OSPF Routing Protocol -1

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and Lewis welcome to Cisco with among Sony and in this video we are going to talk about OSPF in my previous video we have talked about TIG RP a lot but this is the one of the most complex routing protocol when it comes to IGP routing protocols what is IDP see we have in dynamic routing protocols we have IGP protocols and AGP protocols IGP means interior gateway routing protocols that run within the same organization EGP routing protocols that run over an organization over an autonomous system the exact technical word is for example we have not a number system number and organization is 1 1 to 1 and 1 another organization with yes 1 1 4 5 you can say Flipkart i motorola so between Flipkart and more 2 if we want to run routing then we have to use some EGP routing protocol exterior routing protocol that run over an autonomous system that can cross the boundaries of the autonomous system and we have right now only one such protocol for that which is border gateway routing protocol IGP means see this autonomous system the organization itself is quite big so in that organization you might have a lot of networks you might have some small small organizations but all belongs to a s number one one to one no no it is not office it is like much see you have Flipkart so in Flipkart i have an office in bangalore i have in delhi and i have one in handoff visit say in Chennai so these three all belong to Flipkart I can have same autonomous they all belong to same autonomous system number and if you want to connect them over a such large distance but end of the day they are part of same autonomous system right so we have to use some IGP protocol that run within an autonomous system within an organization and in CCNA you study almost all these 3 protocols which are rip EW Darby and OSPF okay so Rick will study later he idrp and OSPF Rabaul these are IGP protocols rip okay see what about rip it is kind of obsolete nowadays in rib there are two versions with version 1 and version 2 version 2 is used but very very very less eh erp and OSPF are the mostly used AGP protocols they are done within an organization if somebody asks you that simple terms what is an S you can simply say an autonomous system is a group of routers and network devices managed by single organization Yeji LP we have talked about - the topic at hand for today's osp's so OSPF is open shortest path first routing algorithm open shortest path first you might have familiar with the well-known SPF algorithm which is shortest path first which is shortest path first algorithm okay guys so this shortest path first organic algorithm was designed and implemented wide mathematician the name you might know discussed or something you might have studied this if you are from B Tech if you are from BC MC you might have tradies algorithm known as the ditch custer algorithm in this the algorithm says there will be multiple nodes and among these nodes from point A to point B how to calculate the shortest path in simple terms you might be familiar with Google Maps so in Google map you put I am the at Point a I want to go to point B and it will calculate the shortest path possible why are the rules if you don't want to take that it will show you another option then it is option number two but I am showing you this option but it is it will take more time but if you want you can use it so this cursor algorithm is like that one okay so let's talk about the basics of OSPF now in EIGRP when we have two routers for example let's make a very small setup in our same old gns3 let's take one dog the hare r1 r2 and we need to connect some networks to them so for now just let's just use V PC only what's your PC so this will be our network a and this will be our network B and let's do the connectivity a smooth little smaller or this whatever cable you can use as you the Fast Ethernet I strongly recommend to do this lab if you are practicing in gns only why because you'll be seeing a lot of real-time log messages and things will be much better and more real like in gns3 if you haven't set up I again put a link in the description of how to setup and install gns3 it's a freeware just go to the site just create account and download the latest gns3 unlike the basic cisco packet tracer you have to install the gns3 and you have to setup the iOS image also it's not like you just do next in x-man it and it is ready to work no set download it install it set it up and then also integrate the iOS image for example as of now I have only integrated one 7200 image in this gns3 if you want you can it alot in number of different series router you can integrate you can download that iOS image go to edit edit preferences and iOS routers and from there you can integrate it as well in here so everything how to do this how where to download it all is included in the gns3 video it is much preferable to use this if you click here on the node tool I will recommend write every network and Ike because it will be much easier so let's take some demo networks 12 1 1 0 slash 24/24 you should be familiar mains 255 255 255 0 192 168th 1.0 / 24 this will be our network running here and let's use 192 168 2.0 running here bear in mind these are the networks not the IP addresses the IP addresses this but now we'll be using 192 168 1 dot 10 192 168 2.10 and let's take some simple ip's here like 12 1 1 1 and 12 1 1 2 here the default gateways these routers are going to be the default gateway for these pcs let's take 192 168 1 got one here and 192 168 two got one here so these three are the network these are the IP addresses we'll configure them later on for the V PC I just write out the write on the syntax they are not like your simple packet tracer pcs or graphical interface they will not give you if you click here let me show you just double click on be PC and it will give you the console okay so let's turn it off start it again V pcs are a new integration in previous old gns3 versions there were no bbc's so sometime they act weird we have worked on PC so the good thing if you face the similar issue just like go to the BBC right click and stop it right click and start it again I'll just close some application so I'll free up some RAM I think I have some 1/8 of forging but still gns is very resource heating software I have PC one in here and I have PC 2 as well no graphical interface you will see just the CLI and it is not your router so you cannot do unable this and that the commands I will be writing simple to assign the IP address to the VVC it will be like this IP and then whatever IP address you want to assign the subnet mask and the default gateway and the similar thing here IP whatever IP want to assign