailor made for that unique life trying to help individuals really learn all that goes into the unique realities of church leadership what we've done is make this degree a great combination they're able to pick and choose various ministry classes and and really get a wide range a well-rounded view of church life it's like build your own degree if you feel the the desire or the calling we're equipping students that if in 10 years they say well god's moving me out of youth ministry out of children's ministry well they can become some other type of associate they can go into pastoral ministry we're increasing the internship component that goes alongside this degree and so you know this gives a good potential a student can be plugged into a single church for three semesters they could be plugged into three different churches if it's children of family classes then for example there's one called creative methods ballooning juggling clowning all those kinds of things that we're going to cover we also have a course called issues in childhood and family life how do we do care for people who've gone through abuse and neglect and divorce and all the tough things that come in life especially in the lives of kids i discovered that along with other things that i had been doing and in pastoral leadership they're going to get courses such as ministerial ethics they're going to get courses like pastoral leadership itself but then they'll also pick up things like hermeneutics and systematic theology to go along with preaching courses and pastoral counseling courses they're going to be learning you know some of the practice of ministry certainly you know how to communicate how to lead a service how to you know develop ministry but they're also going to learn a lot about dealing with people things like how to help a church turn around one that's been struggling or how to plant a new ministry whenever i talk to freshmen i say don't think that you're purchasing a four-year degree said you're investing in a lifelong relationship ministry can be a very lonely place and our role is that they know they always have a friend at southwestern ministry is is not necessarily the easiest thing they'll get into but it's something that they commit themselves to not because of their uh it's a profession but because it's a it's a passion in their heart jesus gave us a lot of indications of that you know showing us that in his kingdom leadership will operate differently than it does in the world around us the sense of servant leadership uh working with individuals who maybe at times are in deep distress trauma great need so degrees in church leadership are there to help address that [Music] so hey go to college yep sagu right nope decide to go to hogwarts [Music] sagu never say no to a lion this is a faith venture we may yet face challenges but i want you to know something ours is a worthy mission it's a kingdom mission and the pentecostal church needs sagu our native american churches need sagu aic let's persevere to victory may each of us maintain the reputation of one who knows their stuff they expect us to be the best may this institution always have that reputation this institution deserves the best for me and you because this is god's ministry and he deserves the best the students that god has entrusted to me and you deserve our best because we have accepted the responsibility of mentor and discipler our churches and parents of students deserve our best because they've entrusted their children to us as stewards many at great personal financial sacrifice if we strive for and achieve excellence then we will be rewarded with a harvest of students in the days to come may we never forget that any combination of the most effective leadership traits that does not include spiritual character are temporal and will provide no enduring legacy that is the one thing that is going to distinguish us and give us the ability to make a difference in the days to come we desperately need god's presence they need to see us model a spirit-filled life oh god give us revival and let it begin with me let it begin with you we each need to pray that prayer may god grant us the skill to develop a visionary plan that will bear much fruit for the kingdom of god [Music] may we never lose the capacity to envision and believe for a big dream as population increases god will most certainly call more men and women to take the gospel around the world therefore spirit-filled pentecostal institutions are needed now more than ever school districts businesses governmental roles and all kinds of professions need even more godly men and women to fill positions with excellence as salt and light and there's no better place to train marketplace ministers than right here we need to get as many kids in these doors as we possibly can it's god's will for us to rise up in faith may your heart for god and personal faith increase may your influence and favor with students rise to a level you've never experienced may your families experience health and peace and may your needs be met may god miraculously provide for our campus may god grant us creativity and wisdom and discernment and understanding and favor together if we will work and give god the chance we're going to see awesome things happen on this campus our best days are ahead of us [Music] so [Music] when a lot of people think of the nai they think oh the talent level is less the talent level is not as great that is just not true you know there's some great athletes out here that maybe didn't have the size or the athletic ability to play at d1 or d2 but the talent level out here is tremendous if i could give anybody advice or pitch that to anybody i'd say give the nei a chance it's a great place to play [Music] we feel that there is no real distinction between business and ministry in the business department everything we do is about ministry money marketplace and ministry three key components that fuel the hearts of business-minded believers that's why the sagu business department paves a broad path into both the church and corporate world undergraduate students may choose from six distinct specializations while earning their bachelor of science degree everything comes down to having to do something with money right the income pre-bonus is 840 000. even business owners especially business owners need to know how to read their financials and to be able to you know better direct their own business and if they have that financial literacy they can be much more effective at what they do we need christian marketers who not only have integrity but they also understand the christian culture whether they're in marketing or a business or in a church understand who their target market is and how to communicate with them one target market for the business department is an intentional emphasis on missions business permissions is designed to help students get into the marketplace and actually use their business skills to help create micro businesses in third world countries those people are in turn investing in other businesses there to help them grow it's not welcome back to the sagu sports network here we are ready for the second half of action coming your way here between the lions and the spirit ottawa of course leading 28-7 after a very very strong half offensively they are able to build a three score lead here against the lion sagu will start with the ball here to open the second half and they have got quite a bit of ground to make up here tim yeah and you can just sometimes the stat sheet does tell the story pretty accurately don't look nab with the spirit are on pace for 700 yards of total offense in this game now you imagine that usually falls off a little bit towards the end of the game but still 359 yards you talk about that balance early on 229 through the air but 130 on the ground meanwhile sagu that total of 160. that's almost a bit of a misnomer they had something like 130 yards through their first two drives they put together two excellent drives early on missed a field goal and had a turnover on downs two trips inside the red zone plus a punt from the 49-yard line they have had their moments they have had their drives they have been unable to score the only points they put on the board came off of the kevian davis pick six meanwhile the spirit have scored touchdowns on four of their six drives with just one punt and one interception sprinkled in between the rest of those and that gives them a commanding 21 point lead sagu will start with the ball and to quote the old old uh you know proverb parable whatever whatever you want to say it is how do you eat an elephant one bite at a time and so you got to come out here establish a new a new pace establish a new rhythm start off this second half go get yourself a touchdown and start trying to clog your way back in this game how important is this drive for the sagu offense to get point whether it's three or whether it's six how important is it for sagu to come out at halftime show some sort of adjustment from what we saw in the first half and put points on the board i think it's very important and i mean we're not we're not in garbage time yet we're not at the point of abandon all hope he who entered here but you only put up 20 last week against louisiana college this is an offense that you have a lot of good thoughts about with jordan barlow keaton dudick you got great receivers like zachary and zachariah johnson jamal long mike mooton you've got a really solid offense but out in louisiana you only put up 20 points and you got that last touchdown literally at the on the last play of the game the last offensive play of the game and now today you've put nothing on the scoreboard your defense is outscoring you seven to nothing today so you need to start really making this offense do what it's supposed to do get touchdowns get points it's not just enough to put together nice drives and feel and feel like oh well we've got the pieces in place if the pieces in place don't need the points you're not going to win games this year michael hall's second half kickoff will be fielded about two yards deep into the end zone and we're gonna have a return here tries to bounce to the outside he's got space to run here past the 20 down past the 30 past the 40 past the 50 and he goes out of bounds at the 45 yard line and a late flag coming in we will see what this is there was some extra curriculars there on the sideline the way sagu is celebrating it looks like they may have 15 on the end of this run so sagu gets really really good field position here and