Advanced Cisco OSPF Routing Protocol LAB - CCNP Level

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hello there my name is mahar haddad today i'm going to show you how to make a configuration for a very complex ccnp lab for all spf of course ospf talking we go to the website and we check the steps we need to do so this is our network we have nine routers we have area zero area 25 is 367. then area 48 and area 89 so let's read the what we have here configure hpf process process on all areas as shown on the graph with router id xxx when x is the router number okay so let's do that router one router last year one [Music] from the zero okay let's also uh look back let's let me check if i have look back here yes i do so this is shorter one other two okay oh i have had to do the router id before now i need to clear the boxes just for area 25 now look back okay we jumped off the sea um let's check this router 3 it is on area 365 and glue back of course glue the router four and this one is okay now area five [Music] yes number six [Music] after seven it takes a lot of work but it's nice review you know how to configure hpf now to eight c let's check router 8 is on area 48 and 89 um finally you have a line so up here again the process okay so um let's check what that is asking here so after we configure sbf they asked to ensure that r1 can ping all routers on the left so we have to try to ping all loop back otherwise you should find the problem and solve it so r1 can be able to ping all routers on the left okay so let's go to router one first let me do a show ip route so 2 3 4 5 and 8 are ok let's check on the graph so i can ping 2 three four five and eight but six seven nine i cannot see them and we can yeah we can see here that this area is not connected to the backbone so for sure this router will not be shown as an enter area and uh the reason why because all areas should be connected to the backbone area which is area0 so in this case uh if we cannot connect it directly to this area what we can do we can make the area 48 as a virtual uh virtual link area so there will be like tunnel link and over here so router 89 would be considered as connected directly to router to area 0. to do that i have to configure the virtual link between router 4 and update so i go to r24 router 4 and yeah inside the router process i say area what was it say area 40a virtual link and then i have to say the router id the router id of of router a serato for should would like your calculator very important to change that router it if you change the other id then the visual link will be will go down so here after it first of all let's check uh do uh uh show ip or spf label to ensure that this is correct area 48 virtually and then i go to router a i will do the same i say area 48 before i do that let's do show ip or spf maybe and then okay this is another id so area 48 commercial link for the okay with this i have created the area coordinate as virtual link make sure that everything is fine i can do show show id spf visually and you see it's up so now if i go to router 1 again i should be able to see tonight let's check let's try and check for two three four five eight and nine so that's okay so we are still missing here we're still missing six and seven so let's check what's the problem over here um we go to router stream we have tweeted the hub and these are the spoken we go to router stream and let's check show ip or sps interface here zero zero so the type is uh non-broadcast okay that's hard to see router six let's check the interface i'm sorry so ip should we show ip or spf or spf alright so it's point to point on six while on three is not a broadcast and on six because it's pumped upon the hello is 10 where he is 30 so for sure they will not form any adjacency so if i do show ip or spf enabler router c is not coming with six and seven so first of all we have to change the network type to be non-broadcast on router six and router 7 and directly the hello will be changed to be to become like here 30. go to router 6 interface serial 0 0.0 network non broadcast do the same adapter seven interface here 0.1 ipo spf network non-broadcast so now if i go to router 3 again i'm going to show ip or spf enable okay uh this is one of the steps we have to do so we have changed to non-broadcast so let's let's verify that for after six i will show alkene to ip ospf series of view default now it's not broadcast but as it is not broadcast there is no hello going from one place to another and here you can see that directly the hello has changed with 37 so what we need to do is we have to go to the other stream and send it should we broadcast and to do that i have to go to router ospf one and i have to put this command the neighbor uh let's check the ip address 19133 6937 by the neighbor 192.168.3. yes a neighbor swedish and this way we are sending a shoulder broadcast from router 3 to router 6 and router 7. now i will show ip ospf remember you can see now that it's attempting now to be uh the adjacency to have adjacency between router 3 router 6 and router 7. uh we have to wait a little bit before it comes up so we can see now router 6 become enabled for router 3 and of course you have to know these ex start to weigh all this stuff in this cc level so here in this case you are exchanging the dvd and here it is now up so now i can see router six and the other seven there are uh that are enabled to rotate now one more thing to say here to finish from this gate that adversary should be for this for this for this area over here round two three should be uh the the hub and those should be uh the scotland in this primary uh network now if we look to this result we have here we see that uh router indeed router 3 is the dr and router 7 is bdr and router 6 is the other order so we don't want that any router from six or seven to be a bdr or dr so we want them to to be always there other and we want router screen the shelter to be always the ddr for this area to do that i have to go to router 6 and inside this sub-interface i will say ip or spf priority is zero because by default priority is one so we set it to zero meaning that it will never be a uh dro pdr i do the same here on seven ip or spf priority 0 and now if i go to router 3 again now i do the same command i will see nothing has changed and the reason why is because we have to clear the process of ospf so