Orem Utah Temple Groundbreaking

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[MUSIC - "HIGH ON THE MOUNTAIN TOP"] (SINGING) High on the mountain top a banner is unfurled. Ye nations, now look up; it waves to all the world. In Deseret's sweet, peaceful land, on Zion's mount behold it stand! [ORGAN MUSIC] (SINGING) For there we shall be taught the law that will go forth, with truth and wisdom fraught, to govern all the earth. Forever there his ways we'll tread, and save ourselves with all our dead. (SINGING) High on the mountain top a banner is unfurled. Amen. Amen. Amen. Dear brothers and sisters, we are so happy to welcome you to the groundbreaking of the Orem Utah Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. [SPEAKING SPANISH] Given the restrictions related to the current pandemic, this event will be limited in time. And there are only a few of us gathered here at the actual temple site this morning. For this reason, we also want to say again a special welcome to those participating in this event via internet. As assigned by the First Presidency of the Church, we are pleased to have Elder Craig C. Christensen of the Seventy and President of the Utah Area presiding on this event. He is accompanied by his wife, Sister Debbie J. Christensen. And my name is Elder Walter F. Gonzalez of the Seventy, Second Counselor in the Utah Area Presidency. And I've been asked to conduct this ceremony. I am very pleased to be accompanied by my wife, my best part, Sister Zulma Gonzalez. We also recognize Elder Evan A. Schmutz, First Counselor in the Utah Area Presidency, and his wife, Sister Cindy Schmutz, and Elder William K. Jackson, General Authority Seventy, and his wife, Sister Anne Jackson. We are very grateful for the government and education leaders who honor us with their presence. We extend special recognition to Utah governor Gary Herbert and his wife, Janet Herbert, whose support we very much appreciate. We know that Governor Herbert grew up in Orem. And we can only imagine the feelings of joy and happiness that you must have this day here today. And we are also happy that you and your beloved wife are with us in this ceremony. We are also pleased to recognize the following in attendance today: Utah Valley University president Astrid Tuminez and her husband, Jeffrey S. Tolk. Orem mayor Richard Brunst and his wife, Tammy Brunst. Vineyard mayor Julie Fullmer and her husband, Curtis Fullmer. And several others involved in the design and construction of the temple, including Brother Brent Roberts, managing director of special projects, who is here with his wife, Sister Ramona Roberts. As we began, you were able to enjoy The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square singing "High on the Mountain Top." As you heard the music, you had a chance to watch scenes from other temples around the world, including the Orem temple rendering, a copy of which is seen here in front of us. We hope this video helped you to feel a part of this sacred event. We will begin with an invocation offered by James T. Evans, president of the Orem Utah Heatheridge Stake, who together with his wife, Donna, served as coordinators of the Orem Utah Temple groundbreaking committee. We want to thank President and Sister Evans and all those who worked with them to prepare this wonderful event. President Evans. Dear Father in Heaven, we are humbled and grateful to be here this morning. We feel Thy presence and the presence of Thy Son as we have this wonderful service in preparation of the dedicatory prayer for the groundbreaking and construction of the Orem Utah Temple, another one of Thy temples on the earth. Today, as we gather, we ask Thee to humbly bless those who will share testimony and remarks. Please bless Elder Christensen as he offers the prayer to Thee. We love Thee and Thy Son. We love the influence of Thy Son and the Atonement in our lives daily that allows us to feel joy and happiness, even through hard times, and for the wonderful Spirit we feel this day. This is a beautiful spot, Heavenly Father, that Thou has blessed us with to have this temple built. And as we kick off the construction of the temple today, we ask Thee to bless and touch the hearts of all those who live in this valley and beyond that they will have a desire to not only come back here to the temple when we're able but to go to all the temples around the world because of the covenants that we make there. Those covenants bless our lives. They bless our families. They bless our neighbors and friends. We dedicate this meeting unto Thee and do so in the name of Thy Son, Jesus Christ, amen. Thank you, Brother Evans. We will now hear from Elder William K. Jackson. Followed by Elder Jackson's remark, Elder Evan A. Schmutz will share his message. And it will be then our privilege to hear a testimony from Sister Debbie J. Christensen. And she will be followed by Elder Craig C. Christensen, our Area President. Following his message, Elder Christensen will offer a prayer dedicating this site for the construction of a sacred temple, the Orem temple. Following the prayer, the benediction will be offered by Sister