Origin Story: How A Small Team of Developers Created React.js at Facebook

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It's kinda funny that they are trying to play this as an underdog story. You have a bunch of dev geniuses together at one of the largest tech companies in the world. I don't care if it was just a small group at facebook, they had the right breeding ground for this.

Then after they fucked up the first public presentation, they had got another chance to explain it to the world without any effort just because FB sponsored the event.

Interesting to hear how things came about, but the framing of it in this dramatic way is cringey.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/aTomzVins πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 12 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Loved it

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Xypheric πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 11 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

yeah was surprised that it took them this long to make one about react considering the fact that vue and graphql were made long time ago

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/godhand_infamous πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 11 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Any reason why Jordan Walke wasn't interviewed for this doc?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LNatsu πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 12 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/nfms πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 12 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] Check, one two, one two. 1, 2, 3, 4. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. This is React Podcast, I'm Chantastic. Today we're going back, way back. Back to the beginning of React. 10 years in the rear view mirror it may feel like React was always going to succeed. That a framework by Facebook was too big to fail. But this isn't that kind of story. In fact there were many times in React's history where it seemed like it wasn't going to succeed at all. So what happened? How did react go, in 10 years, from looking dead on arrival to becoming the dominant front-end JavaScript framework that it is today. It starts at Facebook in 2011. jQuery and backbone are dominating front-end JavaScript but more opinionated tools like Ember, Angular and Knockout are already on the scene. In the outside world, Gangnam Style has just been uploaded to YouTube, Call Me Maybe is topping the charts, and the freshest meme is the Overly Attached Girlfriend. In Internet years it's basically been an eternity. So strap in, set yourself away, enable that do not disturb because this is quite the underdog story. [Music] I see this camera has a red light on but this one doesn't. [Music] Just clip it on with this. Testing one two, testing. [Music] [Computer turning on] When I got the offer to work at Facebook, I told my mom, I was like really excited. The Social Network the movie had just come out and she had you know seen it recently and she was actively discouraging me from joining because she was like Mark Zuckerberg doesn't seem like a very nice boy. Facebook in the time I was there was, I don't think there'll be anything like it ever again. It was certainly not like anything that I had experienced before. In fact just a couple months after I joined Kanye West came to visit Facebook's campus and he got up on a table in the cafe and you know rapped a few bars and I was working mostly with this guy who had just graduated from college and I was trying to explain to him you know I've worked these crap jobs in software, at that point had been like 10 or 15 years, nothing like this ever happens, not to software engineers. "You're my stressing, you're my masseuse, mama say mama sa mama dandeson". JavaScript at the time, I think, was going through this little bit of an existential crisis as to whether it was like a real programming language or a toy programming language. And so there was a lot of churn. So you had jQuery was popular and MooTools was popular and there was so many different like warring frameworks to try to get the mind share. And there's a lot of similarities between them but each one had its kind of bespoke differences and none of them were actually really fantastic for building really kind of complicated user interfaces and apps. There was this trend towards more sophisticated applications that do more stuff and at Facebook we still had a primarily sort of server rendered technology stack which you know, one of the things that we fought against for a really long time was just growing JavaScript bundle sizes so as we moved more and more stuff to the client, the client got slower and slower so we actually swung the pendulum towards server-side rendering and towards you know minimal amounts of JavaScript for a while. And there was this feeling that we knew that what we were doing for client-side development wasn't working but also that server side wasn't going to get us all the way there. So I think that was the kind of environment that React came out of. [Music] I joined Facebook back in 2010. I've been doing a lot of open source work particularly in the JavaScript world. I was a committer on the Dojo.js toolkit back in the day, which is one of the the granddaddies of the JavaScript movement along with prototype and jQuery. I spent my first two years at Facebook on the mobile team. We had started off a big push to compete with Apple and Google and we thought that our best chance of success as a company was to go directly to the web and really push to build out the HTML5 ecosystem. So as part of that we developed, myself and two other engineers called Vladimir Kolesnikov and Will Bailey, built a framework called Bolt.js so named because we bolted together a bunch of things that each of us liked. Bolt was basically more or less Facebook's implementation of a client-side MVC. I think it was like a pretty good version, maybe a better version, of things like Backbone and a couple of other Frameworks that had existed at the time. But it was born from a place of the specific constraints of Facebook. It's the heart of your Facebook experience. Completely rethought from the ground up. We've been working on it all year and we're calling it Timeline. Facebook was one of the first big products that was really an experience more than anything else. You're not trying to buy groceries or get tickets or anything like that on Facebook, you really just want to be entertained. And as such you know the user interface itself needs to be really pleasing. Bolt was not a tool belt, it was truly an application development framework. Something designed and meant to build complicated interactive rich apps and was being used to build pretty complicated very real products at Facebook at the time. We ended up having to essentially replicate most of Facebook, all the various apps, be it timeline, chat, newsfeed. We had a whole photos app that we built and so obviously the team had to expand greatly. Like that so I think at some point we probably had maybe 25 engineers working on all this between building Bolt and building apps built on Bolt and that's just on the mobile team. Bolt was never the problem, it was the architecture that would eventually break down for us. As the product itself got more complex and as we added more engineers to the team, we didn't hit a wall but it started to get really, really hard to make changes. And so you know that was around the time that Jordan was on the ads team and he's like I wonder, there's got to be a better way. Jordan is an enigmatic figure. He uh he's a little secretive so there's not much that I know about him. Jordan and I aren't necessarily.. we haven't necessarily been in the spotlight much. Especially Jordan kind of shied away from spotlights since the early days. Jordan was a product engineer at the time, working on ads and ads has one of the most complicated pieces of UI across all of Facebook at the moment. On the ads team they were hitting much you know really hitting the limits of what you can do without React complexity wise. And just the developers ability to hold in their head and understand a bit of code that somebody else wrote and you know look at the screen and say okay this code is doing that and I need to know why. And Jordan had a lot of very interesting ideas around how you could take what we had done in Bolt and make it much more functional and make it more ability.. make it easier for it to scale with people's ability to understand large applications. And so we had a lot of ongoing dialogue and he would come back and forth to us with various ideas how to change it. I think one of the original names for react was FBolt which is Functional Bolt. He saw that there was an opportunity to do it.. to solve some of the