9/11 Stories: WTC Survivor Tim Frolich

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[Music] my my 9 11 home experience pretty much my day actually pretty much started um just as you as all of my days began um i worked on the 80th floor of the south tower i worked for a company uh fuji bank unlimited was the name of the company we had we had four floors in that tower those four floors that we paid rent on were 78 79 80 and 81. um we had some space on 82 but but not the whole floor so i left my house here in brooklyn um pretty much around the same time as i usually do my commute was roughly about 45 minutes via train it was really direct went right into the bottom of the trade center that day i guess i remember pretty much remember getting to work around seven o'clock um we were very busy that time of year um i worked in a general accounting and expense area and we had a number of uh processes where we worked with uh internal auditors outside auditors my main job was to help supervise a small group of people on an accounting system um in the general affairs department and i worked for an american vice president as well as a senior vice president who happened to be uh japanese um so i got to work around seven o'clock um went to my desk got my coffee had had gotten my coffee downstairs on my newspaper went to my desk met with my best friend at the time who also worked for the bank he was in purchasing area and he also did some security stuff and we had been friends for a while so i was getting set up he was running around as typical i remember him coming by for a minute and he said to me uh lunch you know quite kind of like question mark and i said sure i said 12 30 sounds good yep 12 30 is good and he went you know he went back to his office i went to my desk i started to do some work um then i would say that when the north tower was attacked we had clearly heard the explosion and from where we were facing um we were able to uh our view which was behind me we were able to see um the statue of liberty so looking getting up from my desk after hearing what i thought to be an explosion and seeing black smoke um i couldn't see everything but i knew something had happened at the at the north tower um and there was rumors flying all around um we had a trading floor um that was constantly running so a bunch of traders had come in to my area um on the 80th floor and they were trying to see because they had said that they had heard also and do some news early news reports that some people were were talking about about a light aircraft that had crashed into the into the north tower um so i guess it was within 15 or 20 minutes from there that a number of other people had come into my floor um into the work area a couple of people had to be to work before nine o'clock and um they were some of them were on their phones and some of them were getting reports uh from the port authority about um a situation i think that's how it was phrased a situation going on in the north tower and there were uh pa announcements coming directly from the port authority office over the intercom um i'm assuming it was off all the floors but i know i could certainly hear it on our floor about a controlled situation in the north tower there was no reason to evacuate at this point there was no reason to leave your work area uh in essence the situation was under control um so you know i i didn't have a cell phone i i was still pretty early in the morning my wife um was getting uh i knew by this time my wife was getting my daughter ready for her first day of kindergarten um strangely enough and um i didn't want to certainly want to alarm her or call her and i knew at some point my wife also was on her commute uh to work and she had worked um midtown so she may not have been aware of anything anyway um long story short with that i uh what what happened was as a smoke from the north tower continued to get a bit stronger it started to um come into there had been a smell and it started to come into the south tower pretty high up um our our hallways had kind of like a hazy smoke to it um my best friend who had a walkie-talkie because of his responsibilities had come back from his office which was down the stairs and he was on the radio with the port authority um so a couple of minutes had gone by and he said to me maybe what we better do is go up to a couple of higher floors that fuji uh had and just evacuate people from there who who we felt maybe you know should consider coming down or get those people to come down a couple of floors in case we decided to evacuate um our floors and go down lower or leave the building completely throughout this time there were numerous announcements from the port authority about please remain uh remain on your floor remain at your desk this was all a controlled situation in north tower although they were not specifically stating i was saying this would have happened so at that point my my friend and i um and i i apologize one of the things i left out here was that we had been um asked to be volunteer fire wardens for the 80th floor and we had drills periodically there were mandatory drills and we were responsible for getting people on the 80th floor to an exit should there have been a fire should have been a situation where we could have had to leave so when he came back his suggestion to me was that we go up to potentially the 82nd floor and just be sure that those floors were still pretty empty they were much higher than us um we weren't completely sure what was going on certainly in the north tower but there was smoke and there were some situations that were starting to get a little more serious in the south tower we went up to the second floor uh we used the a stairwell which was right near us came across a couple of people told them that they had you know there had been a situation in north tower and maybe they had wanted to uh start coming down we encountered i would say about four or five uh senior vice president japanese um members of the company um who basically told us know that they were going to stay and we didn't you know certainly there wasn't much we could do they were kind of just giving us their view of we're