Donna S. Evans. We ask that you please remain seated after the benediction as we invite those on the stand to participate in the formal groundbreaking that will take place here. Following the formal groundbreaking, others who have previously been invited to do so will come forward as directed. Dear brothers and sisters and friends, what a pleasure it is to be here with you today at the future site of the Orem Utah Temple. Current public health conditions limit the numbers of us present here in person. But many thousands join with us in spirit and online to celebrate this groundbreaking ceremony. We express our deep appreciation for government and community leaders, for our friends of other faiths, and for our very own Church members, who welcome a building to build the temple here. This will be another of the Lord's houses, established in the tops of the mountains. It will stand as a testament to your worthiness, to the righteous desires of your hearts, and to the faith that Heavenly Father has in you to help bring to pass His work and His glory. This will be a splendid house. Having other temples in close proximity will not diminish the eternal importance and significance of this sacred building. Just after Christmas in Kirtland, Ohio, nearly 188 years ago, the Lord stated: "And I give unto you, who are the first laborers in this last kingdom, a commandment that you assemble yourselves together, and organize yourselves, and prepare yourselves, and sanctify yourselves; yea, purify your hearts, and cleanse your hands and your feet before me, that I may make you clean." "Behold, I will hasten my work in its time." For all of us, the last laborers in this last kingdom, the time is now. Today, the long-prophesied gathering of Israel is in full swing. And your community will soon be blessed with a house of the Lord right here. That blessing will come with responsibility. Human nature has taught us that proximity and ease sometimes lead to complacency. Well, this is something that needs to be challenged. You will need to schedule time to attend the temple, to write it down in your day planners, to make it a regular and rejuvenating ritual. It is our prayer that a great multitude will gather here, as at the temple in the time of the Savior's visit to the Americas, and that great and marvelous works will occur here. For many of our brothers and sisters who live around the world, the temple is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, due to distance and expense. And yet I want to bear my testimony to you that their reverence and commitment to the temple is amazing. Though many will have just a single opportunity to attend the temple during the course of their life, their enthusiasm for temple work and their longing to be there is palpable. Keeping their recommends current and up to date and their covenants front and center are marvelous witnesses of the desires of their hearts, and they are to be commended for their integrity. Likewise, I know that we here today, and more particularly the people of Orem and Vineyard and Provo and surroundings, are as equally committed to this house and to the work that will be performed here. This temple will be a place of personal revelation and learning. It will be a refuge, a sanctuary of peace in an often cluttered and noisy world. It will serve to mend, help, strengthen, and encourage all who come here to worship and to be edified. This temple will be a place in which we will learn our purpose. We will learn who we really are and what we are worth. It is within these walls that we will come to understand the purpose of life. In this temple, we will walk upon that covenant path and undertake many of the steps to becoming, as our Savior commanded, complete, finished, fully developed. It will be in this temple where we will have the opportunity to serve, to be responsible for others, and selflessness will be the result. We will gain a greater love for our ancestors and heighten our sense of belonging. Malachi's promise will be fulfilled as we turn our hearts outward to our ancestors, for they without us cannot be made perfect. Neither can we, without them, be made perfect. We bless others and in turn bless ourselves. Temple work is a refining and transformative process. It is a labor of love to become a Savior on Mount Zion. President Nelson has reminded us, quote: "We can be inspired all day long about temple and family history experiences others have had. But we must do something to actually experience [that] joy ourselves. ... I invite you to prayerfully consider what kind of sacrifice--preferably a sacrifice of time--you can make ... to do more temple and family history work," unquote. I am confident that the people of this temple district can catch that spirit. It is in this temple that couples and families can receive the assurance that they can be together always as they keep their covenant promises. Marriages can be stronger and more remarkable because of the eternal commitments and bonds entered into here. It will be a holy place and a sacred edifice, like this one, where we will come to better understand the Savior and His