tricky parts in Bolt in an easier way. So what Jordan decided to do, or at least the story that he had told me, was: "hey wouldn't it be easier if, any time anything happened, in the app: API state changes, user type something, we just blow away the entire UI and we re-render all of it". If you look at what every other framework was doing at the time, it was called two-way data binding and this was not that. It was like: forget about data binding we're not going to do that at all. Anytime anything changes we're just going to re-render and then there's an asterisk which says well we're not going to re-render everything, we're going to try to render as little as possible but conceptually we're not going to manage these relationships between views and models, we're just gonna.. Honestly I thought it was completely crazy. At the time I was really down on frameworks in general and I thought there was no way that was going to work. To many people that seemed like magic, it was so far outside of everybody's idea of how things should work and do work that yeah it took a lot of convincing. [Music] I've been working at Facebook for 10 years now. I met this person called Jordan Walke. Some people told me he had an interesting project about JavaScript and I may be interested. And so I had this meeting with him and one thing he asked me at the beginning of the meeting was: what is the most difficult thing to do in the front-end right now? And I mean, I was six months out of school, I was like I don't know and the thing he told me is: updates. You need to find the DOM node that is going to change, you need to change the listener to the click event and remove it and do all of this, which is pretty complicated. And this was also a massive source of bugs within the Facebook codebase. I was like, yeah you're right, this is probably the hardest thing. And he was like: I have a solution for this. I was like, okay this guy is crazy, like this is never going to work, it's never going to be performant. The meeting ended and for a few weeks I forgot about the idea. But one weekend I was like, okay maybe I should try this, maybe there's something to it. Before joining Facebook, I worked on a way to find your guild in World of Warcraft and we basically needed to search through like 20.000 guilds. And I did a lot of performance work to be the fastest way possible to display when you change all of those filters in real time. And I was like: okay I spent months, full time, working on making this super performant, let's try it with React. And in practice it took me like half an hour to write it and it was actually not as performant but around the same order of magnitude at performance. And I was like mind blown and to this day I became the biggest React fan in the world. I was in the photos team and spending all of my working hours like trying to use React on my own projects in the photos team, evangelizing. I felt like it could change the world which it did. [Music] [Chantastic] Jordan is making headway on his project. He's gotten others involved and they're seeing the value. But not everyone is impressed. One manager started to take notice but saw Jordan's project as a distraction. So they asked Lee Byron to meet with Jordan and put a stop to it (to focus efforts on Bolt). We get into a room. Instantly I knew that this was going to be weird because we showed up with very different energies. I'm showing up with this like, okay Jordan I want to understand what's going on with your project but I also want to help make sure that we are spending our time well and we're working on things that are gonna have longevity and solving problems we want to have. And Jordan came in with like, can I show you a demo of what I've been working on like this is so exciting and it does this and it does that. And eventually like towards the end of this meeting with him I had to kind of admit like he had something really compelling. Like I was now really interested in learning more about what he was doing. So Jordan's pitch to me was like I only want to invest in this and work on it if it's going to be something that people will use and if that's not going to be the case, sure we're not going to do this. He's like but I feel really strongly that all the ways we've been doing UI development up until now have been flawed. Whether they're a JavaScript library that doesn't quite work for us or whether it's like a 30 year old tried and true model for doing UI application development. They all suffer from the same base problem: a state management and I think this is the way forward, and Lee if you could just dig into the code and learn more and try it and then come back and we'll talk about this again, then we can figure this out. I was like all right all right and so I did I dug around the code and it was um a little hard to understand, but I eventually got to play with it and got to build a couple of things and had to admit, coming away, that like yes there was something incredibly interesting there. And that was how I got sucked into the project and I ended up working on it quite a bit for the the next couple of months. Lee brings this rigor and sort of design mentality to these things that really helped with the initial versions of React in terms of standardizing it and turning it from something that was kind of like an ugly baby that had just grown up at Facebook to something that really people could approach from around the world. [Music] There were a couple of problems that I faced right away when trying to understand the code base and build something. Not only was the the set of tools and the mental models really different from what I was used to as a UI engineer. The syntax and the programming concepts involved, just the terminology, was also really different. My takeaway was, you know, okay the whole bid here was that this would be simpler but I can't help but feel like this is really complicated. Mostly as a desire for me to understand the model but also with a hope that it would kind of end up helping resolve some things, I wanted to build a glossary. Like what are all the things the concepts and then what are all the actions or verbs that are going on here. And so I literally just listed them all out. And then I would go back to Jordan, I'd go back to other people working on it, and ask questions like did I get this right? Are these definitions right? And they go yeah okay, no you should really think about it that way, and be like okay, well that's not how this.. And it would go back and forth and back and forth and I'd be honing these definitions and along the way we'd realize like, oh this concept and that concept are the same, we're going to name them one thing instead of two things. So unwinding all of this and essentially writing up what ended up being like a reimagining of the component life cycle and therefore sort of the entire front-facing API for React. And I was very happy to see like incredible enthusiasm around that. Jordan was like "ah this is amazing, this really clarifies the ideas". At that point a handful of other folks had gotten involved with the project too and then I spent sort of the next month or so, sort of piece by piece folding those into place and pretty significantly changing the surface API of React in the process. That was I think the first shift from this being a thing that existed mostly in Jordan's head, that other people were playing with, to a thing that all of a sudden felt owned by the whole team. Where team here is like a collection of UI Engineers scattered across Facebook who were sort of bought in on this vision, who now felt that we now have the same terminology we can use when someone has a question, anyone can jump in and answer it rather than only Jordan. That was the first big shift. [Music] [Dog snoring] One of the first projects that React was used for was the UFI, the Universal Feedback Interface, which is basically the likes, comments and shares at the bottom of each post. This was still during Facebook's kind of web era, when Facebook on the web was like the sort of big driver of engagement. Newsfeed had a billion people hitting it every day and was massively tuned for performance. Heavily interactive surface both on the input side of course you're like clicking it to add likes, you're typing into it to add comments, but also on the receiving side we want comments to come in live, so as you're looking at it as a comment comes in we want it to just pop up right there. And there was this product desire for that interface to feel almost like a one-off chat thread, and that was so cool at that time. And as that started to work the second thread was well okay if this can work for this really isolated sense of messaging then what if it could work for messaging as a whole and this was another really complicated and fraught with bug surface area. That was when a lot of the ideas in React congealed, the