😏 Overseeding // Spreading Fertilizer // Peat Moss

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what's up guys vince the engineer here i'm back at the project lawn it's another great day and we're going to be throwing down pretty hard so stay tuned okay so real quick i just have a few quick announcements first really appreciate you stopping by if this is your first time on the channel uh please click that subscribe button comment uh like i do respond to comments quickly and want to keep the conversation going so if you have any questions feel free to drop a comment below also i've revamped the descriptions for all of my videos to be just a little bit better formatted and organized but i also include a lot of links to the products that i'm using the products that i'm specifically using in that video as well as the products that i use on a day to day basis in lawn care i've also included the use of time stamps in all of my videos and this is just in an effort to help organize things a little bit better and help guide you along in each video it's just another nice feature that you can use uh all in an effort really to just help you and make it more convenient for you to watch and enjoy these videos i've also become more active on instagram you can follow me over there at the underscore law engineer where i try to post frequently over there on more real-time updates of the yard the work that i'm doing uh tips and tricks uh lawn striping um and i just like it's just another place to keep the conversation going to ask questions um and and just you know one thing i'm finding in this lawn care community is that just everyone is so nice and friendly and and wanting to learn and wanting to spread knowledge so um that's part of what i want to do and and help you with uh with your lawn care and uh so please ask questions um you know i want to help you and i also want to learn from others as well now back to the regularly scheduled programming all right so the plan for today is very similar to the overseeding video that i just posted we're going to be throwing down some triple threat seed from southern seeds inc this is turf type tall fescue we're doing an overseeding rate the recommended rate for turf type top fescue is between three to five pounds per thousand square feet we're a little bit bare in some spots here so we're gonna go on the heavier end of five pounds per thousand square feet this is a fifty pound bag so that will cover our ten thousand square foot area here and then we're going to be following up with some scotch starter fertilizer now this starter fertilizer actually has mesotrione in it which is the active ingredient in tenacity so we actually did a tenacity application about a week ago and i'll go into more details on this later but then after that we're going to be putting down some ocean grow fertilizer this is an equivalent here in jersey to mallorca night milorganite is out of stock around here right now uh so this is my back up here same kind of stuff same process um to make it and then we're going to be spreading tons of peat moss we have 22 bags i'm going to be spreading it with my wheelbarrow my landscaping rake and shovel and i think it's going to be a pretty good day all right guys so real quick plug in here this triple threat seed that i have here i actually found on instagram on the account only pool go check him out he's got awesome lawn stripes in his yard he uses the same seed and after seeing that i was like i gotta try it on the project lawn so uh go check him out and go check out his page at holy pool o-l-e-e-p-o-o-l-e alright so the very first thing we're gonna do is a trim pass just like i did in my previous video we're gonna be using a drop spreader for the trim pass and that'll make sure that we don't throw grass seed into like the rock areas over here or the mulch beds in the back and it keeps the seed off the driveway out of the street and then prevent it from going into the neighbor's yard so i'm going to set the drop spreader i'm going to start at uh six if you're looking at it this way i'm gonna start at six and if i need to go up this is actually what i used for this is actually what i use for perennial rye grass but if i need to go up i can go up to seven probably i'm gonna start at six i'm gonna do a trim pass see what's coming out perennial ryegrass seed is a lot smaller than a turf type tall fescue this is what uh this is what the turf type tall fescue seed looks like so i'll likely have to increase that setting to like seven or eight but um i just want to be careful with what i'm putting down i don't want to put down too much um and then not have enough seed to go around later so we'll start small and increase if we need to [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so we just threw down the seed and now it's time to start with the fertilizer applications we're going to start with the starter fertilizer and we have here scotch starter fertilizer with weed preventer so like i said earlier this actually contains the active ingredient mesotrione which is uh basically tenacity um but before i picked up this product um i've read through the restrictions because we just recently put down an application of tenacity so i wanted to know uh what the restrictions are and if we are breaking any of those restrictions so i've read through and you know there's some typical stuff like don't apply this product in a way that will contact any person do not enter do not