Ortur Laser Master 2 Pro Unboxing, Build, and Engraving

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[Music] hello hello and it is looks like 302 and so i'm just a couple minutes late but thanks for joining me here i have about 22 24 people are coming in pretty quick now that the stream has started and welcome this is crazy fabrications if you haven't been here before i run a pretty quick stream that lasts forever meaning i keep it moving i keep talking i do my unboxing but i also like to interact with the chat as much as possible so first of all no one's commented yet as to whether my audio is any good so if you will let me know in the chat whether the audio is coming in good if the picture quality is good it looks like to me that the streaming gods so far are with me no drop frames i am seeing good audio level so if you would please let me know and then we will keep going with the unboxing that we have here today see who is in the chat so so far i have a michael luger thanks for joining us i have a mark john appreciate you joining me telling me that my link was a little messed up so uh all the links should be correctly in the chat now hopefully you can hear me that's what i'm waiting to hear from someone in the chat we got people coming in still so we're in no hurry today but i'm going to keep talking and um hopefully you let me know if this is all working well today who's out there who's out there obviously i can't see you if you don't chat about 29 people people aren't in the chatting mood today so we got nine likes on the stream maybe we can get a few more likes if you are hearing the sound of my voice at least hit that like button and let me know it uh it's going to be kind of a different stream today obviously normally i do 3d printing on the channel i think people are very used to that um why is my chat not working maybe people are chatting and it's not working let's find out if that's what's going on let me try this real quick what's going on what's going on let me pop out my chat let's see if that works and i see oh there we go that's what it was my chat wasn't working properly so let me see what i've missed out on uh i'll blame google or excuse me google youtube on that one sounds good here good here all good looks like all of my sound got taken care of um and let's see we've got see uh phil phil's already got a laser master 220 watt unit that's awesome that's very similar to what we got here today just without the upgrades um chat chat chat hi chris we can hear you loud and clear thank you very much andy i appreciate it we got non-fam in the chat we got thomas thomas thanks for joining us from sweden as usual uh everybody say hello to everybody that they know in the chats we like a healthy community around here so we're doing pretty good it looks like my chat is working properly now uh what else we got going on so yeah like i said people are coming in we've almost doubled the viewers already hey h colorado good to see you matthew weinberger good to see you as well um let's see i'm gonna give people just a couple of more minutes uh if you have any quick questions for me as we uh before i get going i'm gonna probably wait at least until 3 10 to get going because i know people start coming into this as we get going as people have some time on their schedule or at least as they thank you very much uh matthew says i nailed the uh pronunciation well i am partially jewish myself so i'm glad i can pronounce the jewish name um let's see hello from belgium how you doing um i'm adding an air assist to mine today um see mark john says i have the arturo laser master ii can i upgrade to the pro version i doubt it mainly because there are a lot of frame differences so i don't think they're going to do that now some of the parts are going to be available i know that the new laser i'm not exactly 100 sure what they've changed between the two and the pro but it has a new model name new model number and i do know you can buy that separately so that's good uh let's see thomas with the spoilers in the chat so if you haven't seen loki i'm going to have to censor thomas there for the spoilers let's see um 8 p.m where andy is it's only 3 p.m where i'm at so let's see any other questions before i get going any 3d printing questions like i said i want to give people time to get in before i really start hitting this but we got about 40 people already in we've got 22 likes so if you're watching right now please hit that like button let me know that you're paying attention to what i'm saying already thank you thomas it's no big deal like i said i was laughing through it i don't think that that was a major spoiler in fact i think that they had something similar to that in one of the trailers h colorado both of us in georgia yep i am outside the atlanta area so let's talk about what i'm going to be looking at today and then i will get into more of the details as i usually do so if you have already seen the title of the stream you know what i'm going to be taking a look at is the artur laser master 2 pro version i got this directly from our tour so there's no money exchanged hands for this this is the usual here's a product let your new users know about it sort of thing so they sent me the laser master ii pro this is the one i was really excited about too this is fantastic obviously the new upgrades and everything if you've taken a look at it this is the one i was excited about too um i don't know if we'll get to this one today but i did want to go ahead and share it with you like i said when i got this in the mail like the maker in me got really like pumped up and this is their new laser master x y axis rotary roller and check this out on their website and they're running a special with this where they're giving away some of these i think to the first what is it first four or five people that order every day gets one of these for free yeah it says and i don't know exactly how this works please don't ask me the details i'm obviously just the messenger here but they're going to be giving away the one of these yrr 2.0s for the first five orders every day until july 1st this one made me excited so if you're not familiar with what this is i will show it to you in a minute on the screen but this is where you can actually laser engrave cylindrical objects or i guess potentially round objects but that wouldn't work quite as well so if you are interested in engraving like bottles or glasses potentially i don't know i don't think the laser is going to be powerful enough for that but if you want to etch things that aluminum anything that's made of aluminum that you that you can paint or that is anodized you can actually use this to do that i'm looking forward to trying it because i really like the idea of making my own merch here and selling it to you directly for anyone that's interested in 3d printing related or crazy fabrications related merch this sounds like a lot of fun so i don't know if we'll get to that one today i doubt it but i did want to share it with you i do have one and i do hopefully we'll get a chance to review it um what is it retail at so this machine itself let's start talking about the our tour the artur laser master 2 pro uh retails for 3.99 we'll get into why it's the price it is from my understanding that's about a hundred dollars more than the previous version but there's a whole lot of upgrades that go into that hundred dollars um and that yrr 2.0 that i was just talking about that's electrical engraver is 67.99 they have free shipping on that cylindrical engraver and i think the shipping on the laser master ii pro will vary depending on where you live okay let's see yep they have a new version um oh cool so uh andy just says he's looking forward to a four solid hours of getting his ender five plus working after a lurch kit arrives on tuesday so uh that's that's awesome i like my lurch kit it is still plugged in back here so i am still a big fan of mine uh let me bring up one of my apps here all right i want to know what's going on so let's see uh let's get started so first of all first things first i'm going to do what i usually do on this stream and we're going to take a look on the computer i'm going to actually bring up the um i'm going to bring up the website and we're going to look at the specs because that is the easiest way for me to bring a brand new product to you is just read directly from the website rather than me interpreting it for myself so let me go ahead i'm going to do a screen share here you should still oh that's the wrong screen let's figure out why it did that give me one second the screen share is a little off i'll fix it real fast it just has the wrong display selected and i'm not exactly sure why it will only select that display i can work with it it's just not what i usually have to do so give me a second huh that is very odd does not want to work with me on this one so yeah very inception i completely agree with you let me bring this one over here i will bring this one over here and let's see if that works for us i'm going to take a little fiddling but i think i got it definitely not ideal so let's try screen share again is that better should be better sorry about all the inception details going on let me know if that works for you and if so we will continue on i'm going to take a sip of my beverage hopefully everyone's got a beverage in the chat whatever your favorite midday or evening i'm going to need a coaster because i'm in my garage and my drink is already sweating on my board here but anyway it looks fine thank you nate for your participation i appreciate it and let's take a look so this is our tour laser master ii pro it says it will go 10 000 millimeters per sec or per minute per second would be really impressive but 2 000 millimeters per minute notice that this is also a 24 volt unit where i believe that the previous one was a 12 volt unit so that's pretty nice um take a look at the rest of the features here obviously follow along if you've got this web page up on your end so these are the specs so we've got about a 400 by 400 millimeter work area the outer dimensions we're looking at here are 570 millimeters 600 millimeters 140 millimeters as i was saying they're doing a giveaway that uh if you uh purchase i don't know again i don't know how they're doing this like how you know are you the first five maybe if you click through some of these there'll be some rules but um anyway the uh as you'll notice it says here 399.99 and you might get the free rotary engraver notice this one has a lot of things you can purchase for it at uh the add-ons you can buy the rotary engraver we can buy the z access lifting device they have replacement boards they have this offline controller if you want to be able to run this without having it hooked up to a computer thank you non-fam for the uh per minute to now non-fam that was ten thousand not one thousand so check that out see if you can adjust obviously that's just a factor of ten um you could technically put this on travis is asking uh can you have to put something inside or can you technically put this on top of something i don't know for sure because i haven't made it that far with my testing obviously but i've heard from other people that you can put this on top of something so maybe someone in the chat that has the previous one can answer that question a little bit more so here is the laser master ii pro breakdown of the components notice so we won't go through all of this by hand i do like the offline controller i think that's a great idea they have the five safety features that they've got on here so it's the active persistent the active position protection so uh vertical displacement changes then it will uh it will stop if the laser beam guard is moved while running then it will stop if the no movement of the laser module is detected within 10 to 60 seconds it will stop it has a flame detector so if it detects i heard that it's a uv detection so if it detects a uv light of some sort so a flame in this case it will turn it off and there's an emergency stop button which i think with a machine like this with cnc those emergency stop buttons are absolutely essential to be able to shut off the machine quickly without potentially hurting yourself doing so okay uh notice this one comes oh so people ask about what are the upgrades to this versus the non-pro this one does have a tow line which i have to say i saw in some of the early early versions of this machine that we're making out to our viewers it did not seem to have that tow line so that's a nice feature otherwise the wire was just laying across everything it's fully aluminum framework has a strong motor which obviously they probably had to upgrade notice they did go to 24 volt as i said so that's probably what's getting them to that match maximum speed uh again here's a the specs on the main board it's a 24 volt main board 32-bit processor on it one and a half series firmware so that's 1.5 series firmware excuse me and that supports those faster speeds and what they call this gear tour scalability with 24 volt circuit 20 32-bit mcu laser mater laser meter 2 pro supports more accessories which lays the foundation for future hardware upgrades which i really like these are the information to the upgraded laser primarily as you see here they're actually talking about the spot uh the focal spot being a lot tighter on this laser which obviously is going to give you much cleaner prints and it means you can probably run at lower power on certain materials so i really like that uh let's see so again they call this a 20 watt laser the 20 watts as i've learned is the input wattage of the laser the actual optical power of the laser i've seen listed it is anywhere from four and a half to five and a half watts depending on which piece of documentation you read so expect anywhere from four and a half watts to five and a half watts of power depending on what you're reading uh obviously all this means faster engraving versus the regular laser master ii uh they're saying they're gonna get better grayscale engraving which is fantastic again these are the accessories i was mentioning before they've got all of their certs fcc rojas all that good stuff there is this wonderful table that says what you can engrave on versus what you can