the subnet mask space the default gateway all the default gateway is optional if you don't assign it it will not take it to be black but in our lab purpose for this practical we need the default is also just copy this thing go to be c1 and simply baste it baste it just to show I be electrician drive we address subnet mask and the default gateway as well on PC 1 as well as on BC two routers how to configure and what we already know okay so let's get back to the real thing the OSPF so before this video you should be knowing little bit about di GRP you might have done the edge erp practicals you might not be an expert on the edge erp but we are going to compare OSPF with the AIGFP so that's why you need some basic ideas about TIG up if you don't know pause the video go back and watch the AARP again otherwise you will be confused because the edge ERP and OSPF both are IGP protocols but they are very very different okay so ERP let's talk about the comparison eh ERP is routing by Romo for example are one have no idea how the topology looks like after r2 unlike in OSPF what it means imagine we have r1 r2 and after our do we have another routers connected to it we have the r3 we have a our 4 we have like hundreds of routers going all the way to Google so we have a lot of routers but this is the topology that we know now when routers talk about any idrp about the network and the routes how they exchange information how EA GRP works you will configure a idea P&R one you will configure a GOP or not they will send the hello messages and they will become what is known as GI GRB neighbors they will become a idea be neighbors simple as that and then they will exchange the routes r2 will be telling all the routes for example he might we assume for now it's connected with this guy over here and we have some network like after r3 beyond r3 we have all these networks just you can assume there are some public IP addresses we have a lot of networks here it might be next table next to next to next I am NOT creating the full picture now r2 will be having all these routes and r1 just became neighbor with the Eid IP Fran so r2 will sent an all these routes to r1 and r1 will do what r1 will create what is known as I just write the point who I think is stop to talking no worries I'll just turn them back on again okay so come back our towards it will do it will tell all the routes to its neighbor r1 and r1 will listen to the routers and it will install the routes from listen to by AIG FP neighbor in a special place like my friend dictionary or friend diary and that place is known as CI GRP topology table I told you about the table in the Yuppie video again let me just summarize I will make neighbor shape I will listen to the routes and I will I will write all the routes told by my idea befriend my idea P neighbor in the Eid RP topology table before that obviously I have to turn on key idea beyond the interfaces now what I have from my neighbor friend is the rumors I have a lot of rumors meaning lot of routes that are told by Artem I can reach them I can reach 10110 20110 and even this and all the routes that are told by heart - but I have no idea what that topology looks like our one knows I am connected to r2 and after two a lot of routes are there which routes that I know because he told me I have these routes and if I want to go I will just throw them towards r2 because he is my neighbor is my next stop how to go from there r2 will decide on its own I believe my friend I believe on the rumors that I am listening that's why it is known as routing by rumor my friend will tell me some routes I will listen I will install them in the topology table but I cannot use them to forward the traffic why because only the routes in the routing table are used for forwarding traffic I will listen to the routes I'll put in the top o lottery table and I will select the best routes and put them in the routing table this is like a small revision of eh happiest well I'll put them in the routing table and then I can use them to forward that traffic but I have no idea how the topology looks like after our two because we exchange routes we listen to the rumors reports the same very possible showing the routes and rape although there is no neighbor ship concept rape is super super simple it will not even send hello it will not even send any extra stuff it will just as soon as you turn on lip it will send the routes to the another router in the ITR P it is advanced that's why AARP is also known as advanced distance-vector l world rip is pure distance vector e IG RB is advanced why it will send the hello message it will make the neighbor ship it will check the parameters are matching or not then it will share the update but end of the day they will exchange routes they are blind they only know their neighbor or their other router they know the routes but they don't know the topology how it looks like my neighbor is connected to what what is the IP on the interface what are the metrics running what is the distance how far no I do not know the topology information that's why it is also said the difference that AIG RP although there's a topology table but nei GRP the topology table is partial so let's do one more thing let's open a new file and just write the differences between AI j RP n OSPF so fine number 1 AIG RP exchange routes meaning what works on routing by rumor but what about OSPF so you might say okay now whisper F is a routing protocol and does OSPF do not exchange routes in reality no OSPF will not exchange only the roles it will exchange much more than that cr1 have the topology information of his phone Arvin was this Arvin know that I'm connected to this guy these are my networks and all are one for example let's assume this whole like is one big map is my full topology our one knows only about this portion of the topology our two knows about this topology a big portion that approach I have three networks one going to this guy one going to this van one going to the PC this is another piece of information hold by r2 r3 have its own piece of information maybe have some routers connected to or some PC so all these information is known as their own database r1 will be having its own small database my database I know this I am connected to this this is my topology view r2 knows its own top database r3 have its own small database so what happens when you turn on OS PF there are some things similar also in eag up to now is p.m. what in the beginning when you start the a gr P it will send me hello packets match parameters make neighbor ship then it will x2 in some routers OSPF you will turn on OS p for the interface it will exchange hello packets some parameters are met and they will also become what is known as