glorious mission, His plan of happiness, and His infinite Atonement. This will serve to protect us against temptation and the influence of the adversary. It will heighten our motivation to change, to repent, to improve. The experiences we will have here will quicken us along our journey of becoming. And, brothers and sisters, it is all about becoming. President Nelson teaches, quote: "Obedience to temple covenants qualifies us for eternal life, the greatest [of gifts] of God to man. Eternal life is more than immortality. Eternal life is exaltation in the highest [kingdom]--the kind of life that God lives," close quote. That is the goal of all of us. And nothing would make our Heavenly Father happier. That we might be so obedient and enjoy the fullest blessings of this house is my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. Brothers and sisters, honored guests and beloved friends, I am grateful for this opportunity to join with you in the groundbreaking of this beautiful Orem Utah Temple. On this beautiful September morning, as we gather at this sacred site, I find myself drawn back to memories of my own childhood. Orem is my hometown too, Governor Herbert. I attended Sarah Park Elementary, Lincoln Junior High, and Orem High School. My classmates and friends included many that grew up in the area surrounding this temple site. The residents of Orem and adjacent communities in those days would have been astonished had they been shown the future of this vibrant city. Similarly, faithful Latter-day Saints could not have envisioned the construction of a temple in Orem. Yet "out of small things proceedeth that which is great." In coming months, the Orem Utah Temple will rise toward the heavens from this beautiful spot of ground overlooking one of the most heavily trafficked areas in Utah. And upon its completion, the temple will be dedicated to the work and glory of God: "to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of [His children]." It will act as a beacon over time, drawing the gaze of millions as they pass by this hallowed ground and inviting the devoted service of hundreds of thousands of faithful Latter-day Saints as the ordinances of salvation are offered to the living and the dead. Upon the eastern wall of the temple will be inscribed the words "Holiness to the Lord. The house of the Lord." As President Thomas S. Monson once said, quote: "In the holy temple, the precious plan of God is taught. It is here that eternal covenants are made. The temple lifts us. It exalts us. It stands as a beacon for all to see and points us [toward the] celestial glory. It is the house of God. All that occurs within the walls of the temple is uplifting and ennobling. The temple is a place of tranquility. It is a place of kindness ... and light," end quote. In this way, the temple should also be a symbol of our lives. As the temple lifts us, we should lift others. As the temple stands as a beacon for all to see, so should we be a candle set on a hill, letting our light shine to all the world. We can do this as we live lives of moral integrity and righteousness. As the temple points us to celestial glory, so we should teach, encourage, and invite others to follow the teachings and the path of Jesus Christ, to receive glory in His kingdom. As the temple is a house within whose walls all things are uplifting and ennobling, we should strive to selectively choose to bring into our homes and our personal lives only those things that uplift and ennoble. As the temple is a place of kindness, let us be kind and compassionate towards all men, women, and children. Let us be a blessing to the communities in which we live and to the people of those communities, our neighbors and friends. The sacred ordinances of the temple are performed both for the living and for the dead, who are found in the family lines and generations of our members, who lived and died without receiving baptism or other necessary priesthood ordinances. We testify that the dead from every age and dispensation will be resurrected by the power of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. And they also must have the opportunity to be saved through the ordinances of the house of God. Joseph Smith taught, quote: "The main object of the gathering in any age of the world was to build unto the Lord an house whereby he could reveal unto his people the ordinances of his house and glories of the kingdom and teach the people the ways of salvation. For there are certain ordinances and principles that, when they are taught and practiced, must be done in a place prepared for that purpose," end quote. In April 2010, President Nelson invited us to attend the temple more frequently and promised that blessings would result. He said, quote: "Our need to be in the temple on a regular basis has never been greater. ... If you have reasonable access to a temple, I urge you to find a way to make an appointment regularly with the Lord--to be in His holy house--[and] then keep that appointment with exactness and joy. I promise you that the Lord will bring the miracles He knows you need as you make sacrifices to serve and worship in His temples," end quote. We envision the time when this temple will be dedicated and open for the work of salvation and exaltation of individuals and families. We pray the Lord will bless the world and grant relief from the present conditions that have so disrupted and destroyed our lives and societies, that we may follow our prophet's counsel and receive the promised blessings in our lives from temple service. I testify of Jesus Christ, the living Savior of all mankind. I testify that the house that will be built on this ground will be His. I invite all who are gathered here today to come unto Him. