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what is going on everyone welcome back to another video I am so stoked to have you guys here you know it's pretty difficult times right now with Kovac going on but everyone is at home so it's a perfect opportunity to learn a new skill it get better at video editing that's exactly what we're gonna do today if you are new to the channel my name is Mark Webster I am a travel video ography I do this full-time right now currently not traveling so on my home making YouTube videos for you guys and today's video we're gonna cover organization in the Final Cut Pro I think this is something that I've got really good at or I think I've got good at over the past little while just because as projects get bigger and bigger organization becomes more important and in the end it just makes video editing so much easier and quicker some saves video we're gonna cover all the importing renaming files organizing your Final Cut libraries and projects and events and then exporting as well so it's gonna be a really quick tutorial but you guys are gonna learn a lot of information so let's health plan computer and let's get it done okay before we get started on this tutorial I'll do a couple little tips and tricks that I have in terms of getting better video editing I'm running the new 16 inch MacBook Pro which has been a really good for video editing the best thing you can possibly do is add a two terabyte SSD hard drive into your laptop I do this because then I can edit files remotely on my desktop without having to plug in hard drives LaCie five terabyte these metal ones from the Apple Store which are awesome for backing up footage so I can copy everything to my hard drive and then I carry two with me one as a backup and then as a backup backup so I have three copies of my footage at all times and then when I recently did for a very important shoot is actually had a another one and that was specifically for a certain project so it was a four-part documentary multiple cameras multiple days so it's really important to keep everything organized and then me and two other business partners also had the exact same hard drive so we all had copies of everyone's footage so there's like three to five copies of footage running around which was awesome to have that type of redundancy so hopping into the computer now I want to walk you through that project and sort of how we laid out all the video files so you can see that they are on my desktop right now we have the four different prod here Jasper to accompany meheecan trails mighty crossing painted warriors this was for indigenous tourism Alberta which was a super fun project to be a part of that if we open up one of them you can see here I always have a final cut library for an individual project this is really good for two reasons the first reason is you can keep everything super organized in that library I used to be so bad with this and final cut and I just have one library it would just be I used to call it fcpx I don't have like 50 different projects all laid out and it is so annoying it literally just slows your computer down it's not fun at all photo and video always keep copies of photos and video I never like to delete anything you never know when something's gonna happen a client is gonna ask for something later on down the road to try and keep all your RAW files and then hopping into the video folder now I can show you sort of the breakdown of what I like to do so if you have multiple cameras use your drone or you have mark camera I like to call it if there's another camera that disappoints Braden I will usually just label it as Braden for his folder and then we know whose camera is whose whose footage is whose if you want to label it as a oral b-roll if you're running it like that if you have a GoPro we can add another folder for GoPro if you have that type of footage with drone camera a camera B GoPro try and keep everything as organized as possible and then going into the folder when the most important things with video editing and organization is rename your files for the longest time I didn't do anything like that and in the end it just get confusing if you can Sony you just get c001 and then you get that over and over again and what can happen in Final Cut is if both cards were formatted on each of the cameras and then you import the footage is it won't import because it already thinks that has that file name in there so sort of a naming structure that I like to do if you go command a if you're on a Mac select them all right click and go rename and I would like to do the client so this is ITA the project painted warriors and on the camera this is me so I'm going to mark Webster and then start the numbers from one from there so now all your filenames are formatted you know what the project was what video is for and then which camera it was from which is super important you never want to get things organized and then when you go to try and find your files it makes it really easy hopping into the Final Cut library now this is really why I love to have a specific library for each project it makes it really easy so if you look on the left I make a new event for the project this is where I keep all the video files so you can see I have a rule selects me - crossing interview one interview - interview three the full video 15 second teaser highlight 30 second teaser highlight and then you have some of the clips so if you have any sort of branding if you have your music I like to add it into this project event and that's sort of any sort of miscellaneous things that isn't your video sort of files and I make another