2007 Sol Kanee Lecture - Chief Oren Lyons

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so i'm going to now introduce oren lyons as he will speak on the politics of human beings against mother earth the nature of global warming sometimes these introductions are painful but i do thank you so much for your observations and i appreciate that noah huskiano it's our greeting thank you for being well scandal peace health thank you for being well erwin and you know with that with that greeting it's going to come back again and again because we are talking about peace my mission is peace i learned that you know through time and experience long ago when clan mother approached me to accept this responsibility helping with this title blood on a wing name of a leader a thousand years ago and when that leader died his name became an office and so a succession of leaders a succession of taehyung down through at least a thousand years it's continuity leadership there's 50 more with their titles we've managed to to hang on to those titles and and the instructions that go with it uh and i think now in these times it comes forward again with uh great importance the voice of the indigenous peoples the voice of the indigenous peoples are beginning to carry weight again authority for the simple reason is that they always had responsibility for future and they always took the long range view they always had the long-term view so when brian talks about the peacemaker and then the instructions every time we raise a leader in the longhouse we hear those instructions again we hear those laws and rules again it takes all day and we hear the story of the peacemaker and we hear the wampums with their directions and their rules and and we're reminded of the duties that we have as human beings leaders you know everybody needs leaders leaders are are always there um even ducks have leaders and you'll find them everywhere you know you stand back and you watch children playing in the age group in a short time you can pick out the leader in that group and that's what clan mothers do they watch the children grow because they know at some point they're going to have to find a leader so they began looking very early and they're watching these natural leaders could be boy or girl doesn't make any difference but they're there and we learn to respect them and we learn to talk with them and when we want something done within that age group we go to them they take care of it show them respect they give you back respect the process of leadership given to us by the creator through the peacemaker was a an important event for the world i believe because from where i sit now in this high heel of old age you can see far all the quarterman said that long ago you can see far from the high heel of old age that's experience what they're talking about so i know all the greyheads that are here have seen a lot know a lot and i know all the young people got a lot to learn but in the in the process of of living importance of community the importance of relationship all really old business with indigenous people i'm a wolf my clan and i respect that family i'm pleased to be part of that family and it's an important designation we have eight clans in the confederacy the um senecas have one clan that none of us have which is the heron clan but our clients starting from one house is the turtle the snipe tanya fishner snipe her family's snipe clan the beaver and the wolf has one house we sit on one side the house on the other side the house is the deer the bear the hawk and the eel and then there's a mixture of them that's it in the middle and they're called the fire keepers we have a process when the peacemaker approached us he said at the time of war we were in fierce fierce war when i when i looked at kosovo and i saw the style of war between serbs fierce vengeance no quarter i said that must have been the way it was back in those days because the men were fighting there was a bloodlust and the women and children were running in the woods they were hiding from these fierce fierce leaders i think who even forgot what they were fighting about and it was at that time that the peacemaker came and brought peace between the mohawks and the oneidas and the anandagas the cayugas and the senecas 1713 we brought the tuscarora up from what is now north carolina and they became the sixth nation and we've been together and the rules of our of our association are important peacemaker said your first principle of your governance will be peace the second principle will be equity equity for the people and the third will be the power of the good minds so those those principles are what we've survived on and i'm so pleased you know to be asked to represent you know the efforts of peace here this is a a great undertaking and much needed in this world today but at that time he said these are the duties since the women are the same as the earth female then they will be holders of title and they will be holders of your clan and your nation they are in charge of life and water and the men are in charge of fire and he said about the duties and he said the grandmother's first duty will be to choose all the leaders of her clan and that will be agreed upon by the clan by consensus and then this leader will then be taken to the next level which was the council of chiefs and it will be challenged again and will be agreed upon by the council of the chiefs by consensus and now he said you have a real candidate because now you can send across the fire to your younger brothers the cayugas and the oneidas and now the tuscaroras this title and say to them we are ready to raise another leader good news and they respond same good news and since ours house is in mourning because we have a chief down they take care of all the work they set the time to pick the speakers they pick the place and at some point this this man that has been chosen for this title will be vetted again by each of the six nations who have the right of rejection so by the time you go through this process you begin to start wondering what is in my back of my life that i did because i know it's going to come out and why did i ever agree to this and why am i standing here because it's true as you know community somebody is always watching and so it goes the process