cut so check that out if you have any questions and i want to go back up here to the top hey appreciate that whoever that was let me see all right let's see what else yeah the other part i wanted to check out was they have the specification section which this also let me zoom in a little bit for me and you so you'll notice right here these are the differences so if you add questions over what are the differences between the two and the pro here are your answers uh the things in red are the things they're touting are the big differences everything else should be the same so it is a new main board uh that is an upgrade from the previous main board its new firmware which is an upgrade it has the two new types of safety features which are the flame detector and the emergency stop button and uh the add-ons it's got new add-ons available the control box which that offline controller the z-axis lifter notice the frame materials have moved from aluminum and acrylic to aluminum and powder-coated steel i don't think anyone's going to complain about a sturdier more rigid more durable frame the engraving area has changed just a little bit uh my guess is to handle some of those extra electronics or extra maybe the drag chain for example uh and it's just a little bit smaller in one direction but it's now 400 by 400 sk square notice they do have this new second generation laser which is they're still saying 4 500 to 5 000 milliwatts and as the speed has been greatly improved from zero to three thousand to zero to ten thousand um let's see and as i mentioned earlier this has gone from a 12 volt 3 amp machine to a 24 volt 2 amp machine which you know i think us in the 3d printing community understand the value of going to 24 volts because you're going to get a lot more performance out of those stepper motors all right i think that's it let me go and switch back to the wide shot at least for a moment here there is one more thing i wanted to show you but it's going to take me just two seconds to bring it up um let me pull this over here and okay i'm going to show you this because i think i don't want to forget to do this before the end of the stream so let me bring this up let me share this all right check that out so this is really cool this is something they told me they that i could share with you i don't have any details at all other than this picture this was like a teaser that they put at the end of the review guide that they sent over so i'm gonna go and go and show this to you this is apparently an enclosure that they are working on for this machine now you can ask all the questions i've got tons of questions about it i don't know if this is an add-on i don't know if this is a new machine my guess is it's an add-on since they're actually pushing this pro as a upgradable machine but again i don't have any details on this i really hope um i really hope that this is a nice just add-on it is small windows but again this is a prototype obviously we're not even looking at a real picture of the unit um so i'm looking forward to seeing what they do with this because this would be fantastic it's going to help with a lot of people safety concerns because this means that you will be able to order it hopefully as a kit to actually protect yourself and everything else so again i wouldn't put a lot of stock into this being a final version um but i will send o send back your chat information that you think the window shapes are a little odd um but there we go so back again to here and let me pull this off of my screen oh that was the wrong button back to this screen there we go all right so all right so let me see what i want to do next so first of all uh when i announce this on twitter at first no problems at all but starting this morning i started getting a little bit of pushback on a machine like this because it does not come with an enclosure and a lot of people do feel like a lot i don't know some people some vocal people feel like this machine should not be sold because it does not have an enclosure so it would be i had already planned on doing this anyway so now is the best place to do it so obviously an open-air laser engraver like this is not recommended i'm going to throw that out at the very beginning having something like this out on a table where people could walk by or potentially look at it while it's doing its job is a dangerous thing let's get that out of the way so if you're putting this anywhere where you are going to have people walk by you should definitely build an enclosure for it make sure it blocks the uv light make sure that no one has any chance of looking at it so that you're not hit with damaging someone's eyes a laser is not a toy and this is the thing i want to drive home first yeah or pets thank you very much travis that's a very good point pets so keep in mind that this is a tool and this is what i really want to drive home tools are not toys tools have to know be you have to know how to use the tools properly that you buy whether it's a 3d printer and you don't want to print toxic filaments in your house whether it's a resin printer you don't want to print toxic resins in your house or whether it is a laser engraver that does not have an enclosure from the factory and you do not want to blind people pets pastors by because you have not protected it properly so as people pointed out you can't even sell machines like this in i believe the eu germany at least you can buy them here in the us obviously you can import almost anything you want from china which is where this is going to come from for a lot of people but long story short please make sure you understand the dangers of having a laser cutter laser cutters are bright and can harm eyes laser cutters cut into wood and various other materials and can catch fire laser cutters can also cut into material such as pvc and release toxic gases and you need to know the dangers before you move forward with any laser cutting make sure you've done your research about where you're doing your cutting and about what you're cutting so that you make sure that no one is going to be hurt by the machine buy the new tool that you've purchased we good all right hopefully that makes sense to everyone you will not see me cutting pvc today because i would be wearing a respirator if i was doing that and i have already told my family that what i am doing today and that when i'm ready to start cutting or engraving or etching or whatever i decide to do today i will be putting a sign on that door to let them know not to come out here while i'm doing it all right so i hope that covers it i want everyone to be safe i'm not telling you not to buy this it's a tool you can decide whether you have a place to put this and whether you know how to use it the other thing it would be a myth for me to say don't leave this while it's running don't walk away like it's a 3d printer and think that it's just going to all go to plan otherwise it's just going to make a mess and no big deal again you're dealing with things that can catch fire be careful be safe i think we're good all right what do we have i want to see what people said about that all right please do not use for tattoos thank you thomas or mole removal you know there you go retinal tattoos travis says that'll do it so i just wanted to get that out of the way i'm not your papa as i remember hearing in one movie i believe that would be um guardians of the galaxy he says i'm not your papa so you decide whether this is right for your work environment or not there we go so i'm going to move ahead i'm going to get my chair out of the way here and we are going to start with this unboxing we are now about 30 minutes into this so i think that this is perfect i think 30 minutes we've gotten all of this taken care of oh and if you are interested in this i do of course want to say please take a look at the link i have pinned the link to where you can buy it it's also in the description obviously so check out the description the link will let you purchase directly from orter they uh and i may be saying that right if so i apologize to the company i do get a commission if you buy from that link so that is out on the table so thank you if you buy from that link obviously you don't have to there are other places to purchase it from but there is also a 10 coupon code that will save you 10 more dollars if you buy it from there so we are down to what 398 or whatever there we go okay let's do this so let me see which one you guys want we got the close-up cam today and we have the overhead cam today i think we'll start with the overhead cam uh it looks like you can still hear me without any problems this is the box it comes in if you'll notice it is very compact i like how they package this um so nice job there i have opened it i wanted to see what was in it audio seems low sorry lightspeed i'm not touching the audio today other people have said it's pretty good um so yeah lightspeed just turn up your volume for me if you will please sorry if i can't help you today but i've had some issues doing that in the past and just messing everything up okay let's go so foam there's going to be less waste than a printer packaging which will be nice uh let's do that i think that one looks good yeah let's do that okay all right so it does come with a nice instruction manual this instruction manual comes in what appears to be about seven languages i hope there's enough detail in here one thing i was noticing when i was looking through it first anyone else having sound issues besides lightspeed let me know let me know if you're if you're having sound issues but i'm i seem to be good on my side um but here is the uh manual includes a parts list it includes a lot of those safety instructions and warnings that i've already given you um i'll turn it up a little bit i'll turn it up a little bit i don't think i'll break anything let's see let's go a little bit higher there we go let's do that one okay all right all right i think that's better okay good good okay if i can make everybody happy you know it's a special day so here are the instructions um i'm gonna have to really look close at these because they shoved a lot of instructions on each page you'll notice that they did this because you immediately go into the next language so the language the instructions that come for your language are literally like three pages probably all right no particular order here i want to start with the top we have a couple of extrusions now these are special extrusions i really think these are awesome if you'll notice they have ruler markings on them they're actually marked in inches which actually kind of surprises me that they use inches instead of metric but there it is so i like that it centers your part on the the build area and you can kind of measure out exactly where you want it same thing on this other one let's see what else two more extrusions same thing they've got measurements on all four of their extrusions which i really like now the extrusions are different lengths which we can take into account when we put this thing together let's see again i'm going to go from this side so as i said they actually do include a drag chain on here which is a really kind of an upgrade feature for this this is a nice nice how close to 17k thomas asked about 10 so we get about 10 subscribers we'll be about at 17k um we'll see if we can hit it if we can get 17k that's like i said 10 more people if 10 more people come in during this live stream why don't i give away another roll of filament how about that all right since thomas asked everybody can thank thomas if we reach it so anyway this is really nice i love the drag chain they've already got all of their wiring loom in the drag chain and that should really make it easy to set up so we got of course a pair of safety glasses i have several pairs of these due to different things that i've got and we got corner brackets we've got uh this is their they've got a little aluminum billet here that you use for your laser spacing which is really nice and then a couple of thumb screws we have our big bag o parts which is just our miscellaneous screws and nuts and sockets and everything and we got here so this is the actual control box so right here as you can see we have uh the offline controller this is where usb ports is going to plugged in it's a this is our uh dc adapter i don't know what plugs in there i guess we'll find out i'm guessing that's where it goes to the laser and everything but we also have this port here it has a light on it and as i'm guessing this means it's a light and a siren because it has a little sound on it and here is our emergency stop yep nice emergency stop button clicks it pops right back up if you twist it there's a subscriber thank you very much what else we got throwing these away as i go a usb cable nice long usb cable which i appreciate i'm going to leave that in there until last we have some more brackets this looks like it's got an end stop on it clicky clicky it includes these are our belts uh it looks like it includes some little sample billets of wood which is really nice and billets i don't know if you refer to the wood as billets a couple of samples of pieces of wood to get started which i like that's a nice touch on their part our ac adapter the actual laser so here's our laser unit i'm going to pull it out the bag real quick there we go so here's the laser unit as you'll see they do have this nice uh cover on this one now which i've heard some people think it's going to work some people don't think it's going to work to actually protect your eyes i guess we'll find out i'm still going to be wearing my safety glasses but i do it's a nice backup feature i think it's going to save some people's eyes probably hopefully people won't rely on it too much like i said it actually does come with glasses so you don't have to rely on it if you don't want to i wouldn't especially until you figure out where you're putting it as i mentioned they call this a laser it's the lu24 wavelength 450 plus or minus 5 nanometers its power is 5500 milliwatts according to the part itself all right hello chris travis good to see you phil nolan laser gerbil or light burn uh to the best of my knowledge it doesn't come with either i will be using light burn which i purchased last