i will go run the screen and i will say do clear ipo process yes and i will do the same for router 7. do clear ip or svf process yes so it takes a little bit of time now so 6 is back on uh let's check so indeed six and seven are back on now and you can see the output browser or vr awesome means they are not the vr or ddr so if you go to six for example and from here you would say show ip or spf neighbor you can see that this sixth scene that knocked out the trees okay sounds good now so uh this stage until now i think it should be okay now our other one to see six and seven we already sold nine let's try again now to see if we can if we can see six and seven so one is himself two three four five six indeed seven eight and nine okay so now if i do pinch of course two is not a problem three four five micro let's try six now it's okay uh you can see it's a little bit slow because i'm running a lot of processors on my pc now because of this lab it's a nine routers lab and i'm recording so it's a little bit slow but yeah it's okay we can see the result and i will do one more for nine because we have the problem on this uh routers okay okay beautiful so it's uh one question here but it took a lot of time to solve the problem so ensure that out of one campaign go router we did it now redistribute the external route of r1 to the ospf area the matrix should be 50 and should not change as it goes to all other routers so if we check on the lab here router 1 has external routes which are 10 the 0 to the 1 the 2 the 3 so we need to redistribute this external to this areas and as it goes inside the areas it should not change the matrix and the matrix should be 50 and should not be changed if i go to router 1 and i will show show run includes section ip route you can see that i have created a couple of uh of a static route which go to null just to to be able to make the distribution of static or external network so now our outer one i have to go let's say router or spf one redistribute static and i will put subnet needs to view also this the subnet mask and then the metric they said should be 50 and then the metric type we have two types we have one and two one means it will change as long as it goes into the areas and two will be set the same so it will not be changed so i would choose to enter now if i go for example to router 4 i do show ipro i should be able to see this external route the smd so you can see that these external wrap are shown as e2 which i choose a type 2 and you can see here the metric is 50 and router 4 is a little bit far is here so if it was type 1 it would be go adding these parts so let's go to router 9 and check so i filled out yes indeed they are here and also the metric is 50. okay um so we go to the next step after redistribution is done you should summarize let's summarize yeah what's the mistake here should i summarize it so all router can see only one entries on the routing table for external routes so if we go back to router nine here we can see that the other nine is seeing three entries so we need to summarize these three entities to be only one energy and to do that we have to go to the other one and over here i have to say summary address from router and the question mark and the summary of this route the summary operator on this route is so you should know of course at ccnp level how to do this summary and uh now if i go back to router 9 now and i do again show up here so this is how we do the summarization for external route let's see if it is working now and yes indeed you can see here uh it has been summarized 22. so this is okay now step five configure spf authentication of the md5 area 0 is key cisco an issue that all other energy you can see each other again okay area 0 is router 1 2 3 4 okay router 1 sorry rocker one uh go to the interface facetime zero ip or spf top application um authentication message sizes because it's gonna be fine spf so okay so i will do it again and ip or spf message by p1 md5 cisco i'll do the same on router 2 interface faster than your review ip or spf authentication message digest ipos direct message devices key one and it should be the same key of course in cisco rounded three it's getting a little bit slow in front of the processor i feel like a off application message badges iphoto message is t1 md5 cisco finally about 4 and he faced by standard review [Music] you can see here it's going down because there's no authentication on the shotgun so now uh we should have again fallen never so we see here or other one router 2 has been formed again i do show ip or spf neighbor router 4 is back on also the other c is back on so the the routers went down and they come they come back again now so other one can see up to two three four then we are fine okay now we have to configure ospf plain text of application on area 25 and also key cisco ensure that all of the on area 25 0 can see each other to them after 25 is what is router 2 and router 5. okay so i put router 2 under interface 0 0 0 ip authentication uh sorry ip or hp a authentication and here i don't say a message budget because this pure text then ipo spf auto application key system let's try to do i'll go to router 5 interface 0 0 oh i think i have made a mistake it should be under 0 over 0.1 so uh here i added it on zero zero zero so take out the discount this time rp authentication ibm ospn authentication and usbf authentication one system 95 now level i should go to this sub-interface and not to the to the main interface in the physical interfacial interface so we see now that it's dead with starter 5 because there's no authentication now i say ipo spi auto application ipo spf authentication key one cisco we wait a little bit and uh the neighbor ship will be formed again let's do we can see here is back on without the fight let me show ip or sps model and rather find sure again online okay now step number seven they asked us to completely look back on router 9 and advertise them on ospf the router 9 is on area 89 i think i have already configured the loopback so let's check i show ip or spf uh so i think it's refreshing beef yes i have configured the loopback to the client sheet of plan but i haven't advertised them into hpf to be sure let's check router for spf yes i haven't had retirement so let's do it router or spf one network i would do it in this way i had 172.16.0 have uploaded them you should ensure