they need all the help they can get right now and that is a huge return what an absolutely that's gonna be 15 yards that's going to be 15 yards at the end of the play i'm pretty sure a darion row i mean just going coast to coast it's corner to corner on that kick return we'll wait for the call right here after the play late hit number 80. the kicking team 15-yard penalty from the end of the run first down so what was about a 57 yard return because he fielded it about two yards deep in the end zone turns into a 72-yard return they hit the ball down at the 30-yard line just inside the 30. so sagu with their best field position by far today to start a drive and that's the start you needed to start you needed to get back in this game here's barlow back to pass he's going to step up he's still back to pass has a clean pocket gets it outside to his man he's going to cut up field makes a man miss and he's going to fall forward for the first down so that is a good play to start the drive by sagu there is a flag on the field there was some blocking on that outside we'll see that's in the area of holding on the offense number three ten yard penalty remains second down first down so there is a hold there on the outside by mike mouton yeah and that that's just one guy trying to block two guys and you know trying to do too much gets a handful of jersey and erases what was a very nice gain and bumps you right back it deflates that moment a little bit now you're facing the first and 20. first and 20 from the 41. actually gonna call it from the 39 they moved it back a little a little too far so so it is uh from the spot of the fact it is from the spot so it was a 10 yard penalty from the now from the 39. first and 20. here's barlow with a bunch formation sends a man in motion it's a touch pass that is going to be completed tries to cut it up field zachariah johnson not much there it's going to give him about five yards to make it second and 15. yeah running to the short end of the field here he's got some blockers but just not much room to do there's just too many overall white jerseys a good job of bowling over a few guys to pick up those yards but just not enough room to work with [Applause] second and 15 here for the lions and they are i believe not only situationally wise but field position wise this has got to be four down territory yeah down by 21 with what you've been handed you've got to find a way to get this in the end zone here is barlow three to the right fakes the handoff back to pass he makes a man miss he's got a lot of room to run he's going to he is going to run his stutter steps gets it enough for the first down jordan barlow great run there on second and long picks up enough yardage for the first and they'll see the will that's that heads up situational awareness first of all getting out of that free attacker coming and this is better step here that stutter step and that's enough to freeze the defender the defender has to go well he's still behind the line of scrimmage i have to respect that big run by barlow to pick up the first down just you love that in-game awareness that you see from barlow just knowing exactly what to do so on second at 15 when we were thinking they need to get three downs to pick up this 15 yards barlow puts the team on his back and gets the yardage and then some to get inside the red zone here of the spirit here is barlow first and ten it looks like they may bring pressure they do quick hitter to the outside has his man he's gonna try to make man miss he does gets it inside the ten falls forward gonna be close to first down yardage barlow completed the quick hitter to zachary johnson they're going to drop the chance they'll just give me just shortcuts just shot nope they they do drop these okay first and goal here from the seven yard line [Music] so here is barlow sagu has a chance here they've been in the red zone two other times today with zero points to show for it their first goal situation hands it off to dude it has a hole dude it gets into the end zone and sagu gets a touchdown that they desperately needed and barring the extra point they can cut the lead in half and make it 28-14 extra point pending and that's just a great drawn-up play spread it out four wide spread the defense out handed to keaton dudek and pretty much the moment he had in his hands he had three holes to choose from to walk into the end zone so sagu does exactly what they have to do to start the second half after struggling the entire first half to get that answer they get a huge one out of the gate extra point is up and it is good so sagu cuts the lead in half 28 to 14 a quick two and a half minute drive there for uh the sagu offense two minutes and 39 seconds to be exact and sagu gets some points that they again needed very very badly and we will see how this defense comes out out of the locker room had a minute to take a breather they were on the field a lot in the first half and i think it showed as as otto was able to put up a lot of points so we'll see how they adjust here yeah sagu had a string there of three straight punts uh sorry four straight punts if you include the one that came at the very end of the half uh that definitely put saggy's defense on the field a number of times in a row so it's good for them to get a little bit of a breather and now they've got a chance to uh to get another big stop they when they really had to make the stops uh in the first half they found a way they found a way to make those big stops to get the interception forced the punt when they were down 21-7 so now again down 14. it comes down to making a big stop on this drive and giving your offense a chance to cut this lead back to one possession on to kick will be kieran woodley and they will elect to keep going with this high pooch kick it is brought in by moreland moreland tries to make a man miss and he gets brought down just past the 30 and that is where the spirit will begin this drive looking to answer back the sagu touchdown with a score of their own and austin mccullough will march out and see what he can do tim you're doing these pooch kicks but they keep pooching it to to shamar moreland you got to think maybe they try to go more towards the middle of the field keep it out of the hands of that playmaker yeah it is interesting because part of the reason for the pooch kick is to prevent any major returns but in this situation you keep finding a way to put it in moreland's hands and he can burn you eventually so yeah if i were you i start kicking to the right side of the field kicking clearly away from it mccullough sends a man emotions going deep across the middle shorted the pass didn't quite get there so that's going to be incomplete pass on first down makes it second and 10. it looks like his guy he may have had a step behind the defense he did he did that that was another one to jonah alicia that hadn't been thrown on target could have been a huge play second and ten here for the spirit saga may have caught a break there if that throws online they could be looking at another touchdown they're gonna turn around and hand it off and then brought down after a decent game there on second down they're gonna make it the third and we'll call it seven that was marcellus chester riley with the carry [Applause] and here comes these third downs we talked about all the time zags defense have been so good getting to these third downs and you expect the averages to start playing in your favor eventually we'll see if they start flipping here in the second half here's mccullough back to pass the pocket collapses he throws it down the sideline brought in incomplete could not hold on to the ball on the sideline there we're gonna have a conference incomplete he thinks he has it was brandon mclaughlin let's see here and what's hard to tell it looks like the ball is jostling right there because he's going to have his foot down inbounds he's going to land but you'll see right here the ball doesn't get just jostles a little bit in his hands and so that is going to be incomplete and so a three and out to start the half defense and less than a minute off the clock on that drive by uh the spirit the punt is up and it's a good one it's kind of end over a little wobbly it's gonna take a spirit bounce and kind of head back up field and it'll finally settle at the 25 yard line and that's where sagu will take over so you talk a lot about momentum and a lot a lot of people think that momentum is not real when it comes to football but tim it is it is it's so it's apparent and sangu that needle is ever so slightly starting to tilt back in their favor and i mean you've you have totally you this is now a ball game again absolutely get that huge kick return to start you finish the drive off and then your defense comes out and throws down what may have been their best drive of the entire uh entire game you had an interception but that's just one play you looked good on all three plays there get your quick three and out now there's an eternity left you're just back down by two scores it does feel like something has kind of shifted here for sagu and they've got a shot here's barlow he comes out sends a man in motion and he will hand it off here's dudek dudek has a hole cuts it back up field he's got enough for first down yardage moves the chains keaton dudick he's starting to get it going here in the second half we talked about him pre-game he is primarily the feature back for the lions and we see why he's so shifty coming out of that backfield yeah hard cut left hard cut right carves his way forward so we have an official timeout as i thought i had a little trouble with the chain gang we also see a substitution here on offense by the lion's offensive line avery robinson comes off the field look at that shiftiness cut there cut there and then just power straight ahead it's it's he has good awareness he saw what he created he saw the hole and said all right let's go get what i've earned don't try to do too much after the fact go get what you've earned and go to the ground with a big first down run barlow comes out in the same formation sends a man in motion again fakes the touch pass hands it off the dude dude trying to bounce it to the outside that time a good job of gang tackling by ottawa only limits dude to a gain of two so we're starting to see a lot of motion-based offense here by the lines i like the pre-snap motions that they're running we don't see that often from the uh from the segue offense yeah anytime you bring that receiver across the field it just forces a linebacker to follow them