Orthodox Montanica (Free Half)

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okay [Music] for those who don't drink alcoholic beverages they have really good root beers is that you it's amazing how many texts i'm gonna go who's a i'm 509 but that's probably i don't remember i don't have your number so that's not [Laughter] me well let's begin welcome to orthodox montana so excited um you guys are here let this be the first of many um wonderful experiences i put this to i put it together it fell together um in a happy accident um but i feel there was really blessed by the lord and part of this is to announce uh you know not only uh expose people to the potentials of orthodoxy and its growth in montana itself um for a state the size basically just shy of california with only one million people and we have what seven parishes now six or seven throughout six throughout and uh one monastery so i want to give you a feel of what the potential montana has especially for orthodox the sorts of communities that we can um come together in attention communities and grow orthodoxy it's ripe for it so i think this is a wonderful place for all of you to experience some of those people here might also want to flee their totalitarian states you were welcome here um after the vetting process that jay and i have but the other thing too is a lot of us speakers so we have jay dyer we have michael and david um we have more that unfortunately could not get the logistics to work out to to make it but what we had a vision that we really wanted to we're all doing apologetics and ministry in different ways and as far as the audience and potential converts and even catechumens in orthodox they might know one or two of us as content providers but we're all working together we're referring we're giving referrals to and i thought what how great would it be if we consolidated all our powers onto a single apologetics web page that sources out so would be like a competition to afr right where all the apologists you could look up and also in such a way that we're not overlapping each other streams think about the amazing work that uh god could do through us if we did that so i'd like to announce um obviously there's more content providers like roosh and others that are going to be working with us but this is kind of an announcement that we're officially launching um our apologetics we've already had so much success you know both through our discord and uh each and every one of your platforms in the content and uh you know glory to god for uh all of your work and i thank all of you and bringing people into the kingdom um it's bearing good fruits i'm sure there's things we're always going to learn and get better at but that's part of this orthodox montana is to announce that we're all consolidating our powers we're going to make a wonderful orthodox apologetics program so thank you for all your support um especially the content providers and god bless you in your work so let's just open with prayer and then i'll begin and then we can do q a in the name of the father and the son of the holy spirit now endeavor to ages of ages ah man our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth this is heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trust as we forgive those who trespass lead us let's never ask from you through the prayers of our holy father jesus christ our god have mercy upon us to save us amen so of course you know me i have a controversial topic for you and whom do you put your trust an orthodox analysis of coping science so that's why we're not going to do this on youtube because we'd all lose our channels so this paper investigates the conditions of knowledge and pertaining to science distinguishing genuine science from pseudoscience as it particularly relates to coven 19 i discuss the relationship between science and socio-political structures illustrating how science can be corrupted into scientism i argue in the current dominating ideology of technocracy which is identified as a modern form of gnosticism it's incompatible with christianity since it doesn't it sees the cause most not as a divine order but a man-made system created by a will to power dominate man and nature and i show that this promethean rebellion against god results in a nietzschean deicide agnostic recreation the order of being that leads the current technocratic totalitarianism and corrupted science concerning covet 19 and since everybody presupposes something as various pre-commitments informing beliefs and approaching factual questions and observing evidence etc we will explore the necessary preconditions and commitments for the possibility of knowledge that sounds familiar right that's my jam there but particularly as concerning science this will serve to illustrate how beliefs ideologies paradigms theories and socio-political structures influence and often corrupt science therefore this approach will therefore be in this paper a presuppositional analysis of the dominating ideologies in sociopolitical structures in which science is now operating that leads to the corrupted science and scientism we're currently experiencing with coven 19. scientific knowledge before proceeding to discuss science in what's called the demarcation problem distinguishing science from pseudoscience let us briefly mention various types of knowledge and reasoning this will help to illustrate where science stands in terms of knowledge and when science ceases being science and becomes scientism traditionally there's two standard forms of knowledge and reasoning deductive reasoning and inductive the methodology in the empirical sciences is primarily based on induction and is known as inductivism the approach whereby scientific laws are inferred from particular facts or observational evidence therefore scientific theories are inferred by reasoning from particular facts to general principles the problem however is that this type of reasoning ignoring hume's problem of abduction right now for the moment simply amounts to things being probabilistic assuming we could even establish such reasoning as actual knowledge that would only count as the lowest type of knowledge probabilistic knowledge more devastating critiques or david hume's problem with induction which shows that causality cannot be derived from sense experience and