of raising leaders and he said to the grandmother you also have the responsibility of removing that title that is your authority and your responsibility on the issues of conduct not on the issues of decision so her job is to choose leaders remove the leaders name all the children and see to the health and welfare of her family the clan and each clan has a grandmother and these leaders and they're the ones that sit in the council and they're the ones that abide the rule that's a democratic process that's a very very democratic process and it was from that process that the founding fathers of america raised themselves and we instructed them as leaders we took them by the hand in those days and instructed him in governance and principles a rule of law back a thousand years ago when the peacemaker gathered our people on the shores of onondaga lake and gave us those instructions he said among many other things and every leader that we raise in the long house will hear these very same things he said when you sit and you counsel for the welfare of the people think not of yourself nor of your family nor even your generation he said make your decisions on behalf of the seventh generation coming if you do that you yourself will have peace that's a very responsible uh formidable responsibility he said i place in your hands now the welfare of all life and when he said all life he meant all life every bird every fish every deer every tree every flower every bee that's our responsibility it's a big one and he said to the people do not try to influence these men he says their work is now for the creator and it's as hard as it is and being humans they are bound to be a failure he said so you must have tolerance you must support them and help them but do not try to influence them he says even as it is now it's fairly certain that they will make serious mistakes and may never see the face of the creator when i heard those words i said wait a minute nobody said that to me before but there was that was in 1967. so during these years that i've been sitting there some 40 years now i've learned a lot the first thing i learned was keep my mouth shut that was the first thing i learned and they were helpful the chiefs gathered romney they knew the job and they know how hard it's going to be so they were good you know they watched me run back and forth run into the wall come back and run into that wall finally i slowed down maybe about three years later he said are you tired yet then you begin to learn it's a long process but it's simple you know and what the peacemaker said you know try to be fair equity justice for the people look out for them in the instructions he said when people speak to you even in anger when you can hardly hear their words because they're yelling so loud he says there is still a message there and it's your duty to hear it and you cannot respond in kind and he said you must have skin seven spans thick to withstand the assault that's coming to you from holding this position and he said it's not only coming from your enemies it's coming from your family and your friends so be prepared and very few will thank you but they will demand that you do your job and so he said among all of these instructions and it goes on let me tell you he said you are now responsible to the creation your first duty is to see that the ceremonies are carried out in a proper time and the proper way your second duty is the council for the welfare of the people and so the ceremonies are a serious part of our governance the thanksgivings that we give around the clock that's how we stay strong that's how we stay alive that's our community that's how we respect life that's how we learn that's how our children learn how to respect life because when your songs and your dances are are there and your grandmother is there and the chiefs are there and the clan mothers are there and your family is there then it must be right and so you learn by watching them that's how you learn it makes a strong nation when you consider the odds that we would be standing here in 2007 slim you know if you put all the people and accounted all of our people today we don't even create one percent of the total populations north america not one percent and yet here we are and we've stood a lot and we've been assaulted and i think suffered more than any people in the whole world for so long we've had a hard life but it's been a good life and there must be a reason why we survived there must be a reason and maybe it's the instructions about peace maybe that's why in this current discussion i thought it was important for you to know who we are because it's hard to talk to people if they really don't know who you are so all of our people the indigenous people i would say if we were to give a definition of who we are we would say we are the people who give thanks to the earth and that's who we are that's our ceremonies we look after everything the best of our ability i remember the speech you were talking about at the in the united nations at that time and i was wondering what am i going to say to these people and i thought about it and i said i'm here before you as a as a representation of our people and our beliefs and who we are and i said beside me stands my brother the wolf and we're both feared and we're both hated and we're both admired but neither of us are understood and that's who we we're still not understood we're still feared we're still hated and we're still here i thought it was important for me to say that at that time because i was talking to the nation states of the world and i was talking on behalf of indigenous people around the world we think alike we really do we understand we're so grateful when an elder comes from another nation into our long house and speaks because even though we don't understand the language we know he speaks on behalf of us and it's wonderful when i travel maybe into dna country or anywhere if there's a wolf clan that's my family i open the door oh your wolf they're our family so these designations jump over nations lines they're important for our people to remember who they are your clans are important that's your identity and if you are from many nations from around the world it's also important for you to know your culture and to know your language and to know