Oscar De La Hoya Talks Ryan Garcia Relationship, Proposes Fight With Dana White | The MMA Hour

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oh and there he is the Golden Boy himself my man please come in have this coffee absolutely absolutely masika sucasa masika how are you to see you please have a seat thank you so much you look fantastic as always do you have anything here uh Golden Boy yeah nothing come on you have a toy I mean I have a a Funko Pop we need to get that I got nothing you right there yeah yeah okay trying to mess with your okay all right great to see you my friend oh good brother how's everything beautiful beautiful beautiful Life Is Good Life is Beautiful man we have a lot to talk about Oscar do we yes we have a lot to talk about uh where should we start let's start with Devon Haney and Ryan Garcia yeah how hard was it to put that fight together not hard at all really yeah I talked to uh so I talked to the Haney side yes Bill to Bill what a guy you know what great guy great guy I talked to Bill uh I talked to Haney like one time may maybe two okay just quick yeah to Deon just quick and boom We Got A Deal Done Quick just I mean it was no problem like literally like you know that give us what we deserve right okay and then with Ryan no problem see see I think this fight here this fight here in a long time we haven't seen something like this in boxing where the best fight the best mhm and and each side is obviously getting their worth each side is this is this is a very competitive fight this is a good good fight inside and outside the ring oh my gosh yes um but that's why it was it was fairly easy to make you know because both guys want to fight each other was the original choice Roy and or isak and if so why did those not come to fruition and and you go with Devon no it wasn't it wasn't the uh the First Choice was Deon the first choice okay yeah it was just a choice okay but it wasn't like those two fell through and then you went to Deon cuz deon's the bigger fight right was a way bigger fight yes yeah I mean the Ry pit bull fight is is literally uh an appetizer to what you're going to see right uh April 20th was there any dealings whatsoever with Eddie Hearn and matum here no zero this is 1,000% a Golden Boy to do right Eddie Hearn had nothing to do with this fight this is a Golden Boy see Eddie Hearn is partners with the Zone USA okay so I'm sure they're throwing a few crumbs at him does that bother you I have no ego okay ego is not my amigo uh but you know like will he be at the press conference tomorrow yeah I think so they uh the Zone people called me up saying hey just you know let him up there I was like what the [ __ ] is he gonna be up there for like isn't it uncomfortable for him like to put his face there it had nothing to do with it because Devon had no contractual obligations to Eddie after the progra fight no zero whatsoever so would you prefer him not to be up there I don't care okay I look at this point of my life at this point of being a promoter now for 22 years I just want to make fights MH that's it you know I'm happy to be on stage and you know and and promoting but I think What fighters don't understand or or what the public the world doesn't understand that there's a lot that goes behind the promotion there's a lot of strategy there's a lot of legay work that has to be done I mean some I mean everybody on the ground to put an event together the press conferences the you know the storyline the just there's so much you just don't show up and wow oh my gosh who did all this you know let's collect our paycheck no there's a lot that goes behind it so and and so this is a gigantic deal um first time in quite a while that you promoted an event here in New York right yeah yeah ultimately why did you choose barlay cuz initially we thought Vegas we thought C probably because they had you know some ties both guys have ties to Cali the Barclay's tweet that you sent out was very surprising but a nice surprise for us selfishly we love that it's so close why' you choose Barclays the way the way I see it the way I see it is look first first of all canelo's the man mhm boxing right whoever the whoever the the the the star is then almost dictates like where he wants to fight and it has to do with the casino Executives and the MGM and this and that we know that he fights s with am Mayo we knows that he that he fights in September so we uh we presented the deal to to both sides you know Barkley's yeah everybody agreed on it okay that's it but the reason why I'm I like it here and I love it I have a plan as a promoter and that's to get the most exposure the best career path for a fighter to generate the big dollars not shortterm but long-term you know you know what this fight does in New York what it does for a for a Fighter's career it it takes you to the to the stratosphere what what do they say if you make it in New York you can make it any where you know who fought here Ali myself all the greats Canelo Frasier everybody fights in New York and you become a global Superstar see there's a plan that I have there's a path that I know what fighter should take to become a a mega star and this fight here you're not only becoming a Vegas champ you're not only becoming a a state champ no you're becoming a global Superstar when you fight in Los in in in in New York mhm did you talk to MSG at all were they in in the mix um there's there's a conflict with basketball games oh okay and the and the NBA and all that so it's it it's it's it's more complicated than what people think yes of course you know because this is a big this is a mega fight it's a mega fight and guess what we're going to break records of the biggest gate in New York we will