OSPF neighbor but then things will go sideways the a grpahics change routes OSPF will not exchange route OSPF will exchange the database whatever database that I know I will tell you so for example we need our old front paint for this let's draw our r2 and r3 [Music] I'm Alan I am Martin Marcy I have my own database I have my own databases well I am I on the tablets now if I have my database I have to let me put some ID or some name or something to it I cannot say this is my database this may all know so how they works in OSPF they have a database and they will put a unique identification on the data and that unique identification is known as router now in reality what is the router ID it is just like your roll number your employee ID or in mobile what you have your I my number or something router ID is the unique identification of OSPF router so I will just write this thing for here what is router ID it's the unique identification of the OSPF Proctor in the edge ERP when we look who is my neighbor who is my IP friends I call them just by their IP address I'll say 12112 is my neighbor 15 1 1 5 is my neighbor 13 1 1 8 is my neighbor I will use their IP address but OSPF is not like that he will say I will use the router ID of the router to identify that I will same ID and the router ID example it looks like this so it can be confusing but it's not IP address for example I can say my Delta router ID is 1 1 1 1 or my notoriety is 2.3.4 dot 5 they are not their IP address they are there special I neither their router ID so then now the next question comes that how will I identify this router ID okay so for that we have to open a whole new page that how to select the router ID so we'll talk about that after little while right now we can select router ID first thing manually there is an automatic way also in which the router will automatically select one of its IB as a router ID but the very first thing is manual one so what we'll do we'll just go here and we'll put we'll configure that the router ID is 1 1 1 1 the router ID is 2.2 dot to the router and is 3.0 3 now that router writing is the identification of the router as well fine number 2 that router ID will also be the identification of the database of the r1 have a database which database 1 1 1 1 r2 have to do to r3 have 3 3 3 3 for example you are living in Delhi to Nelly a lot of places are there mg road is there ABC is there on let's say something like X Y Zed Road so we have mg road they have ABC XYZ 3 different areas and three friends and three routers are living in that particular areas so the friend living in r1 have a lot of topology or area info about the M 0 that is his database are to have its own database he lives in ABC area third friend lives in X Y Z area he knows the a very well now what they will do they will exchange their topology information whatever map of their area they will tell they have a small map so Arvind will exchange to r2 and he will tell to r3 and at the end of the day if all these three routers with the help of OSPF are exchanging their routes won't something like this will happen they all will not have the router ID they will all have the databases not the router IDs but the databases just do the same thing they will synchronize their database arm will have all three artoo will have all three and they will synchronize they all of them know everything about the full topology right so in OSPF this is the very very important fact that each router have the full idea of the whole topology if you are in deadly for example we have a lot of like three areas in have an example so what is the difference in the a GRB idea we have no idea or no database and they don't even exchange our interface they will just exchange routes if you want to go to straight number B just take straight take left take right they know this but you know SPF I know the whole area so if I know the whole area will I be needing to ask the route for something to some of my friends no I will never ask what I will do what oh s PF will do on this full database which is known as LSD B link state database on this full database I will run an algorithm that is known as discussed Allah shortest path force algorithm and I can calculate whatever route or whatever to whatever destination the shortest path possible I will put myself a source for example I am r1 and I want to go to ten dot one dot see you network I know it will be somewhere here so I will run the algorithm from myself to 10110 and the SPF algorithm will give me the shortest route possible and I will install that shortest path in the routing table that's how OSPF works summarized here so we can put here OSPF exchange the database the database exchange nobody I will just give you my database my topology information my database I'll show you in the database info and create the full topology map and on which SPF algorithm is run and best routes are calculator that's how eng OSPF works eh erp is much simpler which PF is complex but isn't it sounds like better and optimized I don't trust it does that's why they say OSPF does not work on routing by rumors he will collect the information and the route it will calculate on its own it don't depend on anyone else so read this line you will understand tig RP has partial topology table because CI GRPs neighbors only tells the route but OSPF have a full topology it's like having X of the full map of the town best example is Google Maps it's just like OSPF you have the mirror of the router you have the map you previously you are asking your friends okay I won't do good by m0 tell me the path your friend number a will tell you something else your friend number 2 will tell you some other path you will listen to both of them put in the topology table of your brain something like a geography it will listen to two of his neighbor's put that in the topology say like the best one use that and I will go through them 0 that's how we ideally works but OSPF I don't work like this I will collect the map I won't believe anyone I have the full topology map I will run my own algorithm known as SPF and I will calculate the best path and I will go wild it path ok so read this same thing in OSPF route they have a small portion of the map and all the routers exchange their small portion of the map with others and when all is done each author will have the full map the full database as I explained and now you don't need to ask routes from your peers from your neighbors they will simply perform the algorithm and get the routes for the destination Network in OSPF each author has own database within area yeah one other thing this whole story happens within an area meaning what if we are assuming this scenario right here that ok we have database this and