ORIGIN of DEMON GIRLFRIEND! Friday Night Funkin' Logic | Cartoon Animation

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[Music] [Music] i can't believe you changed for this dinner these clothes aren't even fancier just different i'm lame i want to look nice for your family daddy dearest especially we never really got along in your defense he has tried to kill you multiple times plus literally everybody we speak with hates him that's just business babe it's hard being the world's greatest rock star deep down he's a total sweetie i promise he's the devil girlfriend i highly doubt that we're here all right here goes nothing don't be nervous you'll do great ah if it isn't my beautiful daughter girlfriend the light of my life the greatest thing that's ever happened to me the one person who i would protect at all costs even if it meant murder hi daddy i see you brought him hey daddy dearest well thanks for walking her home goodbye boyfriend it's player right right well have a safe trip home try not to die to the hitman i sent after you what you said something about hitman not to kill me did i uh yeah you did ah you're just hearing things come on everybody dinner's ready good i'm starving then let's eat [Music] girlfriend you you heard him though right about the hitman [Music] girlfriend what is this my mom's famous meatloaf is it famous for tasting terrible just eat it and smile i can do one or the other so player haven't really spoken to you since you beat me in a rap battle yeah you lost pretty bad player sorry i mean you did really good your henchmen are super chill and every one of your songs is a banger i've just got way sicker bars is all all right let's cut to the chase what are your intentions with our little demon ass daddy you guys have been dating for a while now where's this going you better not break my daughter's heart or i will break your stupid little face calm down dearest no i'm sick of him he dates our daughter beats us in rap battles and now he has the audacity to show up to my house with these sweet new threads yes i knew he'd liked him just what are you trying to do here to get your blessing huh i was going to wait to do this after dinner but oh it's happening girlfriend were you married what i'm sorry player i i can't believe this she said no player girlfriend is complicated there's a lot more to her than you know you and i may never see eye to eye but you two are right for each other go after her you have our blessing really really really thanks i think it's too late to call off the hitmen though yeah we already gave them the deposit [Laughter] girlfriend can i come in yeah what's going on why did you run off like that player i want to be with you but i i can't what do you mean we've been on all sorts of adventures together i've met all your friends and family the game literally forces us to be a couple i thought you loved me i do but you don't even know the real me i'm a demon duh everybody knows that no i'm serious you've seen flashes of my demon form but never in its entirety i'm pretty sure i can handle it i don't know worst case scenario it's hideous and we break up sorry sorry bad joke i want to marry you girlfriend no matter what okay [Music] there now you can see me for who i really am i'm a monster you could have been this high anime glitter devil the whole time that's awesome really of course you don't hate the horns no those really work for me oh devil cat don't mind bubsy she's just really defensive of me bubsy after beelzebub is that somebody i should know about or the dark one prince of evil never mind hmm well regardless she's a cutie i didn't even know you had a cat a kitten technically demon felines never hit puberty there is so much i don't understand about your culture i've always been more of a dog person myself well we're gonna be a cat family why cats aren't nearly as cool as dogs dogs know like a million more tricks oh yeah bubsy show em she plays music [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] do [Music] oh my god how did you get it to learn all those instruments everyone in my family is musically talented including the pet a girl pupsy all right i suppose we can be a cat family but since i never got to finish asking the question can we just make this official girlfriend will you marry no what seriously i lied this isn't even my final form this is more of a secondary stage kind of thing okay now i'm getting annoyed just show me your true final form i promise no judgment deal [Music] whoa sick look at your hair wing things oh and the horns this is dope you don't hate it i don't understand why you aren't like this all the time why do we always walk everywhere we could have flown you don't think it's too much carol and witty think it's too joey carolyn what do you know about your demon form of course i tell carol everything she's my best friend i'm your boyfriend technically you're my fiance wait does that mean yes i want to marry you player finally we are so happy for you girlfriend we both love you so much were you guys just listening to our entire conversation i wanted to make sure he didn't screw it up oh come on
Channel: GameToons
Views: 16,738,561
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gametoons, gt
Id: rlC2UT7RdgE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 4sec (484 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 28 2021
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