Orphaned Baby Seal Barks At Anyone Who Tries To Clean Her Bathtub | The Dodo

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when she arrived she seemed quite scared and she wanted her mom Eddie Pico was circling the window what's a part of their natural behavior they'll suckle on their moms to get the milk it was a sign that she missed her mother and she was looking for her [Music] we got a call from somebody that worked at a Aquaculture farm is stuck on top of an oyster Trestle bed she was surrounded by heavy machinery probably scared away the mother [Music] we gave her a wetsuit mom which basically is recycled wetsuit all kind of packed together kind of resembles the mother seal she cuddled up to it she was fast asleep cuddled into the wetsuit Mall the ultimate goal was to get her healthy and to get her up to weight so that she could be released back into the wild and flourish as a wild seal [Music] we started fish surprised us all and it was one of the first comments used to start eating despite being the smallest [Music] but I don't want to leave at the start she was quiet but once that kind of settled down she let us know that she was feistier everybody had to be careful of elipica any Pico would know when you were coming to teen she loved her bathtub and she didn't like anyone else near the bathtub when I was trying to clean her bathtub she was slapping the brush and then she was back [Music] the slippers were going everywhere [Music] she would spit at you she would slap her belly to tell you to go away [Music] that's what we want to see in our seals at the shows that they're becoming more wild because so they're stay away from me but that meant that she really had that fighting spirit seeing that shows us that she's going to compete well in the wild and we felt confident in putting her in the pool with the other seals [Music] chili Pika is looking good and healthy he's about 13 kilos now so she's gonna join our other seals out in the pools today as we carried her out she was looking around quite curious and excited and so hilly Pika is ready to go join our other seals in rockpool that's the first time that they actually come in contact with other seals and care so that's really special because since they are social animals it's like a little kid's first day at school [Music] she scooted out and into the water [Music] so that's really Pika joining Pangolin the two of them had a little interaction they had a little smell of each other and then they both had a swim around getting used to their pool and how much space the both of them would have oh there's another friend the pools are the last stage of rehab this is where they're gonna lift social cues from each other they're going to build up their muscles they're going to learn to compete against other seals started to flourish she was the one that was really in the roost she was getting all the fish instead of one kilo each week she would start to gain about two or three each week which was a great sign Target week for a common seal is 30 kilos so once she hits 30 kilos she will be determined ready for the Wild and we're gonna put her out back where she belongs when they're in care we know that they're safe but that's not a replacement for the open ocean [Music] Billy Pica's recovery continues and I know she'll get there in the meantime we're excited that some of our other seals are ready to return to the wild I've seen them go back into the wild it's a Bittersweet feeling you know you've been with this puff towards the start of its life I'm for them to finally be released back home it's an amazing feeling thank you foreign ature once they're released you can see their instincts kick in [Music] when they enter the sea you know this is where they're meant to be there is only about that was left in Ireland and the numbers are on a decline and that is due to habitat loss loss of their food source and climate change causing more and more illnesses thing that we can all do is protect their habitat to do our part to fight climate change and to promote a future that seals won't need to be rescued [Music]
Channel: The Dodo
Views: 2,011,202
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animal video, animals, the dodo, Animal Rescue, dodo, cute animals, pets, wildlife, pet videos, wildlife videos, animals the dodo, the dodo animals, rescuing animals
Id: CmrjSe01LMA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 1sec (361 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 23 2023
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