it can clear things open now there the front line did a good job with the spirit to take it down themselves but yeah i i really like pre-snap motion uh now you have to watch it sometimes you can have guys out of position you can have illegal formations and legal motions but i really like that vibe of an offense second and eight barlow fakes the handoff swings it out to the flat has johnson he gets brought down after a good gain there on second down he's going to make it third and short that was zachariah johnson this time you always have to double check to make sure you got one of the twins right zachary and zachariah it doesn't help that they both play so much they're both so good at receiver they both share the field share a name and it's you gotta you gotta get them apart that was david jones jr who made the big tackle to prevent the first down and it's now third and one the wind has picked up here in waxahachie so we'll see how that affects things here as the game rolls along third and one barlow takes the snap hands it off the dude dude just kind of lowers the shoulder and gets enough for the first down he needed one and he got two so dudick does a good job there picks up the first down and moves the chains yeah that's that's all you got to do right there when when you have those situations all you're asking to do is your offensive line to win one battle for two seconds it's the easiest assignment in the world that's the easiest time in the world in the sense that almost every offensive line assignment is the hardest assignment in the world but all you got to do you don't got to break a huge hole you don't got to blow a guy backwards to the 40-yard line you just got to clear it up and the offensive line did their jobs there new set of down sends a man in motion that is zachary johnson here's barlow barlow hands it off to duty dude it cuts it up huge hole dude makes a man miss down to the 30. can he get to the outside what a tackle in the open field by the spirit defender kevon owens with a touchdown saving tackle if if dunic breaks this he's gone he is into the end zone kevon davis is the last guy with the shot and honestly the first guy with the shot because of the blocking and the speed of dudick he was up the field 10 yards before the spirit even had a chance to react sagu goes no huddle he'll try to up the pace dude bounces it outside cuts it back up he's got enough for a first down keaton due to carrying this offense right now moves the chains again that time on first down keaton dudick and it's just straight up the middle you see the lead blocker going ahead the offensive line is doing their jobs the receivers are cleaning up around the edges and when you have dudek's speed and his elusiveness as soon as he sees a hole he's up the field before the linebackers can even respond and yeah this has turned into the keaton dudek half in the first seven minutes here he already has a touchdown run and he has almost single-handedly carried this drive down the field barlow pistol formation dude in the backfield takes a snap fakes the handoff he's back to pass looking to the corner of the end zone almost centers it could have been intercepted was knocked away at the last second by the defensive back that time that's a good play by deandre armstrong yeah armstrong is going to be planted right there he's following barlow's eyes bartle lets this one loose that's risky now if he doesn't make the play that's a touchdown he threw it right where zachary johnson was standing that's an easy touchdown and it was only armstrong's grasp that swatted that ball away and prevented the score second and ten the lions inside the red zone for the second time this second half swings out wide to johnson johnson looking for a block follows the block and picks up six on second down makes it third and four that's pretty good downfield blocking by jamal long yep jamal long does a good job of clearing the way and making up a nice situation we bring up a third and very manageable with the way duduk's running you've got a number of plays in your back pocket now you can call the spirit have to kind of respect both facets of the ball game on third and four i think if you are coach smith here if you do not pick up this third down i think it's no no question that you you probably bring your offense back out on fourth you you would think i mean now there's still plenty of time left at this point but touchdowns you need touchdowns that's for sure absolutely third down barlow keeps it on the read option and he's got enough for the first down what a job by jordan barlow keeps the the option from dudik and takes it around the edge and picks up just enough for the first and that is that is called repetition they have run that rpo a number of times and each time they've handed it off that's really the first time that barlow scooped it up and the spirit bit on it and when they needed four barlow went and got five a huge third down conversion and it's first in goal from just inside the five yard line second goal to go situation here for the lions in the second half two straight possessions here for sagu marlow takes a snap hands it off to duty dudek trying to follow his blockers but a really good job there brought down from behind by brandon tomerlein jr the middle linebacker got in there yeah tommerline is just going to come around the outside that's where sagu's been hurt the most from the opposite side of where they run the plays the spirit had done such a good job usually that's where the free guy is going to come when you have a shifting blocking motion like that the free guy is going to come off of the opposite edge and your goal is just beat him to the corner before he even had a chance to get there the spirit defense has been very quick today and has consistently done a good job of coming off that weak side to disrupt the play and they throw the saggy alliance for a loss on first down here is barlow second and goal takes the snap hands it off to dude cuts it up field dude has got a second touchdown of the game sagu pulls within one score here barring an extra point and sagu's offense as well as defense rolling here to start the second half as we are looking at a potentially 28-21 ball game what a difference nine minutes makes when this team went to the half after having to punt that ball away four straight punch down 28-7 you saw long faces and hung heads and just like that with just under six minutes to play in the third quarter sagu's trying to cut this game down to a single touchdown deficit kieron woodley on for the extra point and it is up and it is good sagu makes it a one-score ball game 28-21 here against the spirit and really on the back of keaton dudek another just quick handoff to him and was untouched until he got to the two yard line and at that point there's too much momentum you're not going to stop him he's going to find a way in so keaton dudick has absolutely come alive here in the second half putting up some big numbers two touchdowns and we have a whole new ball game now with 21 minutes left to play in the entire ball game it feels like a completely different sagu team than we saw in that first quarter there's a little bit of a little bit of confidence a little bit of swagger going on now by sagu as they firmly have momentum now against the spirit well we say completely different they had those two drives they had two very solid drives both got down to the red zone and neither netted you any points so it we've seen this office cam move with we said at halftime the question is can they put it together can they finish and now on two straight drives they have they took advantage of the big kick return took advantage of the stop and had to go up a decent ways on this last drive and they are right back in it it feels it really it feels like a brand new ball game now and the spirit are the ones for the first time we've got to be feeling some pressure we got a surprise on side it's gonna go out of bounds it will oh sagu pulling out all the stops as they try to go a little surprise onside kick and unfortunately for the lions it takes a bad bounce and goes out of bounds so ottawa will have very good field position here yeah and it kind of froze ottawa up for a second but it was just a little bit too strong and and sagu is definitely feeling some confidence right now now the ball went out of bounds and pretty much exactly out of bounds ottawa the ball will be replaced five yards from the outbound spot first down ottawa so they get the additional five yards the official did say ottawa but it was out of bounds on sagu on the kick but here come the spirit now they've got the ball at the 45 yard line and sagu very risky there you're going to give an offense like this one led by by austin mccullough good field position you got to have some confidence in your defense here's mccullough he's back to pass he's going to let it go deep down the field jump ball brought in by his receiver what a catch just goes up and gets it boxing out the opponent that's jermaine trotman excellent pass and it's just a one-on-one who wants it more trotman's gonna go up like he said box out isaac gowdy and make that catch they go with the no huddle here is chester riley a flag does come in after a short run by reilly chester reilly rather we'll see what this flag is it looks like it's in the area of holding but we saw one of those earlier that ended up being a tripping call we'll see here holding 74 ottawa 10 yard penalty from the previous spot remains first down austin lloyd gets nabbed on the holding call so sagu catches a break there it's it's going to be first and 20 here uh for the spirit but if there's one thing we know about mccullough and this offense is that uh they can pick up 20 yards in one play very easily very easily but that's something that's kind of hampered them in this game they've been picking up penalties here and they are not the little five yard ones been 10 and 15 yards they hand it off there's moreland moreland has nowhere to go but he hesitates tries to cut it up field here comes another flag this is a late flag we'll see what this uh this happens to be yeah the play went on for so long it's kind of hard to pinpoint what this is going to be called we'll get a good look at it here what happened it's definitely going to be a hole it looks like 88 is going to get nabbed on the hold there holding ottawa number 74. oh they go 74 penalty remains first down so they go austin lloyd again there may have been two holding penalties on the same play there because it looks like uh ryan lucasic drescher