that and all we have to assume one thing that all the routers are in this or let's make it less appear like this this is the boundary and this boundary is known as area one this whole story will have area one I might be connected with another area I think that's why the teach paint in school that we can do these weird things okay so we'll connect these two bigger some similar things will be there in different area R 1 R 4 R 5 r 6 or 7 similar setup going on there now let's connect this something maybe like this now the data base exchange story that we are talking about will only happen in our 8 my database will not go out otherwise it will be cows why it will be cows imagine we have hundred routers in an area just imagine in here we have three routers how many database we have three database every router has almond database tree database what if I have hundred routers in an area then each router will be having hundred database and on that hundred database I have to learn the SPL world and every time a new router comes a new database comes and that new database is added to all the hundred routers meaning my full database is changed now again I have to and the SPF algorithms so hundred routers will be running on the SPF algorithm on the big database and it will keep on happening is not that's why this thing in OSPF is restricted in area or this answers the question mostly are why do we need a more country put all the thousand routers in one area yes you can a good work but if you are putting thousand routers in one area all the router will be having thousand databases that's why what you will do you will optimize it for example I have thousand routers I will divide them in ten areas getting my point I will do if I divide them in ten areas in each area how many routers I have no I have ten areas in each ten areas I have hundred routers simple as that okay that's why you should study good be good in math and schools okay so see I have thousand routers all are in area one each router will be having thousand database with me now it's bad it's very bad why because each router have to do the SPF on thousand database so router will suffer simple as that the CPU will suffer and the CPU at the same time is busy doing other traffic forwarding and other things so what we will do we will take B with me we will take the thousand routers and divide them in n areas in which each area will be having 100 routers only so previously I have one area 100 routers each router will be having thousand databases but know what I did I did something like this I created 10 areas I connected them these are ten areas and in each area we have 100 routers hundred orders are there why we are doing all this because the connectivity will be maintained and even after maintaining the connectivity each router for example in this area I have how many routers I have 100 routers so if I have 100 routers then on each router they will be only 100 data means I have to calculate the SPF on 100 databases that's simple previously what was happening each router have to calculate the SPF of thousand notice now know be with me the story is not ending here you might say it will doing in the beginning only so what let the processing we have I have a gram good CPU but what about the rest of the time meaning what this was is the previous scenario which was pretty simple this I have thousand routers now what will happen I am just taking one small router this is my one doctor what I will do I will just take this router and I will put it somewhere here and take one router we should be having obviously only one database and I will put it here so if I put this one new router here what the change will happen in this area now each router will have one zero one database because a new guy is added each router will have one zero one yes they have to again recalculate the SPF but in this we have like what 101 routers so all those 101 routers will again calculate the SPL on 101 database but tell me one thing all these other areas will they do anything special the Malaika legal bill does you know they are just chilling they are not they will not do anything but in here what will happen if the same router I add here then now this area that they will be each router each and every router will be having 1001 database so I add one router and 1000 routers will have to recalculate the SPF on 1001 databases that's why OSPF the concept of areas it is there ok so we'll say and how it works it's pretty simple we will say this is area 1 this is area 2 alien 3 area 0 something like this okay and just for the info we have especially if you're known as the backbone 8 okay so you might so can be a very I want to think what what's so special about the backbone area keep it is not a hazard van says this there is a design restriction you can say what that design restitution says it says if you have more than one area there will be an area 0 which is will be the backbone of all the areas and all the other areas that you have will be connected to that area 0 if they are not connected to that area 0 they will be isolated simple right is like nothing special this is just a design restriction if I another area is here and this area is not connected with the area 0 it is connected just with this let us say this little guy is area ninety-eight now if you create area 98 and you haven't studied OSPF properly and it is connected this area 98 with the area 91 and you will assume things will be fine things will not be fine both for the area 98 whatever will be in the area 98 can never go outside its area why because it is not following the OSPF restriction what if you introduce an area then you have to connect that area to the backbone area then only things will work as you want them to be okay so just that any doubt see see backbone area what it does it will simply tell the routes of one area to another area meaning what this question is like very good question you asked but the thing is you have to open your mind if you want to know more meaning what we say that database from one area will never never going out to the other area if it goes it will be chaos like we have here it's bad the database of one router will never go there if database is not going from one area to another area then how are the areas connecting how they can communicate it is pretty simple because SPF will run in area 1 and after running the SPF what will be the outcome they are known as routes and we have some ten twenty hundred routes then that routes which is the outcome of the Esper algorithm will be exchanged with the another area okay so for example I have the route just put an example I have 10 1 1 0 yr x router this is my X router here somewhere so what will happen this this route will