thus the principle of human formidity of nature cannot be justified from empirical grounds since science grounded induction is based on deriving facts from experience and because it assumes the future will resemble the past the principle of the uniformity of nature the belief in the validity of induction and that nature's uniform will end up being fallacious assumptions that beg the question i.e right circular reasoning and are therefore unjustified now of course the alternatives is to turn to karl popper's theory which argues that scientists don't need to use induction since the criterion of falsification makes reasoning from experience deductively valid uh however we've got a problem here it's falsificationalism is fraught with its own problems and it simply just moves the question back again further that the epistemological question that will inevitably [Music] beg the question on more fundamental epistemological considerations how do they justify that criteria for their justification criteria another instance of circular reasoning or what we in philosophy call epistemic bootstrapping returning to the idea another instance of sorry return of the idea of inductivism by which laws of nature are formulated on the basis of factual evidence well there's problems with the very concept of factual evidence and the idea that science well science just proceeds by accumulation of facts right everybody knows that well if we read thomas coons the theory of the structures of scientific revolution for example we find the history of science does not proceed by simply collecting more and more facts as if we were ever approaching a more and more accurate view of reality in the world rather science always proceeds by first assuming the paradigm or overall theory such that evidence now becomes what we call paradigm relative and income enter it actually with other scientific paradigms or theories kuhn shows that well this happens not by way of evidence it's not like we're just getting more evidence and more evidence but by something akin to a revolution a coup d'etat in with the out right uh sorry in out with the old in with the new so what does that mean well in other words factual evidence and what counts as facts is relative and dependent upon theory a change in theory will change facts this is in an indication that then epistemological analysis of evidence must occur not at the bottom at the evidentiary considerations but at the paradigm level furthermore even within a single theory it's not clear what constitutes facts since only facts that one could agree on are independent of scientific theory are those from sense experience immediately present to the individual however the problem here is that that basically takes facts out of the objective public realm and makes them entirely private and subjective in addition to the problems of establishing what constitutes facts and that science does not proceed by accumulation of facts there are difficulties with the incremental scientific paradigms and theories which even includes our current and various current scientific theories this is something that not only kuhn alluded to in his two dogmas of empiricism he was able to just demonstrate um sorry it's not something that only the realized but was also described in detail by wilford van orman kwine in his two dogmas of empiricism who was able to demonstrate we're simply unable to derive our science or confirm any scientific theory or paradigm from sense experience he and do him in what is called the quantum theory of the undetermination of data thesis revealed that our data our sense experience and observe observations can all fit and support multiple conflicting scientific theories or paradigms that's to say the available evidence at any given time [Music] will be insufficient for determining which one of those theories is actually true or what you should adopt therefore the science is indeed underdetermined by the evidence or data what this reveals is that there are multiple scientific theories all conflicting with each other that will all fit the evidence and data well then they can't all be said to describe reality accurately right and truly at the same time this is what leads among other things to many philosophers of science to reject scientific realism in favor of something either called anti-realism or metaphysical quietism or something called instrumentalism quine duham loudoun putnam fine fairy bound dewey adal they're all in this camp and they think science hey it's not metaphysics it's not ontology as far as i.e reality well what is it then well given the aforementioned problems in science with the incrementalness of paradigms and the under determination of data many have argued for science being a praxis oasis right a knowledge it is a type of knowledge but the knowledge concerned with doing making producing here's a better word for you methodology right rather than theory a knowledge about ontology or metaphysics many philosophers are inclined to move science out of that ontological and metaphysical sphere and committing one's cell to something like metaphysical quietism or instrumentalism since science is concerned with doing and making like a tool on the greek word techne right the tool of the artisan to do something it's argued that science shouldn't be concerned so much with describing reality ontology or memphis which is what the vulgar often take it to be one doesn't go into their toolbox and pick up your screwdriver and to find a commentary a metaphysical commentary about the cosmos right speak to me what's the reality of why because that's not what tools are for in your toolbox um they yes they have something to do with reality but what they typically have to do with reality is concern with making doing producing achieving a certain kind of end and goal and it's not it's your screwdriver hammer isn't in the business of metaphysics and ontology scientific theories scientific facts laws etc are argued in this sense to be no truer than and describe reality any more accurately than do our screwdrivers are cameras rather than thinking that each statement by either the atom of a nucleus that that statement maps on to reality in a one-to-one correspondence which would be what we call in philosophy science and naive realists or verifications view quine suggests that our