break records with this fight at the Barkleys when do tickets go on sale uh not sure yet okay we're we're putting all that together you feel confident this breaks the record whatever the gate record is super confident I think it's it might be UFC at that at that venue is it I think so from their uh pre-pandemic days um well we'll break that record you you you put it out there and then shortly after Ryan said like n this is a MGM fight he didn't seem too happy about that do you feel like he's on board now with this being in New York um they they they they wanted Barkley's his manager and Ryan they okayed it okay so it's all good okay so that won't be an issue no no because there were some people I think afraid that it would get taken away from New York no it's all good okay New York this is this is this is the place to be I have to say the buildup to his last fight right against Oscar was you know I don't know are you a pro wrestling fan oh yeah you know there was once a time where Stone Cold Steve Austin and Vince McMahon went to you know the boss and the remember that yeah this was the real life nighted the locker room to wish him well and all that sure was that awkward for you was any of that a an annoyance how would you describe that week in uh Texas it's it's it's awkward it's awkward when when you genuinely do not like the person or but it wasn't awkward to me cuz I understood the game if look media is everything and the way you present a fight and the way you you you the way the the the the fan the consumer perceives you know the fight and and and how it's unfolding inside and outside the ring it's it's entertainment but man it's Ryan's good he's good when he does it he's good but it doesn't get to me I'm doesn't bother you even when he didn't let you in the locker room on Fight Night it's okay it's all good all all I'm trying to do for him is um is paved the way and to to to literally becoming the best fighter he can be and you have to fight in New York you have to fight in Vegas you have to fight in you know media capitals of the world to become a global Superstar but most importantly the one thing that I try to do is I I want him to gain the respect of the fight fans I want him to gain the respect of boxers of Fighters of the industry because this will be his first legitimate World title MH him winning this will solidify him as as the real deal what about at depressor did any of that bother you on the Thursday you know on the Thursday before the fight in Texas like he was standing up there you were behind him you were no I just shake my head like okay I mean I have a job to do and that's to do the best job I can for him how would you describe the to your relationship now I don't know you don't know I'm cool I don't know did you see him back there no I didn't see him right now no I didn't oh wow he was just here a second ago I know yeah I was watching him on TV but I look I I like the kid I I don't I have did you see what he said about like that he sent a text message with you and someone else who he wouldn't say and said that you guys need to get on the same page and if you don't get on the same page he's done with both of you yeah that's his manager okay a feeling okay so what's the issue with you and the manager there's no issue well let's see the issue is what is the issue huh yeah no I I'd rather not talk about it because there can be some potential consequences that will not be pretty for for him like the legal the legal so I would rather not talk about it but um yeah there was a disconnect and I think there was a disconnect between me and Ryan because I I never understood like man I seriously all I want is for him to be the biggest the best the baddest man on the planet like literally yeah cuz that's my job that's what I do and I like him you know um but then things that he said about me or things that he questions me about like I'm like whoa you're like you're you're literally poking the right the Sleeping Bear you know like just let him sleep and you don't take [ __ ] like you will respond I don't take [ __ ] yeah it it it would it be worthwhile to like have a dinner you and him and just like you guys alone and hash it all out or is that not necessary I don't know I would love to yeah why not you think he wants to I don't know maybe here in New York tonight yeah it could be Carbone Carbone good restaurant uh or the manager I don't know if the manager is here as well you guys can hash it out do you feel like you have a long relationship together now do you feel like you have fixed it I I yeah look I I'm I'm just doing my job right that's it I'm just doing my job my job is to to organize and to put together and uh you know and and and and not think short term but think long term and this fight here in New York for Ryan trust me when it's all said and done he will thank me I believe that what do you mean by that he will thank me because New York is going to embrace him New York is going to love him I don't think even knows that he does great numbers here in New York when he fights people love him here you know and uh and and not only because of that but also because it's the fight capital of the of the media capital of the world you know so who's the a side in your opinion in this fight from a popularity standpoint I know there's a champion but like from the draw popularity yeah standpoint I mean Ryan I think is more popular you know I mean if you want base it on numbers and you know Instagram and social media and all that yeah Ryan's the but you have to be fair to the champion mhm I mean that's that's that's that in the history of the sport the champion is always the aside that's there's and and I can't disrespect that I can't turn my back on Haney I