be exchanged with areas you and a video zero will give the routes to other people take the road people and enjoy now can all the areas can all the areas reach 10110 yes the one they have the route do they have the database of this exotel no they don't need the database they're indifferent Dania they have just the route I have the wrong I will just go buy a zero and just send it here now if there is one database right here this data this sorry area this area is 98 our veer area and this area my friends are not connected with a new zero so if this area is not connected with a co then area zero will never give this routes to area 98 he will not receive that okay so summarizing in an area we have some routers those routers will be having their own database small picture right here in this this is what is going on inside an area I have every router will have their database 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 I will exchange the database I will have the full database I will calculate the SPF algorithm and I will have what is known as routes of this area then this routes will be shared to other area I will give it to him only if he is what if he is yeah if he's areas you know if he is area 0 I will give it to him his area 0 I'm area 99 a little rock see you but what if you are not area 0 then I will not give you that out soon and this whole story will also be going on here ok so let's assume I have some routes from all agree I have some bouts of the green area we don't have the colors we have the numbers routes from green these are gloves if this is a for example this is a near zero this is area whatever 99 it goes so I'm driving to area zero yes they will exchange their routes I will give you all my summarized like routes this take it why so that you can calculate to all the networks that are inside my areas and I will give my routes to you and this will happen among every area who is tempted to be near zero and how it will look like it will look something like this this route gave to area zero and areas you exchange but restriction if there is one weird area which is not connected to areas you he will not gain these routes and he cannot access anything he will be just sitting there in an corner isolated he will not be having all these so now what will do we cannot do the lab of this thing but we can very easily do the lab of this thing let us take two routers instead of three let's make it more simple will take two routers will see if they are exchanging their database or more they can communicate with each other or not and we know the restriction that they have to be part of an area so we have two routers already this was for the example this was also for example and let's make the whole thing part of an area any give me an example what number shall I use now this thing will be quite interesting most of the times they say area zero is it mandatory to use areas eroded not at all I can use whatever area I can use area one also but if I have more than one area one have to be area zero another have to be area whatever that you cannot say I am connecting area one and I am connecting area to you can never do that there have to be a backbone area okay let's summarize yeah we will be you can go through this point same thing when exchange is done each daughter will be having their own complete database we are talking about this thing d1 d2 d3 you can simply say we in reality use reroute dividing router attaching unique identifier already talked about it which is the doctor ID one other small thing what is the metric used by OSPF meaning what when OSPF says that the network is this much far so what did you see idrp I told you in the ERP it uses what is known as feasible distance and in order to calculate that feasible distance by ei GRP there is a big formula that big formula is reduced to a smaller formula using the K parameters it is everything in the medium so but in OSPF it is good news for you we don't have any complex formula we don't have to reduce any formula simple as that oh SPF uses cost 1 2 or something like that that this the cost of this destination network is this and what is the formula of cost it is the bandwidth divided by 100 that's the formula okay guys so see metric used here it is pretty simple but actually it is 100 divided by bandwidth my bad and this thing is known as the auto reference bandwidth it is 100 divided by the bandwidth that you are using for example I am using the fast ethernet like we are using in here this is a fast internet link mean 100 Mbps so what would be my cost for this link can you tell me it is pretty simple that cost will be hundred divided by the bandwidth what is the bandwidth of this link it is hundred so 100 divided by 100 is 1 if for example I am not using fastethernet I am using Ethernet 10 Mbps then my cost will be hundred divided by 10 which is 10 so in here my metric for this link is 1 so OSPF uses pretty simple metric formula sometimes one very good question comes what if my bandwidth is think of it then what will be the formula 10 divided by a thousand and cost is never in point so in that case what you will do there is a command using the command you will change the auto reference bandwidths my auto reference bandwidth is hundred using the command if I go and if I do some weird manipulation and I say my auto reference bandwidth is thousand what would be there there will be a lot of your things happening now my formula is changed to thousand divided by bandwidth and if that is changed the cost for fast internet Ethernet everyone will change then for fast ethernet it will be thousand divided by hundred which is right now it is 1 because our Auto reference man which is hundred will change that one it is hundred to a good bandwidth that you have but this 100 you can change with the form auto reference can be changed so for fast ethernet then for Ethernet it will thousand divided by 10 which is 100 and for gigabit yeah now it will keeps on going someone comes and says I have a 10 gigabit link then you can again change your reference when we will by default the reference bandwidth is the formula everything is simple one hundred available will use that if not change otherwise so by default the metric is 1 so let's configure this area 1 you have to configure OSPF on our nardoo just hop to PC one I think they got to reload it so I'll do one thing I just stopped them I just stopped them let's first take the CLI your power this is my Rd BBC Patrick let's stop this guy okay guys so whenever you are using gns it's all coordinates very fine but always one thing keep one thing in mind keep an eye on a task manager you might have observed my laptop was acting slowly why this is the reason my CPU okay so sometime if