your people it's important because it's that that gives us this great strength as a human species variety they say is the spice of life i agree with that and variety in the species you know what would the world be like if all the flowers were white or all the flowers were red that'd be pretty pouring fast but it's not like that flowers are beautiful trees are beautiful they're all different not a blade of grass the same that's the creator's work that's what they call diversity and then diversity is strength and a peacemaker says unity be united be united in thought and mind one mind one body one heart strength we had strong people else we wouldn't be here very strong fire great iroquois men formidable any time of the day or night formidable because they know who they were and they defended who they were i could say the same for the lakota or the cree formidable great people great character and of course the women amazing community we call it we've got to get back to that today's times i think i'm supposed to be talking about global warming and i think that's what you came to hear well we get to it because it's not going away you know it's not going anywhere it'll be there waiting for you but i thought we should talk a little bit about community and responsibility who we are and what choices we have what options we have today well we do have a lot of options on a daily basis and we should make them right i think that we've forgotten a lot but it's come because of changes and changes that have come so fast and so strong that we're hard time dealing with him i say this often when i talk to people i was 1950 i was 20 years old and i was just having a good time life was good i was just running a peak i was playing lacrosse i was boxing getting drunk yeah so bad my mother used to cry but i was having a good time i thought that was 1950 and there were 2.5 billion people in the world then and it took some millions of years to get to that number of 2.5 billion 57 years ago and today there are 6.6 billion people in the world we have tripled we have tripled our population in the world in 57 years that's a lot of people every four days another million people born i'm gonna deal with those figures leaders i'm talking about family leaders your leaders mothers and fathers you have to deal with those numbers you've got to have water you've got to have food you've got to have a place there's a tremendous imbalance today and forcing issues and that's where global warming is coming from it's causing a compound in the north we call it the ice the ice is melting how many here from far north you know what i'm talking about ice is melting you know young man over there hunter you know the difference you gotta you know nothing's the same anymore you can't you can't depend on what you used to depend on i hear the reports from the hunters from alaska and from nunavut from greenland i hear them they talk to me personally and they say everything is different i say things are changing so fast we don't know what to do bears are walking around when they should be sleeping berries are growing where they should be all picked flowers are up when they shouldn't be fish are coming at a different time it's changing fast and it's caused by us no doubt about that and so the question is is uh well what else is going to happen no the ice is melting that's for sure and even as we're standing here speaking the ice is melting faster and faster there's a compound going out there just as we have a compound in human birth there's a compound in the ice melt it's a positive on positive the faster it melts the faster it melts and so now you read your local papers or your international papers and discussion always starts with we didn't think it was going to happen so fast very common now how many times have you read that we didn't think this is the scientist these are people you're depending on and they're telling you we didn't know well we knew in the year 2000 we gave a report to the u.n i delivered it and i told them the same thing the ice is melting it's melting in the north pay attention and finally seven years later it's in the newspaper but we've lost seven years seven years of options we've we've lost you can't blame it on the people actually because people have been misdirected and they've been lied to and they've been it's a clever world of economy we live in today i know about it because i worked in new york city for 10 years on madison avenue in advertising so you ain't going to tell me anything about how this work because i used to sell you stuff i knew how i learned how and that's what they do they sell you stuff so it's good to know the other side and suddenly find myself here talking about things like that but that's it you know we live in a world of materialism and they talk about economic development without consequence without direction president of the united states says let the market direct us give me a break marketing got any brains market don't think and yet he says go ahead let them direct us that's greed he's talking about greed you want greed as a director well the consequence is there here we are based on greed i defy any one of you to tell me different i know i used to sell it to you greeting cards could do that you really got to know the people that sell them a greeting card what do we do so i learned and i've been able to bring that home to underdog a fire and say here's how they do it boys and they say no i said yeah i had to do that they wouldn't do that oh yes they would they do it every day that's what we're dealing with we're dealing with uh inequity of haves and have-nots people without health care people without education working people and also very very very wealthy people living beyond what you would ever believe on an everyday basis i get to look at both sides i've been fortunate in all of this but the consequence that is about is here it's now so the question is what is global warming global warming is the impact of humanity on the nature on the air we breathe on the land that we live on on the water that we drink it's a pressure that we put on that there's a consequence to digging coal and there's a consequence to burning it china today has mountains of coal and we're telling them you can't burn that and they said well he burned all the coal didn't