statements about the external world face a tribunal of experience since experience not individually but as a corporate body here he's thinking about a paradigm right the overall paradigm in other words statements only have their meaning speaking scientifically in this sense within the greater kind of fabric or web of beliefs of language structures and paradigms in fact he says it's better to think of these entities properties laws like atoms electrons and things like that is sort of like mythological characters that you pause in a story to make sense of the overall story or scientific paradigm now look whether you take a realist view a critical realist view an instrumentalist or a metaphysical quiet disposition on science why do i bring up all this stuff about philosophy of science well from a survey of the literature at least it shows you that science does not reach the level but the vulgar and those committed to scientism really think that it does this has particular significance for our considerations on code science since most who support the official stance on cloven together with their prescribed recommendations often ascribe a greater epistemic status to science than it actually really has one of the issues that plague are common and contemporary views of science a view a factor that often leads to scientism is that fundamental confusion between methodology methods for obtaining desired results in ontology i.e reality because of the pragmatic success of science methodology many are led to think that science has an exalted objective and comprehensive knowledge of the world however the pragmatics of methodology do not necessarily equate to the knowledge of reality i.e just because it works doesn't mean that it's true as we have seen from the quantum underdetermination data thesis you can have multiple conflicting scientific paradigms and theories whose individual methodologies all work and whose descriptions all fit the appearances and data out there but nevertheless still wouldn't be true why because given the fact that they're contradicting each other in conclusion since it's michael milani states well the premises of science on which all scientific teaching and research rest are the beliefs held by scientists on the general nature of things well we're brought back to our initial considerations on how various beliefs and ideologies on the socio-political structures influence and even corrupt science and turn science into scientism is anthony o'hare points out quote much of what scientists tell us of these things inevitably goes way beyond anything we have evidence for any evidence we have is necessarily drawn from a tiny part of the whole universe and may not be representative or indicative of the whole end quote taking this in conjunction with how science has currently been elevated to the status of absolute truth we have a reason to suspect that what is being presented with the coveted science may be corrupted into scientism therefore let's turn our attention to scientism shall we systems have a resonant history where science cease being science yet nevertheless operated under the guise of science eric voglin identifies both marxism national socialism although not limited to these alone are just such systems and such socio-political structures the society at large and the majority of scientists in those societies they remove god as the intelligible ground of being that thing that necessary precondition that would actually ground and make science a sciencia a knowledge and they begin to create speculative enterprises and systems that make certain questions practically or conceptually impossible for example karl marx and his concealment of his gnostic speculation pokemon says takes on the appearance and form of an intellectual swindle volkland states quote mark's prohibition of questions has to be characterized as an attempt to protect the intellectual swindle of his speculation from the exposure by reason but from the standpoint of the debt marks the swindle was the truth that he had created through his speculation and the prohibitions of questions was designed to defend the truth of the system against the unreason of men end quote recent questions also have become prohibited are questions about well what makes science actually science other conceptually impossible actions within the neognostic systems include questions to settle science well we all know all the science no right it's settled well if answers are given it's often right if you do ask well those answers are met with another expressive explanation that can neither be verified or falsified but if that occurs that science is incapable and falsified then we're moving out of the realm of science and into the realm of pseudoscience logan goes on to argue that this takes on a religious quality it becomes known as scientism augusto del noche points out that quote the distinctive ideology of the technological society is scientism the view that science has the only true knowledge end quote this he argues inevitably leads to a technocratic totalitarianism he states quote now an advocate of scientism in society based on this way cannot of thinking cannot help but being totalitarian is much of its conception of science cannot this be the object of any proof he does not intend to elevate other forms of thought to a higher level but simply denies them and quote in scientism not only are non-falsifiable methods employed the totalitarian tactic of social feeling social think right you know that which can be a force through media education politics corporations estate etc is used to enforce what is settled science right in fact both the positivists and the founders of scientists saint simonicom advocated for the use of social healing tactics to subordinate individuals and ideologically conform them to the new system in the name of progress unfamiliar bogelin identifies these things as essential components of a gnostic system and key features of scientism well look there's a definite link between scientism and technocracy we got this quote here from neil postman who states quote by scientism i mean three interrelated ideas that take them together stand as one of the pillars of technology one the methods of the natural sciences can be applied to the study of human behavior two social science generates prince of specific