you're using gns it might go 9899 if you are going 1999 you have what you have to do but only do that if you are seeing this thing gns or dynamics which is the processor for process for the DNS if it is eating a lot it is going nineteen ninety nine hundred like that just right-click on any of the router and click on idle please let us select the lowest are when you but right now it's not the case why it's not the case because it is very high because I am using the recorder to record this session which takes a lot of video because it is recording infinity gns is running this is running VM ware is also running behind the screen so that's why it is so high that's why gns I said in the beginning is very very powerful software dissociating is when so let's configure the routers let's go on our one first thing before the OSPF and everything you have to have the IP config in place so let's very quickly configure the IP addresses everywhere as shown in the topology so interface f0 we have two and one one one interface f10 IP address 192 168 1 dot one we have do show IP interface brief IP address configured on both sides let's go on r2 let's configure the IP as well before leaving just check with do show IP interface brief show commands you cannot do here unless you use a cheat code that I use previously just to the command go in the beginning and put it two in front of it it will execute the command interface f00 IP address 12112 to phi phi - perfect IP addresses done just configure just confirm with show IP interface brief we have this I think 12112 let's confirm okay it to take that let's reassign interface have 0 0 2 & 1 1 2 done and let's go to f10 IP address 192 168 2.1 no shutdown to turn on the interfaces the like here will not change unlike in your packet tracer it will always be up green as well as the router you turn it on show IP interface brief to interface one should be 12112 other should be 1 I do 162 got one finally let's configure the V PC previously we configure but we reloaded that swipe is gone note thing we have the config right here so for PC one just paste it for PC to just paste it right here IP address is done everywhere let's go to router I am sitting on Arman a good practice is to check off the configuring whether I can reach my directly connected devices or not I can pick 2 L 1 1 2 I can bring one I do once you see it one dot n many times the question comes from interview students why every time the first packet fails just one line for you go read the our protocol a protocol is working behind the scene at the resolution make resolutions happens it sends ARP requests called the opera flag or the MAC address of the other side that's why the first packet times out after that if you ping there will be no delay after some time after 5-6 minutes if I pinion if I don't do anything after some time 5 by I think for our table it will remove plus the MAC address and again it have to send the so let's go to our - can I pick my directly connected pcs one into 168 2.10 2 + 1 1 1 yes I can bring both of them so let's configure the all-mighty whole speed up without any delay router OSPF now if you are familiar with AI GRP you might know that in eigrp we do router v idea p and the autonomous system number ID one of the biggest confusion about the ID are pinned OSPF question mark it says process ID another difference a idrp uses AAS number for the configuration while OSPF uses process I do a very very important note I have told you any idea be if you are giving router EIGRP 100 on r1 on r2 it have to be 100 because that is the autonomous system number that is the organization the ID of the whole boundary but in here are we using autonomous system number V you are using areas we have the concept of areas and are we giving area here no we are just giving a process ID from technical perspective what is the definition of process ID it is nothing special but just a ID associated with a particular running process everybody knows task manager go to services a lot of services are running what is this this is the process ID of the services that's it that's it - 2 6 8 it is the ID of the service so similarly you have to assign a process ID for the OSPF that you want to run I can use 100 here if I am using 100 here on r1 do I have to use hundred on other side no because it is locally significant it is only on my router it's just a process idea so always keep and you can if you want even even keep it same if you want you can zip it different but in EIGRP the when you have to same because it is not process ID note in AI GRP the AAS number on both sides should be same but in OSPF the process ID on both sides may or may not be same it's up to you what I would recommend keep them same just to avoid confusion because if you have five routers you are using prouder OSPF 100 200 300 400 500 you have to remember which process idea is running on which router otherwise for example or in here am running router SPF 100 and in here I'm running OS P of 200 if the next time I go to r2 and if I do the outro SP of 100 you know what will happen you started two different OSPF on that router which is a very very common mistake I've seen like Jones doing practical and one router they have three OSPF running but just two white simple keep just router 100 everywhere you don't have to remember anything but keep in mind if you see somewhere process ID 100 and 200 don't get confused you can do that it will work just the same okay so we have our OSPF 100 network bringing back old memories from eigrp same thing network now you might remember ok we used to do something like this to turn on the edge ERP whatever network like for example we have 12 one ones you know we can give this why because it will only look at the first octet because it is a Class A IP and you used to do enter but we are not in eigrp anymore things are different things are big things are more complex that's why we don't know what to do next so simple as do a question mark it is asking about the wildcards a huge not huge like a company completely deaf friend stuff to talk about so what the wild card says it I'll try to keep it as simple wild card says you tell me I will turn on who SPF but tell me which updates you want me to match which update you want me to match on the interface so that I will turn on OS if you say match update 1 I will match update 1 if you say it match the first to update I will match first - if you say match first 3 update I will match the first 3 updates by default in EIGRP how many updates it was matching only the first object it was matching the two that say because the Class C IP but right now it will not do that so we need any page not what is wildcard we know subnet mask but is something else wildcard mask