JSX syntax was introduced and some of the ideas about how to work with data and React sort of were clarified. A couple of our UI Engineers, along with the messaging team, if I remember correctly Jing Chen was sort of the champion of this project, realized that we needed a completely new way to think about state too. [People clapping] So my name is Jing and I'm a software engineer in the product infrastructure team at Facebook. [Chantastic] Flux is an application architecture designed around React's principle of unidirectional data flow. Paired with Flux, React could go beyond the view layer to model entire applications. This shift in how to think about state paired very well with how React was thinking about updating UI and ended up being sort of the next chapter for how to think about React being more than just how do you model complicated UI but how do you model sufficiently complicated applications. Like this was something that expanded the full screen and multiple touch points and had navigation to it and it allowed us to step into that next chapter. I remember asking Jing like hey how's it going with this React stuff? Do you think this is going to work? She was like, yeah this is pretty good, I'm pretty sure it's gonna work. That was when I became more convinced. [Music] Instagram joined Facebook in 2012. I think we had started calling it React by then and there was a couple of engineers from Facebook that went to join Instagram to help them expand the product offering. At the time Instagram was just an iOS and an Android app and they wanted to have a web presence as well. [Music] I spent 11 years in San Francisco, it was really fun I made a lot of great friends but the change of pace out in the countryside is great. It's just very peaceful and nice. I went to Facebook straight out of school. I studied computer science undergrad and I got a master's degree. Facebook was, believe it or not, the cool place to work back in 2010. It was this great product, that everybody used. It was super cool on college campuses and I was really excited to work there. [Music] I joined Facebook video. The pitch was, we're the third largest video site in the world, after YouTube and Dailymotion I think, and there was like one engineer working on it and like you get to be engineer number two and I was like that sounds pretty cool. We worked really closely with the iOS photos team in the Android Photos team and we were building an Instagram killer and nobody remembers this but it was called Facebook Camera. One morning the photo's team got called into the office early. They said like be at HQ at 8am and then the VP of engineering was like hey we bought Instagram, they're your new co-workers now. And these were like the people that were like our fierce competitors you know. We looked at them a little bit as the enemy, I'm sure they looked at us a little bit as the enemy. They were a really small team at the time, they had their core fundamentals really nailed but there was a lot of stuff they needed to figure out, that they did not have the team to figure out on their own and a big one of those was what does it mean for Instagram to be on the web. The web experience is really important for driving growth and so this was a pretty important priority and so me and this designer, Maykel Loomans, started building all the web stuff. And that's kind of where React enters the picture, when we started developing this website. [Music] We were given this mandate to use client rendering so I went to the product infrastructure team at Facebook, which was run by Tom Occhino. Product infrastructure's role was to support any team that needed help and do it in a way that your key indicators of success are going to be other teams saying "yeah that really helped us". You go to them and you kind of consult the Council of Elders and they give you their recommendation and I said, hey we need to do client rendering, what do we do? And the recommendation at the time was yeah we don't know. We've got like three different things that we're working on, you should go try one. We had something called Bolt.js, there was a second thing called JS.HTML and then there was this this thing called React. Pete went and spoke to Jordan about using React and he came and talked to me about potentially using Bolt for it but I think he really, really liked Jordan's ideas around functional programming. The conceptual model of react was like crazy innovative and it really, really spoke to me. My background was in distributed systems. I was not somebody that loved front-end or thought front-end was doing things well, so the fact that React came in with like a totally fresh approach and didn't really care too much about existing best practices, like I was I was on board with that. So while I had evaluated all three I really just dove in on React to build a prototype first and that ended up shipping on Instagram.com which was the second use of React in production ever and the first use of building a full application end to end in React. When I chose React for Instagram it was not well known within Facebook and it was this kind of crazy science experiment. Not even close. By the time Instagram was, and you know Pete started playing with it, it was significantly better than it was in the early, early stage but it still needed a ton of iteration. We had to take this thing that was very much tied to Facebook's infrastructure which back then was a big giant PHP application and I had to go get that working in a Django application which is a totally different system. And what was key was not doing that once but making that a repeatable process and making sure that that pipeline didn't break. I think he hit a number of really interesting problems along the way which quite proved the fact that React was not quite ready for that scale and along the way Pete, and the team that he was working with, built a lot of really interesting things. [Music] Some of these products ended up being fairly successful. There were relatively short time to deliver a relatively high quality product. That showed that this model could work and it was not just that, but people liked developing using it. And so that kind of spread and took off and especially is it got more and more investment, it became clear that this was what we wanted to use and it was really ads that was kind of using Bolt more. It had a higher level of investment, more people working in that code base, that already knew it and more components so it was a harder shift to make. The ads team just before I joined ads from the mobile team had done a full rewrite of the ads creation flow into Bolt. Which took them I think upwards of six months replacing a very old PHP application with what time was considered a very modern JavaScript application. But at the same time React was also now actually deployed for real on Facebook and had a team that was forming around it. So we now had two viable frameworks that were both live on Facebook, both solving real problems. We shouldn't have two. Especially two that were similar. Similar enough to confuse people. Like if you looked at the code, their code almost looked identical but that worked really differently. It would actually be an absolute nightmare if you had to work in both. So we had to decide which to use. [Music] A lot of this ended up being a conversation between myself and Jordan. We did an evaluation of both of them. A lot of performance-based stuff and trying to figure out where the edge cases were. On the pro side of React, obviously there's all the things that we know now: it handles complexity way, way more. Even when writing the ads creation flow in Bolt we had already hit one place that you just could not do in Bolt without writing spaghetti code, and you can do in React. So we knew in the future even if it was only 10% of the experience we were building, we're going to run into this problem again. Now it might only be 10% unmaintainable but as you scale that across a company that is growing rapidly, this becomes an absolute mess. The cons of it on the other hand were that React in a lot of ways was not battle tested yet. There's a lot of things that simply didn't work in React. It couldn't handle forms, they'd never done a text box and there's a lot of complexities around handing awkward form controls like radio buttons and so on that it messed up. Just performance issues where it would try and re-render large blocks so they hadn't had to do all of the performance improvements that obviously exist now. On the organizational side the other con was that we had just done the six-month rewrite in Bolt. Facebook had done an IPO recently and the stock had halved since IPO. Facebook wasn't making enough money and so the ads team is the team that makes, you know, that's where the money starts. If we stop for four months we're gonna have to tell everybody sorry no money for you