can't and and I can't turn my back on what Ryan has has has built and developed over the years but a true real Champion will respect the fact that Haney is the aside because he has that strap you know this deal with Haney it's just for this fight the the co-promotion between Golden Boy and and Haney promotions is just for this fight right yeah just for this fight and uh was there ever I know I asked them both of this question but I I'm curious from your perspective any talk of a rematch clause or a hydration Clause any of this stuff that kind of play the tank fight with Ryan was any of that brought up um no none of that and I I love that I respected that because look the truth of the matter is if I would have if I personally would have negotiated that tank Ryan fight first of all it wouldn't have happened that fight wouldn't have happened I think Haney would have happened first why not because of the re rehydration clause and the fact that the fact that tank Davis received the bulk of the of the of the monies mhm The Lion Share of the money that never would have happened with me ever Ry Ryan's the one that sells I mean if you want to separate champion from popularity from selling tickets like you know there's there's different pieces to the puzzle right I have to respect everyone and and figure out a solution for everybody you know that's where it gets tricky and difficult um and this is the world we're living in today but uh if if tank Davis does not rehydrate Ryan Garcia would have been would have been turn it would have turned out differently inside the ring you think Ryan wins I don't know if he wins a closer fight but it would have been a different fight it would have been you know cuz R Ryan Ryan Ryan has a special gift he really does um he really does he just has to be himself if you let him be himself and he goes up in that ring he can beat anybody you know so it's interesting that you say be himself cuz he was just saying to us like now I feel like I'm myself for the first time I feel like I've hit puberty as a good as a person you know he puts a lot of himself out there on social media yeah you've been open about your trials and tribulations yeah sure do you try you know when he's putting himself out there and he's talking about the personal stuff that he's dealing with is there any part of you that feels like you can resonate with this and help him and guide him but for whatever reason maybe he's keeping himself at an arms length and can't be that father figure that perhaps you were at the beginning I I I seriously I I seriously would love to talk to him like a heart tohe heart yeah I would love to talk to any fighter right I promote more than 40 50 Fighters I would love to talk to every single one of them who I'm here whoever wants answers to what I've lived and to potentially what you're gonna live yeah I have the answers you know just ask me that's it do a lot of them ask you no why I don't know I do not know you're an open book last time we about the HBO dock like you couldn't have been more open right open book I I I have the answers for every question you might have right seriously and they don't tap into that no there's there's a couple there's there's one like uh there's a I'm promoting this kid Floyd scoffield M who is he's going to be special he is special um and he'll he'll be humble enough to come to me and say Oscar you know I need help here this that that's great it's beautiful like Jesus I mean why why commit those mistakes that past Legends have committed where you don't have to just ask just ask that's all you have to do is ask is there any part of you that worries that Ryan will make mistakes that you made that these are avoidable these could be avoided and yet you're kind of see you know there's so many similarities between you guys coming up people wanted to pair you guys are you seeing any of those mistakes being recreated here I I don't I'm not part of its life or you know I I only see what I see on social media or whenever somebody tells me hey Ryan posted or whatever but I don't know I don't think so I I I think you know what is he 25 now um I think I think that you know at 25 you should have your your head on straight and you know and and and you found God which is great which is amazing and and that should you know keep him in a straight path and and you know his beliefs and which is amazing and we'll keep him focused but I don't know I don't know uh I don't know uh I don't know where he's at cuz they don't let me talk to him what do you mean they don't let you talk to him oh yeah there's a lot of his manager probably okay most likely you you cannot pick up the phone and talk to him um I can cuz I have his number but he never answers it'll create a problem jeez Lou he never well have you ever had a relationship with a fighter you promoted like this relationship like this where you couldn't talk to the guy that you're promoting no first time yeah it's the first time how do you fix him and Bernard cuz he said you and oh Bernard's fine he's fine yeah Bernard Bernard's good he's yeah one thing about Bernard is that he's very intense yeah and he tells you the way it is and a lot of people in general just don't like to hear the truth right and Bernard Bernard speaks the truth but he he speaks to you in a way where you're learning he speaks to you where you're going to grow where you're gonna where it's benefiting you you know and you know Bernard is Bernard he he's he's straight up he'll be good okay because he because just for the record he said I don't know if you heard this part that in his mind you and him are good Ryan said you and him are good but him and Bernard aren't good right now so it's a matter of it's a matter of