Organic Modeling an Alligator in Autodesk Maya 2022. Beginner Tutorial. Part 1

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[Music] hey guys welcome back in this video or i should say in this series of videos we're going to model an alligator and this is called organic modeling we're going to model this alligator using just one simple box to model the entire body and we're going to preview this in smooth preview just like this again this is organic modeling and we're going to model this alligator in this series of videos so let's go ahead and get started guys the first thing i need to do is create a new project folder i'm going to go to file project window click new call this alligator [Music] save it on the desktop and hit accept and what i need to do next i'm going to open this up and i'm going to save the reference image go ahead and put it in the source images folder it's in there so that when we needed in maya it would know where it is so back in maya i'd like to go ahead and place that reference image in my side view so go to the side view click space bar in the side view go to the view menu in the viewport go to image plane import image it goes straight to the source images folder in our alligator project and there it is go ahead and hit open and there it is i'm going to hit f to zoom in and while i have it selected i can adjust the alpha gain which is the opacity for this image i'm going to adjust it to about 1.5 i mean 0.15 and then i'm going to hit w to move and i'm going to move it up until i see that tail right on the floor and there's my side view i'm gonna do the exact same thing on the top view because we've got the top view as well in the top view go to the view menu image plane import image select the exact same reference image hit open i am going to adjust the alpha gain the opacity of that image to 0.15 there it is hit f to zoom in and now i am going to center the top view in the center but we do have a problem here because the side image is correct and this will be the front and then so we need to rotate this top view so that it's facing down into the front and this is the side so we just have to rotate this image i'm going to hit e to rotate and i'm going to click on the z rotation so we can rotate it this way undo but i'm going to hold down the j key just click on the j key and hold it down and then that'll constrain it to every 15 degrees being a lot easier to just rotate it 90 degrees and now i'm going to move it in the z to where it's right on the center right there right in the center of the alligator in fact um i'm gonna move so that i can see the center the center line of that alligator hit my center right there not dead center the only other way that we can maybe um align these two images is to put a an object here the size of this alligator so let's go ahead and do that before i do that though if you notice here in the perspective view both images both images are in the center as they should be so what i'm going to do is i'm going to push the side view back into z and i'm going to push the top view down in the y so that we have the center open so that we can model the alligator in the center and it really doesn't affect these two views because these two views are orthographic that means that if you keep your eye on the top view as as much up and down as i see it it doesn't affect the top view again it's orthographic and it does not have perspective so in the perspective view i'm going to model just a cube and i'm going to make it as big as this side view so i'm going to put it to there just raise it up and then i'm going to turn on x-ray which is right here that's the two little white boxes that are overlapping that's the x-ray view and there we go we can see we can see through the object and we can see our reference image so i like to go ahead and hit r to scale and i'm going to scale in the z back and forth all the way to there now that i can see my image is not centered because i can see the tip of the nose coming out of the box and i can see the tip of the tail not touching the box so what i'm going to do is select the image hit w to move and then let me uh go ahead and turn on wireframe on preview so that we can see the wireframe of this box and then i'm going to just move the image back a little bit to there where that nose is touching the end and the tail is touching the end so that box is exactly the same size as the alligator and with that done i can now adjust this image see how it's completely off i'm going to turn on x-ray view and turn on uh wireframe on shaded it's the one two three fourth icon here in the preview i'm going to select the image and then move it back until that nose is just touching the end when i move my scene it should be that the tail is also touching the end of the box and so by having this box here guys what happened is i'm going to hit f f f f but by having this box i was able to align the image to the box centering it because the box is centered i centered the image this way along the z and then i centered the image this way now it's centered now i can say that this box is centered my image is centered here the side image and the top image in the z and now we can start modeling in the next video i am going we're going to start modeling we're going to the the entire body hey guys if you liked the video go ahead and hit the like button and subscribe and i will see you on the next one thank you guys
Channel: Learn 2 Animate
Views: 157
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk Maya, Install Maya, Download Maya, Maya for Free, Free Maya, Free Autodesk Maya, Maya 2022, Organic Modeling in Maya, 3D Modeling, Modeling an Alligator, polygon modeling, Modeling in Maya
Id: rkcU52qINr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 38sec (458 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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