uh got a little bit too much jersey of the outside defender but either way it's going back another 10 yards now it's first and 30. now it's first and thirty the spirit face a very very long conversion here zagger's just gotta be careful to not get beat over the top or give up too many yards on first down this is it that is down yeah the second and thirty is one you're gonna win almost every time second fifteen oh there's gonna be first and thirty five as we get a full start penalty here ottawa just three penalties in a row here shooting themselves in the foot office number two five-yard penalty remains first down there we go the false start by ottawa arizona so now we're facing first and 35. and yeah the wheels have just come off here after that great pass to get them down to the 28-yard line 25 yards of penalties on three well not even three plays because the plays don't count [Music] sagu is in shambles here they had too many men on the field but they stopped this is this is just this is i i feel like we're a weird pre-play sequence there on first down it's almost intercepted off the hands of the defensive back it was his for the taking was kashan kelly i think he was expecting the ball to be tipped and it landed right in his lap and he may not have been expecting that now this is this is a surprise i think the first time he sees this ball is when it hits him in the chest pretty much oh and if he has it that's gone that is the second pick six of the game second and 35 here now for the spirit as yeah i mean the uh ottawa arizona used to calm down right now they've they controlled the entire first half and they just feel a little disheveled at the moment mccullough steps off dumps it off and it's incomplete it's going to be third and 35 zagu's got to be ready here it's going to be a long conversion now what you don't want here if you're the lions is a penalty that results in a first down for ottawa so keep your head play clean i'll go on record before this play even happens my least favorite rule in every level of football is that a five-yard legal contact penalty can erase a third and 35. uh so you've got to be very careful that you don't pick that up fortunately the the five yard illegal contact rule doesn't apply here we're looking maybe they could take a shot deep here try to draw draw a a pass interference we'll see here third and 35 here's mccullough back to pass dumps it off to the flat sagu's just got to make a tackle and they will and that will bring up fourth down in ottawa that's the one time the prevent defense is just fine with me dropping just don't let anything crazy happen and another punt so sagu two stops on defense two scores on offense here in the second half and they are about to get the ball back to potentially go back down the field and tie this game up at 28-28 we will see what they decide to do coming out on offense but this second half has completely flipped around and been all sagu as ottawa has not been able to figure out what to do pretty good punt there punts it away from the deep man and it's going to take a good ottawa bounce and be down inside the 10-yard line at the six and that is where sagu will have to start this drive so we'll see if jordan barlow can lead another touchdown drive i should say keaton dudek as well because dunic has been phenomenal here in the second half two rushing touchdowns and he was the absolute instigator on that last drive they got a long field now but either way this is the first time since early in the game they've had the ball down by just one score as they have completely flipped this game around a 14-0 rally at the moment and they are just feeling good on both sides absolutely how could you not the defense seems to have figured it out at this point they were aided there by some penalties by ottawa definitely first and 35 is one you should win more often than not but the offense more importantly seems to have figured it out here in the second half which is very encouraging for sagu here's dude a little bit of a counter move there bounces it to the outside picks up we call it three there on first down [Applause] second and seven here for sagu and jordan barlow as blaine rowe senior tight end checks out of the game barlow taking his time getting the play from the from the sideline he lines up three stack to his right one to his left dudic in the backfield barlow hands it off to dude again dude following his blockers tries to run over a man but it's gonna be third down and we'll call it three so sagu faces another very important third down here because you do not want to go three and out inside your own red zone we'll call it it's gonna be third and two rather so that's that's kevin owens again making a huge tackle on dude he made one that was a touchdown saver on an earlier drive this half that one prevents the first down [Applause] third and short here for sagu they've done a really good job of running the ball here in the second half we'll see if they elect to stay with that the defense shifts barlow takes the snap will hand it off to dude dude gets hit he falls forward does he have enough for the first down he needed two yards was hit quickly and he got him he got the two yards yeah and it is fourth and inches oh they uh oh no they do move the chains the initial white hat signal was a first down but it looks like one of the line judges may not have saw it the same way and and again here i'm not sure that they that's interesting the initial white head head official signal was a first down they will move the chains it is first down you got to think that they that they reset the the play clock here i almost wonder it look we've had this happen before it looks like he clearly gained the first down but then the ball didn't get spot in the right situation yeah so the ball is not currently spotted where the first down would be however he did pick up the first down and it's just a little bit spot we've had this situation happen before today even it's happening a couple of times where it looks like a guy didn't where where you kind of have two mistakes that kind of end up making a right the right thing ends up happening in the end but i think that might be more the confusion because that ball looks a little bit too short barlow he's going to design run here he spins off a defender picks up five there on first down he makes it second and five and sagu has been content to keep it almost all on the ground whether it's been dudek or barlow well definitely on this drive but even in this half it's been working why not yeah absolutely and that just opens up the playbook for barlow later in the game you can get that defense to bite on one of these these play actions you're looking at a huge bomb and we know the home run ability of jamal long is always always a threat so here's barlow on second down second at five is it off the dude dudek this time hit right at the line maybe a gain of two so it's gonna make it third and short here again so saggy is facing another third down i think they're probably going to take this to the fourth quarter that third quarter flew by tim it did i mean and typically when you start a third quarter down 28 to seven if you said okay this quarter about to fly by you wouldn't be happy with that no sagu could not be more thrilled without this quarter guys gone and they will head to the opposite side of the field facing a third and three trailing by just a touchdown now so sagu as you said going into quarter number four put your fours up the field will flip sagu only down by one possession in a game where they trailed 28-7 and the offense had been shut out in the first half has completely flipped the script here in the second half two drives third drive right now for the lions but both those drives resulting in touchdowns two defensive series both of those defensive series resulting in punts and sagu has completely taken control of this game to this point don't go anywhere we will be right back with the fourth quarter of action right here on the sagu sports network at agcu we are committed to forging relationships centered around faith and finance our purpose is to provide financial solutions to help you succeed while we tie 10 of our annual earnings to ministry and community organizations [Music] always jesus me you're always with me welcome back we are set here for the fourth quarter you're taking a look at the statistics on your screen tim you said that the the spirit were on pace for 700 yards they have been shut down here in the second half that fell off a little bit and what they did do is they stacked a bunch of penalty yards on top of that when you factor in the penalty yardage they may have actually lost yards in this half absolutely it has been a complete turnaround sagu has matriculated this ball from the six out to the 23 on the ground but now face a huge third and three to keep this drive alive barlow dudek in the backfield takes a snap takes the handoff he's back to throw he's going to take a shot deep he has a man and over throws him he had his man deep in the corner zachariah johnson and he had a step but barlow's pass airmailed just a bit and that had touchdown written all over it if he just puts it on target and that pressure up the gut from christian viville was just enough i think to maybe force the ball out a little bit inerrantly so for the first time this half-saggy's offense unable now what they did accomplish there is they got out of the shadow of their own end zone they did they they got some room for their punter their defense has been very stout in this half uh but for the first time they will send the punting unit out onto the field seth green punt end over end kind of a wobbler and it lands in the middle of a bunch of spirit defenders but a whistle comes out i think that and they were going to get an unsportsman like conduct penalty there's shamar moreland is not happy with the officials right now i i i think they thought he called for a fair catch i didn't see it he went running and that's the second time now that he earlier he did call for a fair catch and tried to run with it there i think they might have seen a fair catch signal where there was none however afterwards he spiked the ball and yelled at the official and this might be a 15 yard on sportsman like honda i think it has to be that's when the flag came out so i think they're going to march at 15 yards back it's still going to be decent field position for for ottawa but uh it definitely helps sago's defense here after the play unfortunately conduct number eight return team 15-yard penalty from the