Organic Composted Manure on Lawn - Time Lapse - Central California - Amazing Results!

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hello all my name is Kelsey and I was in Bakersfield California and today is May 31st 2017 I've been having some trouble with my lawn getting did Bermuda grass to come back in this tough soil and decided to take some measures and that's a manure to it and shown a time-lapse video here of the effects of the manure as you can see in the video there's some brown spots on the lawn and this is where the winter rye has died off and the Bermuda is not yet coming up as I mentioned I I fertilized it multiple times still no results the soil here is very sandy and clay like both it's a South San Joaquin sandy loam they call it which means it doesn't drain very well it doesn't have a very much organic material in it and it really doesn't hold any nutrients or water the right way that it should so this here is a spreading tool that I've used to do it it's a fight at any gardening center and it's a basically a wheel with some diamond mesh on it and it does a great job of holding any potential rocks or clumps or sticks or anything from getting on your lawn and you're able to spread it evenly across your lawn this rich dark manure I purchased from a dairy in Central California and in Stratford which is between Fresno and Bakersfield they did a really great job with this manure they they composted it for eight weeks turned it kept it moist and it's it's really good quality stuff that very reasonably priced was overall very pleased with them and in the comments section of this video or the notes below I'll include the contact information for those guys if you're interested in contact I like I highly recommend it and you'll see in the time-lapse video it really really does an amazing job for your lawn when I first started doing this my my neighbors were coming out and smelling it and going what what are you doing and it really didn't smell bad it just smelled like compost and after a week of looking at it they're knocking on my door going hey maybe I should do that with my lawn so it's really amazing at what what it what is done for the lawn in a week and up ahead here over the time lapse of a day to day going through it watching the growth you'll see that it's just it's truly incredible what it does one thing I would recommend though is if you're going to spread a bunch of manure on your lawn you probably should tell your wife first because that coming up here in that in a second is the part where my wife came out and noticed that I was spreading manure all over my lawn which didn't go over too well and as you'll see in a second she she's got the crossed arms which i think means she's really pleased but not really sure about that so without further ado here's a here's where the magic starts in the time lapse I guess that's over seven days it gets watered at three times a week so in the course of this seven days it was water three times nothing special is done to it just watered it watered it like normal like that loss of California say you have to do water at once every three times three times a week no more than that and as you can see it it really started greening up and really going that crazy from from the manure in there by the end of seven days it's you pretty much can't can't see any of the newer left it's pretty well watered in and taken over and grown through one thing I really want to point out is how rich and dark green the grass is my next-door neighbor to the very right of that screen there has fake grass and that kind of serves as a standard color for for all these pictures after a week my grass is greener and darker than the fake grass is and I may be biased but I think it looks better like that at this is one more before picture and one more after picture after one week as ad manure to my lawn if you have any questions leave them below and I'll get back to you thanks
Channel: Kelsey Gallegos
Views: 430,631
Rating: 4.812655 out of 5
Id: VKICbkbjcnE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 37sec (277 seconds)
Published: Wed May 31 2017
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