principles which can be used to organize society on rational and humane basis this implies that technical means mostly invisible technologies supervised by experts can be designed to control human behavior and set it on the proper course and three faith and science can serve as a comprehensive belief system that gives meaning to light as well as a sense of well-being morality uh mortality and even immortality end quote now what should be concerning to all of us is we're finding these exact same elements going in attitudes amidst the coveted science in fact it's something that actually i would say existed prior to the virus the settled science of climate change and nutrition although there may be scientists who believe in god the overwhelming majority of scientists in the system itself in which science actually operates in operates on definitely secular atheistic assumptions this current system is historically situated in a post-enlightenment technocratic gnostic socio-political structure furthermore as the philosopher of science anthony over points out quote if science itself can take on some characteristics of mythology it's also true that science being part of culture produced by human beings cannot remain immune from other cultural and ideological influences and quote and will inevitably be shaped by technocratic ideas and powers therefore let us look at the various epistemological techniques that to determine the trustworthiness of certain scientific claims and see how certain ideologies and power structures can corrupt science and even medicine call this my epistemic lithium is test for good science philosophers often will propose thought experiments and scenarios that although may never be encountered in real life or even remotely possible nevertheless serve is epistemic tools to derive certain principles confirm or falsify various theories tests hypotheses etc for example we only need to think about descartes right and his evil demon thought experiment to illustrate that this served not to confirm that he actually believed there was an evil demon doing all stuff right um this all powerful evil demon but rather an attempt to show that even under the worst case scenario there were things that could or could not be known with certainty of taking that in conjunction with something like karl popper's falsification principle the attempt to disprove one's theory rather than confirm it we might find a helpful heuristic in establishing whether we can actually trust the code science being presented to us so let us assume the worst case scenario which i'll actually argue later we have evidence for and see if the monopolized narrative and aggressively forced propaganda concerning code science is trustworthy now consider the following epistemic litmus test put in a form of a question to actually determine how would we know if something is good science or not special methodology unique insight and appeal to distinct privileged paradigms would you as an individual scientist have or use that would have allowed you to know that what was being purported to be science either in the national socialist regime or stalin's russia or any marxist regime for example was in fact science or whether the science had actually been corrupted through the dominating ideologies and propaganda what would make you unique and distinct from all the rest of the people and scientists to actually know that all of all those guys right that agree the science will hate settle it's true it's authoritative what special position would you have why are you different from everybody else okay and provide justification for carrying out for example that science some extreme things right remember our history all in the name of the common good now ask yourself how do you know that you're not actually in a similar situation how would you know will the science reveal that to you i'd argue that scientists are in the worst position to determine this how do i know we'll look at history right um furthermore what would be the evidence for the trustworthy of such an official science scientific stance i.e evidence that wouldn't be questioning what do i mean by that well you're citing those scientists or doctors of the precisely the ones in question to prove that those doctors or scientists are trustworthy it's like well wait a minute that's you can't do that that's certainly a reason and how would you argue that those explanations supporting the official narrative simply weren't something akin to a non-falsifiable conspiracy theory right how would you do that now keep in mind these questions are created and designed to create a healthy introspection to oneself so you can start asking yourself important epistemological questions about the nature of trust and raise questions about well can the current code sciences operating can operate properly as science going forward we can use similar techniques employed by detectives or prosecutors to determine the trustworthiness of a person or group and apply these two techniques to the coveted science narrative as well let's call these techniques detective epistemology 101 thank you for coming to detective epistemology class 101 but before we begin those and go into those techniques let's turn our attention to the topic of technocracy what is it what is technocracy the seeds of technocracy begin with saint simon comps positivism and their scientism however the overall ideas begin much earlier than saint simonicom we see a radical shift in both thinking and orientation that occurs in modernity and enlightenment which includes how man sees and approaches technology and even defines knowledge for example it's francis bacon who famously declared that quote human knowledge and human power are the same thing or where the cause is not known the effect cannot be produced end quote not only is knowledge redefined purely in pragmatic and predictive effects a new science a new morality ascetics philosophy is created in short a new world as philip cherard states quote when bacon concluded in his november origami that that should apply not only to natural but to all the sciences including ethics and politics and that it is to embrace everything he opened the road from all inclusive scientific takeover of our culture and for the urban industrialism which is its brainchild end quote this baconian