is mandatory to use in OSPF to tell which updates or which bits to be precise which bits to match on the interface to turn on the protocol in the network uma it is used best thing to study or to be more good in wildcard with examples config T I have a router I have it out to have one as in my scenario I have 12 one one one configured in here I have 100 168 1.1 and I have connected to a PC one this is my topology so guys on aisle one I'll go and I will do something like this config T router OSPF 100 Network 12000 now I want to match I want to match only the first octave let's say then match the first octet if first octet is 12 turn on OS beers so in the wild card how to match 0 means or sales must match and one says do not match or I would like to say I don't care I don't care if it is matching or not look at that I will not match that zero means must match so what it means in my wild card if it is zero then I will match that particular octane or that particular bit if it is one then I will not match so if I say something like this this is an example of what this wild card says now the first octet we have this zero means on one all zeros 255 means eight once in binary so we have eight ones old ones all ones so in English it says this wild card says I will go to the interface and I will match only the first octet if the first octet is 12 I will turn on the OSPF I don't give a anything about the I don't care about the rest of them I don't care I will turn on OSPF and I will put that interface in area one yes it is OSPF yes we have the concept of areas you have to put each and every interface in an area you will never say that this router is part of area you will say that interfaces are possible so this would be a small point interfaces are put under areas not routers so whatever interface with the first octet as 12 will be part of OSPF 100 process ID and will be an area number one so it should work let's check before that there is an amazing command to check on which interfaces OSPF is running show IP ospf interface brief might bring some old memories because in the edge ERP it is show IP a GRP interface or same in EIGRP it is show I binned show IPE a GRB interface but in OSPF you have to do so IPO is web interface brief just to see a brief info on on which interface OSPF is running but we are forgetting the cheat code we have to put it due in front of it or no interfaces because we haven't even any network come on so let's do Network 1200 0 to 255 255 255 81 if no error nothing it means command is executed check on which interface OSPF is running it is saying on interface f00 OSPF is running what is the idea of the end of is 2 and 1 1 1 yes it matches with our condition what I want you to be good in wildcard let's remove this as soon as you remove it it will be gone this was just sample number 1 what if I do just take a minute to think and tell me this command will turn on OSPF on this interface or not precise f00 well this command the new one we have just we have we are playing with the wildcard mask will this come on turn on who is PF on the interface or not it should which would not know gate so if you should say it sure some say it should not first let's try to read it using the because he just always will remind the meaning of the wild-card 0 means match 1 means I don't care so it says how many updates I will match I will match the first 3 updates if I have the last of it I don't care if I have any interface with the matching 12.0 zero I will turn on who is PF on that now just tell me do show IP interface brief these are all the interfaces can you see any interface starting with 1200 no we don't have 1200 that's why this command will not work let's confirm Network 12000 0 0 0.25 581 let's check if OSPF is running or not it is not running why because this command says match the first three objects match 1200 can you feed 1200 no I don't have that's why matching failed the command will not work okay so the last one then we continue with the lab just mean network 12 1 1 0 0 will it work yes actually this was the wrong one either you should give it like this or either you should do it something like this I will say match 21 1 1 yes we have 12 1 1 1 it will match the first few updates and it will turn on the OSPF let's check oh s PF not running let's give the command oh it doesn't matter if you give 2 times it will work the same yeah same thing ok 0 0 0 match 12 1 1 do I have to add 1 1 yes we do and so it should turn on OSPF on our interface and it is and on lot you are last one I will not like bother shroom that again but what if I can even use that will it work yes it will will this work okay okay right now I already have it so let me remove it blank voice beef not running I will give the new command that will twelve enroll I am adding all the for updates keep things simple even if you go more into complex stuff you try to keep things simple while card says how many updates I will match 12 1 1 1 do you have do you have 12 1 1 1 yes you have so if you have 1 1 1 1 it should work so I am just telling you like after all this thing you should be good with the wild cut and one other why are you showing you this don't do these things while config Nimoy's ok either do it like this simple as that or rather do it like this no this is wrong do it like this 1200 or you can also use this one as that people mostly use this one or this one cisco recommends to use this one this is cisco cisco say if you are to turn on OS p then match all the for updates why why cisco save this because the reason behind it what if what if i am giving this and I have some other interface like this on my router I have some interface with this network I have some other interface with C these are two other interfaces look at their first part starting with 12 that they are different connected to going to going to flip carts into completely different networks they are / 24/24 / 24 but if I do this one command with this one come on all three of them will be part of OSPF that's where this good because if you want to turn on only on this one then give precisely this comma in some case you might say I want on all of them and I want to keep things easy then I will give this one command and with this one command it will be turn on and all the interfaces so this is the story of the wildcard mask let's go back you might be very deep in the wild-card muscle it means bring you back I will remove the OSPF completely from this guy nor outro SPF 100 that's how you remove the USB F so now you are very good with the OSPF network and wildcard kumar's let's simply configure the OSPF router OSPF 100 network 12 zeros you or lets you this is co preferred wave area 1 simple as that network 1 & 2 168 1 dot 1 0 0 0 0 part of