so there was a lot of conversation back and forth about all this. It got very difficult. Initially a lot of the engineers that used Bolt, including Shane, realized just what you said. Like look we've invested so much in this thing and it's really worked for all this stuff, certainly we can work through the next set of challenges we're having. So initially there was opposition to React coming in and saying like how are you gonna, you know, this new thing that's not even proven yet. This is our business, this is really important. When Jordan and I were working through it, there was definitely uh some emotions uh there um and mostly I think it came from uh each of us having a lack of context of where the other one was coming from. So I think there was a lot of talking past each other. In the end Mike Schroepfer stepped in and said, look make the right technical decision, make the right long-term decision and whatever it is I'll back you up. But if you need to pause product development for four months you can. We all kind of just got in rooms and you know worked through all these things and got everything out in the air of what's a technical problem, what's an organization problem, what's a financial problem and kind of a came to the understanding eventually through uh with lots and lots of coffee that React was the right way to go, but um it was not a straight line at all. He ultimately was one of the biggest proponents or decision makers in ads switching everything over to React and that doesn't happen in most companies. In most companies if that's your baby project you try to undermine the other, the upstart, because you're you know you're really defensive over your own thing. That was not the vibe at Facebook at the time and I think that Shane in particular really exemplified that. There was still a lot of work to do on the ads creation flow. Tensions were mounting and the team was stuck. Here again to get them unstuck, is Jing Chen. We'd have this thorny management issue and a lot of people disagreeing with each other, up and down the management chain on both sides of you know in ads and in this product infrastructure group, that was building React, and we'd send Jing in to talk to the engineers and everyone would come out, like patting each other on the back, full agreement, a plan to move forward. So she's great at building a consensus because she's able to drill into the important technical details, identify them really quickly and get everyone talking about the same thing. She obviously helped both build the product but she also made sure that every time we found a bug in React or just something that it didn't handle yet, she either stepped back from product and then just fixed the framework. Or she went back to the team and said look we need two or three engineers working on this stuff for the next month to unblock the ads team. The ads manager was complicated enough that it actually ended up being a really great source of performance improvements and finding like, where are the true points where it just doesn't quite scale. So I think it was a lot of using the building blocks that we had and as you start to assemble them into a really complicated looking application, what are the new problems that come out of that, that we need to solve. And there was definitely a lot of those. This is one of the most fun intense periods of my career as I remember it. We would be going to meet with the team and we would have to help them put some feature in and we would code it up ourselves first in React just to make sure that the that they wouldn't hit any rough edges. Or more like to find all the rough edges that we knew they'd hit and figure out what the solutions would be. So it was really exciting because we were working on two things at the same time. One was delivering this really complicated, really important software project for Facebook: the ads manager. And the other was refining this framework that we really believed in which was React. By the time we had rebuilt the ads creation flow, which I think took about four months, it had been battle tested with basically everything about the browser supports, all the form fields and everything, and also massive performance issues that had been resolved, so at that point it was kind of felt that it was ready to be open sourced because you know we we used it in multiple different types of contexts and that you know it would actually be generally useful to the public. [Music] [Mumbled question] What did you say, Evan? Uh there is not, sorry. Open sourcing React was never a question for me. That was the goal from the very beginning. Tom had this idea, he called it project perception, and he was really angry I think it's probably the best word for it. He was angry that Facebook was hiring all these luminaries from the JavaScript world. They would come to Facebook and because we discouraged people from writing client-side JavaScript and because it was a hard environment to maneuver in, they would actually go pick up mobile because that was where a lot of the interesting client-side development was happening. And Tom was determined to change this around. I remember going to this conference and I was talking to someone and I told them I worked at Facebook on JavaScript and they're like why would you do that? I hate what Facebook does to the JavaScript industry. You have hired all these really great people from these really great projects and we have no idea what they're working on now. They've given nothing back. So I think when React came along I started very early on talking about if this thing works for us I really want us to find a path to open source. And I was running that up the management chain very early so when the time came to open source it, there were some meetings, it was controversial but we had all the support we needed already. The process of open sourcing is interesting. There's first a technical problem to solve. You have to figure out how to extract it out of your infrastructure and make it work in the open source, which is all the homework that we did for Instagram. We made this call that like we will not impact developer productivity at all, it's going to be entirely on the open source team, which was just a bunch of people that wanted to open source it, to make it work. Then actually pulling the trigger on open source, we had to write a lot of documentation. We spent actually a lot of time with the documentation to explain like, hey what is React, what are all the concepts and we tried to put ourselves in the shoes of somebody that want to build an app. How do we give the documentation in a way it helps them do that. Paul O'Shannessy did a lot of this because he really had the experience with what the ecosystem needed to make this work at the time. Paul O'Shannessy was a huge force on open sourcing. As was James Pearce who was the head of Facebook open source. James had joined the company and he really wanted to change Facebook's open source image. We had previously open sourced a lot of stuff but we let it rot. We would say, hey we're an open source company, here's our great framework and then we would just never maintain it. And James and Paul in particular were pretty instrumental in saying, hey if we're going to open source React, we're going to do it right. Internally there was a lot of excitement because we had already been using this thing for a while and it was working for us, we were excited about it. We chose JSconf US which was kind of the, I don't know, the Oscars of JavaScript - is that fair representation maybe? You know all the celebrities are there and everyone's paying attention and everybody watches it live on YouTube. Tom and Jordan put together this presentation. Tom is a great speaker and Jordan is a brilliant engineer, it was like a Lennon and McCartney type of situation. There was no way that this thing could possibly fail. [Music] It was in Florida, at like 9 00 a.m. We were in Menlo Park and we woke up early, we took the first bus into the office. It was completely empty and we're getting ready to like press the button on the repo to open source it. Jordan and I were all excited we got up on stage. I'm going to talk a bit about how we do JavaScript application development at Facebook. It was a little unconventional, I did a little bit of it, he did more of it. So along with react we are shipping an embeddable XML syntax and we're calling that JSX. And we jumped into showing some code and that code looked different, it looked weird. Here we have React used with JSX. And people were rightfully skeptical we'll call it. Everyone hated it, everyone thought it was awful! [Music] Internally we were expecting a much better reception. Or at least an "oh that's interesting reception". We thought there'd be some language nerds in there who would think "oh I can do fully functional programming in the UI, oh at least that's