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don't say anything daniel touch okay i don't want him anymore now listen you bring me an ep he is the best hacker from the hacking division he's the one i want if we bring you pizza too are you going to let go of daniel i'll think about it hey well then we're here bringing you pz2 okay i'll give you daniel he's worthless anyways hey you don't say that about my friend no he's a hero all right this conversation is over hey pz2 wait this is a very fair trade all we gotta do is deliver pz2 to ancient peters and he lets go daniel we gotta get daniel back agent peters is only going to further his plans yeah we get daniel back but agent peters is a bigger pain in the butt than before no he could be torturing daniel for all we know he blinded me we gotta save him where can we find pz2 melvin remember we bet that guy playing basketball the other day what did he say yeah maybe you can catch him if y'all come down here on a saturday and you get down one time you know some guy in the black club was watching them i heard from him since i mean how many people do we know that wears a black cloak we ought to just try calling cloak or slash justin okay cooker here he is hello poor connection okay sorry to bother you right now but i'm wondering if you have any information about the ex project zorgo member pz2 [Music] oh my gosh who are you beating up you got kidney stones yeah i have been tracking him i'll send you his last known location wow coker thanks i guess wow that's perfect thanks justin i mean cloaker hey jack we talked about this sorry about that i screwed up i gotta go get out here okay goodbye wow it's weird coker said the location and it's at the park he sacrificed himself for me daniel we're coming for you turning right hanging right what is that there's something the car is broken it says the door's not closed but the door is closed yeah it's on my side what if i fall out i'm gonna keep closing the door guys if daniel was here he would know how to fix this ah he's the gadget guy he's the tech guy good thing i put a microphone on daniel so we can hear where he is you can hear everything he says who he's with a microphone microphone yeah why don't you just put a tracker so he could find him you have a point but a tracker wouldn't fit up his nose put it somewhere else you put a microphone up his nose well hey let's listen to this microphone we can hear what's going on with daniel put it on the speakerphone i'm trying to listen to that and listen to this beeping [Music] you're so stupid i ain't stupid you're gonna help me out i'm never gonna help you out you already did what are you talking about no i didn't as long as the spanishes don't wear their noise enhancers just let me go dude we can hear exactly what agent peters is saying to daniel c for genius i learned it from the best v regina that was really smart putting the microphone off of daniel's nasal but like have you done this before are you asking that yeah we only use our spy skills for good regina she's being sussed right now no i'm not no i'm not no yeah no i mean i would put trackers and microphones on daniel too yeah i think he secretly hates me what yeah he has to hate me sometimes i would do it gina you're just been spying on daniel oh yeah you like like him again or something nothing stop all right guys this is it the location's just up ahead in those way let's go go go go go go go we're coming to anybody it's playing towards the middle of the basketball court bella and i were just here the other day and the guy playing basketball said pz2 comes here every saturday to play basketball but i don't see anybody here trying to play we're trying to oh probably uses that hoop because it's the shortest one oh wow see if you can go dunk on it regina i'll make you look cool what happened she got scared five six seven eight yeah you got it oh yeah that's not very hard are you okay come on we used to be best buddies remember pc2 talk to melvin he's your buddy he's blowing his nose regina that means you might blow out the microphone i think he probably feels the microphone he thinks it's a boogie oh no oh i hope the spine and just bring your noise enhancers that's what's gonna help me get out of this trap dude do we have all of our noise and answers our spinach and noise enhancers all we need to do is get pz2 that is how we're going to rescue daniel we tried pz2 for daniel that is our mission today that's the mission statement but if we take too long to find pz2 who knows what agent peters is gonna do to daniel okay well pz2 went this way right yeah we should hurry up it's time to raise the decibels wow noise enhancers equipped now to pc2 to save daniel look at pc2 he's now a park janitor oh no so he cleans up all the messes of the park oh man