prescription for the total scientification of our world is exactly what he was talking about and his new atlantis bacon conceived of a new social order dedicated to the expansion of modern science and progress in human achievement through dominion over nature nevertheless the modern project and mechanization is perfected in the likes of galileo descartes and newton whose project projects um only accept universal quantitative approach to everything in the application of mathematical techniques to all of nature in this new social order anything that does not submit to this universal quantitative project simply was not science charade explains quote what could not be caught in the net of numbers was non-science non-knowledge and even in the end non-existent this end quote together with the revolutionary spirit of the new man who in his pretended autonomy revolted against heaven that resulted in a period that is characterized by the ever-increasing dominance of anthropocentric forms of political speculation as opposed to theocentric questions end quote garcia elie day himself defined modern societies as those which have pushed the secularization of life and cosmos are enough end quote in modernity as typified by the enlightenment thinking of kant not only must nature and her laws be conceived as radically autonomous from god the promethean rebellion against god must apply to the human wills both nature and the human will are now conceived to be radically autonomous from god autonomous mechanized nature means leaves man without any objective meaning for grounding in the transcendent this doctor bruce sarah from fultz a colleague and friend of mine concludes quote such a world offers no inner resistance to manipulation and control presents no brain against which we opt not to cut and heidegger's words it has it's a world that has become an inventory a resource in german bastan for technological control consumption end quote technology therefore is now being used is the sole means to perfect to actually exploit nature to create man in society according to the gnostic atheistic and ideas of trying to protect perfect that human experience without grounding it in the living god is the unconditioned grounds of being well how does this conception of technology relate to the idea of technocracy the political power of the state the secular state which attempts to maintain a canonical morality over a relativistic and nihilistic culture it all embraces a plurality of moralities yay right well that's been exchanged for a new atlantis political institutions as john gunnell points out have begun to be replaced by parliament technical experts the elite class is called the technocrats the technocratic image now replaces the politician provides mankind with a vision of an industrial society we're an elite class of engineers scientists industrials and planners systematically apply their technical knowledge to solutions social problems and the creation of a new rational social order much of their ideas have actually on social engineering techniques social physics are currently being employed during amidst our current science the technocratic theory and ideology is further promulgated and articulated by the following important intellectuals by sight for you max weber pro manheim edward bellamy bertrand russell arthur kessler berzinski at owl however the term technocracy originated with an engineer in 1919 named william smith and became popularized in the idea of the response of the great depression a movement john gunnell explains that for a time gained considerable notoriety and a substantial following it began with a group of technicians and engineers dedicated to social reform whose concepts were modeled on the technological republic of edward bellamy's late 19th century utopian novel looking backward they were also influenced by the economic theories of thorstein melbourne and the principles of scientific management growing out of the work of frederick w taylor both of which suggested much like a lot of work of james uh burnham in the managerial society that politicians and industrial entrepreneurs should and give way to techno uh technical elites cp snow who dramatically pursued the problem of influence of experts and political decisions argued that one of the most bizarre futures of any advanced industrial society in our time is that a cardinal that the cardinal choices have to be made by a handful of men in a world of close politics and secret scientific choices where there is no appeal to a larger assembly in the sense of group of opinion or elector technocracy is intrinsically linked to the socio-political system policy making in unique and interesting ways john gunnell explains technology's relation to politics as follows one in circumstances in which political decisions necessarily involve specialized knowledge and the exercise of technical skills political power tends to gravitate towards technological elites two technology has become autonomous hence politics has become a function of systemic structural determinants over which it has little or no control three technology and science constitute a new legitimizing uh legitimating ideology that subtly masks certain forms of domination end quote again much of this goes back to saints uh simon and comp's positivism concerning saints uh simone and dante germino explains there was an obsession a mania for system construction characteristic of the 19th century in particular he was obsessed with reducing all explanations all principles to a single overarching formula he said there could only be one science one government one religion doesn't sound familiar right it's bizarre those that were baptists one organization of social classes saint simon's progressivism socialism and positivism would all coalesce into the ideology of scientism providing the technological mandatory ruling elite of the future technocracy with its own religion and as h.g wells you know predicts the technological league can use religion for social domination to control populations and the socio-political structures so um see god the invisible king the underlying condition that allows a technocracy to come into being in corrupt science control policy making manipulate research and result in certain forms of social domination is the scientism that arises from modernity