Oscar Peterson - Boogie Blues Etude
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Channel: kacsalin
Views: 2,725,020
Rating: 4.9209118 out of 5
Keywords: oscar, peterson, boogie, blues, etude
Id: xdd5pn1xs7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 4sec (484 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 03 2009
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Always a favorite of mine. Gotta love his rhythm and the way his hands are just so relaxed and easy.
I've heard him criticized for being too busy and playing too many notes too fast, and I can see why that's annoying sometimes when some people do it (space being important and all), but to me it just works for him and I don't mind at all.
Video compression could not keep up with him
The great thing about him is, as adept as he was, he wasn't playing incredibly complex substitutions/harmony/etc. It's disproportionately easy to transcribe + learn from his recordings since the lines generally aren't coming from out of left field.