night i've used it before a little bit the free version but i actually paid for the the full version last night so that i would have it today uh it was really easy to use has a lot of features uh light burn is only forty dollars and from my understanding that's a lifetime of light burn so it's a really good value unless they change their license of course and the last big piece here let's get this off the table there we go and let's pull this out there we go okay nothing in there and so what was in here we got one more wire kind of random there it is and over here of course is the main setup if you'll notice uh it rolls well there is no plastic on this except for connectors and the wheels and things like that but the full assembly is metal the end pieces are metal um all the connectors are metal so it's really nice uh it does look like they have a belt tensioner built in it looks like to me yeah they've got a belt tensioner built into it which is fantastic this one already has the belt on it they also have this nice strip in here to protect this wire to keep anything from um you know yeah they have that that piece in there for to keep this from coming loose so there we go boom hey tj good to see you um there we go scott good to see you again thanks for joining us all right so let's take a look at what we're going to do first here get the assembly done we can uh engrave a thing or two with their our extra time again i'm not crazy about how small they made these instructions um but we'll do our best i'm i'm wondering if there's no if you'll let's see i don't think i saw any sort of digital device that these came with i'm not seeing a usb stick or anything with it it doesn't mean that the final version won't come with it i do think this is pretty final version that i got here but i'm not seeing any sort of digital device with it so i guess they're expecting you to get your own software they do have the drivers i think on their website possibly but i'm not seeing it i'm not seeing any sort of usb device so all right so let's uh we need the um 540 millimeter profile well i've got two sizes here neither one of them say 540 millimeters i think it's going to be the longer one but give me two seconds and i'll be sure i didn't know i need my tape measure for this build but i think it's going to be the longer one 540 is the longer of the two so we will pull that out and then corner connector so they say scale mark is faced up thank you for the subscription whoever that was appreciate it and let's see here i need to turn that on on this one let's see the alert box says it's on it's not high enough on the list all right anyway i'm not going to spend time on that today um yes uh are the the rulers engraved on them it's very difficult to tell how they put these on here they actually feel like they're printed because i don't know i mean they feel printed they don't feel engraved if they're engraved they're not very deep but anyway all right and then we need some of these corner connectors that are in here let's see i should have a nice boom things are great all right so this is magnetic if you haven't used one of these you can get these at like harbor freight they're fantastic uh keep you from losing screws while you're doing a build all right so astro printer says the rulers are laser etched well there you go that's why they're not very thick or not very deep um i'm looking for the tools that it comes with because i'll probably try to use those at first all right we got some corner pieces which says we'll need two says the scale mark is face up and then we're going to put in the connectors here and here and skill mark face up mark zero doesn't seem like there's anything to tighten them yet are we supposed to tighten them yet i'm not sure it doesn't say to tighten them okay and then we're going to take the two 460s again with the scale marks face up and we're going to grab the two short ones right here and take this one and if you didn't know already this is the first time i am building one of these so it's kind of fun i've never built one of these laser engravers yet so you can kind of put the markings however you want to i believe it just says it wants some face up uh you know however you want to put them i need a bigger table i know i keep selling that but i've got this one so um skill mark face up skill mark zero scale mark zero scale mark zero okay and then apparently do these push in further these look like they go in two ways okay so i'll try to show this to you so these go in two different ways if you'll notice they're not symmetrical i don't know if you're seeing that very good let's go to the close-up camera real quick all right so maybe you can see that these are not symmetrical parts one of them there's these little grooves in here so when i put them in i actually need to be able to push them in further so they're going to go in this way hopefully you can see that all right we go i'm going to put it in this way just like that so you notice they move still that's why you don't tighten them down yet and then when i go to put them in you can see these are going to go in on this side which is the inside and again same thing on this one inside and now those will be there to keep those inside corners straight as i go and put in the screws which it says i need m m5 by 25 screws times two let me get my ruler so i make sure i'm getting the right size screws again no bag it would have been nice if they've done what 3d printer companies usually do and they include each of these screws in a different bag so you know what size but this is a 25 which is what i figured so there's an m525 these are going to go into the ends and these are phillips heads so let me grab a phillips head screwdriver all right and these are going to screw everything together here on the end um oh okay so i'm putting this together wrong apparently so let me show you what i'm talking about figure all this out as i go so if you'll notice there are different holes in here i don't know if you can see it let me do close-up again you'll see right here hopefully that's showing it to you may not be enough light okay i'm gonna try so right here this side has a place for the head of that screws to go this side does not have a place for the head of that screw to go so that needs this this side here with the the indention for the head that needs to be on the outside all right so that's going to be on the outside and this needs to be up so that's interesting so oh that's because i'm putting together i think is this the back of the printer or the back of the engraver possibly anyway so let's do that put these back in here where they go hopefully i don't make any major errors that i have to come back and fix later all right so that one's going to go there now and so they're putting yeah they said they want the zeros on this end there's only one way to do that all right so these go this way i think everyone sees that pretty well i hope so the zeros are down here there's a zero down here let's see they're saying that that scale zero is supposed to be down here uh how do i do that the other one the other one the other one so this does not work with any of them you actually have to find the right one the instructions are clear they're just not clear so anyway so now i found the one where the zeros down here and the holes for the heads are on the outside there we go all right so now we should be ready to screw this together this time all right does not come with the phillips head screwdriver which is just fine by me i'm just happy using my own it does come with the hex keys or allen wrenches depending on what you want to call them i am lining up the outside with the end just to make sure everything's square if i really wanted to i can take my ruler here line that up with it and now it's really square i'm going to tighten this down if i need to loosen it later i will i'm going to do the same thing on this side with all the chatting going on and me trying to get the bill done if you have any specific questions or comments for me please at me in the chat so that i know you're talking to me all right all right there we go nice and solid um all right it says i can go ahead and lock the screws so let's go ahead and find which hex key that is where to put the hex keys there we go so it is the bigger of the two hex keys it comes with so since i've already kind of squared it up using the since i've already squared it up using those corner screws i don't have to worry so much about doing the squaring here this will just reinforce the inside of that corner i'm going to make sure it's good and tight by using the long end to tighten it up uh oh someone has a suggestion for me so wow i'm not pronouncing your name dude so c in there i'm just gonna call you c um uh c says i should swap them so that the measurements are on the inside and unfortunately i think he's right not a big deal i want to build it right the first time otherwise i'm going to be rebuilding it after the stream's over which that doesn't sound fun to do it twice but that is the way that the the long edge is here so i agree with your deduction i was trying to figure that out but thanks for figuring it out for me only takes a second at this point to make sure we put it together you know what travis travis says take three you know as long as it gets put together right the first time i'm okay with that boom everybody awake at least at this point everything is in the right place so reassembling isn't a big deal all right thanks for everyone for joining me we've got about 80 people watching right now i appreciate it thanks for uh tuning in for something uh new to the channel the laser etching i have done the laser etching before on the eq maker uh printer combo things but this is my first standalone one dag gum it take uh three and a half i could do a power screwdriver but i think as a lot of people um pointed out when was it tom was doing his live stream a lot of people don't like the power screwdrivers and stuff when putting together things like 3d printers and i mean and i agree i mean this is it doesn't take long to just manually do it and you tension it properly i like using the manual screwdrivers oh you're welcome ben good to see you thanks for joining us i think you've been here most of the time but thank you anyway there we go all right everybody happy we good all right um scale mark scale marks uh they're telling me to put some m5 profile nuts four of them so they've already gotten us some slide in m5 nuts okay i'm going to flip this around to match the instructions a little bit better oh you know what i forgot to do this and get these tightened down phil's also got the eq maker oh sorry i also yeah what you think about the eq maker i like the big one the small one was great the big one was what i really wanted does a pretty good job on dual color prints that's really the only thing i'm using it for at this point i gotta find a good home for it in my shot though chop though because right now uh it doesn't have a permanent place okay that one's it is this live hey paul paul kofi how are you doing if you're wondering if it's live we are live so thanks for joining us there we go now i can flip it around all right um so we slide in our m5 nuts it looks like on the outside i sure hope it's on the outside because this tiny little drawing doesn't make it clear yeah i'm going to say it on the outside i'm going to take four of these nuts two on one side and two on there's two on that side we're going to do two on this side there we go and now we are going to do that other aluminum profile which we had out earlier and again the numbering is going to go on the inside just as before we need to do the corner connectors and the same screws as we pulled out last time so it's two of these m525s and making sure that i'm using the right screws there we go i don't need this right now and two of these corner connectors same thing as last time we need to be able to slide them in to where they're going to go into the inside corners so they're only going one way there we go there we go and we're going to do the screws again there we go i don't like that let me make sure i square that up real good okay square this one up could you in theory laser onto pancakes yeah sure any flat object or in the case of the add-on for this machine anything cylindrical oh cool so uh smile dragon dreams excellent name by the way i love it absolutely uh just said he joined my patreon so thank you so much i appreciate that i'm going to be doing a lot more on the ender 6 i just haven't gotten to it so i hope um that you're enjoying your ender six and i'm i do have a lot more coming uh for the ender six on this channel because i'm loving my ender six so uh yeah congratulations on the printer it's beverage time so give me one second talking a lot let's see all right let's tighten up these corners i do give them credit with this build one thing i really liked seeing was that that whole gantry was already put together for me otherwise this build would have taken a lot longer because there's a lot on that gantry so really glad that was already done any thoughts on the rat rig v core 3 i haven't seen it personally uh so no thoughts yet i'll be happy to take a look at it later um still want to build a voron but i just don't have time for it right now so that's on my list okay those are the uh those are the nuts rattling around i was wondering i'm like i'm done with all my corners why is it still rattling so okay so they say to lock all the corners which we have done uh let's say for fun that we check our square on our corners so i could have done these to actually do the uh to make sure they were good and square when i assembled it but we'll make sure it is good and square so this corner is good and square that corner is just a hair off but mostly square this corner is good and square this one is just so only these two seem to be just a just a hair off but not much [Music] so just a little off i'm trying to decide if i want to do anything about it um because again it's just just a little bit off let me um i'm going to loosen up these these uh corners real quick these two that are across from one another and see if i can square it up just a little bit better where'd i get the squaring tools um i posted it on