that all routers see only one entry for this loopback on the routing table if i go for graphic router one and i will show ip around i should be able to see these three uh look back interfaces as intel area and yes here they are if we look back other types and watch yeah so i should make a configuration away that router one can see only one entry which is the summary entry for this three loopback to do that i cannot do the summary on router 9 because rather line is an internal router it should be on a abr router another a is an avr router so very about the router so i will have to do it on router so i go to operate okay and uh router ospf one i say area 89 is the area i'm working on range that's the column and what are the id um 172 16 1.9 2.9 3.9 so then okay i know what the summary will be 172.6 so zero the zero two five hundred two five five two five two the two and enter so uh in this way i will go back to router 1 now and i do again show ipear out and yes i can see here that these three loopback has been summarized into one ip which is slash 22. so if i do think should be okay yes okay so this is how to do the summary for loop back or for enter areas now r6 and r7 should not have the external route in the routing table but a default route to be for proud to r3 you are not allowed to configure static default so we have if you remember from the from the uh uh first steps we have redistribute uh the uh the redistributed this uh external route and these are have been redistributed to all the areas and all the others so what's what they ask here is because six and seven there are no any other routes after them or others so they should not really care about this external they should not be having this into their routing table so all they need is an uh exit entry to go to this router and it should be on router street so they don't really need to this route to be advertised to them if we go to router 6 for example and i do show up here out you can see you can see here that this external route which has been summarized they are shown on the routing table but they don't want really to see that in order for this to be solved we have to go into routers into the area which is 367 and do the area as a stop to do that i have to completely stop on router 3 6 and 7. let's go to router 3 go router or spf 1 area 367 and the comment is stop yes and i do the same that will go down because the stop should be inside the hello packet and the one they change low packet they will see that this is stop and the other are not stopped so they will not form any adjacency after six now router ospf one area 367 stop uh router for sp one area 367 stock now um let me show ip ospf neighbor okay so it will take a little bit of times before they form adjacency between routers three six and seven so like usb so now the state is down so down means how low has been sent from the from the neighbor then it will go to to init here it means that you check the the whole time or the hello that you will respond and then they will send it back to them go to 2l and once they agree then they will go into exchange they will see change database table and then after that they will go to loading so if they need any information about the route they send lsa and lsu and finally they will become full so now it's still down okay now it's loading and yeah it should be okay now it's full the same for after 7. let's check now if router 6 the external router is still showing okay so uh yeah now it's okay so as you can see here there are no more e2 or external now but this has been changed into a default route inside of hbi the same happened to router 7 do show iprot also there are no more external routes over here but a default route which is an exit to router street okay so this is nine and the last step router five this router should not have external route neither inter layer out so they don't want to get external and they don't want to get into area i mean shroud from the other areas to him because he is the less trouble in this area but just need to have a default route to go to router 2 and we are not allowed to use or to configure a static route manually so in this case we have to configure the router to another five to not have intel areas and external route and this is called a totally stubby area and this has to be comfortable router 205 i go to after two routers we have one and the comment is area i think is 25 yes 25 and stop and then i say no summary this means totally study area and then i go to router 5 router ospf 1 area 25 here i can say all this stuff because router 2 has been configured as a router choice totally stopped so this can we can put it as stop and then it will become a total install of course without it you can do both i'll do it this way um so it's resetting now now it's back on so if i do and show rpo spf label so there are food so if i do now show ip rounds on that file so i don't see any interview anymore i don't see any spare route i already see exit 2 rounded but attached to ping for example even if it's not enough our routing table but uh we can't be here of course here you can see this it doesn't mean that they cannot reach it which means that my processor on my pc is getting too high i was not able to send this uh this thing okay uh so i assure you that it's working don't worry i will try to do it on you know more than four it is working i assure you don't don't think that it's not working but because okay i will show you to believe me um yeah you see my cpu usage is hundred percent because i'm nine routers i'm recording so uh yeah that's why the packets are not going anyway i hope you enjoyed this lab
Channel: MAICT Consult
Views: 790
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CCNA, CCNP, cisco ospf, cisco ospf configuration, cisco ospf commands, cisco ospf routing, cisco ospf authentication, cisco ospf troubleshooting, cisco ospf design guide, cisco ospf passive interface, cisco ospf priority, cisco ospf router id, cisco ospf cost, cisco ospf network command, cisco enable ospf on vlan interface, cisco ospf command and configuration handbook, cisco ospf setup, cisco ospf mib, cisco ospf route summarization, cisco ospf network types, Maher Haddad
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 34sec (2554 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 04 2021
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