communication that solves everything MH that's it uh a lot of news today in the world of boxing in particular regarding Canelo yeah have you heard that he's done with PBC I I I kept reading I I kept reading where he's done yeah but look in my in my 22 years of being in business and being around boxing forever you just cannot believe anything you read anything you see until you see it on paper and it's written and it's signed and sealed you just cannot believe it so I I I don't know what's going on right now I have no CL what's going on H because uh this came from ESPN uh credible Source mik CER and I do believe I was I was credible source is he not who Mike Coppinger yeah I would think so he's good he yeah yeah so that's why I said credible Source uh but in the middle of the show I was uh I was reading that the new sort of plan is and this is all happening I'm Live May 4th would be Canelo versus ha mongia oh who's one of your Fighters so what what could you tell us about this I mean we've talked Canelo holds all the cards here sure that's the problem it's the big problem Canelo holds all the cards I mean welld deserved right no no welld deserved but it's creating all this mess okay that we're living now yeah right and Canelo holds all the cards and it's like okay and everybody wants him wants Canelo on his platform you know whether it's the zone or whether it's you know Amazon that that PBC has yeah um so somehow I have to get to Canelo I don't know how I'm going to do it but I'm going to do it what do you mean yeah I have to talk to him you don't have I mean you used to have a business relationship yeah we but we don't have we don't have a relationship anymore anymore when's the last time you spoke to him I spoke to him must have been at a Ryan fight yeah I think Canelo showed up at a Ryan fight in Texas I think it was okay and and we briefly said hi to each other is there a chance May fourth it's mongia versus Canelo no no chance no like zero I don't think so why not oh I I I you know I just don't think so I I really don't I I I don't know would you like for it to happen would you be interested in making that fight I look as as a as a fighter and as a promoter um yeah I mean that's that's a great fight yeah I've always called for a Mexican Showdown whether it's CCO de Mayo or or September right I've always called for that and obviously the stars are aligning where haime mongia and Canelo Alvarez can be those two fighters to have a Mexican Showdown um but I just don't know when it's going to happen Okay and and you're saying not May 4th no can't I mean May 4th why not well Canelo has he's he's he just left PBC I don't know if he's talking to the zone now okay I mean who's going to pay him that huge guarantee right because keep in mind Canelo wants huge guarantees and in order for somebody to give them that money I mean you have to generate over a million homes on pay-per-view and and that's never a guarantee right you know so it's risky so who's who's who's willing to Fork over that money I I don't know it's it's pretty risky you like the the fight though on paper I love the fight who do you think has a better chance of beating him mongia or berlanga uh that's not even a question not even a question no mongia would yeah would have a better shot I think I think berlanga did you watch on Saturday I I saw I was driving so I saw a couple of rounds um berlanga still needs some work and this is the truth the you know honest truth I I actually like the kid I think he's um I think that he has he has that energy you know to become world champion and um but but I think he's maybe like three fights away okay yeah I would say about three or four fights away cuz see there's levels to this there's there's there's steps to this he fought somebody who's never been on a big stage he was getting hit he was not hesitating but I saw him a little impatient but a little um yeah just hesitant and and throwing his punches against somebody who didn't belong in the ring with him you know he still took him out which was great he made a statement which was amazing but a Canelo a mongia other Fighters are just on a different level okay yeah and and I and I would love to see Anga reached that level in order to have a a a great shot at beating these guys you know so it's only fair considering the news today what do you make of the state of PBC uh sinking ship yeah it's a sinking ship everybody's everybody's Jumping Ship do you think they're in trouble serious trouble yes I really do what you think just just from what I see and what I hear yeah um yeah I mean who's going to want to Fork over guaranteed money all that money it's I mean how many investors can you bring in how many people can you dup you know um yeah and I think uh I I think the perfect example is like Wilder fighting in Riad and all these other Fighters Jumping Ship I mean it's happening it literally is happening what do you make of what's happening over there because I saw at the press conference for and ganu Joshua uh his Excellency turkey Alek was asked about you and uh he essentially said like you know you can stay away if you're not happy with all the fights going there did you see this response and and if so what is your response to that and what do you think of these big fights going to Saudi yeah no um um just to clarify what I what I said they asked me um you know do all these fight should all these fights go to and I go no not all of them no because my my point was Riad is yeah it it's doing a great job in in making those big fights happen but guess what um in in and in ganu and Joshua who's you fighting Joshua yeah in ganu and Joshua nobody's going to Care on this side of the pond you know because of the timing um it's not