end of the run first down ottawa yeah moreland just letting his emotions get the best of him was hard to tell there again the ball bounced and he does a little half hop here as this is he's what he's up mad about is he didn't call for a fair catch but you can't spike the ball looking directly at the officials absolutely look them in the eyes they start with a run a handoff here for ottawa he gets a pretty good chunk of change there on first down right here he i see that he's waving it away and you and then he does a little half hop you know what the the receiver in front of him waved his arm like he might have been calling for a fair catch now that might have been inadvertent but i think if anybody on your team calls a fair character the play is dead uh-oh here we go a huge run here for ottawa still on his feet down past just down shy of the 40. that is marcellus chester reilly moving the chains here for ottawa and ottawa's offense now starting to gain a little bit of momentum yeah come right back this so they have erased that unfortunate penalty very quickly and are in sages into the field they hand it off to him again this time he's brought down after a short gain of one be second and nine here for ottawa and any points for the spirit would be huge here to move this back to a two possession game [Applause] that's why this is a crucial part of the field for sagu's defense we've seen them come up with stops here in the second half so far mccullough second in nine fakes the handoff he's gonna wind up to go deep with it finds his receiver on the comeback and that's gonna be a first down that is a beautiful route on the outside uh by his receiver wearing number two brandon mclaughlin moves the chains and gets it inside the 30-yard line mccullough no huddle hands it off again here's chester reilly tries to bounce into the outside he gets brought down after a gain of three on first down ottawa arizona definitely content to keep it on the ground on this drive burn some clock that's the only buy part of that first of the third quarter losing so much time is now if the uh spirit can score there's not a ton of time left we saw them run that levels concept a couple of times and in both times mccullough tries to go to the the second level and just can't get the ball there out of bounds again incomplete it'll bring up third and seven [Music] we do know that the kicker for ottawa michael hall has a very strong leg a field goal from here would not be out of the realm of possibility for ottawa you got to think they want to put up any sort of points that they can whether it's seven or three so we'll see here big third down here for both sides sagu's defense can they hold up enough lob d down the sideline broken up incomplete impeccable coverage there by the defensive back on the outside trevion mcneal got a hand up and swatted it away i thought maybe he could turn around and pick it off but regardless you just want to secure the fact that it's incomplete yeah what coverage there by the saga defense that is just step-by-step coverage and here is a big field goal opportunity here for michael hall the left-footed kicker we're going to call it about 42 yards it's going to be a 42-yarder now we do have a fi sorry a spirit player shaken up at the end of the play and it was the intended receiver jermaine trotman who's shaken up in the end zone he's getting off on his own power now and when you get caught up with the defensive back like that and you you might hit the ground wrong and tweak a knee or something actually he looks like it might be an eye he keeps going high interesting so there didn't appear to be any any contact made possible it was contact made after did he hit the ground because i know if he hit the ground and those those rubber pellets i have rubber pellets had them in my eye before and they they stay in there they don't feel good i completely understand that when you're a football player you love those it's if it's a rainy day or something and you don't have that mud and mosh anymore but any other day man that that can be like falling off your bike into gravel uh when you're scaring up your knees to the eyes so here it is 42-yard field goal try here for michael hall the lefty high snap and the kick is no good it's shanked there is a flag on the field i think sagu may have been offsides on the block attempt there actually and there's a flag there's two i think they may have run into the kicker this is a huge call here either way we'll see what the call is the defense is staying on the field for sagar that's not a good sign [Applause] [Music] now if the ball was touched then you can't call running or roughing it at the kicker there were two flags on the play the first flag was for running into the holder the ball was tipped therefore that is no foul okay right offside on the defense five yard penalty that penalty will be enforced it will remain fourth down so it's all for naught but that makes it very interesting here because it is going to be fourth and two and i i think this will absolutely uh change the dynamics out comes austin mccullough to go for it on fourth down so they are risking the three points to bring the offense back out to move the chains potentially here for the spirit mccullough takes a snap hands it off to riley riley gets brought down he does not have enough for the first down turnover on downs the sagu's defense comes away with another stop and they will take over on downs what an unbelievably massive stand from the defense there after the gut punch of seeing a blocked field goal erased on an offsides penalty to come out and stand strong on fourth and two and give your offense the ball back just a massive massive stand and then you can't ask for much more for this defense this half and there we see the sometimes fullback sometimes defensive lineman isaiah lutus usa getting the stop there on marcellus chester riley what a stop there by the sagu defense absolutely incredible so barlow takes over again here now from his own 20-yard line sag who's got all the momentum in the world but we'll see if they can put some points on the board here barlow swings it out wide he's got his man makes a man miss jukes it back again he's got to try to get up field you don't want to go east and west here picking up a couple of blocks here this is exciting oh a flag comes in behind the play so much excitement as we wait and see here yeah that when you go across the field like that you are gonna get a hold or a block in the back at some point it's just inevitable to where had he taken what he had right here he had a gain of five instead he tries to make a lot happen and it's gonna end up leading to a non-existent play and a loss of yardage on this penalty it was complete to mike mouton he tried to reverse field and get something going personal foul chop block offense number 88 number seven and number 88 two chop blocks half the distance of the goal first down yeah it's not 15 yards but it's it's still ten it's still just as bad pretty much and and the killer there is after all that work mutant had done even if there had been no flags he had only regained the yard that she had on the left side of the field that's one of those times you've just got to know the situation pick up your five yards and go down once you reverse field bad things can happen and right there you pick up a really tough penalty and you're facing the first and 20 now [Applause] three stacked to the right for barlow hard count swings it outside to johnson johnson trying to cut it up field and he's going to start losing yardage here uh-oh sagu's going the wrong direction now as he's going to lose two yards there it's going to be second and 22 now heading the wrong way is the sagu offense yeah yeah trying to try to do a lot that's that can be a side effect sometimes of when things have been going so well you start trying to do a little bit too much instead of just standing at home getting the second five instead of dying diving forward and kind of taking your no gain it's dead now you're looking down the barrel of a second and 22 at your own eight yard line as we approach 11 and a half to play in the ball game [Applause] [Music] any chunk of yardage here is huge for sagu they got to try to get something here [Applause] if not at least to try to flip the field position they hand it off to dudek runs right into the defenders and that is a short gain on second down so it's going to be third and very long here for sagu we'll see how they decide to attack this third and 19 and not the situation you want to be in the wind is in your face you're at your own 11 yard line you can't keep giving uh ottawa arizona this many opportunities they have not scored in this half yet and if you give them good field position again you have to imagine that can't last for much longer [Music] some confusion here they're gonna i mean there's seven seconds on the play clock i think they're gonna try to get the snap off three seconds they will get the snap off here's barlow rolling out to his right stepping up floating it deep and there's nobody there jamal long in the vicinity but it falls incomplete harmlessly for ottawa so sagu will come out and punt yeah barlow just had to you know had to kind of do whatever he could to at least put that in a situation where it could have been a first down but it was pretty harmless by the end and so sagu will be forced to punt with their understanding at their own goal line and actually just inside of it [Applause] here comes seth green rigging basket the long snapper it almost it does get blocked it sounded like it did so it's going to fall regardless of where it lands ottawa is going to have very good field position here and that's honestly the best case scenario for an almost blocked punt to land to to roll almost all the way to the 40. you're not going to celebrate a 27-yard punt usually but the fact that it actually got blocked and you got enough of it roll to move it out to 37 is a bit of a break as i see here this is in fact clearly yeah that that is a double a double tap right there as it does get partially blocked and will set ottawa arizona up with great field position best field position of the second half here so far for ottawa arizona austin mccullough comes out two in the backfield [Music] [Applause] [Music] he back to pass fakes handoff he's gonna go on another comeback route in and out of the hands of his intended receiver he was open had enough yardage for the first down had he had brought it in but just off the hands of brandon mclaughlin and everything just seems to kind of be