fine and we left went back into the a stairwell came back to the 80th floor um you know try to get some more information from the from the port authority and then we both pretty much now knowing that there was a little bit more of a haze in the hallways and it was getting a little we felt a little more serious um [Music] we were going to start down just to get to a couple of lower floors uh so we started from the 80th floor in the ace there well um i said to my friend jack uh listen i made a joke i said listen i said you're in you know you're a little older than i am i said you know you're you're a smoker i was like why don't you being that we're gonna do this walk down why don't you go in front of me and i'll be behind you and we'll kind of keep an eye on each other so that's what we did and as we entered the a stairwell we encountered people from other companies from much higher up uh starting to come down as a matter of fact the stairwell got kind of crowded to where there was a back above a line of people um so eventually i lost track of uh jack i didn't know um how far ahead he was i knew he was ahead of me and what happened was around the 60th floor um i don't remember the exact floor number um but because of the running around and you had to go two stairwells to get to one floor at that time i'd start to get a little fatigued from running around a lot of breath so i had said that i was going to stop i was going to stop and take a break there was a number of people coming down and uh i was just gonna start to pull on some doors to see if they were open and they were company doors other companies um to see if we could get those doors open and i could just sit for a minute um i went and uh i don't remember the name of the company like i said i believe it was around 60 62 maybe so i had stopped and i pulled open a door and as i entered the room um the room as i described it was had popped um and what i mean by that was there was a clear mini explosion in the room um the tiles from the ceiling had come started to come down in essence the room had collapsed and at that moment you know i was not to the floor at that moment um i knew uh something serious now was going on in the south tower i was kind of knocked a little silly uh being on the floor the room um did fill up with smoke but it was mostly a dust from the collapsing ceiling tiles um and i had you know again been been knocked to the floor i could feel the room had rocked a little bit and once i got myself together um i decided that i wasn't gonna stand back up um i was gonna try to turn around and crawl back to where i thought i had come from um i knew i wasn't cut my ears were ringing a bit um and i had i had quite a bit of dust and stuff in my in my eyes and on my face um before i climbed you know had crawled back out of there i looked over and in the corner of that room on pure coincidence i had seen my friend jack so it became apparent to me that without knowing he had also gone into that same room and i could see him as i started to crawl from a different spot i could see him also making his way back to the same entrance door back to the a stairwell so i had gotten i got myself back to the stairwell um the air there was much cleaner uh it was actually refreshing uh and yeah i had sat down on on the stairs in the a stairwell and at this point there really wasn't that many more people uh coming down um it had gotten a bit quieter um there was you know maybe there's a couple of people i could hear a couple of stairwells ahead of me but i really don't recall seeing a lot of people behind me um once i got myself situated there was a young girl very heavyset young girl who had been coming down and she was having what i thought to be a severe anxiety attack as well as what it turned out to be was an asthmatic attack she was a heavyset young girl and as it turned out she was from morgan stanley she was there on a conference and she had stopped outside the door that i was coming back to um so once i got myself together i said to her listen i said you know you know we'll walk down together it'll be okay so we kind of started to reassure each other um and within i would say five or six minutes we had gotten ourselves together and we started to walk back down um [Music] and for the most part again we didn't have anybody passing us really i could hear as we got closer to the bottom and and we didn't stop again after that situation i could hear people ahead of us as we got to the bottom and you know thankfully we we got to the bottom we got to the lobby and we were directed out towards um it was a fulton street exit of the building i don't know what the cross street there was if it was liberty um but anyway we we'd come out onto the patio of the of the two towers and as soon as we got out um i had said to her that uh i couldn't see uh it was very bright that day and um i i was having trouble opening up my eyes and what she did was she kind of then guided me over to a medics area where they were triaging people and i heard her explain to the gentleman that you know we've been involved in what now was the attack on the second tower uh and i had stuff in my eyes and i couldn't open my eyes so um she basically got someone to start to rinse out my eyes now as we were walking away from the building you know the building now was behind us and we were at the uh corner of where the millennium hotel is uh and it was right there i think that folk street runs um from that point up to up the block as i sat down and he started to rinse my eyes he had been looking over my shoulder and i heard and and uh tiffany um who was the girl i came down with heard the building start to collapse south tower was obviously the second building hit but it was the first to collapse i didn't know what the noise was because i was still a little bit out of it from what had happened upstairs and the medic rinsed my eyes real quick and he looked at me and he said to me um you need to get up and run and i could not fathom what he was in essence talking about but now i could start to hear people outside panic and stampede really for lack of a better word um there were people that were running mostly to my left um