use this product that product on flowers but then you get down to some of the items that may conflict with what we already did so one being do not apply another pesticide within seven days of an application of this product as turf injury may occur so we did apply the tenacity it was over seven days ago so we're good on that um it also says down here not to apply more than .45 pounds per treatment site per year so this product applies 0.15 pounds of mesotrione per acre per application and this this is a 21 just almost about a 21 22 pound bag it covers 5 000 square feet i did the math i am at about .35 pounds of mesotrione total including the 0.15 pounds that this puts down and basically what i did was i calculated um you know we have 40 percent of mesotrione and tenacity that's that's the the percentage of the active ingredient in that concentrated formula um and we put down basically um a half teaspoon right per gallon of water per thousand square feet so when you calculate that all out and and we have 10 000 square feet here so that's five teaspoons forty percent of that is two so about two teaspoons and when you calculate the math convert it into pounds per acre i got about uh 0.2 pounds of the mesotrione trion per acre so adding the 0.15 pounds i'm at about .35 total we don't exceed the 0.45 so we're good there and we'll go ahead and throw this down and see uh see how this works it's supposed to prevent the weeds uh from growing for up to six weeks and allows for the new seeds to germinate so that'll really help us out we're about six weeks away from halloween the goal here is to turn this yard completely around by halloween i think our timing's perfect so let's go and throw down the fertilizer [Music] [Music] all right so we just finished putting down the scotch starter fertilizer the next step is going to be throwing down the organic fertilizer this is the slow release ocean grow a malorganite equivalent this has 2.5 percent of iron it's a 45 pound bag it covers 3 000 square feet and the analysis on this is a 5-5-0 unfortunately this is only available in new jersey at local nurseries but other wastewater treatment plants or municipal utility authorities in in other areas around the country do similar things like this to save on their wastewater treatment process and recoup some cost by selling their biosolids as fertilizer to the public so yeah [Music] sms [Music] so uh so all right so we got all the slow release fertilizer down and now it's time to put down the peat moss now we have 10 000 square feet and 22 bags of peat moss so what we've done is we've spread the bags out over the lawn here because those are going to be the areas that it will break open the bags and will spread out in that area and hopefully that makes things a little bit more efficient and you can see over there too we've got the same same thing and in the backyard too we have within the fence we have four bags back there that we're gonna spread to help us spread this out we're gonna be using my wheelbarrow here this holds about half a bag at a time so we'll dump half a bag in loosen it up use the shovel to uh spread it out um try to get an even coating with the shovel and then wherever there are clumps or things that need to be spread out a little bit more we'll use the landscaping rake here the back side of the landscaping rake to really just spread everything out evenly and we'll just try to go one bag at a time if we need to move these bags around to get the even coverage we will but we're hoping that this just makes it a little bit easier for us so we're not carrying bags from one point to another [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] all right guys so we've done it we've thrown down 22 bags of peat moss on top of 50 pounds of seed triple threat seed and 40 pounds of starter fertilizer and about 180 pounds of the slow release fertilizer ocean grow which is the milorganite equivalent a lot of work but if you put in the effort you'll get the results uh all that's left to do here is water um i know it's going to be a challenge here this neighborhood gets their water from wells and the well here's almost like 40 years old so i know it's going to be tough um we're really hoping that mother nature will help us out with some rain um but we will get a sprinkler set up here we'll move it around try to keep it moist but the point is not to water to the point of runoff but to just keep it moist and the peat moss will help us see visually whether or not we need to water um you know there's a there's a stark contrast between dry peat moss and wet peat moss so that's it for this episode guys i hope you guys enjoyed it i hope you learned a lot if you did please give it a thumbs up subscribe and thank you for joining
Channel: The Lawngineer
Views: 7,988
Rating: 4.965517 out of 5
Keywords: overseeding lawn, overseeding lawn in the fall, fix an ugly lawn with overseeding, reseeding lawn, lawn seeding, seeding grass over existing lawn, fall lawn seeding, fall lawn overseeding, fall lawn renovation, lawn care, lawn, grass, turf management, turf, lawn stripes, lawn domination, how to, maintenance, turf type tall fescue, tall fescue, TTTF, project lawn, triple threat, southern seeds, pure seed, olee poole, cumberland, saltillo, lifeguard, Fescue freak
Id: -dMblwDSQXk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 10sec (1210 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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