off still for the spirit after a half where they just dominated they have just been unable to put together any sort of consistency here in the second half and it's what has kept sagu in this game second and ten here for mccullough and this spirit offense [Music] gullah back to pass quick hitter to the outside has this man trying to make a man miss beautiful open field tackle that is something the sagu defense has done very well today isaac gowdy with a good tackle that one looked like it was set up for some big yardage brings up third down you got squares up now luckily that's one of the situations where you only have one guy blocking so you just have to stay exactly in your lane shut down you know you can't run out the back of this blocker so stay to the right wrap up the legs and go down big third down here for sagu can the defense hold again fakes a handoff quick hitter caught and completed down at the 15 yard line gowdy in coverage but brought in that time by jordan king and that's going to move the chains and give the spirit a first down and that is a big first down and there was some zip on that ball from mccalla probably his best throw of the second half and when they needed it [Applause] and that's a touchdown and yes it is blanken you missed it austin mccullough finds his man there we go again back-to-back catches for jordan king and that is going to make this a two score game again here for ottawa and that's gotta feel good if you're a spirit fan player coach whatever you want to say that's gotta feel good to come out and finally get your first points of the second half here and barring an extra point to go up 35 to 21. yeah and that was just attacking the exact same spot on the field that they just converted the third down on they've converted these third downs so well in the first half to help them build the lead and they rebuild part of it there move it back to 35-21 with 9 15 remaining and yeah this is just a simple play action he's only thinking one direction the whole way king and one off the line a scrimmage had a clear step and it's back to a 14 point lead as they stem a 14-0 sagu run and take advantage of the great field position after the partially blocked punt so now with nine minutes and 15 seconds left to go sagu needs two scores to tie things up and when you have the lead like you did when you're ottawa a score like that can completely flip the momentum that sagu seemed to have had despite only scoring once so far here in the second half yeah no it it resets the clock it makes the clock the enemy of sagu now just 9 15 remaining you got to go get two scores you finally did what you had done the entire first half you see now okay hey we can still do this we haven't lost all of our touch we took advantage of a short field and went and got it mccullough throwing his fourth touchdown pass of the game and michael hall on the kickoff for the spirit and now if you're saggy again you had your last two drives in dawn punts you got to return to that urgency that you had starting this first half i'm sorry starting the second half and go get some points and get them rather quickly it will be a touch back to sagu will take over possession at the 25 yard line 9 minutes 15 seconds left to go here in this ball game so sagu's got some uh some ground to make up here and it all starts on this drive we said it a lot in the first half this is an important drive you've got to go get some points on it and then lean on your defense your defense they didn't understand much a chance that drive they started with the ball to 38 yard line there's not many defenses in the country they're going to keep the spirits scoreless from 38 yards out oh absolutely so absolutely still got plenty of time it's not going to use the timeout here you still got plenty of time you got to go down the field make this a 35-28 ball game and then just lean on that defense again before that they had forced a three and out a punt and a turnover on down so they had done their part here in the second half to help sagu get back into it coach smith you got to think he doesn't want to use the timeout there as he's probably going to need those for later so now sagu down to two timeouts left here in the second half kama's coming in sagu short sweet and to the point yeah there's no questions about that one i see uk belcher yeah he's he's hard to miss i've been uh hard to miss keandre belcher i've been modern monitoring the chat here on youtube we got a lot of key andre belcher fans i mean and and why wouldn't you why wouldn't you have a lot of key andre belcher big man big fan base we are big fans of belcher 2. big 99 all right here's barlow now three out wide was left sends a man in motion first and 10 from the 25 down two scores he's going to hand it off to dude due to hesitates he's going to get brought down right at the line of scrimmage they may give him a gain of just one so be second and nine the spirit had done a good job of slowing dude data for those first two drives he was running wild in this half ever since then they've been able to maintain him keep him in front of themselves bring him down for little gains of one two three yards don't let him get that head of steam that once he has you know he's got nine so they've got a much much better job of responding to that good rushing attack that sagu had earlier in this half barlow now three out wide to his right one to his left dude in the backfield counteraction dude it cuts it up field finds a hole falls forward for about four gonna make it third and four here for the lions [Applause] you have to convert here and i i i don't want to i don't know it's tough here uh if you go for it on fourth down it's tough here it's it's tough on this end of your field yes it is you may have to kick it back if you do not convert here but right the key thing is you've got it down right here you've got to go make it work right now whether it's that rpo again whether you're looking for a quick hitter to your left side here you got to go find a way to get these four yards barlow hands it off the dude dude keeping the feet moving lowers the shoulder and it's going to bring up fourth down so sagu goes three runs in a row and for a moment it looked like dude to come out of mel's moving forward and you know what i don't see a punting unit come on the field those extra yards might have been just what coach smith needed to say you know what we've got to go get this now we're at the halfway point of the fourth quarter if we punt this away best case scenario we get the ball back with four and a half minutes to play still down 14. barlow goes five wide here we've seen him run on this in this situation he gets him offsides he's got a free play he's going to throw it off his back foot deep voltage him all long long can't bring it in but regardless that is going to be a first down for sagu as he pulls them off sides he is good at that hard count and that is a big one right there that was the hard count that helped him seal the win last week absolutely oh yeah absolutely on the on the game-winning touchdown pass absolutely so that is a big break for sagu good job by barlow to know what the defense would be doing getting him to jump offsides moving the chains had a free play it took a shot to jump along and through a nice pass long just almost hauled that in that was almost a much bigger play it was pretty good coverage too on the outside take a shot and then there it was so first and ten here for sagu they moved the chains thanks to the offsides penalty by the spirit [Music] sends a man in motion that is zachary johnson barlow back to pass he pumps he's got a man deep jamal long has a step brings it in to the 20 to the 10 brought down just inside the 10 yard line barlowed along almost hits a home run but sagu is in position here to try to make this a one possession game that may not be a home run but that's a stand-up triple as he just zings it in there and long having to give every ounce of effort to get underneath that ball setting sagu up at the eight yard line you've been looking for that connection all day the deep bomb from barlow to long and it hits right there when sagu needed it most under seven minutes to play threatening to make this a one possession game yet again huge gain on first down first and goal from the eight barlow fakes the handoff he's going to throw it to the long long brings it in for the touchdown the bullet pass from barlow long goes up and uses every inch of that six foot two six foot three frame to bring that one down and sagu pending an extra point cuts it back to a one score game what a way to answer the ottawa touchdown drive and long does it he does it long on the first play a deep pass in here arguably being interfered with that could have been a pass interference call drake goes up strong that just shows how versatile receiver is he can hit you on the deep bomb and then he posts you up in the end zone with you doing everything you can to keep him catching that ball he hauls it in and we are back to a one possession ball game the kick is up and it is good sagu now trailing 35 to 28 6 minutes and 42 seconds left to go in this one sagu's defense with a crucial series coming up can they get another stop can they get one more stop here for the offense look at jamal long just go up and get it that is just a strong strong play and yeah now for the defense you stood strong three times in this drive you had the pick six that even helped you get on the board to begin with you got to stand up one more time it's weird to say that a defense that's giving up 35 points you feel like has actually done a somewhat decent job but when you're playing a offense as good as ottawa arizona's that's not half bad honestly and especially when you think about the seven points they contributed themselves the defense has done well enough today to keep this game alive they just got to do one more thing one more stop here for the sagu defense and they could be in business and also considering the fact that ottawa put up 70 plus points last week and you've held them to just one score here in the second half the defense has shown up to play and that score came on a very short field from 38 yards out yes it did yes it did the kick is up and is another pooch kick moreland runs underneath it he's got it with momentum and this is very scary but he's going to get brought down just shy of the 45 yard line and it's going to move out to the 50. i think sagu's going to get dinged for an offsides penalty again so you see a flag down at the 32-yard line that is in the area there's