Applying Projection Maps to 3D Models in Autodesk Maya 2022. Beginner Tutorial

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[Music] hey guys welcome back in this video we're going to talk about projection maps image texture projection maps and how can you project a texture image onto your models i've got a very very very simple scene set up with a sphere a cylinder a box that i've extruded one face and another cube and a plane for the floor and we're going to project texture maps and more importantly we're going to project them using the projection map and so let's go ahead and get started guys for the sphere it's easy the sphere will do it automatically even if you don't project an image texture so let's go ahead and get this one done it's got the default material on there it doesn't have its own material so let's first thing we need to do is create its own material so i'm going to create a new blend by clicking the blend material in the rendering shelf click and that's the blend material we can call it globe and in the color we're going to replace the color with a file so i'm going to click on the checkerboard icon here in the color section click and then this brings me my create render node and then i'm going to click on file and nothing happens let me see this and then i click on the folder icon so i get this open dialog box and it takes me right into my source images folder where i've stored all my texture maps i'm going to go to this globe.jpg and hit open and i don't see anything i'm gonna hit f i don't see anything remember that the keyboard shortcut for wireframe is four solid shaded is five and then textured is six so there is our um textured model now if i click on it uh this this one worked perfect not a big deal if you want to project a spherical projection map we go to uv and let's create a spherical projection map here it is guys and i'm going to go to the options just to see what kind of options we have and not not much it just says insert a projection before deformers so let's hit project and there it is there's our projection map and it kind of fit it it's a little bit off but that's okay we can stretch it out here if i click on these handles we can stretch it out all the way to the top all the way to the top and then we can stretch it across right now there's two africas and two it's two two north americas and two africas and so it is half i'm going to grab this red one and stretch it all the way to the back oh you can see it closing right there all the way to the back boom and then you have control over it and there it is guys it's all the way once and it's stretched out and it's beautiful all right the only thing that i'm going to say is these handles that i've got here to to place my projection map as soon as i click off of that globe they're gone they're gone and i cannot get them back even though there is a projection here we've got we've got some handles here those handles that appeared are gone and i don't know exactly how to bring them back but we still have a little bit of control here okay cool the next one we're going to project a cylindrical map on this one uh before we do let's create a new material let's replace the color with an image clicking on the checkerboard icon go to file and then click on the folder icon and then let's uh replace it with this soda can and you can see that this one worked a little bit different hit f um it just placed it there but it's all weird and so i am going to go to face mode i'm going to select all the faces um around it just the faces around the can and project a cylindrical map cylindrical map here let's go to the options not much say project and there it is same as the same as the globe it it needs to be stretched out because i see the front here and i see the front here so it's only half ways if i grab this red handle i can stretch it all the way to the back you can see how that's stretching there if i grab the green one i can squeeze it in or size it and these handles are pretty cool i wish there was a way that we could call them up when we needed them but that's all there is that's one way one time all the way around and that's all we need again if we let go go back to object mode and here's a cylindrical projection yet we do have some control over it here but we don't get the handles on this box we're gonna do a flat projection i'm gonna hit f to fit right click and hit face and then i'm going to click on face i'm going to just click on that one face and click on a new blend material and replace the color click on the checkerboard icon and replace the color with a file click on the folder to pick a file to open a file and i'm just going to click on this picture picture open and you can see that it doesn't do a good job placing the file until you click on it select that face and go to uv hit a planar projection map out now this one we do need the options because you want to tell it in what axis are you going to project and in this case we're going to project in the z-axis and then hit project and there it is again we can size it we can move it around and we can shorten it obviously i think i need to [Music] push it up a little bit and there we go once you click off of it you lose those handles but the projection map is right here and you've got some controls now on this one it'll be different on this one i'd like to go ahead and click a new lambert replace the color with a file file open it let's do this break you can see that it does a pretty good job just placing that texture on there but if you select it and project a automatic planes six planes top bottom four sides and then hit project and it's trying to project it in all six planes not a big deal guys if you wanted to control it you would have to project it on each of the faces yourself but it does a pretty good job so those are all the projection maps you've got the spherical cylindrical planar and automatic on this one we go to object and you can just select a new blend material replace the color with a file file click on the folder icon to select it uh you can see that it it came in a little bit big but if you select the temperature again project a planar map on the y-axis project you get these nice handles and you can size it and you can move it around since this is a seamless pattern it doesn't matter how big or how small and you can size it this way however you want to size it and there you go the only other one that i'm going to do here is the can i'm going to hold down the tab key select all of these and create a new blend replace the color with a file click on the folder to select a file soda can top and then um select all of them again i'm going to hold tab select all of these faces again and project a planar options in the y-axis project there it is and i like to size it and i can move it around right about there and then click off of it there they are and there they are guys that's the um image projection map under the uv here they are bit automatic best plane camera based contour stretch normal bass but we went over the cylindrical planar and spherical and automatic ones you've got some other options here you can play with them hey guys i hope that you liked this video if you liked the video go ahead and hit the like button and subscribe and i will see you on the next one thank you guys
Channel: Learn 2 Animate
Views: 122
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk Maya, Install Maya, Download Maya, Maya for Free, Free Maya, Free Autodesk Maya, Maya 2022, Mya Lights, Arnold, Hardware 2.0
Id: yPcMMLra2M0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 12sec (672 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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