and as it turned out it happened to be up fulton street and it got very very noisy and i saw him basically he quit triaging me and he took off um so i got up from where i was sitting and i went left which put me on fulton street um and immediately within a couple of seconds i was caught in the dust cloud um from the initial collapse of the tower so he got big up pitch black he got midnight black i had no idea really where i was running and as a matter of fact as i started up what turned out to be for the street i had yelled out where are we running to um and what happened was that apparently a lot of the firemen from um the firehouse there engine 10 ladder 10 right there when they got caught in that they used um and i guess it was a tactic that they used they used their hands because they stayed close to the other buildings that were that were not affected initially and they were able to find doorway gaps they were able to find as it turned out they found a stairwell um to protect themselves to get off the street so as i yelled where are we running to um all of a sudden there was an arm that kind of stuck out from a from a stairwell and this person said right here and he pulled me off of off of fulton street and um as he pulled me i could clearly hear him kind of back backwards fall um and i was again trying to get my bearings as to where i was and who was you know who had just yanked me off the street i knew there were things that were hitting the street around me um i was pretty clear what had happened at this point that the south tower was beginning to collapse and i could hear things hitting the street so at that point um this person who had pulled me um i knew he had fallen i had been able to see that he had fallen backwards down a flight of stairs um and he pulled me hard enough that as i had started to correct myself because he pulled me that i was kind of off my feet um i was in the same stairwell stairway which turned out to be the parking lot of the millennium hotel um i went to correct myself and i started to fall and as i started to fall down those same stairs um i could hear my my left ankle and my left foot snap so i didn't have any i couldn't i didn't have any way of getting any shifting weight back to get my feet underneath me um so i fell and i went down about 10 or 11 stairs i guess maybe 12 and i landed on this particular individual who turned out to be a fireman um and i said to him you know okay you know i was awake i wasn't knocked unconscious i said but i can't get up i said i know i heard something snap in my my foot and my ankle i actually thought it was more my leg but he said okay he said um he would be back he said stay here so i said to him well there's another small stairway right next to us here um we could just go there and we could still be inside and i could see cars there were cars in the area parked and um he said no no he goes this building is on fire also he said um i have to come back for you he said stay here so within he left i went back up the stairs i was uh laying you know kind of away from the as far away from the end of the stairs as i could um and as he uh he left he promised he said to me give me a little bit i'll be back and within i would say 20 minutes to 30 minutes he came back and he came back with um port authority police officer captain kathy mazza who i think was the only uh uh female port authority officer that was that was killed that day um but i remember um and they had one of the firemen with them um but i remember them coming back and i knew that somehow they were gonna have to pick me up to get me back up the stairs and my initial comment was listen how you guys gonna get me gonna get me back up back up those stairs because i can't walk and i joked with uh uh captain mazda i said you know are you sure you're going to be able to do this so she goes watch this and they had formed like an arm bar some kind of an arm bar and they made a seat out of their arms and in one motion they scooped me up and carried me back up the stairs and back out onto to fulton street which was still pretty dense with regard to dust and pretty much everything else the chaos of going on they continued to carry me to a chase uh bank uh a bank branch um which was across the street but up a little further on fulton street um and they they pushed the door open and um laid me down uh someone had had a uh brace i have a brace that they put on my my ankle and part of my leg and they laid me down and i remember uh i remember uh police officer captain mazza yelling at people because what had happened was people gathered in there when the building started to collapse for protection so it was pretty pretty crowded in there um in the lobby and they laid me down and they said um you know he's hurt don't step on him and they were kind of yelling and uh so they laid me down and then they left they didn't they didn't stay with me two or three minutes later um through the door of the bank came the woman that i had finished my walk with uh coming down me the uh 60 some flights of stairs that we left upstairs and she came and screamed me saying oh my god i thought i thought you were killed and what happened was i went left when the medics had said you know you need to get up and run she went to the right um and she she got caught in that stampede because that's where apparently a lot of the people were coming from so she had gotten knocked over but it was pure coincidence again that she had um come into that bank lobby on on fulton street um so she'd come in and i said to her you know i know i'm hurt i can't get up so she said okay she goes i'll be right back and she actually went back out to fulton street and she hailed an ambulance um almost like you would hail a taxicab to please stop and come in and and pick me up and get me out of the area um and the ambulance did stop um and the guys came in um they again picked me up and they opened up the back doors of the ambulance and there were two other two other girls there um that were in the ambulance burned very very badly um i don't know i don't know if you're familiar one of the girls was the girl in the red dress who was burned extremely um extremely badly