my twitter they are off of amazon i'll be sure to send links again if you'd like to but you find it on my twitter feed they are fantastic i just recently found them and i really like them the one i posted on twitter can i bring it over here nope i set it down the one i posted on twitter originally was this one right here which is this small i really i posted this because i liked how small it was i could fit it almost anywhere um but that one's really nice too and it you can hold it with one finger while putting it together same thing here unfortunately that's not really helping me square these up because if you put this on the inside you can't square it off what i would like to do let me put this on the outside hold that in place i could go get clamps if i really wanted to be crazy but i don't think i need to do all of that i will grab a better hex key that lets me tighten a little bit better okay let's do this i'm going to hold it like this tighten that one up hold it like this tighten that one up let's do the same on the alternate corner here again if i would have thought about these to begin with i would have done it um but i just got these so this is kind of a new use for them for me i'm going to hold them in place here hey maker viking good to see you thomas welcome a tripod thanks for dropping by and now yeah that's that's a lot better i'm glad i took a second to do that much more square i'm not getting any wobble there so i'm happy with these corners now i'm gonna double check my other corners yeah everything's good and square now awesome awesome i set those aside all right so next up uh find the front what's the front that's a funny thing the front looks like well i think this is the front i'll tell you why i think that it's the only way that these numbers and these numbers are facing towards me so i think that that's what they've done looking at the drawing here i think that the front is where the numbers face you so i'm going to go with that and then it looks like we want to go ahead and slide on the gantry let's find out what the front of the gantry is as well i think the front of the gantry is going to be where the labels are facing you hopefully that's a safe bet and then we're going to slide these on all right there we go it's actually pretty well tensioned to begin with let's see real quick i'm gonna post that for you guys in case you want them i know they're really cool and so i'm going to go and send you these links over so if you're interested uh so right here these are the red squares and this is the silver square and i don't know about you but i got this the uh silver one for the really small spaces particularly working with 3d printers i got the red ones as you uh saw for what i was just doing which is the left and the right of the gantry so according to this this motor goes on the right it looks like well and again that's the only way to put it on if you want both of the labels facing you the red ones come in blue too the cnc maker says but yeah so this is the only way it would fit and that puts the end stop over here on the left that also makes it where you're gonna slide your um your laser on this side which is facing you also all right so next up we are going to go ahead and put our feet on now that we've slid everything together they call it the base anchors let me switch back over to what i'm doing there are the base anchors now these are pretty cool i like this uh the little feet here one corner of them actually has this little f probably rubber uh corner to them so that you have a nice little foot they've just taken it and just folded that over there so it's nothing major but it's a nice touch a little bit of dampening on those feet and there's three of them there um so it looks like we're going to put them like on the back yeah so the first ones go on the back all right so flipping it around again all right and then what do we need to attach them base anchors times two um says at some point to put on the timing belts here but it doesn't have a good explanation of how to get those on there huh i don't want to have to pull these back off later but i'm not exactly sure what these timing belts are supposed to ride on i'm getting it i think i'm getting it uh where the belts here are the belts so it's going to pull the belts out so um it says we're going to need the base anchors which i have two of those we're not gonna need the third one yet we're going to need m five by eight screws times four and five by eight times four so these are these small ones that's not four though now oh and five by eight okay so we're going to need four and five by eights one two three four we're gonna need two m5 spacers which are all that we were given okay um they try to give me a close-up here on this image but it's so small but i see i think what they're doing so do they show exactly how to route it just goes over okay so this is going to be fun to try to show you in here so let me go back to the close-up cam here i'm going to need a real-time view of this all right so here's one of the end caps what they want us to do is facing down we're going to stick the belt through here and then it looks like we fold it over just a little bit so that we can clamp it down with that spacer when we put the screw together hopefully hopefully that makes sense [Music] all right so astro printer says sent me a link to the online instructions and chat what chat what should i what chat should i be following where'd you send that um this chat where did i see it did it filter it out or was it a long time ago i don't see it if someone's moderating out those instruction links you don't need to moderate it out because i never got to see it yeah i'm looking because online instructions would help versus what i've got here otherwise i can go find it i suppose hey thomas i think you're the only moderator in the chat did you filter that out because i'm not seeing it there we go okay let me do that let's go to support user manual there it is thanks everyone in the chat for helping you guys are the best and yes this user manual is much more zoomable than the other one let's put it that way wow this is way more thorough way better than what i've got holy crap all right so good thing to note right here is that this user manual not so great this one i'm looking at on their website much much better got all the parts listed shows exactly how those corners go together man i'm i was really doing this a um i was doing this the hard way apparently but yeah this is a lot better all right good good good um so far it looks like i've assembled everything correctly though so pretty happy to see that um excuse me as i scroll through this and try to figure this out because this is going to be way better for everybody where was i well they've even changed the order doo doo okay step four we put the frame together um step next so two after assembling the frame it's important to identify the front left corner which we're gonna go back we're gonna go right here and notice that okay apparently did i just get the english version of this because you'll notice right here uh i'm noticing in the instructions they do have a metric one but they gave me the english version that has inches so there's a metric one of these available i don't know how you pick which one you want i don't see that anywhere or it depends on what country you're in i think it would be a great option but anyway this is zero zero over here um all right so they're going to do this a little bit different move to the leftmost m5 nut profile let's see a line plate with frame so your finger tight finger tight and five by eight screws on the m5 nut okay all right so the first thing they're having me do is put on the main board oh you know it'll get recycled one way or another all right so this one's this then this is going to go here i'm going to take one of these m five by eights and put it here if you guys want to switch views or something let me know i want to stick with this one at the moment it said to finger type this i'm just going to make sure i don't over tighten it and then it wants me to get one of the the nuts both of them have slipped down this way and get one of these nuts down here and i'm going to line it up so that i get it with the these are magnetized a little bit when you're working with 3d printers all the time metric becomes um way more standard filly at least all for all my maker stuff you know for everything i do like in regular life it's still english system but anything that i do makery ends up being becoming metric um align both holes okay okay it says to go and tighten these down now that they're in here tighten that down hey paul it's going pretty well i just switched instructions to the online instructions and i'm a lot happier about it um let's see move to the rightmost profile to the nut in the middle of the m40 i love it starts giving things though in the instructions online all the instructions are assuming you have the metric version which not super helpful okay and then align both holes in the metal frame leg with the frame so that you can finger tighten them five screws in the m5 profile nut on the right side okay using the little phillips screwdriver firmly tighten the left one on the frame okay so here's what we're doing on this side got my foot here again the soft side needs to go towards the bottom we are going to go ahead and i'm going to go ahead and align with the t-nut that's in there i'm going to just as it says finger tighten it i'm just not going to over tighten it and then on the next one oh the next one needs the washer on it hopefully it should have one yeah there's one more washer in there okay the washer goes right there and they don't want me to tighten that one down but i can go ahead and tighten this one down once they're both in there okay and then there's one more piece all right does it come with the case no case okay so oh it's pretty rough looking so what is this called this is a focal gauge holder so remember i showed you that little billet that it comes with that little billet of aluminum that it comes with uh they include a little holder for it that we can attach to the front of the printer excuse me of the the cutter etcher whatever you want to call it hey jason good to see you thanks for joining us uh but as you can see mine is kind of warped so i'll probably be redesigning if if they can't send me the model for this they can great this is not something that would take long to redesign but i'll probably reprint that this is a pretty nasty 3d print it curled up real bad as you can see lifted on those corners as they were printing it so i could reheat this also but hey gil you can send me the s-tail thank you very much gil did i miss that you're with artur if so please tell me let me know if so i can you did i missed it thank you gil thanks for dropping by i'm glad you heard that i was doing this today and decided to join us uh gil what is your position over there let me know what do you do for them um so next up um customer support i missed one step by the way he says um let's see customer support and jack of all trades that's position that won't fit in your business card though well i'm glad to see you gil thanks for dropping by so what step did i miss the one where i'm supposed to put t-nuts on here no that actually has proper t-nuts or turnable t-nuts i should say so let me grab the turnable t-nuts here and we will go ahead and do this while gil tells me what i missed out on a couple more m5x8s two rail nuts before sliding the x assembly in two rail nuts uh show me can you tell me what step in the online assembly guide that was on and then i go back and take a look at it so astroprinter apparently has experience with gil here i'm going to go ahead and again i'm assembling these actually the turnable t-nuts and i'll do this while you are doing that and now they're trying to tell me where exactly to put these based upon the metric alignment so i don't have the english alignment not that i think it's going to matter a whole lot um slide the gauge holder into the front face notice the m5 t nuts will slide into the rail without issues if they're horizontally aligned the laser gauge holder should stay in place using your screwdriver tighten in five nuts this action will rotate the t-nuts caution being this is a 3d printed part do not over tighten looks like it should just be down over here so i'm going to just put that down over here and gil you can find my email address in the description of this video if you happen to not already have it and i would appreciate that stl i'm just tighten this down hey gills this printed out of um abs feels like it probably is abs let's see if i'm right that looks that feels pretty good um step 26 page six although you will go over steps first just don't try to put the belts on first yeah that's what i thought this one's just rough i'll probably print it out of petg or something maybe abs if i feel particularly up to it so you're saying page 26 step 6 i'm on page 23. let's see according to this i didn't skip that what stuff did i skip i'm missing it all right i'm going to keep going he's saying it's all okay as long as i don't put in the belts all right so the drag chain motherboard bracket assembly not yet but you said the x assembly already okay oh right right because i was in the assembly that came with it this deal this deal told me to go and put that x assembly on that's why the x assembly is already on but boop that's easy enough right back on the right page need a drink now i think i'm in the right place right all right hopefully everyone's still with me gill's going to keep me straight now i'm paying attention to him let's see from your parts need the drag chain motherboard bracket which is in here there's the that looks like the right part okay and we're going to need m five by eight times one we're going to need an m5t nut there's another m5t nut and another m5 washer all right hopefully i haven't scared everyone off yet how many people are we got going on here so we've got 78 people 53 likes and thanks for joining me and today's stream let's get something carving uh already taking longer than expected to assemble this thing but i tell i talk a lot okay and i'm gonna need the phillips screwdriver thanks for pointing me at these uh