pretty much only one thing that can be and it'll be offsides on the kicking team now ottawa can elect to have them kick it again i can't imagine that you would if you're taking over at 50 i don't think so either i think you you take the yardage and you you take the field position and they will accept the penalty and they will take over possession here at the 50-yard line and that is where the spirit will start this one up one score six and a half left to go and if there's one thing we know about the ottawa offense is they will not take their foot off the gas here they're not going to turn around and run it three times they're gonna they're gonna try to go down and get another score okay because there's still too much time left they can't absolutely punch right now there's too much time left in this game they've got to go get regain that two possession lead to keep things in their favor mccullough hands it off falling forward pretty decent gain there on first down he's going to pick up about four again that was marcellus chester reilly we haven't seen a ton of shamar moreland here in the second half chester reilly has had a good game so far and yeah he has been the primary second half back they are two seniors moreland and chester riley second and six here for the spirit [Music] mccullough quick header to the outside it is dropped i don't know maybe nadra it was incomplete it looked like maybe he scooped it up off the ground but regardless tough break there for the spirit but i'm not sure that play was going anywhere tim no had he found a way to miraculously crawl at any actually lost two or three yards more than likely so the drop is not the worst thing ever another third down third and six here for the spirit huge third down play here for ottawa [Music] back to pass he's taking a deep shot on the comeback and it's brought in a huge first down for ottawa pretty good coverage but the hands on the outside by brandon mclaughlin yeah when mccullough really lets loose a pass he can when he's on target it is perfectly on target and that was perfectly placed for a huge third down conversion mccullough turns around and hands it off to chester riley chester riley cuts it up and picks up a good gain there on first down he's going to pick up six yards make it second and four now now this when you might see the spirit start to go to the ground a little bit more use that clock up that way even if you're just kicking a field goal you feel very good with where you are second and four mccullough hands it off again chester reilly cuts it up field has enough for the first down trying to make some men miss and he gets inside the 15-yard line and the spirit have entered the red zone it'll be first and ten from the 15. that's another big first down for ottawa they'll go no huddle and pick up the pace now a little bit they see saggy on their heels and they know that 14 points would be huge they hand it off again this time it goes nowhere we're going to give them a they're actually going to give a loss of one for marcellus chester riley he reversed field there and i think that did end up costing them that field position should be second and 11 as shamar moreland checks back into the game yeah and he is always dangerous when he gets the ball in his hands you got to watch out for him here in this situation he's fresh right now he has not been on the field this drive rpo diving attempt and it is caught for a first down it'll be first and goal from the four what a ball there by mccullough low where only his receiver could get it and he did indeed bring that in cleanly that is a great catch there by brandon mclaughlin yeah mclaughlin had to go straight into the ground to pick that up shamar moreland gets carry falls forward for a gain of we'll call it maybe one there on first down first and goal rather under four minutes to play now and saggy's defense at this point you're needing something special you need a you need to punch a ball loose force an interception somehow you're needing a turnover right now because even a field goal might be a little bit too much to overcome with this little time left and saggy jumps offsides the pass incomplete but it will be half the distance to the goal it will remain second down they the hard count this time works against sagu and sagu jumps offsides [Applause] [Music] and that'll move the ball about a yard and a half further inside so second and goal from just inside the two and when you know you've got shamar moreland back there that's a tall order well checking into the game marcellus chester reilly checks into the game moreland just comes out and riley it's always tough when you get down to the goal line and you have one of those five seven backs running behind the big offensive line the 6-2 6-5 6-4 offensive line it's tough to see him and he hits that offensive line keeps the feet moving is he in they mark him into the end zone touchdown ottawa they are going to move this back out to a two-score lead and just like that chester reilly checks into the game and his first gary his first carry after coming back in he falls into the end zone for the touchdown again kudos to the offensive line just got enough of a push there to get into the end zone for chester riley yeah no the the idea of holding the team out from the two yard line like that again is probably just a little bit too much tall in order and so for the second time in a row thanks to the short field just needing to go 50 yards they go down and get a huge score to move it back to a two possession lead and sagu now facing just 325 left will be in hurry up for the rest of the game and they kick up and good 42-28 now the lead for ottawa with a little under three and a half left to play and like you said sagu will be in hurry up we expect them to air it out here the rest of the way they got two time outs left had to use the one early on which you never like to use but at this point it's all about getting a big play getting a big play getting down the field and then you're probably looking at on side kick territory definitely at this point on psychic territory since you don't have your full complement of three-time outs so maybe maybe see another uh deep bald long just try to get down the field as quick as you can to get that touchdown back and give yourself any chance sagu trailed 28-7 at the break and stormed back to make it 28-21 they cut it back to 35 to 28 moments ago but the spirit had done just enough to stay just out of reach sagu did have the ball twice in this half down by just a touchdown and we're unable to go get those crucial tying points and now they're going to need another huge turn of events hey that's the half started on a big kick return yeah it could spark something here we'll see paul's kick is a good one that is deep that's gonna go out of the back of the end zone wow completely clears the end zone michael hall the lefty booming kickoff he does not allow for an opportunity at a big return so sagu will take over at the 25. that's where they will start this drive down two scores three and a half left to play jordan barlow last week leading sagu to a walk-off touchdown a comeback victory against louisiana college does he have a little bit more magic in him here today against a top 25 ranked ottawa arizona team he's going to need a couple of doses of it and some of it's out of his hands when it comes on-side kicks but he's got to start right here by just executing a strong drive and getting down the field as quick as he can marlo fakes the handoff he's running for his life and facing immediate pressure just throws it away receiver in the area so no intentional grounding that was immediate pressure there by that that defensive line yeah they they are they were swarming him he's been flushed out of the pocket with nowhere to go several times in this game david sow that time on the quarterback hurry [Music] [Applause] second and ten here for barlow and this offense they come out four wide dudic in the backfield with barlow sends a man in motion that is johnson zachary johnson barlow takes the handoff back to pass man in his face takes the shot deep to long long can't go up and get it a lot of hand fighting but clean play there by the defensive back in coverage one on one on an island with jamal long is never an easy task we do have a flag back at the line of scrimmage so that's gonna go against sagu you would imagine kevon owens up to the tasks there one on one and he gives up about four inches to jamal long he did a good job there on an island it looks like sagar will be taking some steps back so yeah well there will be a penalty unless you said personal foul this is interesting i i i'm wondering who the if the head official the white hat's looking for a number i think to call it on and he is pointing at sagu chop block a block below the waist against sagu so that will back them up 15. and repeat second down segue doesn't lose the down but either way they lose a lot of yards facing a second and call it almost 20. i'm sorry 25. second and 25 here's barlow back to pass he's the steps on the pocket going down the middle air mailed intercepted by ottawa right down the middle of the field he just missed everybody shamury alexander coming up with the interception and that may just be the nail in the coffin that ottawa needed to put away this pesky sagu lions team yeah zachary johnson was the intended receiver but that ball just sailed on him the wind's in his face and sometimes that can just kind of balloon things up and that more than likely is the dagger right there with just 309 to play sagu holding just two timeouts and the spirits set up with good field position a couple of first downs and they can salt this away and even so unlikely to give sagu the ball back with enough time to do the damage they need to do mccullough leads this offense out after the first turnover on the day by sagu off the interception by barlow the first down run goes for three yards would be second and seven here as into the game now is darius williams running that ball for the spirit first carry on the day for williams [Music] [Applause] and they will let every second tick off this clock will the spirit under 10 on the play clock now and still no movement to rush it at all and why would you they'll take it all the way down to one turn around and hand off the williams again williams the bigger back lowers his shoulder keeps his feet the feet keep moving and he falls forward it's gonna be third and they're gonna call it two i thought maybe he got an extra yard on the uh the second effort maybe the third effort by by