you i mean you burn coal how come we can't burn coal uh there's some truth to that you know there's more than some truth what they said is true but we're saying well if you burn cold then you're gonna affect us i said well when you burn cold you affected us too so how do we bring a nation in this kind of a discussion together and say we gotta do something about burning coal ah two weeks ago i was in switzerland that switzerland sweden and um we were having a discussion a very high level discussion and i talked with bottom fall and they asked me to be their keynote speaker and they are the largest energy company in sweden and i talked to 80 of their consultants the day before or two days before and then i talked to the leaders after and the discussion was primarily what we're doing right here talking about talking about responsibility and ethics ethics in business business as usual is over you cannot do business as usual because we're burning too many things we're wasting too much we're disregarding responsibility so business has to change and in the discussions they said well how do we how do we do that it's such an enormous task when you look at it but if we don't then the consequence of that is almost beyond comprehension we're facing a very very fierce time and the acceleration is moving the faster it melts the faster it melts compound i talked to scientists jim hansen you know the scientists that nasa worked for nasa and left because the bush administration would not allow him to speak so he just quit he says i have to speak because it's so important i talked to him and that's it well what do you see he says well every matter of fact these guys are well you know he says um if we don't change our direction and our ways of life he said we're just going to push the earth into its natural reaction and when the natural reaction comes there's nothing you can do to stop it so it's already started now ice is melting and that's part of it it is on its way and what we can do now is mitigate it to make it not so bad i thought to another very very good climate scientist from the university of stockholm carl folke good friend young man he said yeah he says well there's more than one tipping point he says maybe six maybe seven tipping point in the deserts a tipping point in a forest there's tipping point in the mountains there's a tipping point in the waters and there's quite a few he said but he says i think if we if we if we can work together here we can still manage we can still manage a better ending than what we're looking at at the moment so the the responsibility then is in leadership and going back to the raising of a chief in the longhouse at the end of the day when they finally finally stand the chief forward and he's been accepted on all these levels then he speaks to him about the responsibility he carries and then he turns and speaks to the people and the speech to the people is longer because the people have more responsibility than the leaders it's up to the people they're the nation the people are the backbone of any nation the men and the women they're the ones that provide the strength and the power to do things they have a responsibility and their responsibility is to see that their leaders are moving in the right direction so that's your responsibility you have to get very active now and you have to direct your leaders very vocally and very strongly because time is a factor so you can't sit back and say well maybe tomorrow or fishing's pretty good today maybe i'll go there no no it's time for action and that's my message to you fundamentally is that yes you have a duty you have to challenge your leaders and you have to point them in the right direction if they're not going there then change them that's what the clan mother said to me he says if you can't handle it get out of the way i'll put somebody in there who can and you've got to have integrity in leadership and you're going to have the people's and the earth itself health as your mandate and you got to remind you know that this idea of economics and economic forums they have a different set of values and one one year i was asked to go to the world economic forum in davos switzerland and um dr schwab said i want you to come and speak to them he said i said well you know they're ceos of the most powerful corporations in the world i said what in the world would they want to be listening to an itinerant indian what do i have to say to them oh he says you just say what you're going to say i think it's important to come on so he talked me into it i said i i would like to make one observation before i go i said i would really like to take all your leaders that i'm going to be talking to take them to the top of the alps and keep them there for 24 hours where the snow is flying and where it's below zero way below because he helps her right there you just look up in there i said put him up there for 24 hours then i'll talk to him and you know why i wanted them up there because i wanted to experience the reality because they live in a different world they are sequestered in a room like this they're cut off from the reality which is outside a very powerful authority called the law natural law you abide it or suffered a consequence no judges no juries no habeas corpus just the law and if you don't know it you pay a price that's where we are people don't know it we've separated ourselves from the natural world to the point where we have no relations at all so my my message is to say you know you are related you have responsibility and as the peacemaker said be fair be just equity equity for the people well things are not that way today but anyway no matter what it is it's a squabble among a species it really has nothing to do with mother earth is she going to do what you're going to do and right now your water is going fires are burning fires are burning not only in california oregon british columbia but almost all of paraguay uruguay and bolivia are in flames right now today have you seen it in your media i don't think so and why not because it's bad for business that's why that's why you don't see it but you'll find it go look in the internet you'll see it the whole of bolivia covered in smoke right now today fire and drought california water hoover dam down 100 feet that's a lot of water