48 Hours in Sapporo | 6 Things to do in Hokkaido's Capital

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I've been binging chris's vids and podcasts recently. Man you can see how much he's grown as a content creator. Also you can notice how he lost weight.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Caiejay 📅︎︎ Jun 04 2020 🗫︎ replies
with a population of just under 2 million people saparua is Japan's fifth largest city situated on the northern island of Hokkaido over the years I've always found people speak very highly of Sapporo whether it's the vibrant neon-lit nightlife for the local cuisine or the laid-back culture of the city and so I was keen to go and pay a visit meanwhile my good friend ASCII never set foot on the island of Hokkaido despite living just a few hours away and so we both decided to finally go and explore it firsthand and see what we could do on a two-day trip to the city [Music] along the way we'll be checking out the food the nightlife and a crazy confectionary filled Wonderland our first stop is or doggie Park in the heart of the city home to the infamous Apple or Snow Festival in February and - the city's iconic TV tower just like meaning to Tokyo Tower we need to take your tower but its convenience where it's got a big clip on it because cross the one thing take a tower doesn't have a giant Panasonic cloth when I arrived in a new city the first thing I like to do is go up a tower get kind of 360 view of the city bit like Assassin's Creed except unlike Assassin's Creed I'm not going to jump off into a pile of hay after this is one of the best views I've had in a Japanese city so far mainly because the way orderid Park stretches out before you there stomach its power right past but powerful Japanese say always say power spots Paulo spots turmeric rubbing mmm this spots it's more power natural power natural power not a man-made Tower mysterious multi and sun's light sunset sunset and temple the shrine wasn't the only thing we found ups a poor TV tower though we also came face to face with one of her chi days most adorable mascots jinke drinking tonight oh my god it's melon bear Dental human data keep its swing human teeth teeth at what point did somebody think that was like an appropriate mascot the absolute personification of the child's nightmare brought to life and made into a Sephora mascot surprisingly despite staring at melon bears nightmarish face we were still hungry and so we headed off to try supper all's most famous dish [Music] Genghis Khan or dingus Karl as it's known in Japanese is a mutton barbecue dish grilled on an iron plate over a charcoal fire as the fat drips out of the sizzling mutton it runs down the iron plate and marinades the vegetables below typically onions which help sweeten the taste of the meat the dish became popular in Hokkaido in the mid 20th century as it's traditionally one of the few places in Japan that sheep were raised and as for the name Genghis Khan well everybody just assumed mutton was popular in Mongolia and Genghis Khan from there in it that's that's genuinely how they thought the name up still with about 30 customers crammed into the second floor restaurant the constant sound of sizzling and an atmosphere comprised of 90% smoke not everyone leaves the intense dining experience with a smile on their face no noisy and a busy and quickly no no no you're angry because you could smoke that's the real reason yeah it's llama shop star a quickly quickly creepy get in creepy quitting get out get out get out get out but the meat was good right good quality air quality and the taste quality is nice very nice knowing good good me [Music] there are three cities in Japan where I've had my blade runner on earth moment Osaka Dalton lorry crossing Tokyo we should be a crossing and now here ciske nor in Sapporo we've walked around support all day today and sapper all station the area is quite quiet this is where the action is kind of like the entertainment district full of bars restaurants shops people lights this is where we're staying this is where our hotel is and if you come here to stay in sorrow this is the place I recommend even the McDonald's food school look at the neon lights on that [Music] perhaps the best view of Siskin or crossing is from flair bar one of the only bars in Safarov with cocktail magic or whatever it's called when you get thirsty throw bottles around in the air with a complete disregard for health and safety [Music] overlooking 16 a crossing I'm gonna play a traditional game of zapper oh yeah [Music] I don't think nasty knows how to play Jenga we decided to kick off our second day in support with a bowl of ramen to see if Hokkaido's traditionally Miss obeys ramen lived up to his reputation so it's 11:15 the ramen shop doesn't open for another 15 minutes and already there is a queue around the block standard Japanese ramen place that's got a good reputation always a good sign though so these are our toppings for garment he's got his corn everything everything is on the court I've got butter Hokkaido is really well known for dairy foods so I got some butter as a top thing to put on my ramen which makes an already fairly unhealthy dish just a little bit more healthy then again when it comes to ramen it's best not to best not to calorie count you love your chili there's fantastic the soup is there probably the highlight of this hitch kind of tastes like thick gravy with a hint of butter because I just stopped those about today yeah it tastes a bit like gravy one step no.9 a really hot boiling Asahi super drive might be Japan's biggest beer brand today but it's not the oldest that crown goes to SAP raw which was founded in 1876 and today the striking redbrick brewery still remains where beer lovers from around the world make the pilgrimage to enjoy beer learn how it's brewed and of course take selfies awkwardly in front of the building [Music] maybe good smell [Music] Nabby Smith Robert Smith pretty be for charity for torture it is quite honestly a children that does not drink you can get drunk besides if you can't get drunk at a very great marketing campaign slogan DVD five star ddddd five star just high up and it's a five star this beer is exclusive to the factory and it's like normal suffer all but a little bit lighter in flavor viscosity well I find most people seem to like us are hey dunno why it tastes like carbonated water if you're gonna drink one beer in Japan suck all beer that's why one avocado is best known sweets are shenoy koibito cookies and the ECS sweet company that bakes them and the smart idea returning their factory into a thriving theme park that feels like a cross between Disneyland Willy Wonka's chocolate factory and some kind of bizarre European village and surprisingly it works [Music] come on in my house so hard life living in a tiny house I'll leave you to thanks for letting us into your house that was pretty good max good kind of like Sapporo's answer to Disneyland if Disneyland and a cookie factory combined this is what it would look like also a little bit creepy will there animatronic chefs dancing around hello it's Gary other than that I love it now we just gotta go and try some cookies [Music] and that's a it's a rather slick operation never seen so many biscuits for my life Wow have you seen the cookies rolling off the assembly line I was desperate to get hold of a box myself but rather than simply buying a standard box of cookies Netsky had other ideas so that gives this did we get some biscuits with our face on the box which is like some sort of really awful kind of merchandise but the biscuits themselves are the ones that are made in the awesome Factory the koibito Factory and they are regarded as sap world's most popular on the argue there's number one kind of souvenir they're really good actually oh I'll show you them it's basically just two biscuits with some chocolate sandwich between it you know when you bake cookies and it comes out the oven that's kind of nicely soft and fresh it's kind of like that that's the same kind of texture it's not crunchy hard biscuits and I saw four I've just got an ASCII standing here with a camera filming me eating biscuits Oh what premium lifestyle is [ __ ] it out don't over the floor Oh daddy four ways now we had a great time in sacral but what did we miss out if you visited the city let us know where you recommend for our next trip as it's somewhere I definitely plan to go back to for more than just 48 hours this video was made in collaboration with Japan national tourism office in UK if you're visiting Japan and looking for things to do around the country or in Hokkaido you can check out their glamorous websites for ideas and inspiration in the description box below but for now guys as always many thanks for watching and we'll see you next [Music] [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: Abroad in Japan
Views: 1,363,325
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sapporo, hokkaido, japan, japanese, travel
Id: 2guZrrVMGfI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 02 2017
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