williams he was stood up twice for what was gonna set up a third and probably five or six but he broke through both times and now under two minutes remaining a first down here would end it a stop and sagging might still have an ounce of life left darius williams again the sophomore running back 5-9 220 is definitely the the go-to power back in this offense we didn't see him a ton today he's getting his first action now because of the greatness by shamar morgan marcellus chester riley but he is he is tough to bring down he gets those tough yards in a situation like this where you need to ground and pound it to work some clock williams gets those those dirty yards as we get a timeout by sagu with a minute 25 left it will be fourth down here for ottawa he was just short of the first down and so abril will bring up fourth of one sagu uses their second timeout now a little bit of a decision for ottawa arizona if you pick up one yard game's over if you kick a field goal game's over but if you miss a field goal then sag you would have a little bit better field position so i imagine you're going straight up the gut again with darius williams would be a 47-yard field goal from this length we do know that the michael hall has the leg but i think this is a no-brainer you go for it there you see the the standings for the student athletic conference it's early it's very early ottawa will with a victory today move to 2-0 saggy will drop to 1-1 both the same record in conference again it is early anything can happen here in the sooner athletic conference but this ottawa arizona team tim they're looking like the favorites they're looking like they're the favorites they've got some challenges ahead they've still got langston and they still got arizona christian who's uh oh and one at conference however but but they've they've got some tests ahead fourth and one they turn around and hand it off to williams williams the big back falls forward he did not get it so sagu will take over on downs and a flag comes out at the end and that is going to go against sagu there was a little bit of fighting and tussling there at the end and i think that the instigator is going to be the one who gets caught with a personal foul there [Applause] and if that is the case it'll be a first down for the spirit and take the win right out of the sales of sagu yeah at the moment sagu would get the ball back with 80 seconds remaining just under 80 seconds remaining and one time out a chance for some desperation but now if the if it takes place after the play then possession should have already been changed we try to see what's going on here on the replay watch at the very end on the top or left side of your screen there's a little bit of tussling and he just throws your body so you can't do that you cannot do that just uh some some fighting after the play but you got to be smarter than that so sagu will keep it looks like sagu saggy will keep possession since since at the moment the play was over possession had been changed over but it drops you from the 30-yard line to the 15-yard line got to be smarter than that so sagu does not lose the the stop on fourth down they do ultimately get the ball back fortunately if you're a lions fan so they do have a chance here 119 left to play one timeout barlow comes out five wide from his own 15 yard line there is some ground to make up here that that that's a pretty big stand by the defense they i mean it's probably gonna not go for much but to stand up strong it's that big running back you like seeing that fight even not that's not the fight that happened right afterwards not like seeing uh the other fight up to the very end jamal long brings in the quick hitter it's gonna be a gain of about four he bobbled it at first but he was able to corral it and bring it in coach smith takes his last time out so pretty much everything else has to go down the field now down the field or towards the [Music] sideline so let's take a look at the the schedule here for ottawa and sagu going forward as we get close to the end of this one here uh ottawa goes back home to play texas wesleyan next week and there you see sagu's schedule they play millsaps next saturday we will be here for that game tim we will be calling that one will be coming at you live from the sagu sports network here at lumpkin stadium but sagu looking to get things back right assuming this game plays out like it will the rest of the way after a tough loss against the top 25 team looking to take advantage and maybe lick their wounds and go against millsaps with a win as we have second and six here barlow back to pass steps up he's going to take off with it he's going to have enough for the first down he's going to keep his feet he's not sliding he gets a pass down past midfield a huge run there by jordan barlow the clock will start again when the ball is set yep but not but now you're in the territory a couple of deep passes and you might just find your way into the end zone with enough time left for an onside kick got to keep moving it here but sagu pushing to the very end under 50 to play barlow steps up looking for a man he's spinning around he is lost he's going to get brought down he gets hit in the back of the head that's not what you want to see in a waning moments of the game that is probably not going your way barlow hit hard in the back of the crown and oh that that that's a dangerous dangerous hit to take he looks like he's okay he is a tough kid he's gonna be all right but still that's that's scary to see from your your leader at quarterback completed pass to dude it gets brought down no first down so the clock will keep moving they did get the first down i thought maybe he was short but they did give him the first down so the clock is stopped but now it keeps going the chain gang's not even set here's barlow he's gonna take a shot deep looking for his man he's brought down a flag does come out so with seven seconds left here we're gonna get past interference that's gonna go against ottawa so it will be a first down i don't i still can't tell if they gave dudek the first down yardage on that last play the chain's never set the chain's never moved but regardless it's coming here one official signal for the clock to stop so they must have assumed it was a first down there you see the ottawa schedule here going forward they take on texas wesley again that game is back in their home in their home state of arizona the town surprise arizona so they will take on texas wesleyan next saturday of course we will always keep an eye on those outcomes as we do our broadcast next saturday against millsaps but uh big win here for ottawa with seven seconds it's all but over uh here in this one from lumpkin stadium we knew ottawa coming in we knew they were a top 25 team we knew that they had a high powered offense but you got to feel good you do have to feel a little bit better about sagu here after the second half the second half is going to help you moving forward especially when you look back at that first half that missed field goal on your first drive the turnover on downs on your second drive if you could have gotten points on either of those drives or say field goals in both of those drives you'd be down a single point a single touchdown right now if you got a touchdown on one of them you down a single touchdown right now you had some missed opportunities early and that's what's put you behind but but the fight we saw here in the second half when 28 7 at the half it looked like this was just going to be a snooze fest for the rest of the game you held ottawa arizona in check you put some points on the board you made this a competitive game up until really the final minute and a half and so so kudos to saggy sakura's gonna have some stuff to learn from and move forward but in the end it is a decent fight against the top 25 team that you knew was this good coming in absolutely here's barlow empty backfield rolls out to his right throws a stiff arm throws it incomplete out of bounds and i believe that will do it the teams do take the field and that is the ball game ottawa of arizona the spirit make the long trip from surprise arizona to waxahachie texas and walk away with a 42-28 victory in a game where sagu fought back they fought hard and they made this a respectable outcome against a top 25 ranked ottawa team again ottawa goes back home next week faces texas wesleyan in a seven o'clock local time gain at a seven p pm arizona time and then sagu next week 9 18 millsaps comes to town for a two o'clock game it's going to be looking to bounce back for sagu in that one against millsaps and again we will have that game live right here on the saggy sports network good first game here for sago as far as a home game it was nice to see that they potentially tim could go punch for punch pound for pound with a high-powered offense yeah like ottawa if you can erase a couple of those early first half mistakes this would have been a drive at the very end of the game to try to tie the ball game so you're happy with that you're never happy any day that ends with the loss for sagu uh but but you showed we were talking about those tiers early on this obviously shows auto arizona is still ahead of you but maybe that gap isn't as significant as you were worried it might be between you and a top 25 team so ottawa arizona stays undefeated on the year sagu falls to one and one with a chance to bounce back right luckily right around the corner i feel like last week we had last year we always had to wait a couple of weeks for games absolutely we got games just coming down the barrel non-stop this year and we can't wait to call them all for you here on saggy sports network be sure and find the schedule on social media and and be sure to follow some of the other sports too those can be a lot of fun as well some soccer some volleyball it's all coming out absolutely for my broadcast partner tim roberts and our new sideline reporter jazz williams i am adam ferguson thank you for watching the sagu sports network [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] you
Channel: SAGU Sports Network
Views: 6,281
Rating: 4.9230771 out of 5
Keywords: SAGU, Southwestern Assemblies Of God University (Organization), college, university, A/G, Assemblies Of God (Religion), athletics, lions, game, sooner, athletic, conference, sports, broadcasting, network, games
Id: NEYx-QxUbq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 205min 25sec (12325 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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