OTF’in Around!!!........... Busting Out The Front Automatic Knife Myth’s & Misconception’s!!!!!!

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what's going on YouTube OCD for EDC today and what I got for your face balls here is we're gonna talk about OTS this here happens to be the Guardian tactical recon elite this is a big badass OTF it happens to be the biggest dual action OTF that I currently own so I keep getting head up and asked about OTF sand and I feel like there's a lot of myths and a lot of just falsehoods out there about OTF sand and how they actually operate now I personally have never owned a single action OTF and so things might be different there but certainly with all the dual action OT F's everyone I've ever seen works kind of on the same principle and I've got a disassembly video that explains exactly how this guy works I'll link that in the description below so you can check that out if you're interested but one of the things that we're gonna talk about here is just how dangerous these knives are are they dangerous at all are they more dangerous than other knives you know a lot of people freak out when they see this and they automatically think that it's illegal and you know I just think there's a lot of misconceptions when it comes to OTS so anyway let's get right into it so this particular knife here sportin Lmax blade steel it is extremely sharp which I might be able to show you here this thing is certainly shaving sharp as you can see there so we certainly have got a really really fine this is actually kind of like a hollow ground tanto point here and that's flat ground back here in this portion but what we're really going to be looking at here is the tip so as you can see this is a pretty fine tip for such a large blade but the other stuff that we got here so I've got a standard design Honey Crisp Apple just straight out of the fridge and then we got a couple other oddball things that were in my refrigerator for some unknown reason apparently my kids and wife thought that we needed to try these random fruits so from what I understand this here is referred to as a horn fruit or a kiwano fruit so this ought to be kind of interesting and this is a papaya for those that aren't familiar not generally these two things aren't super standard we also have just standard corrugated cardboard here I just got a little piece and then I also got just some standard printer paper so one of the things I want to show and that everybody talks about I think there's a lot of people out there that believe that if you went up and stuck this in someone's gut or you know up against their body like this and fired this wood it actually you know when it come out the other side of my hand now because I don't want to get cut I'm not going to show that but no it won't come out the other side of my hand what it cut me absolutely but here if I can show this off so I'm just gonna fire this right into this paper and we're gonna see how much of it comes out the other side you ready so there you go that was one sheet of printer paper so it was enough to stop that blade from going all the way out it did not fully lock as you can see I'm trying not to keep you know show how much of it came through the paper there but as you can see just a single sheet of paper was enough to keep this blade from from fully locking out so now we're gonna pull this off and so you can see the hole that it left there you know of course yes it did go all the way through the paper but as you can see just a single sheet of paper and so now the OTF as as they refer to it off track so all this is there's two little dogs in here that capture the blade out at the end so now it's locked out same thing on the retraction like I said I've got a full disassembly that explains how this works and there's too little catch points down here and when the blade is between those two catch points you know it there's really it's just working off the inertia and the momentum and the weight of the blade to throw it out you just buildin up a little bit of spring energy and then releasing it and that's what allows that blade to fly out like that so you see what it did there on one sheet of paper let's just take it I'm gonna fold this piece of sheet of printer paper in half and we'll see what it does essentially with two pieces are doubled up here we go so there you go that's what you're looking at right there so you know of course that's a sharp ass tip so would it hurt would it cut you are you gonna bleed absolutely but is it gonna kill you is this thing gonna go into your heart you know and disembowel someone absolutely not so even if you were to go up and shove this in someone's gut and pull the trigger chances are if they're wearing thick enough clothing it may not even scratch them so we'll do it again here two sheets of paper nope so there you go that one actually went through a little better I held the paper a little more firm so you know of course with paper you get a lot of deflection there you can see their knife is off track again so I'm gonna pull it out get it back on track and we'll see if we can retract it yeah see just with the friction of the paper it wouldn't even retract the knife so anyway but we've got this fruit out here to see how it does when we stick it into something a little more substantial something that's actually gonna take the full force of the blade and we'll see how much you know how much blade actually goes into this fruit so I'm gonna start with the Apple and we'll see what happens here all right so you can see again blade is off-track and you know we certainly have got the entire tanto tip so let me put my thumb on it here so there you go that's how much of that knife went into that Apple now again would that hurt no doubt it's not gonna be fun you're not gonna want to do that to yourself or someone that you like but again you know even with this right here I don't know here let me grab this really quick and we'll see what we got for for an actual measurement here so let's just say it was about right there so we're nine tenths of an inch is how far that thing went into that Apple so you know would that be fun absolutely not do I want to do it to myself hell no but would it kill you negative so so anyway you know even if you were to do this up against someone's head you know it's you know is it gonna cut the skin sure but is it going to be any more dangerous than than any other knife out there no it's not and honestly I think you could make a lot of arguments that OTF sorry Vincere than a lot of knives just because your hands and you are never in the cutting path you know double action no tf's you know you can pull them out of your pocket you can deploy them you can do whatever cutting you need to do and right back in the pocket and never alter your grip or change your grip at all other than you know sliding your thumb so you know OTF are really a pretty safe