in the explosion i believe it was the explosion that happened on the 78th floor which in essence where the where the plane came in um but anyway they were they were in uh the closer to the front seat part of the ambulance um i was just in the back by the back doors and the ambulance made an attempt uh to go finish going up fulton street i guess at that point you know i found out that i was going to st vincent's hospital as all that was going on the north tower collapsed and i knew that now i had been aware of pretty much what was going on the medics that were now in the ambulance trying to drive away i could hear them panicking uh because it was another dust cloud it was another um incident of not being able to see and people uh people running um but thankfully at some point in time we were able to pull away uh from from the scene and they took me to st vincent's hospital where we were met with i would say i would easily say 50 to 100 medics and doctors standing outside st vincent's hospital um who were just waiting and in essence there was no one coming in um they greeted you know they kind of helped get me out of the ambulance and then that same ambulance i knew at that point was leaving to go to the burn unit for those two other for those two other patients um i got into st vincent's um they had said uh you know what happened i tried to explain to them that i knew i had heard a snap or you know uh something i couldn't walk there was something wrong with my ankle or my foot um they said okay we'll get you an ambulance uh they gave me some fluids um there was an attempt uh to reach out to uh try to get a hold of my wife at some point in time um and i don't know how it kind of tied into getting getting to my wife the hospital did eventually do that and then they triaged me and they said you know we'll get you an x-ray as soon as we can they did x-ray uh my leg and my foot and they had put put a brace on it and they had said that as near as they could tell i had just sprained my ankle was the diagnosis that came back um so i you know i was like okay if that's what it is that you know that's what it is it hadn't actually started to hurt yet um although i didn't like the idea of what i had heard when i had fallen to be honest with you uh but um within a couple of hours um my wife was able to get to the hospital um she had ran from uh her midtown office all the way back down uh they were able to get to her and she ran being dehydrated um by the time she got to the hospital she actually had fainted and became a kind of a patient next to me um but we certainly had to you know being reunited and all that um i had rested a little bit um and then i kind of woken back up probably around probably around noon time um to a couple fbi agents that were standing right near me and they had said you know the towers aren't there anymore you know do you know what happened they started asking me a series of questions about some explosions potentially inside the building and i had said no so that all kind of happened quickly and then um you know once my wife was better and hydrated and we both were a little more alert um there were some federal authorities that said okay we'll we'll get you home we'll take you home back back to brooklyn and that's that's pretty much what had happened that night um we are back uh thankfully we had uh our babysitter who was um usually kept an eye on our daughter uh she she picked her up at school early that day back in brooklyn and you know my wife i guess was able to get in touch with her and let her know that i got hurt um but i was home and um you know really said don't worry i'm gonna keep keep your daughter overnight so you guys do what you need to do um and that was pretty much that i recall that night um not of course not getting any sleep not being able to relax um and then around dinner time um maybe a little later um i started to get some severe pain in my leg and in my ankle um so uh st instance had said listen if you're having any problems just come back tomorrow which we knew really wasn't feasible because everything had been closed up going into new york um so with the pain setting in and you know having issues my wife right away in the morning called our general practitioner who said you know he should be seen by an orthopedic um he recommended an orthopedic and i was rushed into seeing a local orthopedic surgeon here in brooklyn and when he x-rayed it uh he had said to me you have compound fractures um as well as a complete dislocation of the major joint in my foot um you know if we don't operate right away you're going to lose your foot so on the 12th that morning i was rushed into surgery locally here with the attempt of trying to at least fix or stabilize some of the damage that i had had um what ended up happening at st instance initially was that i think things were so chaotic and they were so um certainly anxious to try to help people they had cut my x-ray short they had sent my x-ray over to my orthopedic and they didn't actually far enough down to see all these fractures so in essence what my orthopedic said was he said you had a complete crush uh he said by the time we got there there was granulated cartilage and bone that there really wasn't much we could do with um we just stabilized it um initially and kind of just tried to get the bones to start healing for as long as they could i mean i tore nerves i tore all the ligaments um so it's it's a full uh it was it was pretty much a full mess um and we say i was in the hospital overnight uh released the next day and then i was home um you know i was i was basically thankfully home um just going back for a second my best friend jack he did get out of the room that we were both in when the south tower was hit what happened was what we believe happened was he may have gone back up um appears as if he made a attempt to go back up um to try to help people who i guess we both knew were still there um when the south tower was hit and even that he he was able to do um but unfortunately because of the the speed in which this health tower collapsed he was not able to get back down again and he was killed in the collapse of the of the south tower um he