however before getting into how technocracy specifically ties into the current science regarding coven let's turn back to those kind of epistemological concerns about evidence trust and justification next section establishing trustworthiness in 1976 the swine flu infected 230 soldiers at fort dix results in one death and they appealed to the 1918 spanish flu the fear that there would be a similar pandemic which resulted in a vaccine being fast-tracked in the corporate medical institution with the help of the government instructing all americans to get vaccinated after 45 million americans were vaccinated the next few years produced 4 000 americans filing vaccine damage claims with the federal government totaling 3.2 billion dollars 300 deaths attributed to the vaccine several hundred cases of the killing bar syndrome as well as healthy 20 year olds ending up as paraplegics all this despite the fact that the death count never rose above one now you find something similar with the um h5n1 bird flu scare of 2005. remember recall president george bush declared that two million people are going to die and you're out of wisdom we're terrorists right now they're gonna die of the bird flu how many two million however despite all the hysteria fears only 98 people died globally in 2005 and another 115 the following year revealing the bird flu not actually to be a pandemic what did result from the history was a surprise fast track procedures for licensing approval pandemic vaccines created by the who the who the who here's a quote from the who regarding this ways were sought to shorten the times between the emergence of pandemic virus and availability and uh safe and effective vaccines end quote it was during the h5n1 sound familiar we also have had the swine flu scare of 2009 and were warned that it could kill up to 90 000 americans and hospitalized 2 million however like the aforementioned cases those fears did not materialize again what did materialize was the cdc's push for swine flu shots for everyone despite the severity of swine flu being moderate most often not requiring medical care or hospitalization now i argue we're seeing the exact same pattern with clove of 19 pandemic moreover just as in legal cases we need to determine if there's a possible motive in all these cases to explain the same recurring pattern of behavior in other words who stands to benefit from all this over reaction fear margarine well what's clear is that big pharma and big tech which are formed essential parts of the technocracy have been have benefited and therefore we actually have a potential motive for overflating numbers uh over-inflating numbers creating fear excessive governmental control the suppression or censoring of any evidence that would contradict that such events are actually pandemics or that there are actually safer more effective treatments other than big farmers prescribing and putting on the market in fact we have john hopkins university reeling that code cadets have been manipulated and exaggerated i've got the quote from that from john hopkins itself which confirms the same pattern that we've noticed with those hysterics of past supposed pandemics therefore let us take a look at the relationship now between drug companies and the medical community see how the corruption of science and medicine can actually occur the cronyism between drug companies i.e big pharma and the medical and research establishments and government is a major source of corruption it often prevents us from doing good science and practicing acceptable medicine we will see soon how this is tied to technocracy in the managerial ruling elite but dr um marsha angel md former editor in chief of the new england journal of medicine well that's one of the most prestigious medical journals wrote an article in january of 2009 entitled drug companies and doctors historic corruption that examines how corporate academic liaisons have corrupted the integrity of medicine let's point out earlier there are incentives and motives for drug companies to promote or even lie about drugs exaggerate diseases promulgate fears about diseases in order to financially benefit sales of the drugs since drug companies provide the major funding for research dr angelo argues that drug companies can easily introduce bias and corrupt the integrity of medicine and science she states quote because drug companies insist as a condition of providing funding that they be intimately involved in all aspects of the research they sponsor they can easily introduce bias in order to make their drugs look better and safer than they really are for the 1980s they generally gave faculty drug uh gave faculty investigators total responsibility for the conduct to work but now company employees [Music] or their agents often design the studies perform the analysis write the papers and decide whether and in what form to publish the results input this results as dr angel argues in scientists and medical faculty being a little more than higher hands supplying patients and collecting data according to the instructions from the company input this manufactured control and conflicts of interest leads to further problems in the scientific and medical communities which we can see relates directly for the push for the mrna gene therapy vaccines and the suppression of alternative medicines and treatments for example the industry-sponsored trials published in medical journal these journals consistently favor sponsors drugs largely because negative results are not published positive results are repeatedly published in slightly different forms and a positive spin is put even on negative results end quote dr angel goes on to point out that just in psychiatry quote a review of 74 clinical trials of antidepressants for example found that 37 of the 38 positive studies were published but of the 36 negative studies 33 either no were not published or were published in a form that conveyed a positive outcome it's not unusual she says for a published paper to shift the focus from the drug's intended effect to a secondary fact that seems more favorable end quote this corruption inevitably leads to physicians practicing what she says a very drug intensive style of medicine even when changes in lifestyle she says would be more effective doctors and their patients often believe that for