going to create that much of a buzz it as as big as a fight it is as it is it's not going to create a big buzz if it was here in in in imagine that fight in Vegas you would have record-breaking numbers on the gate on pay-per-view uh but so that's what I meant it's like there's fights that can take place over there like for instance um um this kid that Canelo fought Demitri bivol bivol versus better BV versus better beev and I'm sorry I'm not remembering uh but you can you can see it that way and have that fight there and it'll do great but that's the type of fight that doesn't do good over here for some strange reason right so it belongs over there and it's a great fight and the excellenc is doing an amazing job but and and that's that was the disconnect that's it there's fights that belong here and there's that's because fighters wna fighters want to create a legacy and to create a legacy you must fight in the US you know you must be huge in the US create big numbers a big buzz and then it spreads to the world it's not it's not spreading from Riad and then to the world no it spreads from the US and that's not an attack on anybody it's just it's just reality if Fighters want to be become legendary it starts here in the US have you met him turkey you met him yeah he's a huge fan huge fight fan man he he loves he loves the Ring magazine oh that's right yes he loves the the history of but he was mentioning How He Loves Roberto Duran right yeah his favorite fighter yeah um but yeah no he's he's doing great at what he's doing I I I love what he's doing would you like to do business with them for the right fights absolutely okay yeah and there's a lot of good fights that we can make absolutely but um to my point there's fights that have to take place in the US you know to grow to grow the legendary status that these Fighters want you know um but there's fights that should be taking place in Riad for the money you know speaking of crossover fights uh Ryan says he wants to go to MMA and fight sha Ali do you know sha Ali yeah Shan he's the uh does he have purple hair now or what color is it it always changes yellow purple we'll see he's fighting in two weeks in Miami I I like him he's a good Striker very good yeah right great see I've been doing my very Dynamic he wants to he doesn't want him to come to boxing he says Dana want to go to MMA now the first thing that came to mind was your relationship with Dana uh how could how could that ever happen I mean it would be a gigantic fight could this happen it'll be hell of a promotion it would be right yes it'll be a hell of a promo would you be okay with that at at this point he said if all goes well with Devon I would love to explore that give me three months I I would actually entertain that because Ryan can fight you know the main event with this kid and maybe I can do Dana on the co-main I thought you guys are cool didn't you like say like no we're cool but it's all good I mean I don't know if we're cool I mean I haven't even talked to the guy I know but you you put out a thing that you wanted to like the hat like I'm good I'm good but it doesn't mean that we can go you seen him anywhere no no never no never shook hands no cuz there was a time does he live in Vegas I believe so yeah yeah yeah you live in Vegas too I live in Vegas and uh yeah I'm going to do some big things in Vegas now like what uh it's time for it's time for an apex okay yeah you want to do your own version boy Apex in Vegas yeah okay I want to the reason why I moved to Vegas is to bring huge big-time boxing back to Vegas yes yeah you know and from from Grass Roots all the way to the highest level and eventually having a fight with Mark Davis um at at his Arena yeah okay okay not you fighting yes okay at Allegiance alleg Stadium that's that's the goal and so I've already put a a group of people together um we're going to start discuss discussing uh the plans um to build your own thing and build my own thing yeah what about like a performance Institute like they have their that's what you want to do you want to replicate so housing performance so despite maybe your differences with Dana you you acknowledge that they have done a great thing oh my gosh he's they've done a tremendous job at building the sport you know I mean obviously the difference is going to there's a big difference with boxing and MMA I mean the UFC or or the UFC right the UFC is is is is sort of in a monopoly right you know where it's like take it or leave it with them with boxing it's a little different when it comes to negotiations you know so because in boxing you have various promoters and in the UFC it's only one and and who doesn't want to fight for the UFC right all these Fighters want to be in the Limelight and big stage and even though you're not getting paid as well you know um you still want to be part of that whole organization so they yeah they've done a great job at building that so to go back to Sean you and you'd be open to Ryan exploring this and you would be I would be open to it okay I would be open to it again I'm doing I'm doing what's right for Ryan for Ryan what what he you know I'm doing what's right for his career see because if you if you ask me this five years ago I would have said no there's no there's no way in hell I mean come on what is he going to do for his career MH fighting this kid would obviously put money in his pocket would would Elevate his status you know um worldwide globally and that's what a fighter wants right you know they want to make a lot of money they want to become popular they want to become the man you know so yeah I would be open to it when Endeavor bought uh UFC and then WWE and created this TKO group yeah in the back of your mind you