didn't he didn't make it out um but uh you know that was just you know my bank lost i think between 25 and 30 people that day our human resource department come to find out when um when the north tower was attacked our whole human resource department which was on the 82nd floor of the south tower they had gotten up and they went in an elevator all the way down to the street and looked to see what they could see from the north tower situation and once it was established that well unfortunately there was something going on there was a fire in the north tower they all had gotten back on an elevator and went back up to the 82nd floor um so once they uh got themselves resettled in the 82nd floor uh in essence from from engineering reports that i had seen that is where one of the wings had come through between the south tower so that whole that whole area was completely cut off and our whole human resource department was was immediately wiped out by by the south tower attack which i mean i had i had some friends there too but jack was was very close he was a mentor to me and um kind of like the the dad idea i never really had um so i you know i am friends i'm very good friends to this day with his stepson um you know we enjoy a great relationship and that's that's a benefit you know a positive to all of this um but in essence that was pretty much my day did you ever find out who the firefighter was and what became of him uh yes that's something that um we're we're actually working on at the moment um i know i i i know that the the firefighter who rescued me um was definitely from engine 10 ladder 10 which was right across liberty street there and the way i know that is they had had um he had had a shirt on now it didn't appear to me as if they were on duty because um when people started to rant run i had noticed that there were firefighters who were dressed in shorts and t-shirts from engine 10 ladder tent that were they were also started to run um they had white tube socks and boots on so i'm assuming that they were off duty so when i got to the hospital one of the first persons that i uh came across that came over to me to try to help calm me down and don't get me situated was um um reverend chris keenan and um we had a brief conversation said it said a couple of prayers and he was with me and really my wife for the better part of the day as we tried to recoup a little bit and um he had you know i i'm very very close with him now and um he's working on that with me to try to find that firefighter there appears to be someone actually just recently about a week or so ago had a conversation with him about someone and it's looking like we may have found him um so is he alive i believe he is i believe he is yes yes and were you able to speak to detective mazza's family and let them know what a hero she was and um no um the interesting thing with that is um uh i haven't i i did find a blog for her um she's on an officer down page um and it took it took me a while to find her and the interesting way that i found her was that i knew she was port authority because i remember her white shirt she was on duty um and the thing that stood out to me was her ponytail and when i started to look for law enforcement and firefighter deaths as a result of 9 11 i was able to find narrow the search down to um female port authority i didn't i didn't know she was she was really a ranking that high of a ranking officer and it stunned me one day because her picture had come up and i would i almost i almost dropped my phone i knew instantly that that was her and in her blog it was noted because other people had written things in dedication to her it was noted that she um people knew her by her ponytail and that's one of the features that had stood out to me that day that this this small police officer and hero was going to come down to some garage and pick myself up i was six feet you know well over 200 pounds and she was gonna help pick me up and i was just astonished that she was gonna be able to do it and she was very comforting i mean she said to me don't worry you're going home tonight um uh you know we're gonna we're gonna get you to a safe area um she you know when we got in the bank she started to yell at people do not step on the gentleman he's hurt you know people were of course were panicked and were coming in um but i know um some family members of hers um through an activist uh group that that were involved with regarding who was behind 911 i met that group in washington dc uh probably six or seven years ago now and i was astonished when when i told my story to this group of people and they had said oh you know we're related to the maza family and i showed them the piece that i had done and the the piece that i'd written and it was quite a reunion it really was it was an amazing amazing reunion how is your health now um it's interesting michelle i had um uh been rehabbing you know my foot and ankle and i got to a point i i ended up with some serious nerve injury which i still have but in 2004 um at a barbecue i had started to break out in my lower legs i broke it out in some welts um that were very actually very painful just one day and i had thought uh that it was a reaction to some food i eat maybe at the barbecue and my wife said no she was that doesn't look like a food allergy she goes you should go get that looked at so i went to my doctor and my doctor said yeah he said i want you to go get those biopsied like right tonight and i think it was you know maybe the next day whatever i went i got a punch biopsy done and those welts were broken blood vessels bleeding beneath the skin and the way it was explained to me was that that was an autoimmune response to something uh something was wrong and they were very very painful actually hurt to walk and i sent me around to a couple of doctors and they said listen uh you know we can give you we're gonna give you some medicine we're gonna give you some oral chemotherapy to to make this go away right now but it's probably gonna be chronic and it's clearly an autoimmune response to something now i had never had i mean when i was working i saved i saved my sick dicks because i just never really