Oren Lyons Address at the UN General Assembly

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I thank the distinguished delegate and now give the floor to the representative nominated by North America mr. Oren Lyons of the United States of America [Music] mr. president distinguished members of the United Nations distinguished leaders and representatives of the indigenous nations and peoples the Omaha scandal thank you for being well scandal is our word for peace and it is the same word for health I greet you on behalf of the indigenous peoples of the great Turtle Island North America 2017 marks my 50th year of attendance in these great halls of the United Nations both in Geneva and New York representing the interests and issues of our peoples and the natural world understanding and that our tenure as the human species on this earth it is completely and totally dependent upon the resources of Mother Earth not the least of which is water our mandate is inclusive of all life the welfare of future generations and the common good and I remind you as we did in the year 2000 and again in the year 2014 that the ice continues to melt in the north we squander time the ice of course has its own leader which is ultimately our leader as well we've learned over these 50 years of interaction in these great halls about the importance of terminology we've had to learn the very special terminology of the United Nations territorial integrity has one of those terminologies that reflects the confines of States hich establishes boundaries and also ideas I remind you again that the territorial integrity of Mother Earth binds all of us in a much larger context the laws of that territorial integrity are absolute there is no habeas corpus there is no court there is only the law and you abide or suffer the consequences and the consequences of that is our human species have brought us to a point where there is a question of our survival as a species on this earth it's more than a question serious observations and dependence on discussions of these great halls peace is possible peace is here peace has always been here pieces within the mandates of these halls if you exercise it and so the short time that we have been allotted to speak on behalf of our various areas of North America I'm trying to abide the rules established is very recently that three minutes I think of pushed that already so I'll say to best serve the interests of the indigenous peoples of North America in this short time I must express to you our constellation then on the tenth anniversary of the United Nations declaration on the rights of indigenous people we are presented with an enhanced participation purporting to enable our participation and meetings with the UN bodies but the proposed procedures seem to violate most of the articles of the Declaration in particular our rights to self-determination free prior and informed consent consultation and many more after 40 years of discussion it seems to me that we should move on and I would say that in this short time probably the most important thing that we could quick a dupe is moved the United Nations declaration on the rights of indigenous people to a United Nations Convention let's get on with it and so with that on behalf of Turtle Island North America Noah I thank you Scannell piece it's in this room it's up to you donate turn now finished I thank the distinguished representative and now give the floor to His Excellency the state secretary
Channel: Tupac Enrique Acosta
Views: 10,082
Rating: 4.9613528 out of 5
Id: vCIdPK3WaA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 24sec (504 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 28 2017
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