feel like it's inevitable that they're going to get into boxing um just given that name yeah yeah TKO technical knockout yeah yeah that's that can be uh that can be interesting you know it can be interesting to see what happens with top rank uh since they're part of ESPN yeah yeah do you think that would be good um it all depends on what assets they have you know it it depends on the fighters what contracts they have I know they have a great library but the library of the value of a library is not is not what they think it is you know okay I don't think uh I mean if they want to get into boxing I guess good luck right they're going to have to deal with me in what respect oh in every respect do you see they got they got Vegas on uh Mexican Independence Day weekend they're doing the sphere the sphere yeah wow okay that's big that's huge I mean they got team like usually that was a boxing oh but there will be a boxing event in September that weekend oh yeah are you going to be involved we'll see okay will it be with Canelo we'll see okay uh all right so for now though it's uh two two press conferences this week yeah two press conference you think they'll be uh you know they'll be hostile oh there's a lot of B yeah there is there is you know I I had the pleasure of uh flying in with uh with uh with the bill bill Haney and and yeah nice people humble I like them okay this is your first time really working with them right like first time yeah because you know you see all this social media and this and that no and I got to spend some some real quality time super nice people okay so you're excited about this I'm excited I'm excited where were this rank as far as the biggest fights you've promoted wow you got to keep in mind I promoted 14 of Mayweather's fights M which were huge yeah um yeah no it's got to be it's got to be top 10 you think this could do a million yeah easy you feel good about that I feel great about it yeah this can see you got to keep in mind that um you have you have Haney who is considered one like the top top guy like top three top two like he's right he's probably consider the best you know Junior walro now right uh because of his skill and you know and and he's willing to fight the best you know um and then you have Ryan see what people don't understand Ryan wants to fight the best and I take my hat off to him because he comes off the tank loss fights Oscar DTE who was a tough Banger right can hit hard can knock you out he knocks him out now he wants to fight Devon that's that's a l about yeah which is if he fights the way he fought against dwte if he fights that way on April 20th can he win no no has to be better has to be a lot better you like him with Derrick James I do actually I do I I I I think that that chemistry motivates Ryan to to train harder to train smarter and to be disciplined there's a there's a there's a certain discipline that you need you know and only the trainer can take that out of you you know when I was fighting I was getting tired I was getting bored I was getting and then and then I and this was after my sixth trainer and then I got Floyd senior who would slap me around who would throw buckets of water in my face to wake up in the morning did I like it no but I respected it that's what it takes and I think I think uh I think that that Dynamic there's a respect there and I think that can bring out the the best in Ryan you think we'll see a scene like where on Fight Night you're kind of team Ryan and Eddie's team Haney and you guys are going like toe totoe or none of that no no no no no cuz Eddie has nothing to do with this that's right I saw you guys do a face to face like sit down it seemed like you were in a good spot yeah no look I I I um I want to do what's best for the sport I wanna look I know how to create Superstars there there's a reason why Golden Boy has promoted the biggest fights in the history of this game there's a reason why we discovered Canelo there's a reason why now Ryan Garcia there's a reason there's there's a there's a formula you know Golden Boy is is I'm not saying that we're better I'm not saying that this and that no it's just there's a certain Dynamic of formula that there's a connection with the fans there's a you know with the industry there's um you know anybody teamed up with Golden Boy I mean it's I'm telling you Sky's a limit and I know how to I know how to bring that out in Fighters you know I know how to discover Fighters when I saw Ryan um on social media he was 18 17 18 I saw him fighting TJ not live yeah yeah um I was like wow this kid's special let me uh let me help him out here let me let's team up let's do something big that's what we're doing the next chapter is April 20th Oscar always a pleasure thank you so much appreciate you coming in there he is Oscar De La Hoya thanks for watching we appreciate it very much hey if you like this video give us the old thumbs up subscribe as well you can get many more of these videos on the channel so please do that we would love you forever if you did so
Channel: MMAFightingonSBN
Views: 222,517
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mma fighting, mixed martial arts, martial arts, ultimate fighting championship, combat sports, combat tv, ufc, mma, mma knockouts, ufc news, mma fight, mma news, fighter, boxing, ariel helwani, the mma hour, mma hour, helwani interview, ariel interview, oscar de la hoya, ryan garcia, dana white, devin haney, haney vs garcia, pbc, eddie hearn, Bernard Hopkins, tank davis, Canelo Alvarez, Turki Alalshikh, golden boy
Id: N9qcLQ3ktyc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 44sec (2264 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2024
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