thankfully i've been healthy and never got sick um so i have some serious um i you know this turned out to be a blood infection um that i monitor constantly um i did have some breathing issues initially um i was on an inhaler for a while um you know overall i mean i need um i need a fusion operation um due to the injury that i have um one of the surgeons that i talked to said um just don't do it too soon uh because the surgery itself constantly keeps changing that they can make things easier or better but the recovery on it is quite extensive and the rehab on it apparently is quite extensive um i mean i've had a number of uh i have some neurological things that are going on right now actually um so i i've been it's been basically i mean one of the doctors said to me you're going to be at least a 10 or a 15 year science experiment because of your exposure to being stuck in that dust cloud even though i certainly didn't work down there i certainly didn't i certainly wasn't anywhere near working on a pile whatever but just initially being caught in in that whole thing um has definitely opened me up and i i've had issues i've had health issues well definitely anyone caught up in that cloud anyone who was there should be signed up with the world trade center health program are you signed up yeah yeah that's good i was also wondering about your emotional state of mind i mean my god you are so lucky to be alive yes there but for the grace of god and you lost your your dear friend how are you doing emotionally and mentally you know i i am on medication uh which helps which helps me a great deal um it took a while to find the right medication to be honest with you um so i i do have anxiety um at times some depression um i can when i told a number of people this unfortunately this is something that is burned into i think i know in my memory that i can put myself back into different situations that of that morning and really of that day very easily i mean your mind wanders um and i can um so i mean i do have quite a bit of flashback at times um uh one of the things that that really um upsets me even to this day that i continue to struggle with um is if i see a plane um flying relatively low as it prepares and we live in brooklyn and i think we're right in a flight path of kennedy so if i see or hear a plane and i know they're they're getting set to land it still creates a sweat fear and a whole response for me um to to that um but i i do i do struggle with emotion and i do struggle with some depression um as still as a result of it how do you view life now um you know for me every day is a gift i i really take every day when i get out of bed of like thank you and um there's a lot of what i believe now is small stuff that i just i just don't bother with anymore you know the the little stuff in life that upsets people and and i'm certainly not making fun of it anyway another person's situation regarding their own stress or their own situations but i don't really get caught up in uh the the issues of life i i'm just happy to be walking around giving hugs to my family uh seeing friends um trying to make new new friends you know i'll be honest with you that's that's something that you know i struggled with for a long time because one morning you know um i mean my the friendships that i developed at work with colleagues and you know certainly my best friend there that was my that was my circle you know not that i didn't have a couple of friends outside of work but so with all that changing and with the amount of people that were were killed from fuji um i lit for a period of time i was a little lost to be honest with you because all my friends died a lot of a lot of my friends died so it's taken me some time to format new friends and new relationships and i've done it over over a period of time and even that i think going through that you know process i knew it was happening and that made me sad because i was always afraid of i didn't want to upset anyone talking about my experience and you don't just say to anyone hey do you want to be my friend because all my other friends died you know in a matter of in a matter of minutes um so that's the emotional side of it that i think i have struggled with um i've gotten better with it but still i'm i'm honestly there's a lot of apprehension i mean i need people i'll talk to anybody you know that's just kind of like how i am i love kids i mean i'll you know talk to um but i i just there's there's some apprehension there uh regarding whether or not anyone would want to be my friend or whether or not you know i'm going to get a label like oh you're one of those people who survived you know so it's it's been a little tough that way is there anything else you want to add no um i think that um you know i i pray every day that um for the heroes and the people that really stepped forward and rescued me and you know gave me the opportunity to come home uh i know that very easily on several accounts that day i i had said to myself you're probably going to be killed um i was really really scared of that and i wasn't but that happened also because of these great people who stepped forward and and did their you know not only did their job but just ran in the opposite directions of so much so many of us um and i and and i'm grateful and um every day i i say a prayer for those great people and um knowing that they they stepped forward and then they saved my life and that's something that i'll never ever ever forget and you know i see firemen today and i see policemen today in the neighborhood i know i can't go up to them right now with the pandemic and shake their hand or maybe even give them the hug i want to give them but i always give them a thumbs up and very respectful of these heroes and these people who who do this for me thank you so much tim
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Views: 353,307
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: q1043, rock, music, video, radio, interview, performance, live
Id: pcXcHk4WSnY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 44sec (2984 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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