interesting". It was a really humbling experience, it was kind of a letdown for us because we had worked nights and weekends on getting this thing open sourceable and then when we go to launch it, everyone hated it. The thing that everyone focuses on is that people really hated JSX. I haven't watched this video in a while. See these divs are not exactly what you're used to they're not DOM nodes, they're special reactives and I'll get to why that's important. I don't remember thinking that they were hating it. I don't remember at all thinking that they were like tweeting a bunch of stuff. This is the slide for sure. We haven't talked about any problems we're trying to solve, we haven't talked about why this is working for us or what were the principles of design. We're just like boom here's some XML in your JavaScript and people are like hey what is happening. Uh poor Jordan.. What we didn't really fully understand was how big of a delta there was between where the rest of the world was in the JavaScript community and where Facebook was. I don't blame them. I don't think anybody who tweeted Facebook is crazy was crazy themselves. I think they were kind of right, we were a little crazy. I think there was a moment for me personally where I felt like, you know, my goal with the open sourcing of this was to get us closer to the community and I may have set us back a step. I may have demonstrated that we actually have no idea what we're doing because what we're doing is so much different than what the rest of the community was doing. And internally there was a "well we messed that up". We made the wrong call. Because I think the measure of success would have been "wow Facebook engineering is doing some really cool stuff" and instead it was "Facebook engineering has no idea what they're doing". I think that JSconf appearance might have been Jordan's last conference for a good few years. I think Tom Occhino also didn't go back for a while as well. It turned into a bit of a troll fest for no good reason. And particularly for something that was as innovative and useful and you know just fantastic for developer productivity and just, it's literally a gift to everybody. Here, move faster for free. To have people misunderstand it and say all these bad things about it, that were just you know knee-jerk reactions without actually having taken time to think about it, can only.. Must have felt very bad. Especially because both Jordan and Tom had already gone through all this internally in Facebook for two years. But inside in Facebook it's a smaller scale you can just get in a meeting room and talk about it but you can't really do that with the whole world can you. There were some technical decisions that were made as part of React that were self-evident within Facebook but were like crazy when given to a different audience in the community. There was this notion of separation of concerns. At the time you shouldn't put your HTML, CSS and JavaScript into the same file. You should really extract them out and you should have this separation. And so this was like very like the best practice at the time. What was interesting about the approach to separation of concerns in React is that you separate your concerns into different components. So rather than saying: I have my view concerns over here and my model concerns over here, you say you have your newsfeed concerns over here, your photo concerns over here, your admin panel concerns over here. So it's a different way of separating concerns and so there was a lot of backlash around like oh those people at Facebook are clowns, they don't know how to write software. We thought that React probably had no future outside of Facebook. [Music] It looked like all hope was lost for our friends at the Facebook office. But fortunately someone outside of Facebook was willing to give it a chance. [Music] When I first started using React in 2013, it was not popular in the community. It had just been announced at JSconf. I saw the announcement post on Hacker News and immediately thought that it would be helpful for one of the projects that I was working on at the time. I was building an interactive math question editor at Khan Academy and it was something that had a very component oriented architecture. I was trying to use Backbone.js at the time and found that the state management was getting a little bit hard and when I looked at React I thought to myself, wow this actually looks like it solves a lot of the problems that I have right now. I'm looking at this post from 2013 that I guess I wrote a week after I learned about React and it was right after I had started trying to use it and somebody had asked "how is Facebook's React JavaScript library". And I was a few days into using it and so I decided to write an answer to that question based on my experience. The answer I wrote is very positive. I think I was having a really good time using it and it was solving my needs really well. One line from the post says, I just rewrote a 2000 line project in React and have now made a handful of pull requests to React. Everything about React I've seen so far seems really well thought out and I am proud to be the first non-facebook production user of React. And I talked a little bit more about some of the technical details and how it was helping me. It's cool to look back and it's almost a bit of a time capsule to see how even one week into React being released, I was already pretty excited about it and I think that excitement lasted for a long time. I converted my entire code base that I was working on at the time over to React. I think it ended up being less code and it was easier to understand and it was faster. Pretty quickly I said "okay I want to keep using React" and I ended up deploying that to production, my rewritten code, and that was I think the first production code using React outside of Facebook. It was a brand new project that had just been open sourced and not many people had used it before, and so there were a bunch of rough edges. It seemed like maybe nobody had tried to use it in a particular way before. Or if something just wasn't documented well enough and I was trying to use it a slightly different way than it was intended I ran into these little bugs or issues where it didn't work quite as I was expecting it to. For some of those I read through the source code and tried to figure out: okay why isn't this working, is there anything that I can be doing differently for other cases? I ended up joining the IRC chat channel where a lot of the core team members were hanging out after it had been open sourced. They helped me get started not just using React but also starting to contribute to it as I started filing issues and helping other people who were in that chat room, as well as starting to make small code changes and starting to improve React over time. Her perspective from Khan Academy and just being outside of Facebook was so valuable, so helpful! Sophie started as someone using React externally then sort of like moved on to being someone who contributed to React core externally then became the most significant contributor to React core then we would have these like weekly team meetings and invite Sophie to come and so Sophie like worked out with her local manager at her company to like carve out Friday afternoons to come to Facebook and hang out with us. And so determined not to do what we had done previously where we hired folks from the open source community and then they never contributed anything back, she became the first ever open source recruited member of the team. Sophie's involvement lifted the spirits of the React team. It also got them thinking that maybe, just maybe, the rest of the ecosystem had dismissed React unfairly. They had something special, they knew it. What they didn't know was how to convince everyone else. I think there are people on the team like me and Jordan and Tom and Chedeau who like the challenge and the competitive nature of it. We knew that this was good technology and I was so sure of that, I viewed it as just a a messaging problem, you know, okay we gotta crack how we message this to people because they don't get it and we have to figure out how to bring them there. The open source feels like a milestone and it feels like this is the end. But in practice it is just the beginning. Because when you open source you actually have zero users, now you need to actually build a community, get all of the bugs fixed, make sure it actually solves the use case for the people. And so this is like when the journey begins. We buckled down. And we also realized I think that really when you have a project like this that's um different you have to convince people one by one. So I think that's really what we focused on. And we learned a lot doing that. We learned that the ideas in React are solid, but really the ideas are not what people encounter when