every ailment and discontent there's a possible drug we're seeing that exact same corruption going on surrounding cobia 19 where possible alternatives to what are known to be new and dangerous vaccines are suppressed furthermore physicians are led to believe that the newest technology is superior to anything else despite the dangers since they are both funded which we'll discuss in further detail by these drug companies and are quote swayed by prestigious medical school faculty to learn to prescribe these drugs without good evidence of effectiveness and quote that's dr angel again for further evidence on how these drug companies purposely misrepresent the effectiveness of the drug c lancet one of the leading medical journals recent article exposing the real effectiveness of covenant and 19 vaccines and the drug companies promotion in publication of what's called relative risk reduction rrr um and the purpose the purposeful suppression of the absolute risk reduction arr to give the appearance that these vaccines are more effective than they really are concerning the corruption that arises from drug companies funding doctors dr angelo explains that most doctors take money or gifts from drug companies in one way or another no one really knows like the total amount provided by drug companies physicians but she says i estimate from the annual reports of the top nine u.s drug companies that it comes with tens of billions of dollars per year the conclusion arrived at is that the pharmaceutical industry through funding has quote gained enormous control over how doctors evaluate and use their own products it's extensive ties to physicians particularly senior faculty at prestigious medical schools affect results of research the way medicine is practiced and even the definition of what constitutes as disease and quote these conflicts of interest and biases that result in corrupted science and medicine are not restricted to psychiatry alone and the causes of corruption are not limited to only drug companies quote she says similar conflicts interests and biases exist virtually in every field of medicine particularly those that rely heavily on drugs or devices consequently dr angel explains quote it is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published or rely on the judgment to adjust the trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines end quote however related to covet policies i argue substantial drastic measures requires substantial evidence which having considered just a few of the four mentioned points is far from insufficient for such drastic measures furthermore since drug companies have perfected a new and highly effective method to expand their markets where instead of she says promoting drugs to treat diseases they've begun to promote diseases to fit their drugs a strategy to convince as many people as possible along with the doctors of course that they have medical they have a medical conditions that require long-term drug treatment and quote then i argue we have more than enough evidence and reason to think that the science and data on covet is being manipulated for financial benefit moreover there are countless examples of top research and publications admitting to fraudulent findings and publications one recent example is the lancet journal again the most respected peer-reviewed journal of medicine richard horton admitting 2015 that quote much of the scientific literature perhaps half is simply untrue afflicted by studies with small sample sizes tiny effects invalid exploratory analyses and flagrant conflicts of interest together with an obsession pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance science has taken a turn towards darkness end quote dr john yuandis one of the world's leading experts on medical research adds to this stating that 90 of medical research is tainted if not outright focus due to the influence from industry therefore again we have substantial evidence just on the basis of a relationship between the drug companies and the doctors alone as pointed out for establishing corruption research medicine and science that would make the official narrative on hovid highly dubitable wouldn't you say now let us consider how drug companies play a part of technocracy and the cronyism with other entities that not only compound the problem corruption science and medicine given that technocracy has a tendency for political power to graduate to technological elites such that science and technology become autonomous making politics a function of systemic structural determinants over which has little or no control we can see how the cooperation among various institutions including big tech education gotham big pharma the medical establishment corporations financial institutions foundations media hollywood the music industry even nation states becomes important and tempting to solve social economic ecological and health issues related globally which lends itself to global governments through the cooperation of various transnational actors as a solution to both local and global problems is clash schwab states concerning global governments and technocracy quote global governments is commonly defined as the process of cooperation among transnational actors aimed at providing responses to global problems those that affect more than one state or region it encompasses the totality of institutions policies norms procedures and initiatives through which nation states tried to bring more predictability and stability to their responses to transnational challenges this definition makes it clear that any global effort on any global issue of concern is bound to be toothless without the support and cooperation of national governments and their ability to act and legislate to support their aims nation states make global governments possible one leads the other which is why the un says that quote effective global governments can only be achieved with effective international cooperation end quote the two notions of global governments and international cooperation are so intertwined that is nigh on impossible for global governments to flourish in a divided world that is retrenching and fragmenting end quote so that's uh from covet 19 the great reset it's important to understand that science doesn't exist in a vacuum as we've been seeing from what we