lakes are disappearing yeah that's going on i don't know you know this was free they put it in a bottle and sold it to you you know that that is a fact this is all marketing this is what we used to do and well it works doesn't it billions of dollars now free water use a tap you got good water you gotta go water up here anyway it's uh it's it's like that things have become easy for us or our children or don't know you know haven't had to work too hard so now they're out in the streets now they're playing nintendo they're not in the woods anymore you know they're in front of a television set there was a friend of mine by the name of gerrymandering he wrote a book called four arguments for the elimination of television you ought to read it they're good arguments and you're suffering the consequence right now television is the best salesman that they ever made selling stuff to your kids and they can sing the tunes and they can tell you all of that you know we sure know how to sell stuff but in the meantime after all it is the ice is melting as we sit here not going to wait for anybody so we are meeting and there are meetings taking place at very high levels around the world last year at the tilburg conference the emissaries from japan representing the emperor sent a message and they said i don't know what your agenda is but the emperor says there's only one and that's global warming king of sweden said global warming so leaders are talking about it they understand it but it hasn't reached the the level of people level the seriousness of it and the farther north you are the more you experience it so the question again is what do we do well you know the carbon footprint that we put down as human beings is huge in north america we're responsible for one quarter of all the energy in the world and we're only seven percent of the people and we're using one quarter of the energy vice president cheney says well that's all right because we we expend one quarter of the energy making it so we deserve that that's curious philosophy it won't fly very long in front of the ice melting it doesn't work in the ice melting i think universities are a source of leadership i think universities can change and the people in it and the young people can energize organize and get to the leaders but i think there has to be a moral voice there has to be a moral voice and i think chancellors of universities could be that moral voice they're not representative parties they're representing people and i think there's an opportunity here and that we should seriously think about coalitions of chancellors and presidents vice presidents to get together and say listen we have a responsibility i know in the united states just have a problem my my grandson was going to bucknell university and he had some good friends down there and they were very spiritual people they like to talk about things i'm talking about here and they quit bucknell they left and i was surprised because they had been there for years and i said why'd you leave they said well bucknell has bought into the pentagon they're getting money from the pentagon because if you look at the expenditures in the united states the money for military is by far the most the money for health is down here the money for for education this year it's all down here but the pentagon is here and they hand that money out and these two professors said they sold their soul it's no longer a democracy we're leaving bucknell that's a really powerful school school of business and my grandson left too i said good son get out so what happens when when we have these pillars of community selling out and that's going on all over so i think the chancellors should gather themselves and organize into a circle and be the moral voice it's hard to assail that moral voice when i was in uh having this meeting in the uh royal forum he said well you know he said mr dr schwab says they um the executive committee would like you to come and address them at the lunch i said the executive committee among all these powers there's still more power oh yes there is well what do you want to talk about uh they want to ask you some questions so okay so i went over and there they were very nice gentlemen i thought and i used that word advisedly because there were no women there just men and they were wearing sweaters no notes no notebooks just crossed but they were talking about the value of the ruble they were talking about argentina and its economy they were making decisions on behalf of the world right there this group and they were nice gentlemen i didn't see any horns no tails i like them i got along with some of them you know but anyway i said look i said before you ask me a question i want to ask you a question i said you understand the economy of the world you understand that resources are finite and yet you're using the resources as if they were infinite you don't account for them in your bottom line you never see the cost of resources in your bottom line i said why you do that and you know what's happening is going to lead us into real trouble and we were quiet for a while then one gentleman said all right chief he's i'll answer that and i won't name the corporation but it's huge and he said well he said i'm a ceo he says and i'm responsible to stakeholders and stockholders he says they instruct me to make a profit he said if i don't make a profit i'm fired oh is that stockholders that's who's responsible then well he said yeah and i said well who are they who are the stockholders he says that's you oh i said i asked a question and i'm the culprit well he says you have a retirement fund i said i do then you're a stockholder i said okay fair enough now let me ask you a question i said do you have any grandchildren he says yeah he says i have a grandson that's eight years old and monty the guy i was just talking about was eight at the time and i said hey i got a grandson that's eight so two grandfathers suddenly were standing there and we kind of put a chest out a little bit and thinking about our grandchildren so i said okay let me ask you another question i said when do you cease to be a ceo and become a grandfather and i was talking about his decisions on behalf of his grandchild and it was quiet in there went quiet and i had made a huge faux pas huge i had