steps i don't know how it would have gone if i would have kept going with the other ones carefully flip over the pro in order to access the underside of the frame make sure no force or pressure is applied to the buttons at the top that's a these are great instructions gill did you write uh write these instructions if so they're these are pretty good all right so i'm going to flip this i'm going to actually hang my buttons off the side and then they won't get damaged then i'm going to take it and put this yep like this all right everyone seems to still be here and i need to put move my mouse around now okay and then slide the m5 nuts on the back of each screw so something like that and then slide the drag chain bracket into the bottom face so we are over here and it looks like we're hanging off the edge right okay okay and then tighten it down looks good to me okay we're going to tighten that up perfect so gill did write this i did i am writing assembly part is done the fun parts to come wrote it so my own mother could build it which might be a bit overkill that's fine no i i appreciate more details than needed i mean there's a lot of text here which isn't great for a live stream but it's great if you're doing this for the first time from your parts please select the x-axis assembly which i've got right here waiting on me i've got two m3 by five millimeter nuts do we have two different size we got m3 oh m3 got it and three by fives two and three by fives and then two frame nuts okay saying just use the pictures all right and then [Music] we need this other piece okay i'm a little confused by the picture that i'm looking at right now so 25 step two you didn't mention that i was going to need another the drag chain assembly is that what i'm looking at no it's not the drag chain assembly what is it oh it's a little piece okay i see it okay so they're saying go ahead and i'm going to just put these screws in here ignore those other screws for some reason all right and then we're going to go ahead and attach on the left side we're going to need the assembly as he just said in the ins the chat um i'm going to take so this one's here this side okay on the left side of the x assembly locate the two small holes just above the y stepper motor duh oh got it oriented wrong just above the stepper motor right here okay finger tighten the two and five screws into the pre-tapped holes oh okay i see what you're doing here okay on the left side this one could be at a slight this picture could be at a slightly better angle but i'm nitpicking okay [Music] and then that's going to go here and here yeah no one can see what i'm doing now because now it's confusing and i'm working on the wrong side of the camera uh i want to show people what i'm doing in case anyone's following along at home i don't have to move everything just this and then switch camera angles all right so here we go i got stuff sticking to the bottom of my all right so here we go looks like this is going to fit between here and here and i'm going to put this on this way and then these should thread into these holes there we go i got it thomas what were you saying i should ask about whether it was supposed to come with any sort of usb device or sd card was i supposed to get any sort of digital media with this thomas i mean not thomas excuse me gill i'm kind of curious all right okay tying them three and fives firmly completing the drag frame okay rotate your r2 pro frame so it faces up again rotate it again so the back side of the machine is facing you and the motherboard is facing back good instruction i like it i know exactly what to do just flip it this way okay now i didn't get the offline controller or the manual z height adjust they didn't send me that the only one they sent me was the uh y roller add-on okay step six uh slide two of these two slide two and five profile nuts into the top face of the y axis to the right side of the rail right side top okay same side where the mother assembly is located even more clarity very nice okay and then slide the two along the right both are at the end nice tell me where to put them they go there [Music] okay don't know what that was i don't know why that's doing that okay yeah people stop chatting everyone's just paying attention or doing something else at this point all right align the y-axis assembly with the back of the frame no rotation of the x-axis assembly the screw should be visible on the back so make sure that the back is facing me which i am and then i'm going to slide this on now there we go um can you laser engrave 3d printed stuff i'm pretty sure you can you're just going to have to get the settings just right it may depend on the material also plus if you laser engraved it what are you trying to engrave what are you trying to get out of it i think there's a lot of questions there um all right okay carefully lift the frame and guide it between the left and the right set of wheels make sure the wheels align okay there's a lot of alignment here slide the x-axis fully into the frame until all four wheels slide take one last moment to confirm all eight wheels are sliding smoothly we are sliding smoothly um okay looks good um yeah everything looks properly tensioned as long as it's up off of the thing they use okay i've got uh eccentric nuts on the bottom if i need to make adjustments let's see let's see okay so there's a lot of information coming up here about the belts settle in with use and expand slightly the first couple weeks it's about timing belts um okay they talk about how the belts go under the wheels and over the y-axis sprockets so under wheel over will under will nice instructions step one carefully guide the timing belt um with the tooth facing down over the sprocket under the left side wheel sliding it inside and along the v-slot of the y-rail sliding the belt until the end of the belt reaches and goes past the left side end of the rail by about six centimeters so let's do that okay i'm gonna go this side this is always fun to figure out how to get something up i'm going to need either pliers or a screwdriver or something to grab it okay got that one i'm gonna go back under excuse me over and then under all right gil is still suggesting that i pay more attention to the pictures than the words otherwise i don't i think he's worried we're not going to get done otherwise okay well some of the words are important i assume you wrote them for a reason there are a lot of words about six centimeters past i'm just gonna center that um all right let's go and do the other one while we're at it it's always fun to try to get these to lift up on you so i put a little bin in that belt thank you for the subscription no huss no just i don't know how you want me to pronounce that but i appreciate the subscription if you're in this video or if you're actually watching one of my other videos who knows i always suspect that people are watching if they subscribe while the live stream is going on but it's completely possible they don't know or care about this live stream and they're watching some other content i think this is the trickiest part hey gil thank you so much i really appreciate that there we go all right so both of them have been assembled gil's taking a break step away from cuter for a bit dinner time um okay thanks gil thanks for joining and i will hopefully talk to you later all right so got the uh guided both of those in after both left and right timing belts are assembled your artillery pro should look similar to the images below fair enough okay um so i'm reading i apologize um part of the dildo let's see here slide the belt further through the belt slit in the frame roughly two and a half centimeters the timing valve is required on the outside note this measuring does not need to be exact but should be enough link to easily hold the belt with your fingers okay okay all right so first thing first we're going to go to this corner here which we've already done i'm trying to show you what i'm doing it's not the ideal place for me to work but i want to show it to you so we're going to loosen this one up in fact it just says to go and pull it completely out all right phil thanks for joining us good to see you as always thanks for your time all right now i got to get this belt back through this little hole here they said to keep a little bit you know two and a half centimeters or so i do have a ruler so might as well i almost put too much so do that wrap it up put your screw back in and then it tightens down and holds that belt into place so astro i haven't been keeping up with the chat for all of this so if you would go and tell me have you can you do glass etching with this machine i wouldn't think that it's powerful enough to do it but let me know if i'm wrong because i would love to do some glass etching i think that it'd have to be painted or something okay there we go and the left side front um and then on this side we need the switch did we lose audio people still hear me am i coming in is that it still have audio here still have audio there what's going on oh you hear me okay getting worried i just checked i was making sure i'm wireless here it's always possible my wireless dies on me all right so um on this one say one centimeter belt past the y rail okay next up i'm going to go ahead and i need this and two of the m5s that we've been using okay if it gets quiet it may just be because i'm reading or something at this point the limit switch thank you for the new subscriber roon thank you very much good to see you and um we're going to take it come this way looks like it's going to go [Music] now they got this switch going on here let me read a little bit ahead okay so this is going to actually go on top like that oh jw thank you very much for subscribing to the channel um all right so uh let's see i've got these down here i'm going to pull them out to where they fit and boy kind of losing my mind here okay so if we have that foot there i think i need to reorient myself this way which looks a lot more correct to me and then i'm going to hold this yeah something looks a little off is that the wrong one losing it here what am i missing doesn't look like the picture oh i oh i got it okay i think i see what i'm missing so i think it goes this way i think they just put the switch on the different side maybe that's all i'm looking at is it looks like they put the switch on top and the picture of the switch is on the bottom my guess is it's not going to matter a whole lot yeah looks like that's all it is so on top is fine i don't does it work on bottom i wouldn't think so not very well anyway anyway so i'm going to take this one it's going to come through wow back to the top i'm going to come through here just like that a couple of centimeters as they recommend find the right hole placement for these nuts okay and then we just put these straight in here like this which will hold down that screw let me know astroprinter if i did this right my switch is on top otherwise i don't no nothing matches up if it's not on top everything looks fine if it's on top now it's on the outside of the frame my switch would not fit on the outside of the frame though not where i just put it this looks fine okay let me know that's about as close to the picture as i can get right there okay and then we're gonna go back to the back and do i'm just actually going through a lot of these instructions quickly and we're going to do both sides of the back okay so switching to the back all right and now we're going to tighten up our belts tighten up my belt okay now let's go ahead and do these now these are pretty simple i'm not actually going to try to show these to you while i do it these are just like the other ones where we have these brackets the belt is going to go through these little holes here we're going to have screws just you know in the corners that they're supposed to be on and then to tighten down the belt you just do this still here and it tightens the belt in place all right need two washers looks like yeah and then four total screws okay get this started i'm going to pull my belt tight tighten it down i'm going to put one of my other nuts in place go and tighten that down then tighten all these into place got all this extra belt that i can cut off later okay let's do one more same deal i'm going to take it i'm going to thread that belt through that part try to move the nut into roughly the right place start tightening that down and then before i tighten them both down i'm going to add that other one okay i'm going to tighten that one down pull this one tight and i can tighten it down okay and we should move here and it moves very well if you'll notice there is a bar let's see make sure yep right there see there's a bar that runs across here that keeps our x and our y gantry in sync excuse me both of our y gantries in sync there we go our everything will move parallel on both sides at the same speed [Music] um okay looks good once complete our tour laser should look like the illustration on the right with the excess of the timing mostly exposed on the back of the machine please review carefully okay and then note regarding time of bell tension defining the words okay let me see how my tension is on these feels pretty good um actually maybe a little loose in the front i'm gonna do a little tightening on these i'm not real happy with them right where they are okay then tighten the backs and then tighten the fronts again because i think it's loosening up a little bit and once it goes over that uh like you're in the middle you're not going to be able to tighten it again okay tighten this one up a little bit more okay now they're a little bit tightened better i'm happy happy with those um okay i'm not a hundred percent sure i'm happy with the tension on these but i think that's all i'm going to do for now we'll let them work a little bit longer let's see from your part please select the drag chain link which i've got right here uh m36 flat heads i mean do we need times four one hopefully i haven't lost any in the process of this one two three have i misplaced one moving everything around seem to be missing a screw again it's just as much likely that it's my fault as theirs but i'm not seeing that screw i need i've got these only thing i've got left are these l