we got pz314 at mcdonald's and pz2 picking up trash ever since we shut down the original project zorgo they all had to get new jobs poor guy doesn't look like he's having any fun okay guys we need to approach him and convince him to come with us to agent peter so we can trade him for daniel melvin you're friends with him you can convince him right i wonder if he'll be happy with the pz members instead of like picking up trash at the park picking up trash at the park's a good job too why don't i just go out there and talk to him that's it like gentlemen yeah wow you've grown up melvin yeah yeah wait where'd he go where'd he go he's not here he's not here his scooter's gone what what the his scooter is parked right there oh he's sitting here are there trash in here got to be around here somewhere let's just spread out and we'll find him easy peasy too people i hear i hear him what i hear him up here chad all my other handles are you able to stand up too he's right there we gotta get him claudia's up there get him go after him he's up there go okay go go go go oh oh my gosh what happened what happened my booty what do you mean you burnt it on the slide he's over there quick we gotta go after him it feels like first degree burn we can get pc2 later i'm sure he'll be collecting garbage for a while we gotta heal your legs oh my god yeah just sit down oh yes feels good it does you bit me yeah i'm good i'm good we should go after pc2 so we can trade it for daniel okay yeah we should have been after him already but you know some people don't dress for the occasion don't talk to her like that let's go busy two went this way come on let's go everybody okay another daniel nasal transmission this is all my fault if i wasn't so stubborn and feeling embarrassed about wearing my glasses peters wouldn't have captured me and we wouldn't have been in this place at all now daniel's he said and crying i don't know if we're ever gonna get him back it's okay b he volunteered himself he chose this path yeah and it's agent peter's doing all the evil stuff it's not your fault v yeah you could and there's a way we can get daniel back peasy too guys come on yeah i think he went down this way here we go yeah yeah yeah maybe we should do pz2 cry so that he'll respond yeah that might work i don't think it works it's not like a language she speaks it's still english somehow but it's just something wrong with it yeah you understand it melvin oh oh hey why is he being such a jerk he's trying to take on my leg with a watermelon pick up these legs with a slide and now melvin's legs with a tonfa ah man i just got taunt foot real hard tompha harding oh early 90s joke okay wait there's some talking shh listen where's your ninja noise enhancer put it on okay you're here people talking hackers went the other way when i went blind for a little bit maybe it happened for a reason it improved my hearing and now you can see again with your awesome glasses yeah really good vision with your glasses yes yes yes and really good hearing she's like an x-men with super human capabilities i'm like cyclops and daredevil combined yeah okay i think we're getting really close we're talking just hear that you guys here with your supersonic noise enhancers v you don't even need yours you guys heard that before right when one sense goes away like my vision the other senses just kind of enhances and it happens to be my hearing skills you can look that up what is it he's right two hackers we're on the other side of this thing let's climb up ready fix him yes oh nothing wow right i see hackers yeah as long as the spot ninjas don't have a noise enhancer they should fall into this trap no problem peters is gonna have these fun ninjas done for oh my god the spy ninjas are gonna be dead that way let's go look for pc2 he's got to be over there so clearly we need our ninja noise enhancers he says they're also going to be done for [Music] well there's only two of them yeah there's four of us let's just confront them right now yes three of us are kind of injured though regina you got healthy legs today i do you can do all the kicking okay come on okay yeah you better tell us what we want to know or else regina's going to use her healthy legs on you healthy legs healthy legs healthy legs yeah you want some knees and heal the yeah out of here i'm looking for peasy too well i'm looking for peasy no no no no i'm looking for a pizza too and you're going to tell me where he is you need to tell me where pz2 is no i'm looking for no you need to tell me where he is what well if you don't leave me to piece you too then you need to tell me where he is right now look look i know no no i'm going to tell you where pc2 is okay then where's easy too i'm telling you where pc2 is and i saw him go that way come on let's go get him