brought up a moral question in an economic forum they don't like that and they couldn't answer it wouldn't answer it it was a question on responsibility okay so when it is when do you cease to be ceo and take care of the responsibilities of a parent or a grandchild yeah that's it you have to think about that so then after some uncomfortable silence he said um chief we keep hearing about prophecies i hear indians no prophecies um do you know any prophecies i said oh you come to the right place do i know prophecies i know prophecies do i know yes sir how about i said how about a guaranteed prophecy since i'm an indian and i know yeah what would that be i said you guys are going to meet next year and nothing will have changed how's that guarantee that was the end of the meeting but you see there it is and the equation comes down to for very simple things all the time comes down to humanity and responsibility and i think that in this global warming business we're involved in right now it's not going to go away that ice is going to melt all the way down in in greenland that cap is going to go i've been up there i've looked at it i've stood on that ice cap and i've talked to the inuit leaders and they shake their head they say our our grandfather our grandfather the great white bear the ice bear probably has less than 20 years to live he'll be gone he said we can see it and we ourself are struggling they said everybody's worrying about the bear or the bear what about us is it we're having a hard time here our hunters can't go they can't get on the ice the dogs won't get on the ice what about us that's a good question the ice is melting and it's going fast you know that ice is two miles thick in places two miles deep and what's happening now is as these lakes are forming on the ice and it's finding its way down underneath the ice that ice that was frozen solid to that granite rock rooted right there for centuries 10 000 years of it there's water underneath it now it's greasing it's greasing the ice cap and the people from woods hole of the cape cod who look after you know marine biology and so forth they said they're afraid that there could be huge chunks of ice just calving right off and slipping into the sea so it's not just melting anymore there's compounding and it's causing another effect oh we didn't see that jim hansen says all the animals are running insects are moving north everybody's moving he said because they're warm a couple years ago in alaska and kenai peninsula they lost four million acres of spruce in one year four million acres went killed by a beetle and said well how'd that happen i mean killed the trees in one year well it got warm now the beetle and the tree are symbiotic they work together beetle can take one year but what happened was with the warming there was two cycles of beetle life kill the trees just like that and that's what we call natural law and that's what i told him in tilburg in his forums i said you can't negotiate with a beetle that's the law it's beyond you that's what you're dealing with no mercy in nature none whatsoever just the law abided or suffered a consequence okay so it's wake up time everybody my message to you is we have to prepare now we have to get ready and we have to meet the issues and we have to meet it collectively as a group and on behalf of the future on behalf of your children and your grandchildren that's who we're trying to defend it's our responsibility and how do you do that well there's a lot of things you can do as an individual but basically you have to change the nature of the thinking of nation states they're the ones that gonna have to change we somehow are going to have to go to china and say look you just can't burn that coal that way but look we can help you we'll devise a technology that will sequester that carbon will help you and maybe that'll work i don't know but you have to try something like that you can't just draw lines because lines don't work anymore you have to worry about people in africa they're starving the aids epidemic is terrible and it's all coming here disease you're going to deal with it you're going to deal with disease and all of this is going to be very very democratic titles won't matter we're going to be dealt with and so it's in our hands now when the peacemaker laid out our whole confederacy he laid out all the rules he set up the great tree of peace the four white roots he buried the weapons of war he gave the great symbol of the eagle on top of the tree peace gave us so much a woman said to him well then now that you've done all this she says how long is this going to last he said that's up to you and so when we say how long are we going to last how long is this university going to last how long is our families going to last how long is our communities our nations going to last it's up to us nobody else it's in our hands it's in this generation there's work ahead but it's not too late i don't feel so i'm ready for it i'm an old man but i'll still fight no i feel a lot of energy i like to talk to the young people because they don't quit they're not quitting there's a fight on and we have to get into it we have to be courageous we have to step beyond the bounds that we've made for ourselves we have to speak out leaders have to come forward family leaders community leaders leaders in universities leaders in the nation we have to work together because this is the only way you're going to deal with global warming it's a collective issue it's a global issue and we all have to do it together but it can't be done time is short so it makes the heart fire that's all that's all i'm ready our council is ready our men are ready our women are ready you know we have to get alert and we have to make a commitment and we have to learn about it and we have to get to the leaders and that's up to the that's up to people that's up to you you
Channel: University of Manitoba
Views: 90,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: solkanee, lecture, Chief, Oren, Lyons, peace, justice, stpauls, college, umanitoba, uofm, university, manitoba, global warming, climate change
Id: HiA4_e4YwZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 15sec (3675 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 07 2011
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