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen. Beloved brothers and sisters and new friends, I liked the song that we heard: "For God remembers still the promise[s] made of old." God loves us today. I stand as a witness of that. He loved us in the Old Testament times. He loves us in the New Testament times. And He loves us today. The world has always had different kinds of commotion. But He loves us and He keeps His promises. And this temple, from this very dry, dusty ground, will rise up into something beautiful, a beautiful house of the Lord. And I'm grateful for that, because I know by its very construction that God has not forgotten us today, that these promises will be fulfilled. He loves us and He blesses His children today. I stand as a witness of that. I'm grateful that--coming down the canyon from Heber today, President Christensen and myself had a really strong wind. And all the way down, we were saying, "Please calm the wind that we won't have a giant dust bowl down at the site." And look--there's not even a gust. We prayed there was because of the heat, but I'm grateful for a God that loves us today, that cares about each one of us in this time where there's unrest all over the world and there's a pandemic. I stand as a witness, and I know, that God loves us. I'm grateful for a Savior that considered us worthy that He would die on the cross, that we could say we were sorry and start again through applying His holy Atonement. I'm grateful for a living prophet today, President Russell Nelson. I'm grateful for the opportunity to serve and to bear witness of these things. I'm grateful that temple work goes forward. I'm grateful that we get to be a part of fulfilling all of those promises that were made of old. And we fulfill them today as part of the gathering. I bear witness of these things. And I'm grateful for all of you. God loves us. I stand as a witness of that. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen. Dear brothers and sisters and friends, what a privilege it is for Debbie and me and for my counselors here in the Utah area to be here this morning and to be with each one of you, especially those viewing this via the internet. If you're paying close attention, since President Nelson was installed as the President of the Church, he's announced seven temples in Utah, notwithstanding the remodeling of some of the historic temples, including our hallmark temple in downtown Salt Lake. It's a busy time, especially for some of you gathered here. Brother Roberts and his team, who, after we have the privilege of the ceremonial shovel, they have to go to work and [INAUDIBLE] and create this temple in about 22 to 24 months, is what I'm told. So this is an amazing work. It's a hastening work. And we're grateful to be with each one of you and participate in it. I'm told right here in the middle of where we'll take the first shovel is the center of the celestial room when this building is erected. And it'll face to the west. So people come in off Geneva Road, and they see this beautiful backdrop of Timpanogos and the mountains that have been hallmarks in Utah County from the very beginning of time. It's a privilege for us to be with you. In my mind's eye, I can envision a scene that's becoming very familiar to all of us over the past six months. Families gathered together in homes across this valley, witnessing these events in a home-centered gospel worship experience. I pray that those of us that are permitted to safely gather here can describe in words the magnificence of the feelings we have to be here on this particular site. I also wish we could see into the future and see what this temple will bring to this valley. As Elder Schmutz mentioned, the traffic that passes here or on Geneva Road see this beautiful sight as they go each and every day back and forth to work. And we hope that as they plan, as been mentioned, to visit this house of the Lord often. Somewhat like Governor Herbert and Sister Herbert and the Schmutzes, we've been connected to Utah County for many, many years. To be off of Geneva Road, for me, is astonishing. And as I drove here and see what's happening around this part of Orem, Vineyard across the way, it's amazing to see what's happening in this part of our valley. This temple will be a hallmark to this community. All of us, including those viewing this proceeding by the internet, should recognize the hand of the Lord in preparing every detail for the coming forth of another sacred temple and for the prophetic vision of