they adopt a framework. What they encounter are the docs and the error messages. What they need more than anything else when they adopt something is an incremental way of doing that. So the team got to work. They focused on spreading the knowledge of React one concept at a time, one person at a time. Then an opportunity arose: another conference. Later the same year, thank goodness, Pete gave a talk at JSconf EU. I had my desk over by the product infrastructure team. I was sitting next to Tomo and he's like, oh we're just like sponsoring this JSconf EU conference and we have to give a keynote and I don't want to give it. Because I think he was like he didn't want to go through all that stuff. Because you know after you give the talk like people go and yell at you after you get off stage and when you go to the happy hour and stuff. It's not the most pleasant thing in the world. And I was like, I'll do it! I'll take the free trip to Berlin and go give a talk at a conference. Hey I'm Pete, I'm gonna talk to you about a library for creating user interfaces that we call React. We open sourced this at JSconf US a couple months ago. And we got some kind of sarcastic responses on Twitter, a little bit of snickering, that kind of thing. We weren't really communicating what we were doing so I'd like to talk to you today about the design decisions around React, what we're doing differently than other Frameworks and kind of the implementation that lets us make these decisions and make them really fast. For this talk it was like, here's what makes React different. I'm not even trying to say it's good, I'm not even trying to say you should use it, I'm trying to say that this is interesting and there's a lot of interesting stuff about how this thing works that you should pay attention to. And that really resonated with people. And so we got these kind of early innovators you know if you think of the crossing the chasm diagram, where you've got your your early adopters and then you've got your laggards and in the middle you have your kind of normal companies. That talk really got those early adopters fired up and evangelizing React inside of their own companies. After Pete's talk, interest started to pick up. People started paying attention. They just wanted to, you know, let me just see if there's something there. And so we got this kind of like slow burn of adoption of React. And it prompted some really interesting conversations. It recruited Brandon Bloom into the community who came from the functional programming world, somewhere. He started talking to his friends and said, hey I think this React thing is actually worth paying attention to. And then he goes and talks to his friend David Nolen who is this very well known, very well respected, really great musician and JavaScript developer. I think he was working at the New York Times at the time and I was passing through New York to do something and we grabbed coffee. And I asked Pete some questions and Brandon Bloom, that was my friend that said you should really look at React. And the reason I was excited about it, more than I think you could have been if you were JavaScript developer, JavaScript is kind of multi-paradigm you can do object oriented you can do functional if you want but it's not required but in Clojure and ClojureScript functional is the most idiomatic thing and nothing existed. Like we were sort of like always trying to get things to work but it always felt like there was friction. I was still early in my career right and this is like really senior super smart engineer and it was the type of thing where he would ask me questions about it and I would stumble to explain it and I would explain it poorly and then he would repeat it back to me in like a super eloquent great way and I was like yes, I'm gonna steal that! And so when I sat with Brandon and Pete it was like this huge light bulb went off, I was like: finally this is so random, Facebook made this functional UI framework. Eureka! I mean it was definitely a eureka moment. It it did allow ClojureScript programmers to finally write a reasonably performant functional UIs. And it was very natural, it was a very, very good fit. Like a week or two later he wrote this blog post called the Future of JavaScript MVCs that just like changed the trajectory of the project. In many ways you look at React and you're like there's no way this could be fast, there's no way it could be efficient. And then I showed these diagrams of what Backbone and React/Om look like and React is much better. Especially when you're using persistent data structures. So my article I think was focusing purely on the technical benefits of the design. It removed the superficial consideration and I think people started saying, okay I will try it. Not I'm going to use it but it removed that "I'm never going to use that" to "oh I'll give it a shot, this is interesting". Once that post came out like within three months after that I would say that we were one of the big contenders if you were picking a JavaScript framework. If you want to spread an idea you need to really convince a few people and have those people share your message, you can't just be shouting it yourself. More people started to realize that React had some good ideas and made UI development simpler in a lot of ways. Over the course of the next I would say like year or two, we're kind of just tracking things like Google Alerts of how many times is it being mentioned, who's writing about it, what projects are cropping up. Because React was very unopinionated about a lot of stuff that you need in order to build a front-end web application and you know people would fill in the blanks. And there was a bunch of state management libraries that cropped up and there was a bunch of router libraries that cropped up and server-side rendering strategies. And so there was this sort of slow burn of adoption over the next year or two. React is a small focused UI library but it proved capable when tackling Facebook's hardest problems and other big companies noticed. But there was one company especially eager to rethink best practices. [Music] We first heard about React back in 2014. The Netflix website had been built using Java Web. It was very slow, it took about 15 minutes to get up a build and we decided to move to a more modern framework. There we go. Now at the time we weren't quite sure if you know this React thing was going to work out. It was kind of new and so we were very apprehensive, especially since we were building the future of the next 10 years of the website, right, we make a bad choice now we got to backtrack years worth of work. And so we were very careful about not jumping into something that was too bleeding edge. And so what they did was they actually pitted two teams against each other. Each was given 30 days to build a prototype with one being React and the other one being Backbone and after 30 days the choice was clear. So thank you all for coming out tonight. We're really excited to have you here and share the learnings that we've had, building the new UI in React for the past year. It was not this stage, it was our next stage over, where I gave my React presentation back I guess in 2015. Same feeling like oh my goodness I've got to convince all these people that React is amazing. But I guess it worked. So I was part of the team that built the new site using React. At first it was very clunky, like you're writing components and they're not quite, you know, you're putting too much logic into them or you're thinking too big. It's not clear the difference in the paradigm. And then you start to use it and you go okay wait wait wait I'm thinking much more atomic. Hence the symbol of react. I'm thinking about this individual reusability, okay now I'm thinking about the testability of these components, I'm seeing the benefits now come out of it. I can reuse this over here, we can test this over here, we can change this here, we can add props in here. And it becomes very exciting to see that new paradigm come to play and go: this is going to be revolutionary, this is going to change the world. Let's go back in time one year to the old Netflix UI, you guys might remember this one. The overall look and feel is kind of like this old DVD kind of box art feel and so I actually want to show you one of the early prototypes of what we thought the new UI would look like. We knew that going forward the world was changing, web was changing, things were moving faster, and our competition was moving faster as well. So choosing React and going with a more modern framework really helped us accelerate how fast we could build the website, how fast we could get new changes out the door, how fast we could try improvements for our customers to make the best possible experience. And because of that we've been at the forefront of leading what UI design looks like in terms of web