event for I called the mark and I have all the video files here then I can easily find my video files and it's not confusing with a different camera with a drone with a GoPro anything like that and then another folder for drone just like so so you can find your own footage super easily the worst thing you can do is be hunting we all know is video editing how long it takes to actually go and find footage and knowing which cameras which and keeping everything organized is super super important you may be wondering where are the audio files where do you save those and I personally really like to use Dropbox for any sort of miscellaneous files like that because it keeps everything in place it's happened so many times where you like download music you import into Final Cut and then you wipe your downloads and then the song is gone sometimes you can't find it again that is the most frustrating thing it's a vo into Dropbox I can't Rebekah mend Dropbox enough for video editing my company is called Rome creative where we do all our video editing going into integers tourism Alberta and the social of the naming structures I have the projects to keep everything organized audio files we had sort of a backup audio lab Mike going as well as a wireless audio for some of the interviews contracts the draft videos this is for the final deliverables and then the music out cards and receipts from the project so everything is organized in Dropbox and this makes it really good especially working with the team I have two business partners and we were working on the project together so if anyone else needs to access those music files or audio files everything is all in one place versus having things on your hard drive and then they don't have a copy of it you know if they need a file then it's all here easy to find in one place the other great thing about using Dropbox is that you can use it for your final submission of the project so in our indigenous tourism Alberta folder in Dropbox we have ITA stories through our eyes which is what the project was called and then we have photo video and then we have all these video deliverables organized in one place it's working the team they can upload their deliverables you can upload your deliverables and it's all in one place which makes it really easy and keep things organized the next step in this and why using libraries is super super important is that when you were done a project if you look at how big a library actually is it can range from 1 gigabyte to gigabytes a hundred megabytes gigabytes are a they can be a huge variety of file sizes so if you get go here we can check out how big this one is right now so maytee Crossing is forty four point seven six gigabytes so what's gonna happen is when we move this off our desktop onto a hard drive and say this project is done it's been delivered the client has paid and you move it off you're still storing 44.7 60 gigabytes of render files and that's a lot of render files you don't actually need to use it all it just helps in your video editing process so what you can do actually if you keep everything if you keep your one project as a library if you go into Final Cut go file and then delete generated event files and then we can delete the render files I'm used only or all of them so if you open up the project again it's gonna have to re-render through so I use just you unused only and then if you had optimized media or proxy media you can delete those as well this is just a great way to save space on your hard drives when you are done a project you don't have to keep all those extra files so we can have done so in this project it only saved 10 gigabytes because we left some of the render files that were used for the project if you had a big library with hundreds of gigabytes you can save a lot of space which is really cool and then once I'm done I make sure I recopy those on to my hard drives just like so another service that I really like to uses Backblaze to backup all my hard drives to the cloud which is awesome so I have to permanent copies on hand one at home one of my bag and then another copy in the cloud with Backblaze so I'm gonna back blaze here on my computer it is 42,000 files left of almost 4 million files if you go to our preferences you can say I'm backed up as of 1:07 p.m. and basically you can select hard drives to back up with Backblaze so if you have any video files you plug in your hard drive and the computer will automatically start backing up that hard drive to the cloud so you have three copies of everything to physical and then one up in the cloud so you're never gonna lose footage that would be the worst possible thing but that is all I have for this week's video hopefully you guys enjoyed the content on my channel if you guys do please give it a thumbs up and subscribe if you are new here I really do appreciate all the support thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you guys next time peace you
Channel: Marc Webster
Views: 17,562
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: organising files in final cut pro, final cut file management, using libraries and events fcpx, using libraries and events in final cut, organising video files, how to oganise footage in final cut, final cut library manager, final cut pro x media management, organising finalcut pro x, fcpx file management, fcpx file structure, final cut tips, how to organise footage, final cut pro x, marc webster, video editing, learn to edit video, video file organization, adobe, fcpx, adobe pp
Id: TtURRI0k3Mc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2020
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