option honestly so anyway so as you can see there you know and like I said before this knife is insanely sharp so it's not like we're I'm dealing with some you know totally dull piece of here that isn't cutting into these things so I'm gonna do it again I'm gonna scoot back just a little bit further and try and let that blade carry a little bit more momentum and we'll see what happens here alright so again we didn't even make it into all the little we did down here I guess but we didn't get up to the full thickness of the blade so let me put my thumb there so again you know we're right at probably you know just under an inch that it went in maybe you know around eight tenths or something it looked like it went in a little less there so you know nothing nothing that's going to like I said kill anyone or anything even remotely close to that so the warned fruit yeah we might save that guy for last because it's kind of cool-looking I don't know I'm gonna cut that open and see what it looks like inside I guess for those that want to see we'll just cut this Apple here real quick so you know this was just a standard Apple but again nothing nothing too crazy or unexpected there yeah like I said Oh TFS are not nearly as dangerous as the what people think or you know when they see them here I'm you know and of course you know this one here is a pretty pretty scary-looking I understand that you know you got the double folders and their blood grooves and these you know bloodletting holes and hawing on and on you know whatever oh that's just for looks it's all just aesthetics and I understand with a lot of people out there looks are everything and people get their panties in a wad over all kinds of stuff but but the reality is is that this is no more dangerous than any other knife of its same size and sharpness and all of those things so let's check out we'll set this guy to the side for a minute let's check out this papaya here and see what we're what's gonna happen so here we go alright again it looks like it is actually maybe a little tougher then the Apple was but you know basically we're looking at about the exact same sort of situation there as far as depth and actually I'm going to throw this cutting board down here real quick so again it stopped the blade and all right so now that we got this cut open I am going to wipe my knife off again I don't want to drag all this fruit crap back into the handle of the OTF that's kind of the one negative about the OTF you know if you get a bunch of junk stuck in there you just got to take it apart and clean it's not the end of any worlds it's just not you know not something I want to do right this moment so anyway what's I don't know for those that don't know the consistency of the papaya is pretty soft so I'm going to go into the middle of this thing and we'll see how it goes I'm sure it's gonna go in significantly deeper like I said the consistency on these things is pretty mushy so here we go alright so there you go we bout got up yeah so just about to that first bloodletting hole there so holy cow you can see just how insanely dangerous this is you can see the hole that it made right there but like I said for those that don't know papayas are very mushy and soft on the inside you can there you go you can see how soft this stuff it really is so you know again nothing that's going to kill anyone or you know cause any sort of internal damage again you know will it cut the skin yes even that soft mushy papaya the knife came off track so block it out there wipe this off again now for the big badass horn fruit here or whatever Kiwi on the key kiwano I can't remember what the hell this thing is called it's a weird-looking thing so anyway let's get into it let's see what happens here so I'm gonna stick this right up on the side here now this thing feels I personally have never tried one of these this thing feels pretty interesting feels like it has a pretty hard skin on the outside but feels kind of mushy on the inside so I don't know we'll see what happens so here we go all right again not even all the way up past the the hollow ground portion so you can see there that's what we're talking about on the old key wanna fruit or horn fruit or I'm sorry horn melon anyway [Music] nothing nothing to write home about and I'm gonna guess that this guy's pretty mushy on the inside as well let's take a look here holy that's not what I was expecting so it's extremely mushy on the inside that's crazy all right you can see the goo coming out there this is like a freaking I don't know what that is I don't know I don't even know where these things come from I'm not familiar with this type of fruit but let's give her one more go we're gonna shove this thing right down this mushy Center and see how see what happens we're gonna get a little closer this time here we go alright so actually that one still came off track you can see the the liquid there so that by far is the deepest that that went in you can see where it's all wet and slimy from this horn melon man I'm glad I got the cutting board I didn't I wasn't expecting this thing to be all wet inside like that or dripping everywhere I guess but but as you can see guys still this thing you know you're not going up and sticking this into someones belly and and disembowelling them or anything like that so I just wanted to put this out there I keep getting asked about it tons of people have hit me up and you know that I think they look at this and they think that it's like a freaking ramjet tool or something like it's a 22 cartridge that fires this blade out and it's gonna you know you could go up and stick it in someone's belly button and have it sever their spine or something it doesn't work that way so like I said check out the my disassembly video I'm gonna link it in the description down below and and hopefully bring a better understanding to how these OTS work and hopefully get people to understand that this really is a tool and it's a good tool it's actually a safe tool and you know it's no more dangerous than any other knife so yeah anyway there we go and hopefully you guys enjoyed that and I will talk to you next time have a good one
Channel: OCD-4-EDC
Views: 461
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Knife, Out the Front Knives, Spyderco, Benchmade, Slicey dicey, Nick Shabazz, Kizer, Buck Knives, We Knives, OTF Knife, Switchbldae, Knife review, Blade review, Blades, Guardian Tactical, Auto Knife, Automatic Knife, EDC gear Review, EDC Gear, Blade HQ, Omaha Knife, Elmax, Elmax steel, Best Quality OTF, Microtech, UTX-85, UTX-70, Heretic Knives, Ultratech, Microtech Ultratech, Exocet Dagger, Socom Elite, Combat Troodon, Cypher, Marfione, Marfione Halo, Horn Melon, Kiwano Fruit
Id: 9wBpS0u8OfA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 26sec (986 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 04 2019
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