development. We've had a lot of companies copy us, which we take is a great compliment, but we were there first because of react and its ability to move so quickly in terms of design. This is how it ended up turning out and this is a UI that's big and immersive and completely built in React. So we're very very proud of it and the result. [Music] Netflix was now praising React publicly and with a second big company betting big on React, the framework grew in popularity. In fact it kind of took on a life of its own and the community started to take off. [Music] React at this point was getting more popular and somebody on Twitter mentioned "hey it would be cool to have a React conference" and a lot of people started commenting and tweeting about this. And I went to my manager Tom Occhino. And he was like: there's like 50 tweets about React today, like people are talking about organizing conferences, should we organize a conference? And I was like, I don't know what that means, I don't know how to do that, but like maybe. I was very opposed to doing a conference. I thought it was very cool that we got so much traction without really pouring marketing money into it. Even though React came from big tech company juggernaut Facebook, it was a small group of people that were like really dedicated to seeing this thing succeed, so it felt like this very indie you know Rebel Alliance type of project. And so I was like we don't need a user conference, like we got this cool vibe going on, let's see how far we can push it. I was totally wrong. We had said to ourselves, I think it would be fun to host a React conference but are there even enough people using React who would want to go to that, and eventually we decided: Well let's try it, let's try to host the conference, and see how it goes. Within a minute, all of the tickets were sold out and we actually crashed the website that were handling the actual payment system. Schrep, the CTO of Facebook, actually reached out to me saying like: hey I have this very important like VP or CTO of some company that wants in that couldn't get in. Like hey can you do us a favor and I was like I would love to, it's the CTO and everything, but like you know we're completely booked. Certainly we were very surprised about how quickly the tickets had sold out. We didn't realize just how much the React ecosystem had grown and just how much enthusiasm had been created by early adopters. [Music] We put it together pretty quickly as far as conference planning goes and we just had it on campus in one of our cafes and we bussed people from the nearest hotel. And it was very, very under produced but it worked out really, really well. Good morning everyone and welcome to React.js conf! The conference went like extremely, extremely well. As the organizer of the conference, I'm so excited to be here. And we open sourced a bunch of our projects like React Native and we started talking about GraphQL, about Relay. And so yeah it was a massive success. There is this moment where you go and you see the stage and there's a giant wood cut out like logo of the React atom. And I was like, my friend Maykel, the designer at Instagram, drew that in front of me like in the middle of the night before we were going to open source this thing, because we needed a logo, and I was like: Maykel just like throw something together real quick. And now it's this thing that somebody has built a giant sign with this on it and there's something about the physical impact of that, that's really cool. That was the moment when it dawned on me that React was becoming something different, you know. So for a long time what React was to me was a software project and the reason why I wanted people to adopt it was because I really thought it would make their software better and make their lives better and make their on-call rotations better. There are a lot of reasons why I thought it would help them. After that conference what I realized is that React was becoming a community. There were meetups that would happen the immediate next week that would have an expanded audience that they could go deeper into some of the things that were discussed was really, really cool and a huge recognition for us that the community was going to be an incredible part of what would make React work and at that point was definitely already a really important part of what had gotten React to that point so far. [Music] It's proven to me that engaging with your open source community is actually more important than the technical work itself, like if you don't have a community you don't have an open source project. I'm excited that we just continue rethinking best practices. I want to thank this community for making it possible for us to keep investing in this and keep working on it. That's all I got, thanks. It was a real high point for, not just for me but for the team, and you know I think for Facebook engineering. I think we really felt like not just validated but like we were actually like doing something that people cared about and it was a really, really good feeling. It was already like more widely used within the company but now it was like, okay how do we actually start converting everything to React, how do we remove and deprecate all of the other frameworks and really like double down on React. Oh hey, how is it going? Going from like an interesting product to this is the next big thing. So it was a really amazing time to be around and to get the whole company working together as one, you know, to make this happen. Let's see, I have some keepsakes up here, which will be not easy for me to get down but.. Let's see. I have some stickers, oh this is a fun one, this is the first ever React die cut sticker. We ordered like a bunch of these and put them on our laptops and I never wanted to use the last one that I had. Facebook open source stickers. Oh some of these will be a trip down memory lane for folks. React conf. We made you know, 2018 Facebook open source it's a good one. React conf attendee badge. This was a book from the original React.js conf at Facebook's headquarters so this had a list of the speakers and the schedule and um here's the keynote. Me and Christopher Chedeau. We had all sorts of swag made and a bunch of other stuff.. So pretty good stuff, pretty good memories. The team became inundated with questions from the community and a new developer enters React's orbit. [Music] What should I do with my hands? So you're saying that I should actually uh start like uh.. Let me focus for a second. Just for the record, I did not create React, React was created by Jordan Walke. I worked at a small startup. We were creating a sort of a digital publishing platform so there was a really complex post editor with different blocks or like a scrollable text with like different effects and stuff. And so creating a dynamic kind of interactive editor for for these things was really difficult. And were doing it with Backbone. I kind of wanted to give React a try because it was supposed to solve this problem. The first React component I wrote was a like button so it was just like a button you click it and it says like you like this or you and somebody like this or you and like 40 others like this. So there was a bit of like a split and logic, and then the way you would express this in other Frameworks at the time, you had to kind of manually watch what's changed and update it. And in React you could just say, if nobody liked this show this, if one person like this, show this, otherwise show this and like it's a very natural way to write this kind of code. And yeah I just wrote that button and I was like yeah that looks good, ship it. And so we actually rewrote the entire app in React over the course of like 9 months while still shipping new features. So React sped up our development so much that we were able to add new features faster, at the same time as we were replacing old features, that's why I really kind of fell in love with it. A lot of things didn't exist back then. Like there was no such thing as a React ecosystem. So if you needed something, it didn't exist, you'd have to write it. So like you'd have to figure out how to do it because otherwise you're not going to have a product, right. So that's kind of what I did for a bunch of things. One of those projects in particular was.. I just saw a big opportunity there. It was called React Hot Loader at the time. So I wanted to give a talk about that, but somebody else had done a talk that mentioned it earlier at React conf. A really clever fellow called Dan Abramov figured this out and he created the React Hot Loader. And I felt that well then that just wouldn't be interesting because people kind of already saw it which in retrospect I don't think it would be true but that's how I saw it at the time. So I wanted to kind of spice it up a little bit and I wanted to make a proof of concept of a thing