President Russell M. Nelson, who announced this temple on October 5, 2019. The President of the Church is involved in every site selection. And I'm grateful that this is the place that President Nelson chose that this should happen. My observation is the temple typically defines the entire community. I remember living in Mexico City, a city of well over 15 million people, where most everyone would navigate the city in relationship to what they referred to as the Mormon temple. Any taxi driver, any driver, you say, "Where do you need to go?" And they'd say, "Well, how far from the Mormon temple is that?" So it just changes the landscape. It changes the conversation. Because of that, we express our deep appreciation for government and community leaders, for friends of other faiths, and for our many Church members who have warmly welcomed the building of another holy temple here in Orem. As this temple takes shape, it will become a beacon that will draw everyone--not just our members but this entire community--to admire its grandeur and its beauty. The Orem temple will be a large and stunning building, approximately 70,000 square feet. Like every temple, it will stand as a manifestation of the faith of the Latter-day Saints who live in this area, as well as all around the world. It reflects our faith in Heavenly Father's great plan of happiness and in His Son, our Savior Jesus Christ, including in His atoning sacrifice. The purpose of the temple is to bring joy, or, to quote President Nelson, enduring joy, and the possibility of eternal life to all of Heavenly Father's children. It demonstrates our faith in the eternal nature of families and our understanding that God's work and glory is "to bring to pass the immortality and [the] eternal life" of all of His children. Thus the construction of a temple is an act of faith by all who are faithful and by all who are faith filled. President Russell M. Nelson has promised "that the Lord will bring the miracles He knows you need as you ... serve and worship in His [temple]." Earlier this year, President Nelson reiterated that every minute that we spend in temples will bless us and our families and that there is nothing else that can bless us like a temple can. Having another temple close, literally right across the street or right next door, will allow us all to spend more time worshipping in the temple and being blessed and bring blessings to our lives. In recent months, we've experienced what the scriptures refer to as "an overflowing scourge," or a "desolating sickness [that] shall cover the land." Many have had the opportunity to set aside many of our normal activities and demands and have drawn closer to our individual families. That same section in the Doctrine of Covenants promises that notwithstanding the commotion and the events that happen all around us, the Lord said, "My disciples shall stand in holy places, and shall not be moved." We've come to recognize, more than ever before, that these holy places include our homes, our dedicated meetinghouses, and, most importantly, our sacred temples. Again, quoting from President Nelson, who taught, "Despite [the] contention all around us, one's home can become a heavenly place, where study, prayer, and faith can [merge] with love." President Nelson's promised that as we work to become true disciples of Jesus Christ, God's objectives become our objectives. He emphasized that God wants all of His children to choose to return to Him prepared, qualified, endowed, sealed, and faithfully living to the covenants they make in the temple. Today is a perfect time for all of us to look to the future with hope and gladness as we prepare to worship, to serve, and to receive ordinances in the new Orem Utah Temple. Because of the restrictions, as has been mentioned, few of us are gathered here. But we invite all of you that are watching to not only watch us turn the soil but commit with us to unitedly turn our hearts to Heavenly Father and to His Son, Jesus Christ, in gratitude and in preparing to be worthy to enter into this wonderful temple. I know and bear witness that we're all sons and daughters of a loving Heavenly Father. I testify that through the infinite Atonement of Jesus Christ and by making and keeping sacred covenants in the house of the Lord, we can find peace and joy in this life and eternal happiness in the life to come. With you I rejoice in this day, in this beginning of another holy temple, in this part of Utah Valley, and express my witness and the joy I feel to be part of these proceedings. I express my testimony in these words in the sacred name of the Savior, Jesus Christ, amen. Now, for those of you that are with us here and all those that are at home, I would ask you to bow your head as I offer the dedicatory prayer of the groundbreaking for the Orem Utah Temple. Our beloved Heavenly Father, we express our love to Thee, Heavenly Father, and to Thy Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ. With grateful hearts and as directed by our dear prophet, President Russell M. Nelson, we bow our heads in reverence to dedicate and consecrate this beautiful site for the