brackets a nut an extra screw an extra washer and that is all i'm seeing so i'm missing one of those one of those little m3 screws and again i don't know if it's one that there it is found it told you it was my fault there it is they did not leave it out okay so i think this is everything uh first things first bring the drag train back training and we are going to attach oh thank you nate have you decide on a test print image yet not yet i've got a couple of cool ones that i've thought about doing so i was i wanted to do a svg file rather than a raster image just for speed purposes so we'll see uh which in which end do i need so i need the end with the big connector not all the loose connectors i need the big connector there i'm going to take that up here to the front and i'm going to take and we need to screw this in right here if you'll notice there's a couple of screw holes right here i appreciate that nate by the way uh first donation of the stream unless i've missed one so thank you so much uh it's really nice uh i've got some cool images that i've been sitting around on because i knew i was going to have this all right so that um one more screw one more and these are those flat head m3s all right i have to say this drag chain terrific id idea particularly on what you're considering their pro model very nice job going together really well these screws are a bit long though i'm actually through the drag chain into yeah they're a little long i don't know why you'd want the screws that long but to tighten them all the way down they go all the way through so anyway i may need to find some shorter screws unless i miss something um using your m3 screwdriver guys and start the two and fours i don't know what they're saying here because they do say hey thomas is it showing up at 17k yet have we hit the 17k subscribers we've heard several during this stream so let me know if that's showing up on your end okay and then for the next one slide the two and three six into the drag chain yeah i'm not sure about those screws those would just those would damage any surface well maybe not yeah we'll figure it out i'm not going to spend time on that right now so the next thing they want me to do i'm going to take my drag chain move it up here and then we're going to attach those two other screws right in this area still seeing 16.9 so if you haven't subscribed yet early in the stream thomas was asking about what would it take to get to 17k and i'm not far i haven't actually looked at it yet so if uh if you'd like me to give away a free spool of filament before the end of this stream we gotta get to 17k so let me know let me know if you haven't hit subscribe hit subscribe now joining me here as i release some new content there we go drag chain check that out check that smooth smooth motion and my end stop does work where it is so that's good very nice all right i'm using phillips screwdriver okay all right uh there's another hole here they just want me to take the screw through the drill drill hole on the left capping it on the other side with the nut so i don't know what this is for yet but they want me to just put a screw in a nut right here nope tj that's not going to help at all if you're already subscribed you're already contributing and i can't ask anything more all right mechanical limit switches are we talking about mechanical limit switches um okay now we're going gonna do some wiring i think gill just finished up some he's like okay we got some uh information to talk about here so we're gonna talk about get limit switches all right we're gonna go and plug in oh i see why we were talking about it sorry about that um only two are required in the past many of archer laser printers users found difficulties of it identifying so i think what we're going to do right here andy asked if i hit 17k do i get a youtube trophy no it's gonna be a long time before this channel gets a youtube trophy unless uh something changes so i'm gonna plug up my limit switch here um and so i've got red on this side and black in the middle according to this right here so you can see right there hopefully decent let's go ahead and do that maybe that's as useless as the overhead i apologize that i don't have every angle covered um align and slide this connector in so let's put that right here all right so that connector is in now they're saying make sure it's in really well and it is the okay they want me to plug it in to the limit switch i think i found the right ones there black in the middle and yep we're good okay now they wanted to go to the other end and do the other limit switch which same sort of deal we're going to take black to the center okay and then red towards the end of where the hinge is which is the way the other one is wired up so red here black in the middle hey dave good to see you i didn't realize you had made it on the stream so how you doing david all right and then they want to take the crimped one and we're going to actually ground the gantry here so right here i put in a screw and then i'm going to put this extra fork terminal here to ground the uh assembly which i really like so they're actually some extra grounding to make sure that this gantry has been grounded um all right so there we go it's all tightened in make sure we plug in our stepper motor done and then we got two more um x goes to x so we got x here and x here make sure that it clamps down like it's supposed to and then there's one more here i don't know where this l is going to go because we don't have it yet the laser cable oh we don't have the laser cable yet we haven't been told to put on the laser laser cable laser cable i want to sing through this there we go okay so laser cable this was the one that was by itself and so this one goes in here and latches and then i'm sure we're going to add that later time for a laser we're getting close we're getting close everybody get excited thomas says is a hundred thousand followers that gives you the plaque yes a hundred thousand would give me the plaque and make my children extremely jealous so if you want to make my kids jealous get all your friends to join i love it when us older generations meaning not 16 years old get youtube plaques because they think it's cool yep this is the laser power cable all right [Music] okay locate the laser slider thumb so we need one of these thumb screws yeah this is the smoke test i'm with you all right so it does come with it looks like an extra thumb screw which is awesome so um screw the thread into the laser module slider bracket only threaded a few turns oh maybe it's just the fact that we've got two interesting we've got multiple places to screw this in okay once engaged slide the laser module down the laser module bracket until both sliders are aligned at the top gently tighten the laser module thumb screw okay so next up all right so we're gonna put this on here we're gonna slide it down they said just align it on top which is a good idea we're going to use this thumb screw to tighten it down perfect i guess it comes with that second one because technically i could like thumb screw on the other side just for some extra ability there okay and then they want me to loosen up this corner right here which i had another there it is okay you want me to loosen this one up on this corner because again we're grounding stuff no you don't get a you don't get a plaque at 10k no plaque here all right and we're going to plug that in to there right there and then we're going to take our ground and plug that in right here it's curious how they wanted it so i'm going to put it this way hey man astro printer i'm sure you're well on your way man just uh keep chugging away i know it feels like it's a it's you know do it for the fun of it if you're you're doing it for the youtube of it it's going to just feel like it takes longer that's for sure but i know that 1k felt really good to me 5k felt good 10k 10k was great that was like my first real goal and it was it was wonderful to get to 10k tighten down okay we got some cable ties i was curious if they were going to show us how to do the routing for this one and they do so we're going to take it we're going to go down with it it's going to go up and say wrap it here okay one right there i'm gonna do one so i did one on this side i know i'm on the wrong side but i did one on the bottom they say to go ahead and put another one on the top awesome snip it off which as someone mentioned i've got plenty of snips since every 3d printer practically comes with them okay okay and then we're gonna do a little cable management here on this side okay um [Music] x axis stepper motor cable and this one's not even plugged in okay we're doing the x-axis motor over here now apparently i need another tie and i'm going to tie that oh there's already a tie over here all right hey thanks for the subscription i'll take that in here tighten that down right there it's an interesting one not to include since it wouldn't have actually gotten in the way to actually go ahead and done that there we go and then another one on this side they want to go ahead and do a cable tie at the bottom of this acting like there's a hole here somewhere to do a cable tie just between the links i'm not actually seeing where they think that i can do this yeah i'm not seeing a cable tie location here for these i guess i can just take it around maybe that's what they did just take it all the way around okay so i'm going to add a cable tie here to the bottom oh astroprinter says it's 7k part 17k party time i'm going to check it in a minute but stay on target stay on target so that one's good that one's good and we're gonna do another one up near the top of this one i do like all the cable management because i've actually complained with other manufacturers not telling you really how to do their cable management so i give archer and gill in particular here credit for taking the time to explain to us how we should properly do cable management to make sure our cables don't get in the way all right that's good too next up this one i'm assuming looks like we've got yeah okay we kind of push these off to the side trying to figure out where we're supposed to actually push those um and then we're going to couple more cable ties well they included them all with it i can at least say that nothing is missing uh right okay boop cut these off all right so that i'm pretty sure just hangs there and it does go to the full extent without getting tangled up so that's great this is a nice stiff cable here so no problems there souvenir washer is that what you're thinking and whatever these are for um it's funny i don't know what these were for maybe if gil shows back up there you what are these for gil that was you saying that what are these for that's for holding it to the table that what those bottom uh holes on the feeder for is bolting it down oh cool don't think anyone does it i doubt it because you know one of the things i was thinking of um was like one of the things i love about a machine like this number one it's a good sized machine that i really did i do all my washers okay it's a good sized machine but look at this it's light i would never want to bolt this to a table because i love how light it is and when i'm done with it i don't have to take up a whole table with it i can take it over somewhere and you know carefully on the back yeah like this set it somewhere very carefully like i said figure out how i can set it somewhere and put it out of the way all right so gill i think i'm about good here your new instructions were fantastic i didn't read everything like you said i followed the pictures um so i think i am good um there's nothing about let's see final inspection take a moment final inspection ready to power up um we have reached consensus all right let's go ahead i want to plug it in smoke test time right see what it's going to do what was that all right let's do it so i'm plugging it in to my trusty bench power supply um is there not a power switch and just go with it does it have z adjust no this one doesn't come with a nice add-on kit gil you can get them to send me an add-on kit for that z-adjust this one but it's not hard i mean it's got a little thumb screw you screw the thumb screw and you raise and lower it it's it's really easy so no complaints with just how the standard one works at all it's fine all right let's plug it in i'm not going to see anything obviously because it doesn't have a screen or anything that's pretty much it it does have a power button but it looks like it's just on already i've got a blue light i'm going to turn on my i'm going to do my safety glasses i haven't done anything yet let's get my usb cable that it came with to your point though you know i will put them on in case something were to short out here may look stylish in case something were to short out here and the laser were to cut on and i didn't want it to so at least for the initial plug-in here i will at least make sure that i'm being safe usb you know what let me turn it to where you can see what i'm doing i think this usb cable is long enough so there we go now you can see what i'm doing so power up here usb up here all right let me get all of my let me get all of my screwdrivers out of the way real fast all right i'm going to plug in the machine to the computer and we're going to see hopefully it doesn't do anything ideally all right usb plugged in nothing has occurred all right i'm going to take off my glasses for the moment let's go ahead and so it's going to suck just a little bit i'm trying to figure out what to do here because my screen share is not cooperating give me one second because otherwise let me move things around maybe i can figure it out and then we will get going i'm going to bring up my light burn here do i already have light burn running no i don't okay and i think i've got this to where i can here is there's the screen chair so that's my light burn i'm going to put my glasses on and we'll see if it's communicating did actually actually first things first let's bring up device manager and see if we have a com port because i didn't actually hear it detected okay press the power for five seconds let's do that then all right close up let's do it power oh there i hear it now we're setting up that virtual com port was it