Back out of coma!! After this terrible accident. It's a miracle! What happened? Friesian horses
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Channel: Friesian Horses
Views: 401,739
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yvonne, friesian, horses, paard, horseriding, kfps, studbook, royal, dressage, pferd, hynder, cheval, equestrian, trot, canter, riding, driving, frision, frison, frysian, fresian, fries, freson, filly, colt, friesen, friezen, frisian, ASMR, followtheherd, follow, herd, caballos, Satisfying, oddly, horseshoe cleaning, hooves, horse videos, تنظيف رجل خيل, horse pedicure, stallion, farrier, shoes, horse for sale, sleep, run, water, pony, animal, breed, kick, Queen, Uniek, Queen Uniek, Rising Star, Rising, Star, KWPN, Ghoda, Jumping, Caballos
Id: FIthggt6C3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 32sec (752 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 21 2022
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