construction of a sacred house of God, to be known hereafter as the Orem Utah Temple. We thank thee, Heavenly Father, for the glorious Restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ through the Prophet Joseph Smith in these last days. We recognize, as we commemorate the 200th anniversary of the First Vision, the knowledge, power, and authority that Thou hast restored to the earth through him. We acknowledge this day the keys of the holy priesthood. And we are profoundly grateful that Thou hast inspired thy chosen prophet to identify this site as a worthy place for a holy temple. We acknowledge, dear Father, the great legacy of faith that exists among the Saints who live in this part of Thy vineyard, and the rich heritage that has prepared the way for the construction of yet another temple in this beautiful valley. We rejoice in the opportunity to be witnesses of these sacred events and in the many blessings that will be poured out upon Thy people as a result of these efforts. We pray for Thy blessings upon this site, the elements, and upon all who will labor in the construction of the Orem Utah Temple. May they be kept safe from harm or injury and from the effects of the current pandemic that covers the earth. May their unique contributions and talents be elevated in every way. And may their efforts be consistent with the sacred nature of the building that will eventually occupy this special site. May this be a sacred and successful endeavor in every way. And may Thou continually bless this community and Thy people for the many years to come. We are eternally grateful, Heavenly Father, for the privilege of participating in Thy holy work. As this sacred building is constructed and dedicated unto Thee, we pray that we might also build and strengthen our own lives and deepen our conviction and our conversion to serve and honor Thee and Thy Only Begotten Son. Please bless each of us with an increased desire to be worthy of the ordinances performed in temples and to work diligently to prepare the records of our ancestors so that this temple, like many others, will continue to bless Thy children on both sides of the veil. Bless us, dear Father, that through these efforts we will become closer to our Savior, receive all the blessings of the temple, find enduring joy, and qualify for eternal life. Our hearts, Heavenly Father, are filled with gratitude this day as we recognize Thy hand in this work and the bounteous blessings we enjoy. We are grateful for temple covenants, which allow us to return to Thy presence and provide that our families may be sealed together forever. Now, as we dedicate this site for the construction of the Orem Utah Temple, we pray that Thou would bless and prosper this sacred cause and hasten our efforts in every way. We express our heartfelt gratitude unto Thee, Heavenly Father, for Thy tender mercies in the lives and for the many blessings that we receive. We continually express this gratitude as we humbly dedicate this site and our lives unto Thee and do so in the sacred name of Jesus Christ, amen. Thank you, brothers and sisters. We'll have Sister Evans come up and offer the closing prayer. Our kind and gracious Father in Heaven, we feel so blessed today and so grateful to be able to break ground for another house of the Lord, the Orem Utah Temple. We feel so blessed to have it be a beacon to us in this valley, and those who pass through this valley, to exemplify our love for Thee and our Savior, Jesus Christ, and our families, especially those who have gone before us. We ask that it can be a beacon to, especially, the young people of this valley, the children growing up and the students who attend school in universities here, that they will have the desire to come often and even especially to be ordinance workers and bless their lives. Heavenly Father, we are grateful for all of those who have made this groundbreaking service possible, for all their consecration of time and also those who will continue to consecrate their time. We ask Thee to bless them. And bless us that we may be able to soon return to service in our temples that we desire so much. And we ask these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. Amen. We invite Elder and Sister Christensen to come and get their shovels and take their place. Elder and Sister Schmutz. Elder and Sister Gonzalez. Elder and Sister Jackson. Elder Christensen has invited a couple of families, the children of some families, to come forward. So I invite the Puertas family--Puertas family to come forward and join us. And the Welsh family. OK. Everybody in place? OK. Two takes. Ready? 1, 2, 3. Hold. Keep holding. [INAUDIBLE] We're going to do it one more time. You ready, kids? 1, 2, 3. Hold. Now we're done. [INAUDIBLE] [ORGAN MUSIC]
Channel: Church Newsroom
Views: 26,111
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Temples, Orem Utah Temple, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Id: rVNpZquVZ70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 2sec (2522 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 10 2020
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