supposed to home in two directions or just one what happened it's com 6 and look we actually i'm going to go and switch to the screen share notice it actually does see it flame detector active ambient infrared value is this so it already has that figured out awesome check the stepper cable connector will do stepper cable connector for the x-axis oh you know what i think check your instructions and see if it actually said to plug in the x-axis motor i don't think i saw it i may have missed it so it's not on you yet i'm just telling you to check that because it did not hold yet so let's do that again redo that home i assume if i hold it down it'll reset i may be wrong nope i'm going to unplug it plug it back in turn on the power there we go i haven't plugged in the x motor yet fantastic now my x motor was uh not plugged in yet so i had to plug in my x motor but that's not a big deal like i said easy to figure out and i should have caught it uh nothing is bowed everything's level it's just the camera everything looks good okay so are we ready to burn something so let's do this first i'm going to screen share let's go ahead i'm curious to know if uh let's do this close up again can i move this okay no locked motors i want to see i'm going to press the home button inside of light burn to make sure that it is communicating properly i'm going to hit home i got nothing it says okay go to origin nope those aren't doing anything what do i need to set up on light burn my berm is not oh oh i have to actually set this freaking thing up i forgot device find my laser let's see if this works scanning make sure that it actually still found the device so i do see a usb device com 6. let me go and show you what i'm seeing all right so it is not letting me add this if anyone wants to jump in here this is i i set up the eq maker in this and that was a pain in the butt um so i went in here and i tried to say find my laser it's not finding anything there's nothing in the list i don't know actually what that's supposed to do so let me create manually what is the laser control i assume it's gerbil but which one in front of the device button drop down it's not showing up in front okay so devices manual just regular gerbil next serial verbal x 400 y 400 let's call it what it is it is the laser master let's put a brand with it archer laser master 2 pro next it is front left is correct auto home is good yup honor home is good okay let's say next finish look at there okay i'm gonna say okay now i've got com6 and now i've got the orator there we go oh now it's homing beautiful okay so let's try that again i'm going to mess it up i'm going to press the home again and there we go all right beautiful okay now um i've got some different materials here i obviously have this little piece of wood it came with should i just do that to begin with so i've got the little piece that it came with here this thing is only nine by five and a half centimeters if i align it at like zero zero which i could do with my ruler the good thing about doing this on a board is then you could draw out your ruler actually i would laser out the ruler onto the base right i assume that's what people do is just laser the ruler onto the big piece of wood right is there a camera on the laser no at least not yet maybe before i'm done i can get closer i mean we always go to the top shot but i think this one's probably going to be better i'll get a better shot of it before we go here let's work on that there we go and then we go boom and boom zoom in appropriately there we go okay okay so what do we want to do let me find real quick i'm going to bring up something you don't need to see this anyway let me bring up this in my file system something that might be appropriate for something this size [Music] okay give me two seconds all right i got something that may work i'm going to actually turn the printable area to something okay okay so we can do this centered let's do this now let me go and switch back to the screen share so here we go i have an avengers logo because some people on the channel may realize i'm kind of a fanboy now this though i only need to be no bigger than this little board that i have and again i said that little board was nine by five and a half so it can't be bigger than that and i'll be able to just move it to the middle um actually has better lighting in the middle so the avengers logo and again this is an svg file uh how do i tell how big this is oh there it is okay so that is in millimeters so how big do i want it height five and a half so i can come in here right here and put 50. okay so everyone's gonna have to be a little patient with me because this is new to me so if i do this and if i then come in here and so there's two types of framing there is this frame trace the boundary with the laser head beam disabled this one is trace a rubber band boundary with the laser head beam disabled speed is taken from the move i don't really know what the difference is there um [Music] okay so i need to set see gil i need to get you on a call here so that you can walk me through this i've used this a couple of times but i'm i'm still a newbie at it [Music] there's the cuts this is going to be painful to everybody else do i just pick a strength down here or is that the color i think this one go edit device enable fire button okay edit device settings excuse me as i move this over where i can see it enable laser fire button and then okay anything else i should do in here before i move on gil any other settings i should change before i move on just say okay okay and launch light bird again to turn it off no i can redo that and i'll open up light burn again my birth okay all right now let's open up my file again all supported that was the one i used last time go in here okay there's the height width that's 50 okay i missed it okay now what we doing okay once done press ok then close the launch library again that's really all there is now the laser panel go to move panel oh move okay gotcha all right now what i want to let you walk me through this gill because like i said okay we're all learning together so if i'm boring you or frustrating you i apologize but we all start fresh at some point in time and i hope you guys appreciate that so while the laser panel change in front of devices from oh okay sorry about that yeah there we go now it's moving okay so it homed i am going to kind of move this to the center i think because i think it's going to be a better shot so let's move that there a little bit i hope that other people can learn from this as well like i said notice on the move panel you have a fire button set one percent little box behind ah okay one percent done okay yeah i'm glad i'm working on a piece of wood instead of a table this is not my table top luckily all right what are we going to do now you can keep typing gil i'll just follow along at my own speed here if i screw up you can correct me now laser panel laser panel oh the laser panel at the bottom start from user origin got it change that to absolute coordinates [Music] done okay now press shift on your keyboard and press the frame button will tell you where to put the little wood blank all right shift and where is frame shift and this frame i see all right let's go back to the wide shot so you can see what's going on or there there we go i'm going to press it again ah thank you for that now i did the laser the first time and this time it's not so why would that be let me reset this to one maybe and then hit shift and frame there it goes i don't know why it's there it goes loving it perfect all right so i assume i need to set my height here on my laser so that's going to involve the little piece of metal that it came with so other things you might want to do is change edit settings maybe per minute instead of millimeters per second okay edit settings meters per second to millimeters four per minute okay done yes set the focus point with the gauge all right let's see how to do that so where does this go under where where am i going to put this under is it under the diode or do i assume it's under the diode if i set that right there and on top of my material and then i lower it down on top of it is that correct so it's sitting that piece of aluminum is sitting between the diode and the material is that correct and tutorial on the body of the laser not the lens all right this is why i ask questions all right okay so body perfect okay done let me hold my material get rid of my piece that sticks on here okay close that back down okay so anyone wondering yes i'm wearing my glasses the whole time everyone i'm wearing my glasses the whole time just glasses all right that wasn't hard i know you're saying the z add-on is great but that's really easy too though so good on them for making it easy even without the add-on all right so i want to go ahead and ask you so i've got your little sample piece of wood in here what should how do i set my strength and what should my strength be so i know if i set this too strong on this little piece of wood i'm probably going to end up with a cut around the outside go to the cuts and layers tab okay i see astro print printer is uh saying 30 should be good clear speed and power there it is so i need to set a speed and a power so what's going to get me through this very quickly on this stream so i can wrap it up and tell you how awesome that this has all been do more at eighty percent at six thousand let's do that sounds awesome to me so eighty percent at six thousand mode is line that pretty good then and for anyone else wondering let me go and state that i am in my garage i have an ac that is ventilating to the outside and if i need it i also have an overhead air filtration system so just letting everyone know that i am set up to handle this type of work correctly all right so we're good all right um all right yes looks good um so at this point do i just hit play is that all that's left all right so plays the right button though right when i'm ready or no start no i don't have a start okay so i assume it's going to be yeah start the play button okay we're good then so i'm going to do exactly as suggested to me let's go back to my close-up shot i am going to frame it up one more time so there you can see um let's see if that helps you see it a little bit better maybe that's going to make it worse i'm trying to show you that it is actually much tighter you can't see it any better all right that's good so that's good right all right i'm going to get you closer before we start because i want you to see as you guys have waited a long time for this and i can't thank you enough for uh sticking this out with me as i'm learning as gil has been here to help me out i can't thank him enough for his time because as he said this is dinner time for him and it is a sunday um let's do it right all right so it's not centered for anybody all right let's do it um let's hit start five four three two one that's bright and it's done that's what you guys all waited for oh man that was it and it's sharp that's fantastic [Laughter] oh man that was it let me show it to you at there three second print and we have an avengers logo that is a speedy crisp print i mean it's actually incredibly crisp i would have gone a little bit uh probably higher on the um boy i've got too many things on this monitor real quick give me a second check that out i'm trying to make this where i can see it as well as you can so here we go check the crisp edges those nice lines that would have been terrific to actually cut out completely and then mount somewhere or maybe cut something around it but that was it that's how fast that works i can't say i mean that's that's quite the the powerful laser because that was really freaking fast now i'm ready to try out of course more so that was awesome uh yeah i would have done a little bit more power a little bit um sharper i could do one more at a higher setting so if i went back and got that off of there because that's not helping anybody and if i change the cuts and layers change this go up to 100 [Music] gil will tell me if i'm going to mess anything up by going full tilt on this laser gill says 500 millimeters per minute at 100 okay i that's good to know i was wondering if there was a like a duty cycle thing so he's saying to do 500 at 100 will i cut through it at that rate okay so let's do 580 because that's quite a bit less than what we started with because you told me to do six thousand um i don't necessarily need my my table etched also so we originally started out at um was those original settings would we do 80 at 6 [Music] 000. 