just discussed it's embedded within certain sociopolitical structures and operates on the assumptions of these dominating ideologies therefore science ought to be assessed in light of the current gnostic technocracy and its philosophy scientism and the technocratic image of man and future society an overall ideology that results in control conflicts of interest biases the favoring of sponsors drugs and research the suppression of contrary evidence from the various other corruptions which permeate the scientific medical fields again scientific analysis paradigmatic level will inevitably involve epistemological questions relating to the original discussion presented earlier our epistemological concerns ultimately turn on issues of trust right this means that the recent problems observed with nutritional science climate change and covid science must be assessed within the context of the dominating technocratic philosophy we must ask ourselves can the science be corrupted by the socio-political authority of that technocracy can scientific consensus consensus be trusted in light of this and does it make certain scientific claims jubitable or highly suspect understanding this within the context of the current gnostic technocratic totalitarian system and cronyism that i previously mentioned an outline we find much of the problems are not simply due to small sample sizes error invalid exploratory analysis our scientific judgments and procedures can indeed be corrupted by what michael palani calls the specific authority of our dominating technocratic gnostic system for instance the gnostic technocratic system can determine the overall scientific narrative and promulgate these ideas through political structures to the media through academia corporations who davos etc something that john gunnell actually points out in this article who are managed and controlled by the technocratic elite of course social feeling don't forget to add that in from saintsimonikon.com that becomes necessary to control and determine people's thoughts and actions i.e a manufacturer's consent is gnome chomsky puts it right in fact this gnostic concealment tactic of social feeling has been recently used to shut down questions concerning whether is covered pandemic whether numbers and data are accurate are they inflated whether the tests are reliable whether the proposed solutions have or will work whether there is corruption manipulation of the collected data etc we're all given the right pseudoscientific non-fossil responses to many of these questions well obviously it didn't work because we weren't locked down long enough um you weren't wearing your masks right why are the influenza down because we were wearing our masks another indicator that we might have something moving out of science and no longer science these are essential signs of modern gnostic system as vogmen pointed out of course this doesn't mean that a time we don't actually do good science however it does illustrate right how science can be corrupted how can become dutiable and untrustworthy we have reasons to hold these people suspect oh sorry i missed that let's return back to our detective in legal analogy shall we for investigating the truth and trustworthiness of official story about clovid planting pandemic let's summarize the preponderance of circumstantial evidence what's that suspects behavior money motives rewards beneficiaries social control history of repeated behavior anticipation or prediction etc hey look if a suspect or a group of suspects act like they're guilty intimidating witnesses sensory demonetizing the platforming talking critics as conspiracy theorists concealing or destroying evidence constantly changing the story alibi well they're probably guilty or at least they're covering up for somebody right furthermore it's not only when we have evidence of prior crimes lying or manipulating data but when we can discover that accomplice or collaborator benefits financially politically in terms of increased power control established motive and we have additional evidence and reasons to hold that these persons as suspects or groups a very wealthy and powerful group of people e.g bill gates if you do the world economic forum etc strangely predict with amazing great detail the coven 19 pandemic will occur providing the precise and exact matching details both regard how it will play out and how the social political responses will go including how big media is responding dealing with such a pandemic you might know this is the exercise event 201 also john hopkins center for health security documents sparse pandemic 2 25 28 that was written 2017 then we have even more evidence that a crime has been committed look in a legal case this would begin to finding someone who supposedly wrote a fictional story about a murder whose story describes in such great detail just such a fictional crime only discover an actual murder right it strangely matches in a striking exactness and detail oh and somehow it's connected also to the author who was already being held suspect like with suspicion of committing just such crime taking into account all that evidence together with the fact that many of these foundations are funding journalism in major media corporations um in fact bill gates here grants 250 million has been given to the following major corporations from bill gates bbc nbc al jazeera pro public the national journal the guardian univision medium the financial times the atlantic the texas tribune the net washington monthly hmong pbs newshour the center for investigating reporting um now the various also on top of that transnational actors mentions corporations foundations governments media tech at all that all share a common goal common ideology and benefit financially from cooperating with each other remember financial motive together with the discovery that the underlying commitment to scientism is precisely what makes it possible to manufacture consent in corrupt science we have more than enough reasons to doubt the official narrative concerning covert 19.
Channel: The Norwegian Nous
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Id: Jy9HAP0h5xg
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Length: 62min 13sec (3733 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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