I saw in a Bret Victor demo that is often referred to as time traveling. If you're designing something embedded in time, you need to be able to control time, you need to be able to see across time, otherwise you're designing blind. I didn't really know how to do it but I thought that's a cool idea for a talk. So I'm gonna send the proposal if the proposal is successful then I'll just figure it out. And it turned out that the proposal was more successful than I thought it would be and so I made a proof of concept for that and that proof of concept became known as Redux. So my talk is about developer tools because React and Hot Loading and time travel these are all developer tools. He was literally creating Redux in service of being able to deliver this talk and I called it presentation driven development because the thing that shook out of it was you know this sort of like canonical state management library for React apps for several years. Most of my work is around the React ecosystem because that's what inspired me to contribute to the open source in the first place, but there are two particular projects that I'm going to talk about today. It was very validating to give that talk but I was not surprised by the response because well I had my doubts but also I thought the talk was good.. like I thought it's a really good talk. And I was glad that people also liked it but I think it was actually not the talk that was really like the moment for me. I think it was just like being there. It kind of felt like going to Hogwarts for the first time. I think it kind of had this this feeling because there were all these people who I only knew them as these avatars and when you meet somebody in person they kind of become three-dimensional of course. You kind of see the whole picture. And I think it was just like such a wholesome feeling. It's the feeling that we are all trying to figure out what we can do with this thing and we don't know it yet and we're just playing with it. That's also where I met Jing Chen. I had asked for her advice before because she's one of the co-creators of the Flux architecture. So it was nice to meet her in person and she mentioned that actually Facebook is hiring in London. And so they arranged an interview for me right at the conference which was like our normal interview process the same I think like four interviews or something like this but I missed the second day of the conference but we just did an interview there and so that's kind of how I got into Facebook. We just quickly grabbed them out of the conference a little bit like on the down low and then conducted the interviews in the basement of a hotel I think. No Dan is special, he's always been a little special. I guess like I would think of myself as like maybe the first member of what would become the React team as you know it today because I joined a little bit earlier than I think Andrew, Brian, Luna and and like a bunch of other people who work with us now. And I joined at the time when a few people who worked with us before were just about to leave. So I was kind of in this transitional period when the team was changing a lot. [Music] Remember the old days? Do you remember the first time you met Andrew? Uh I think I've met.. I do! I think I met him yeah.. I thought it was at React conf. Well that was the clear moment, maybe, was that the first time? Did you get invited to React conf because of that.. He had a speech. I met him like I think before that. I met you and Sophie and Joe and Tim like all in the same week. Yeah he started asking some questions that were very similar to the questions that on the team we were talking about internally and so I just remember like, I gotta connect you with like Sebastian and Jordan and the rest of the team. Yeah and then also I was like to the recruiters I was like yeah this guy like we gotta hire this Andrew guy. And I think we were really fortunate early on to have a bunch of people that kind of stepped up and they were this seems cool, I just want to be a part of this, I just want to help. I didn't realize it was kind of like a freshman class sort of feeling at the time. Sophie had started managing the team around that time as well and I couldn't have really asked for a better both project and set of colleagues and team to join. The beginning of phase two. Yeah, that's cool. Awesome! I feel like we really brought it home there at the end. Like man we're nailing this! [Music] React was now out of the hands of its founders. It was ready to take on new life in the care of a new community grown and future-minded team. We tried to watch some of the numbers like the number of GitHub stars or the number of npm downloads. On Google Trends, how many people are searching for React and none of those numbers are perfect but basically all of them kept going up over time and eventually got to a point where we looked at it and said oh yeah like millions of people essentially are using React. There are a lot of little details in how we did things that encourages an ecosystem to participate, that were critical parts in making it what it is today. We didn't put everything in the framework. We left a lot of it to the ecosystem to innovate. And we got a lot of contributions, we got a lot of interest that way, we got a lot of things spurring from that. It was not ever a foregone conclusion. Like it's still surreal to me that it's as popular as it is. It's this great example of this like underdog technology within a big company where there could have been these forces that really pushed back on it. I think a lot of elements of good timing, good fortune, good luck, good leadership support, all sort of like aggregated to allow React to be a success, that had we missed a few of those or had a handful more things failed instead of succeeded, then I do not think React would be in the spot that it is today. I feel like you can't take anyone out of it and have it be what it became. I think in the early days obviously Jordan, right. Like this thing wouldn't exist. And then Jing Chen just absolutely critical. I mean she was so instrumental in the early days of React that it just wouldn't have been a thing that we cared about if it didn't prove itself. And then Shane O'Sullivan is responsible for you know really I mean a very hard decision to like I'm gonna go this path instead of that thing. And then the engineers that worked on refining and iterating on it and turning it into something good it was Chedeau and Paul O'Shannessy and Pete Hunt. And my manager Adam Wolff, when I was like you know asking all these questions about like should we be doing, like is this even worth it, especially after JS conf when we were feeling defeated, you know, he was there to pick me back up and be like: no look it is delivering value, this is good, keep going. And there's different phases too right, you have the early, early days and you had the like for the next literally almost we're going on 10 years now, with Sebastian's technical leadership and Andrew and Dan and Dominic and Flarney and Sophie and I just feel like it's just a group of incredible people and if you take any of them out of it it just looks pretty different. It was really a team effort, it was really a team effort from the very beginning. [Music] Misko Hevery says that awesome solutions are rarely created by large organizations. It's almost always one person with passion and vision that slowly start to infect others. This is a great summary of how React became React. Because it was never inevitable, it was always this wild idea that kept gathering momentum, person by person. And many expected React to fail and if it weren't for the hard work of a few determined developers it very well could have. This is just the beginning of the React story. The story of how a community transformed an underdog UI library into the most popular JavaScript framework today. This is React Podcast, I'm Chantastic. [Music] I'm like so tempted to just surprise FaceTime Jordan right now be like: interview! It's just really strange to think that you're just so close to death. The first React T-shirt that we made. Thousands of developers find jobs across Europe using Honeypot. If you're up for a new challenge in one of these European cities, sign up at honeypot.io. If you want to see more tech documentaries then subscribe so you don't miss the next one.
Channel: Honeypot
Views: 765,555
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: documentary, software developer, software engineer, dev, graphql, developer, open source, coding, vuejs, tutorial, dev tips, web developer, web development, programmer, front end, back end, full stack, php, web design, reactjs, react, angular, angularjs
Id: 8pDqJVdNa44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 15sec (4695 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 10 2023
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