580 will cut yeah i figured that let's just do what do we where do we get if we go half as speed let's just go let's i mean we're just experimenting here it doesn't matter yeah let's do that that's exactly what i was thinking gil all right so again let's do one more we're going to go to the close-up because that's garbage and the camera was not prepared for the blinding light there because i don't have it on auto exposure i don't believe let me turn it on auto exposure this time and see what the camera does because i'm curious i have an auto iso auto iso all right i'm curious to see what the camera is going to do this time all right glasses back on i am now going to do the frame okay perfect all right let's do it let's burn stuff oh that's nice it's a beautiful smell as always done all right glasses off and let's compare the two this is half the speed as you saw and let's get a little bit closer up so here's the new one i like this one it is i think a nicer i think it's a nicer etch yeah that's a lot cleaner there's that side there's the faster side which just doesn't look quite as polished and then that side which is mwah super clean definitely a little bit of an edge to it what you think beautiful okay um these are going really fast i'm going to take one more here so that was both sides of that one which i'm pretty happy with now if we go and do one more now i'm not going to sand that one i'm going to leave those the way they are but let me pull this back over here let's do a screen share let's try one more what if we bring in something like that think yeah that'll be fine what do we think about that do you think that'll do pretty well okay to drop the speed to a thousand okay so we're going to do that we're going to go and go to the cuts take this drop the speed to a thousand what uh max power on this one different beast that one uh image mode yep i agree jarvis or stuckey 3 000 and 70. i know you're guessing and keep in mind uh gil is helping us out here image mode equals jarvis which is you know perfectly in line with what we should be doing with an iron man logo right all good there anything else i should change on the screen looking for an okay from gill and astro printer since apparently they have the uh expertise here apparently some other people do all right we're gonna go with it okay i know this one's going to take longer um but it's pretty small so let's go ahead and frame this one up again if i cut on my table here but i'm just keeping in mind that the sides of this image are actually blank so i don't think we're actually framing to the sides of that okay what's the where's the estimate on here now i don't think i have to worry about the image keep in mind my image is coming all the way out to here oh sorry i'm not showing you the image is coming all the way out to here but the height is the one that you know i don't think gil says smaller too see i was thinking that the image was actually coming out to here and so this is just blank so i don't think it's going to actually burn off the wood i'm trying to get most use of the wood as possible to make it kind of bigger but if everyone's not sure we got a little bit smaller let me frame it up one more time it needs to move over a little bit to the left all right that's much better okay so where's the estimate on here that will show me how long it should take to run i don't want to keep anyone longer that doesn't want to stick around alt p there we go it's a little dark i don't know if that has any bearing on what it will actually look like so what five minutes and 52 seconds is that what we're looking at here oh i don't have it on the right screen sorry about that uh here we go so i don't know if that dithering that they're showing me it doesn't know okay so five minutes and 52 seconds this shouldn't take that long while it's burning i can do the filament giveaway and um we'll do that everybody good with that filament giveaway we do about six uh dithered print or dither print well it's a print it's on something dithered burn and we'll go from there okay i'm just going to hit play here and it's going to go so i'm going to hit close up and let's hit start oh wrong start hit play oh nevermind that play is not the right play you gotta hit start boom that's speedy and you're not gonna be able to see that a whole lot i don't think okay there we go okay um is the filament giveaway international i'm going to offer what i've done before which is if you're domestic i will send you one of my own spools of filament it'll be something random because i'm not going to dig through it right now so i'm going to randomly pick a unopened spool of filament that i have sitting around and if you are domestic i will send it directly to you from me if you are international me and you will work together to find somewhere local to you and um oh i didn't know that cnc maker says i could burn the camera lens too that's good the shield's there well uh thank you arter for having a shield there so i don't burn my lens up awesome um okay so anyway no i know what you meant yeah the the yeah the actual part that actually picks up the light understood okay so as i was saying if you're international and you win this then if you're international and you win this i will work with you to find somewhere local for you to purchase one and i will send you a gift card or something along those lines if you are domestic i will send this to you directly so let me go ahead and get the google form ready and let me go ahead and i've got to duplicate this one make copy what's today's date today is 6 13. okay all of the usual information i'm going to be asking for your name your email uh your youtuber name a country to ship to and you can leave me a comment if you like i always read the comments and i do appreciate all the nice things that you have to say there if you have something hateful and awful to say there i'll read that too but it's also a good way for me to figure out who you know doesn't want to view my youtube channel anymore i kid i kid honestly um all right let me send this form i am going to create a link i'm going to shorten it because those are long i'm going to say copy and of course i need to remember to turn this on this time because i am accepting responses and this is wonderful by the way doing this in glasses i'm just telling you guys where is my youtube there it is i am sending the information right now thank you everyone oh you know i didn't even check on let me make sure that i hit 17 000 like everybody said i did 17 000 won thank you all so very much for the love there 17 01 i've been waiting for that to turn over for way too long to be honest so let me go and send that form to 17001 woot and here is the enter the giveaway again it's just one spool today it's coming out of my own stash i'm happy to do it if you're domestic you'll get my stash if it is uh international then um if it's international i will work with you i'll just need your email there we go by the way it smells fantastic in here absolutely fantastic and i mean that i love the smell of burning wood who doesn't so send those over is going really fast i can't even um you know gil i i can't thank you enough for joining this live stream obviously without you i would have been really fumbling about here so you were a real life saver so make sure you get that raise when you go back to work tomorrow because you earned it this live stream has been fantastic i've really enjoyed building and using this machine today so i appreciate it let me go ahead i'm going to change this by the way i'm about to switch this over to the giveaway as the pinned post [Music] there we go we're almost done but i'm about to switch this over to the pin post obviously if you are interested in purchasing one of these arturo laser master 2 pros the link is in the description and it has been actually like i said it's been a pleasure using it it's gone really well i can't wait to use it on a lot more projects because this is what i've been wanting one for is for my shop because i haven't had one the glasses are coming off i will give you a close-up of this in just a minute again um yep absolutely gil again thanks again um i will uh be in touch and let me go and give you a close-up of this one because i think you might want to see it before you take off although i'm guessing you've seen a laser etch or two this one definitely could have been darker but i guess you start light and kind of work your way up me i always have to switch this over hopefully everyone is entering the contest yeah i definitely needed a little bit more power on this one to give it a real uh depth but given that i chose a pretty dark image with some very subtle gradients this actually turned out really well i'm happy with it i'll go a little bit slower next time to bring it out a little bit more but that looks really good let me know your thoughts all right awesome awesome awesome there we go there we go i'm going to leave that in the lower right uh it looks good what depth can it cut um i'm going to let gil answered if he's still here uh i don't have a um yeah this is really nice it actually looks better in person by the way um it actually looks better in person by the way than it looked on camera it actually has a a better gradient to it than the camera was able to pick up so agile you can talk about depth uh if you can real fast i think it's pretty much you know before it burns and keep going cutting depth up to five millimeters is what uh stefano's saying five millimeter ply is easy mdf is a bit harder air assist gives you an extra two millimeters there we go keep it from catching fire all right for safety first i'm gonna go ahead and unplug the power so i don't have to worry about it doing anything and i'm going to give everyone two minutes at 6 20 i'm going to draw for the filament and again this is a huge thank you to everyone that has subscribed during this stream and all of you that have been subscribed from way back when i know a lot of people that attend my uh streams uh have been subscribed for a long time i know david wilson here he's been a patreon supporter of mine since i don't know if he was number one or number two but he was like there first at my patreon so i can't say enough thank you to david for sticking through this with me um i've got a video i'm working on this week i hope you really like uh it is going to be on the uh sitting around here somewhere anyway it's the h2 extruder i got the h2 extruder video coming out uh it's going to be on the ender 5 plus as usual so i hope you stay tuned to that and based on my results of the h2 extruder review i plan on using it on some other projects as long as everything works out really well on it so there'll be some more there there is a uh kill switch on it that you could use to shut it off i assume uh and there is a on switch i have to play with the switches a little bit but i'm just turning the power off seems to be the the best solution here all right one more minute let me see i got about 15 seconds 15 seconds and i will be ready to draw let me see how many entries we've got here up got another subscriber thanks for it i appreciate blue hill r1 for joining chris travis asks am i attending murf uh not that i'm aware of as of right now um kind of snuck up on me uh so right now i don't have any plans of attending murph i will surely let everyone know if that changes but i don't think that's going to happen this year if earth happens i do i am trying my hardest to get to earth if that happens yep everyone say hi to uh mrs kersey fabs mrs kersey fabs is in the chat that's shelly curzy right there say hi uh and it is 6 20. let me see how the let's see how it's going um thanks carl thanks for being here the whole time we've got 35 entries does anyone else want to get in right under the buzzer well actually the buzzers already happened so i'm going to cut this off [Music] if you haven't made it in my apologies i think we've had plenty of time turning off accepting responses uh we got another subscriber thank you very much uh portable heat i think that's what it said it was on the other screen all right we are ready to go i am going to go ahead and grab all of the youtube names i've got 35 entries again 35 people want a chance at winning some filament they bring up a will of names and i'm gonna put everyone into this making sure it looks accurate jk yeah i think we're i think we're accurate here i'm going to pull over some of my stuff and then i'll move this one over here so that you can see it let's do a screen share okay i think we're good yes yes i'm going to shuffle a few times give everyone equal chances shuffle shuffle shuffle shuffle shuffle everybody ready to go let's do this thanks gil gill's heading off everyone tell gil thank you for for his services tonight he's been fantastic um give him an archer a big thank you for for being a part of this and congrats to jeff hutchins good job jeff you'll be getting an email from me um let's go back here all right so jeff show me that you're still in the chat please if you'll uh give me a woot or something in the chat i will know that you're still here oh there's jeff jeff told shelly kersey hi so that's good enough for me i saw that just a few minutes ago so again it's been a fabulous stream it went way longer than i expected it to but given the results i can't complain at all it's it's been great so i ended up with i'm sure you can see here in the lower i'm going to leave these right here people can see that i was safe the whole time thanks bryce thanks for joining as you can people can see i got my avengers logo i got my iron man awesome they both turned out really well um i'm really happy with it um i really do think that the upgraded features here are fantastic the the the chain that they've added the construction being all metal and the laser itself is fantastic i love it so i've got a lot more um i've got a lot more things i want to to test this on and i definitely definitely want to test the new roller adapter that i have here that i hope to to assemble soon and figure out how all this gets connected you'll definitely be getting a review of this unit and again all with gil's help gil please uh if you're still here or if you re-watch the end of this good job on the documentation and i can't wait for you to be able to hopefully add a little bit of documentation just like you walked me through here today about how to get up and started with something um uh light excuse me like light burn because it uh it was easy to use i just had to know the right buttons to click so light burn was great again i purchased light burn myself this is completely unsponsored like burn was forty dollars like i said i think their current plan is lifetime support for that forty dollars i've heard it's going to go up when they hit 1.0 um all right so i guess that's it thank you all for joining me you have been absolutely wonderful as usual and let me see i'm trying to find the right window so i can shut this down properly [Music] there it is there's my live stream window and here we go so again thanks again this has been crazy fabrications and i appreciate you watching i will see you next time and i'm doing my best to get a video out this week i'll see you later you
Channel: Kersey Fabrications
Views: 11,364
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ortur laser master 2 pro, ortur laser master 2 pro setup, ortur laser master 2, ortur laser master 2 20w, ortur laser master 2 assembly, ortur laser master 2 cutting, ortur laser master 2 lightburn, ortur laser master 2 project ideas, ortur laser master 2 review, ortur laser master 2 setup, laser master 2, ortur laser master, laser master 2 ortur, ortur laser master 20w, ortur laser master 20w review, ortur laser engraver, ortur master 2, laser master 2 pro
Id: qS16v-_8k0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 207min 16sec (12436 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 13 2021
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