area 1 that's it and I want to check whether it is turned on or not on both of them both of the interfaces do show IP ospf interface brief yes it is running on both of them job done go to the two similar IP n network some part will change router OSPF i can use 100 200 whatever you like just to show you I am using 200 Network 12 1 1 0 0 0 0 to 5 5 a via number 1 it have to be able if you give area 2 they will sell hello message parameters will not match they will never become neighbors you will see a one area mismatched rocks okay okay okay nobody's will give like this zero zero two five five area one it should also work because I'm matching the correct part and just to check whether you have done the correct wild card and the I become the combination or not whether it worked or not this is the command am strongly focusing on do show IP ospf interface brief yes from lab or from outcome perspective does not matter what combination you are using as far as it is working on both of the indivisible what are the state what is the state of the interface and I'm waiting and waiting for what waiting for the OSPF coming to me so it is done I want to see the neighbors they will send hello okay it was done I II want to show you that but okay no worries in do that once again I guess how I can do let me tell you a cheat code very very strong cheat code I want to see what was the OSPF command turn back not the outcome not the neighbor not the interface I want to see what commands I gave what specific commands I gave so sure running country it will consist all the running country but it's say like not a cheat code metallic standard procedure you will do enter you will keep on entering or space scroll down look for the OSPF stuff that you have done and somewhere you will see your OSPF something the more config you have the more longer it will become but the cheat code is show run pipeline on the keyboard I want to select a section or the full formula 2d section but I can even just say yes I want to select a section that contain the OSPF keyword borrowed from Linux grab feature of Linux so it will extract it and I want to see my neighbor show IP ospf neighborhood my neighbor is in this is guys my neighbor is in full state few points is this the IP address of my neighbor nope the IP address of my neighbor is this then what the hell is this thing this is my router ID this is my daughter ID but I told you that the router ID will be you we can be man or rock right but I told you this another way if you are not giving the router ID manually how it will decide so if you are not giving manually like we did we never gave manually but still some router is automatically selected so if you're not giving it will select the highest loopback interface IP which is in up-and-up state so you might be wondering what the hell is a loopback a loopback interface is nothing special but a virtual interface that you create on the router how to create a virtual interface pretty simple like this or not like this let me write the commands you will say interface you will say loopback and the number then you will say IP address whatever IP address you want to assign no need to - no cert it is already up that's how you create a loopback a virtual interface on the router so if you do this it will be always up now if you have a low back it will slip the noble height but do we have a loop back here because we never gave it if you don't have a loop back it will select the highest interface IP which is in the up and up straight order so on this router are let's go to our or it's here which is the highest in the face ib is it 12 1 1 1 or 1 I 2 1 68 1.1 it is 1 I need to 168 1.1 right highest like bigger IP it is 192 versus 12th 111 so that's why this IP automatically become the route driving it will become the router ID this is higher and it became the router ID that's why r2 is saying that my neighbor is 192 168 1 and on r1 he will say my neighbor is 192 168 2.1 so I be OSPF neighbor my neighbor is 102 168 2.1 ok so if the router ID here is 1 ID to 168 1.1 then this is the database ideas and the database ID here is 1 and 2 1 6 e 2.1 so the database 1 R 2 is this the database 1 R 1 is this so if you go to R 1 and if you do show IP ospf database to see because neighbor sikhism how many database that I have I have two databases which is 192 168 1.1 and 192 160 both database are there and on this database this full topology info I will do the SPF algorithm and I will calculate the routes which routes which is in here in your routing table of the other network and you can thing from pc1 to pc2 because it outside of the veil on both routers the first two three packets might fail because of the ah let's go to pc too and you can also bring to the other side okay so this was all about the basics of voice peace okay so we'll do another video on what are the contents of the hello packet what goes inside the OSPF to match the parameters and some other things like the state of the OSPI because let me show you you should have talked about that but just little bit in the video too big these are the states of OSPF the final state is full if it is in full state menial OSPF is completely up and running and look so IP ospf neighbor my neighbor is in full state but when you go to the full state it will go from down OSPF down it will pass all these three all these seven states I think yep attempt is actually a special one you can exclude that so in all these stages some things happen so we will talk about what happens in all these states changes and what are the contents of hello in the next choice PF length okay so this is for now try the whole lab and do write down all the other difference because in here we only do three but a lot of other difference are their top just to summarize full topology versus partial topology we have EA GRP exchange route so SPF exchange database which uses SPF on quantum it is not working on the routing by rumor console the wild card also no need to give al merini idea but you know SPF you have to give thee lose revive gun so these are all the difference and let's say you need other attachments
Channel: NetworkNinja
Views: 15,699
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Keywords: cisco, ccna, ccnp, ccie, networking, gns3, network, network bulls, tutorials, lectures, internetwork, rip, eigrp, ospg, cli, internet, cpt, hindi, classes, osi, cisco osi, tcp/ip model, router, switch, hub, dhcp, dns, bgp, staic routing, bits, header, signal, access server, enable mode, user mode, gcm, config, mode, spf, dijkstra
Id: 4D7wINz0JcM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 47sec (4727 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 10 2017
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