yeah go get him okay actually i was joking i think he went this way let's go come on it worked those guys are fools i can't believe you fell for that that's like a cartoon trick let's go i know exactly the way to catch pz2 did you have a genius moment i did it a regenius moment daniel moment we're gonna put this here his job is to go around and collecting garbage right correct i'm gonna go up in this tree when he comes up on his little scoot scoot jump bong snatch you saw me digging in the garbage there you a fake germaphobe i'll grab pz2 you guys grab his scooter so he can't get away and then we'll convince him to let us stop him for daniel thanks melvin yeah i appreciate it i appreciate you you know what's really cool about being up in a tree is that i can see how many people are not subscribed to me oh my gosh there's like 70 percent of you who watch us that aren't subscribed why don't you like us you want me to fall out of this tree no you don't click go down underneath this video click that subscribe button thanks oh thanks oh wow that person just did yeah that's cool while you're down there hit that thumbs up button i don't know if it does anything some people think it does something you gotta hide now when pc2 comes i can't see you standing around all right now we lay in wait oh no he's got me he's coming there's meep too wow [Applause] hey listen busy too listen we're sorry i'm sorry that we had to trap you and jump out of a tree and scare you like that okay but look we know that your true passion is being a hacker right yeah wasn't being a part of project zorgo so oh fulfilling fulfilling and fun well we would like to invite you to become a hacker once again under agent peters he's asking specifically about you yeah he thinks you're the best hacker okay all right this is great so you'll come with us to agent peters why not come on you want to be a hacker right scooping poop on me we're gonna come clean with you okay look our friend daniel you know daniel he was pz-1 yeah the long nose you got it he is trapped by agent peters and he hey that's not cool hey you don't need the garbage right now you don't need to be a garbage collector because you can be a hacker with asian peters all we got to do is trade you hey we got to trade you for daniel okay we're going to say here agent peters here's pz pz2 and now he gives us daniel we make a fair trade and you're a hacker again what do you think about that i'm sick and tired of this all okay here's the thing pz2 you can either come with us and join project zorgo again become a hacker or we're gonna take it out of jail oh we have a record of all the crimes you've committed yeah so are you coming with us or not yes you said yes yes [Music] yes oh pc for life oh my gosh whoa yeah you're not a janitor anymore hey all right way to go pz2 ninja noise enhancer on this is going to prevent agent peters from trapping us apparently remember we listened over daniel's diesel cam that regina put in his nose smart move regina thank you no you ready [Music] okay peters look we brought peasy too now give us daniel i don't even see daniel no no no that's not how this works you send over pz2 then i give you daniel you can't be trusted peters you deliver daniel first daniel first i guess we have no deal no peters we've listened to everything you've told us to do and we've done the best we can to get our friend back so you better bring them out or [Music] we're gonna just have to destroy you okay fine you know what you want to play hardball i'm out we're done that's it we're going what okay think we gotta send pz2 over otherwise he's leaving and we'll never find daniel do we trust peters not really but we don't have much other choice we're sending pz2 over come on pc2 [Music] [Music] [Music] daniel oh my gosh don't worry daniel we heard everything that you were saying and what agent peters was saying we came prepared wearing these nice guys i'm so glad you're okay daniel thanks for sacrificing yourself for me thanks guys let's get out of here man all right spy losers those spy losers fell right into my track the thing they were wearing their noise enhancers
Channel: Chad Wild Clay
Views: 7,085,274
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spy ninjas, spy ninja, chad wild clay, cwc, vy qwaint, chad and vy, chad and v, project zorgo, vy, chad, pz4, pz9, hacker, daniel, regina, melvin, sml, basketball, cloaker, noise enhancer, peters, trash, garbage, trade, ex-hacker, exhacker, pz 2, pz2, swap, fun, funny, comedy, save, rescue, youtuber, trading, glasses, eyes, vision, blind, berst friend, friends, janitor, park
Id: VRrTIzBbptY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 45sec (1245 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 28 2021
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