Orinda Theatre thrilled for release of latest James Bond movie

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last one with Daniel Craig as double Oh, seven movie theaters are looking forward to its release as one of the first major blockbusters, says the reopening for more on How business has been and how Daniel Craig Bond era stands up and who might be the next James Bond. Joining us now is Derek's Emmerich. He's the owner and operator of the Brenda Theater and a friend of the program. Good morning, Derek. Good morning. Thank you, Frank. Good to good to be here. All right. You got all dolled up to I love it. Yeah you know, kind of little James Bond. Look, I guess, you know, try. At least you need the martini, right? Wait a minute. You know, Of course, of course. Well first and foremost, Let's just ask you. How is the Arena Theater holding up? I know patrons are back. There are some restrictions, but. How you doing as a business? Yeah Yeah. I mean we're doing okay. I mean, just like most movie theaters and then Contra Costa County last week, actually, you know, implemented you had to check vaccine cards, and that kind of slowed us back a little bit. But you know what? We've been on this fight for a year and a half, and we're not stopping so. Well you go its course. My childhood theater growing up there and Brenda, do you need a blockbuster? Is the bomb movie coming out at just the right time to kind of be a savior. Yeah, because chunky and the legend of the 10 rings came out, you know, four weeks ago and actually the first movie to hit over 200 million at the box office nationally, So that was a great turnout. So you know you're rolling away from that Now you're going into bonds, so it should be. It should be help us all. Well, let's go back up. Bond. Skyfall inspector. We're both huge hits in 2012 and 2015, taken in well over 100 million that first week. What do you think you've seen the movie? What do you think? Yeah I have seen the movie I saw the movie the press screening this week. It's phenomenal. I mean, it's probably one of the best that I have seen in a long time. The cinematography is amazing has all the action that you want. And you know, Daniel Craig is fantastic. You know Remy Malik as the villain right there. He's absolutely wonderful. It's exactly what you want in a bond movie, and it is two hours and 47 7 minutes. So you get your popcorn and all your goodies before you go in there because you're not going to want to leave. It keeps you on the edge of your seat for that whole entire time, and it does not feel like it's as long as it is, so that's a good sign. It's always good when the press Uh oh, admit, interrupt. I'm a huge bond fans All right, we'll definitely be front center. This is Craig's fifth and final installment as double Oh, seven. Where does he rank and term? Terms of bond, Um with Sean Connery, Roger Moore and the rest of the lot. Yeah I think there's a lot of controversy in that everyone has their different opinions on it. You know, Sean Connery's are definitely a favorite, you know, during the Roger Moore phase, it was kind of more campy. So if you had to kind of like those films and then everyone's really happy with Daniel Craig, so it's kind of a toss up. I think between Sean Connery and Daniel Craig, but I think this movie the way the script is the way they shot it. Is more of a montage to they, Sean Connery Films where I think it's a little bit, uh, a little bit more to that genre, so it's entertaining and the producers have been sitting on this film for a while because it was done. I think before the pandemic, and they thought, Oh, wait a minute. We spent a lot of money. We want to get this out when people can actually go to the theater, right? Yes, I think that's exactly what it was. And actually at the press screening, Uh, Daniel Craig actually sent in a video and he welcomed all the press and said, You know, we're really happy that you can finally see it. You have one of the first in the world to see it, and it's actually where it's supposed to be in movie theaters and ex exactly where it needs to be. And, you know, please come out and see the movie and support the theaters and enjoy a fantastic film. Yeah, I'm not gonna tell you any spoilers, but there are several. So if you do see the movie don't tell people the spoilers. OK, that's bad thing. Your Secret's safe with us? Yes. You've got to watch it on the big screen with. All the explosions and all the good stuff. Absolutely Just to get a feel What Who do you think the next James Bond would be? I don't know it. It's hard to say, uh, I don't want to say too much because there is some things in there that lead to that and I don't want to. I don't want to sway to anybody in any way. So all right. That's what you call a tease that stuff. Yeah exactly. Well, let's give you a plug. What's played at a Renda and we saw your billboard. What October Double? Oh, seven. Is that when it comes in? Yeah exactly. That's when we're actually doing our pre screening, which is Thursday night. We have a great line up at six o'clock. We actually have the people that organized the Brenda Jazz Festival, which is going on today. They're gonna be singing live. You know, bond music for an hour out front under our marquee the lights, then we actually have a lot of bonds. Special drinks all night long, and we actually have two Aston Martin cars out front. So it's gonna be a nice party, and it's gonna be a lot of fun. So you rolled out the red carpet, All right, And then? Yeah we tried. What night? Is that again? That's third Thursday night. Below seven, October seven. Alright Good stuff. Well, Derek's Emmerich, always a pleasure all the best at the rent a theater and, uh, going on, and I hope you get a lot of people there on Thursday. Right and remember, always stirred. Never shaken. Correct well
Channel: KTVU FOX 2 San Francisco
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Keywords: News, Video, KTVU, Bay Area news, top news, Bay Area, seen-on-tv, orinda
Id: -2TU1yW10-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 35sec (335 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 15 2021
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